
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
Coire Uilleim Mhoir
Coire Uilleim Mhoir
Mr. Morgan
Mr. Morgan
Mr. Stewart
107 This name is applied to hollow lying southwest-ward of Creag an Dhubh Loch. It means Big William's Hollow.
CREAG AN DUBH-LOCH Creag an Dubh-loch
Creag an Dubh-loch
Creag an Dubh-loch
Mr. Morgan
Mr. Morgan
Mr. Stewart
107 This name is applied to a very great rock lying southward and overhanging Dubh Loch. It signifies Craig of the Black Loch.
ALLT AN AITEIL Allt an Aiteil
Allt an Aiteil
Allt an Aiteil
Mr. Morgan
Mr. Morgan
Mr. Stewart
107 A mountain stream having its source in Coire Allt an Aiteil. It flows in a south-westerly direction into Allt an Loch. It means "Burn of the Juniper"

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[Page] 25
Aberdeenshire -- Ph [Parish] of Crathie and Braemar

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