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Hospital should, I think, prove adequate for the
requirements of the County and Burghs, provided it
be placed in the neighbourhood of the town of
Peebles, which is as nearly as possible the centre
of the County.
From information furnished me through the kind-
ness of Dr. Gunn, Peebles, and Dr. Cameron, Inner-
leithen, I am enabled to state generally that epidemic
diseases, excepting influenza, have been little felt.
Hooping-cough of a mild type occurred in spring
in the neighbourhood of Peebles. There were some
cases of diphtheria and typhoid, and a few sporadic
cases of scarlet fever throughout the County. In-
fluenza was severe at the beginning of the year and
died away considerably after spring, but it never
disappeared, and became again epidemic in December.
The healthiest month of the year was September;
the most unhealthy, December.
Owing to the refusal of the Registrars of Drumel-
zier, Stobo, Tweedsmuir, and Manor to supply me
with the births and deaths of their respective districts
at the fee offered by the District Committee, I am
unable to state the mortality in the County. This
is much to be regretted, but it is hoped that shortly
we may get that part of the Registration Act of
England relating to returns extended to Scotland,
or other legislative powers passed, making it in-

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cumbent on Registrars to furnish these essential
particulars of statistical information.
A deputation of Medical Officers lately waited
upon the Lord Advocate, in the unavoidable absence
of the Secretary for Scotland, to ask assistance in
the matter.

I have the honour to be,


Your obedient Servant,

W. J. BROCK, D.Sc.,
Medical Offcer of Health.

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Bizzy- Moderator