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munity. Still another teacher might be appointed with advantage
to give instruction in weaving, dyeing, and carving.
Hygiene can best be taught by example, and School Boards
can greatly assist in this method of instruction by keeping the
schools under their charge in a cleanly and sanitary condition. I
have visited schools in all parts of the County: some were
extremely well kept, others were not so. Other public bodies can
assist in this method of instruction. Parochial Boards, by taking
care to see that their aged paupers live in houses fit for human
habitation, can show a good example to the crofters. Railway
and steamboat companies might, with much advantage to the
travelling public, supply better conveniences for their use, and
keep the same in better order.
During my inspection of the County I have received much
information and most valuable assistance from all classes of the
community, and more especially from my professional brethren,
who have most willingly assisted me in many ways. To these
and to all others I take this opportunity of expressing my sincere

Medical Officer of Health, County of Inverness.

31st March 1892.

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