
List of names as written Various modes of spelling Authorities for spelling Situation Description remarks
St Nicholas Church
St Nicholas Church
Revd. [Reverend] Mr McCulloch (E.Ch.) [East Church]
Revd. [Reverend] Mr Forsyth (W.Ch.) [West Church]
Mr A Scatterty (Verger)
Annals of Aberdeen (Kennedy's)
075 [Continued] In the course of our researches, we have not been enabled to ascertain, with sufficient accuracy, the period when the ancient structure of St Nicholas church was originally erected, we must therefore allow that to remain in undisturbed oblivion. -- At the epocha of the Reformation, it was regarded as one of the handsomest parish churches in Scotland. It was built in the Gothic style, and the dimensions of its nave, the roof of which was supported by eight columns on each side, were one hundred and
Seventeen feet of length, by Sixtysix feet of breadth, including the side aisles. There were six galleries in it, three on each side, the fronts of which, and of many of the pews in the body of the church, were constructed of black oak, having various emblematical figures neatly cut in relievo. The serviceable parts of these were fortunately preserved, previous to the fabric falling to ruins, and appropriated to seats in the East church where they still remain. -----
The church which had three doors and thirtythree windows, was, in the time of popery, divided from the quire by a wooden screen, there being open arches under the steeple for a communication betwixt the two places of worship, but those were subsequently to the Reformation, built up with stone so as to form two separate churches. -- About the beginning of the eighteenth century, it became ruinous and unserviceable, and was abandoned as a place of worship about the year 1732. The lead was afterwards stripped from the roof, and, in the year 1742, the columns of the nave having given way the whole fabric fell to pieces, in consequence of natural decay, and, its fall, destroyed many of the

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[page] 237 City of Aberdeen

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