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Scarlet Fever.
There has been distinct evidence of a masked epi-
demic of Scarlet Fever, but only at Elphingston were
there more than a few cases. Here, as in some other
infectious diseases, it is by the slight cases who require
and get no medical attention that the disease is most
commonly spread. Where it has occurred, the sanitary
condition has been inquired into, the origin and causes
ascertained if possible, isolation recommended, and
directions for disinfection given or carried out if re-
quired. As the exposure of those suffering from infec-
tious disease is illegal, convalescents have been reminded
of the penalties they are liable to, and the risk others
run by coming in contact with them.
A few cases of Enteric Fever on the Western
Boundary, some isolated cases of Hooping Cough and
Measles, complete the infinitesimal amount of infectious
disease during the past year.

It is impossible to give any statement of the distribu-
tion of ordinary disease throughout the County - such
information is most important as showing where sani-
tary defects are likely to be found, and measures
taken for their improvement. Next year, it is hoped,
such data may be available for Medical Officers of
Health. Meanwhile, the Registrars are not obliged to
supply the necessary particulars.

Through the kindness of the local Registrars of
Parishes, where Burghs exist, I am able, after much
trouble, to give a Table of Mortality for the last
three years, which will enable us in the future to
measure the amount of success attending the administra-
tion of the Public Health Acts.
Owing to the great depopulation in most of the
Parishes in recent years, which has even prevented the
number of inhabitants increasing with the natural
growth of the population, I have used the data
furnished by the 1891 census of population through-

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[Table inserted]


[Table inserted]


[Table inserted]

It will be seen that, contrary to what is usually
found, the mortality in 1890-1 in the Western District
is considerably less than that of the Eastern District
in the same years, even though the density of the
population per acre is greater. The annual mortality
should not exceed 17 per 1000 without some definite

Defect in present arrangements.
Undoubtedly, the main defect in the present arrange-
ments for raising the standard of health in the County
is the number of independent local authorities. In this
comparatively small County there are nine independent
local authorities. Co-operation and uniformity is
necessary, if rapid, effective, and economical action is
to be taken on such subjects as Notification of Infectious
Disease, Main Drainage, Water Supply, Regulation
of Dairies and Bakehouses, Meat Inspection, Food and
Drugs Adulteration Act, River Pollution, Disinfection
and Fever Hospital Accommodation.
It is to be hoped that either the Legislature or the
common interests of the Burgh and Landward Local
Authorities will replace this cumbrous Sanitary Machine
by a representative Combined Public Health Committee,
or in some other way.
In the meantime, the formation of a Health Com-
mittee in each district would be likely to deal with
urgent defects more rapidly than is possible under the
present system.
Mr Reid only entered on his duties as County
Sanitary Inspector on the 9th January 1892, so no

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery