
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
WEST PRISON [Aberdeen] Bridewell
West Prison or Bridewell
West Prison or Bridewell
West Prison or Bridewell
Kennedy's Annals of Aberdeen Vol. 2 P. [Page] 162
P.O. [Post Office] Directory 1860-61
Rev.[Reverend] Charles Ross Union Terrace
Charles Michie M.A. [Master of Arts]
075 In the year 1802 an Act of Parliament was obtained, authorising the erection of a Bridewell for the town and County, and an assessment upon the inhabitants for the purpose of defraying the expense of the structure, and of supporting the establishment, with authority
to borrow the Sum of £7000 and again an additional sum of £5000 for the necessary expense of the building and other works connected with it. The Magistrates of Aberdeen, and the landed proprietors of the County, are nominated Commissioners under the act. In the year 1809 , the house was Completed , and opened for the reception of delinquents It is surrounded by a wall fourteen feet high, inclosing a garden, and Airing ground for the use of the prisoners and built in castellated Style, It consists of five floors, the upper one being appropriated to an hospital, for such of the prisoners as fall Sick; and is divided by a gallery, running the whole length of the house having on one side, eleven Cells for labour, and, on the other, fourten for dormitories, Behind the main building, and Connected with it, are lodgings for the governor, a Kitchen, a room for the meetings of the Committee of the Commissioners, a Chapel, and the Surgeon's appartments. The approach from Rose street, is an elegant gateway with porter's Lodge and guard house, The whole expense of the buildings, steam apparatus, bedding, clothing, and other furnishings, including plans and Act of parliament, was about £10,000 sterling, This building has not been used as a prison lately. and it is only when a greater number than the North Prison or East Prison will accommodate that this one is made use of. The governor, Commissioners, and officers of the East Prison have the same
authority over this one.

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[page] 374 Town of Aberdeen

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