[Page] 44not much advantage in heights of schools above 11-12 feet. Infants'
room rather close at times. Ventilation by zinc grating and flaps,
and rooms for standards newly arranged. At present roof water
collected for washing hands in lobby, but always danger of its being
drunk, and especially bad if tanks not cleaned out. But water supply
for town generally is likely to be introduced. Play-ground not good,
rather steep and stony and too small. Needs - Offices to have better
position and approach, and cleaned oftener; improved play-ground.
A urinal for boys is a necessity at some corner, as at present the
ground is sodden with urine at some points; and the introduction
of pure water at an early date.
Embo. - Good position. Floor space for only about 100, though
air space for about 140, and sometimes 142 pupils are present.
Excellent new room lately added. Ventilation fairly good, all things
considered, and carried out by whirling ventilators producing suction.
Water soaks into office pit at times, though main offices are cleanly.
No water of proper quantity near. Needs - Frequent washing of furni-
ture and walls, and ventilation flaps to be kept always perfect, and
the introduction of water as to the whole village is an absolute
Rearquhar. - Good site. A new school, and gets customary
cleaning. Space sufficient. Flap ventilators do not work properly
always. Offices clean generally, but one for girls damp and muddy
in wet weather. Needs - To get in water or make it easier and less
dangerous of access for young children. A supply is apt to be used
out of a ditch which runs into the river, and it is liable to surface
Skibo. - Rather dark position. Space suffcient. Interior dark
at times in dull weather. Offices not very clean, as so difficult of
access for cleaning. Water got out of burn or wells near. Needs -
An additional amount of light, and improvement in offices; more
room for cleaning them out.
DURNESS - Durness. - Good site. Space for 85 in large room, and
18 in classroom, which is too low in height. Ventilation fairly good.
Interior walls could be improved as to cleanliness. Offices not very
clean, and no special money given for cleaning. Water supply - None
near, not even in village, of a proper kind. Needs - Whitewashing,
and more attention to cleanliness, and a larger classroom.
Laid Side School also visited. No offices, and no special water
EDDRACHILIS. - Inshegra. - Lately made larger. Now in a state of
fair cleanliness, but had been smoky and damp. Space for 70-80.
Water out of shallow well. Offices very bad, and all wet, because of
unsuitable position at back of school, and at foot of a hill; subsoil
water of course runs into them. New offices are proposed to be built.
Needs - Attention to drainage, and cutting off sources of damp at
back, and to improve offices as soon as possible; at present they are
[Page] 45
dangerous to health of scholars and teacher's family. Also, get water
supply protected or improved.
Oldshore. - Damp soil about its approaches and playground.
Interior airy and cleanly. Offices not much used, rather muddy
about them. Needs - Better drainage of grounds, and especially a
water supply of unquestionable purity, which the present one cer-
tainly is not, as it is liable to surface and animal pollution. The
house supply at present is brought from at least 500 yards distance.
Scourie. - Good site. Space sufficient. Interior cleanly and airy;
rafters exposed. Offices fairly clean. Needs water supply, as does
also the district near. This could easily be procured from good wells,
free from liability to the pollution of which those in use at present
could be complained of.
Achlinas Side School was also visited.
FARR. - Armadale. - One room; rather confined for all sizes of
children, without a classroom; fairly clean interior. Offices, pit deep
and filthy after wet weather. Needs - Classroom for space and proper
teaching of all ages; washing of interior occasionally; improve
drainage and size of pit, and take water from good spring nearer
Dalhalvaig. - Tidy and clean. Number of children decreasing in
the district. Offices not very well drained. Needs good water, which
can be got at present only a quarter-of-a-mile off. This would reduce
temptation to use a nearer and foul supply.
Farr, Bettyhill. - Good site. Excellent ventilation pleasantly
carried out. Interior very clean, as is also the condition of outhouses
and offices. Nothing to find any fault with; almost a perfect school,
except that water not in or quite near it.
Kirtomy. - Good site; stands high; but not well chosen for
possibility of supplying water to it easily, except by gravitation. It
is too far off and too steep to burn for water. Offices in bad position
behind school, and too near; have deep pit, and contents stagnant.
Needs - Better drainage of offices, and introduction of water to or
near it, or less dangerous of access than at present.
Melvich. - Good site. Classroom not used. Offices fairly clean.
No water beyond a disgraceful supply is used for school and whole
district. Playground is too frequently of necessity in stagnant
ditches at roadside, full of foul matter. Needs - New supply of pure
water, and this should be gone about quickly. Children are apt and
sure to drink foul water at the small rivulets from ditches and
cultivated ground near.
Strathy. - Very exposed and draughty site. Good ventilation,
but irregular. Interior cleanly and tastefully arranged. Offices not
much used. Present water supply is truly a dirty puddle of surface
water, retained in a hole in lower part of school grounds. Needs -
Chiefly a proper supply of water, as the existing one is apt to be
horribly polluted.
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