
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
[PRINCE ALBERT'S MONUMENT] See page123 Prince Albert's Monument Re. [Reverend Mr. Anderson
Mr Duncan
Mr Symon
090 This monument is built of grey granite stones and entirely without mortar. It has four triangular sides meeting in a point at the top and a quadrangular base. See description elsewhere.
CREAG A' GHAILL Creag a' Ghaill
Creag a' Ghaill
Creag a' Ghaill
C S Creag na Gall JMcD
Revd [Reverend] Mr Anderson
Revd [Reverend] Mr Campbell
Mr Grant, Balgairn
090 ; 099 This is a long heathy pasture hill whose ends lie in a northwesterly and southeasterly direction from each other. It is the first hill south of Creag an Lurachan and Tom a' Chuir. Name means The Lowlander's Craig.
CREAG AN LURACHAIN Creag an Lurachain
Creag an Lurachain
Creag an Lurachain
Craig Lurahin
Creag na luirqin
Craig Luraqhain
Revd [Reverend] Mr Anderson
Revd [Reverend] Mr Campbell
Mr Symon
Balmoral Map
Appendix Map
Her Majesty's Book, Leaves from the Journal.
090 This is the nearest hill to the village of Crathie in a south westerly direction. It is entirely covered with a growing fir plantation and is surmounted by Prince Albert's Monument. Name means Craig of the Ramps.
Balmoral Map appendix says it means "shanks rock".

Continued entries/extra info

[Page] 126
Ph [Parish] of Braemar & Crathie

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