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I certify that, as Medical Officer of Health to this
Parish, I have not been consulted not had to report
upon any alleged Nuisance, nor have any cases of
Infectious Disease been reported to me as requiring
any action on my part.
On 17th Feb. 1891, I examined the two Bakeries,
and found these in a Sanitary condition.

I have to report that in the Landward Part of the
Parish I have not had to take any action or report
upon any alleged Nuisance, or in respect of any case
of Infectious Disease.
HADDINGTON, 25th January 1892.

In submitting my Annual Report, as Medical
Officer of Health for the Parish of Dirleton, I have
to state that, with the exception of "The Gullane
Drainage Case," decided by Lord Low in favour of
the Local Authorities, very little has taken place in
the Parish calling for remark.
Influenza was very prevalent in the Parish during
the months of November and December, and induced
death from Apoplexy in one case.
The number of Births during the year was 33, and
the Deaths 19 - being 31.1 per 1000. Of these seven
were over 60 years of age, three over 70, and one
over 80.
NORTH BERWICK, 19th January 1892.

The following is a short Report on work done
by me as Sanitary Medical Officer during the year
During the summer, numerous cases of Scarlatina
occurred in the Village of Elphinstone, and in June a

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Report upon the epidemic was sent in. After the
middle of July, there were no fresh cases, and to the
end the disease was of an exceedingly mild type. At
the time of sending in the Report, I thought it right
to recommend the introduction of a New Water
Supply, and also that more attention should be paid
to the Ashpits and Drains. Some of the latter con-
nected with Sinks inside the Houses were choked.
At the request of the Board of Supervision, I accom-
panied Mr Falconer-Stewart and Dr Littlejohn over
the course of the drain by which it was proposed to
carry the Tranent Sewage direct to the sea, and in
September I met a Committee of the County Council
at St Joseph's Hospital to inspect the Tranent
Sewage where it joins the "Day Level." No more
cases of Typhoid Fever have occurred at Seton Farm
during the year, but I am sorry to say none of the
changes recommended by me in my Report of last
January have been carried out. The Seton Pond,
however, has been cleaned out, and some alterations
made in the foundations of the adjacent Cottages,
whereby the latter have been rendered drier.


At the Farms of Greendykes and Chesterhall,
several cases of Scarlatina occurred in January. One
case at Chesterhall proved fatal, but others were
mild, and made good recoveries. The origin of the
outbreak could not be discovered. In November, a
case of Scarlatina was reported in the house of R.
Hogg, Macmerry, but on visiting I found the patient
from home, and Mrs R. Hogg disinclined to give any
information regarding the illness. In March, I made
an inspection of and sent in a Report upon the Sanitary
condition of Macmerry, Penston, and Gladsmuir. At
that time, I stated that the Sanitary arrangements at
Macmerry and Penston were very unsatisfactory, and
so far as I am aware nothing has been done by way
of improvement.

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery