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[Note in margin] Alterations signed off by RMN (Roger M'Neill)


[Page] 16

POPULATION at the last Census, 1891, and Estimated Area of the

--- Population. --- Area in Acres.
ARGYLL, --- 74,106 --- 2,006,173 or thereby.
Burghs, --- 21,797 --- 4,946 or thereby.

Kintyre, --- 7,564 --- 195,831 or thereby.
Cowal, --- 7,702 --- 238,461 or thereby.
Lorn, --- 9,981 --- 502,980 or thereby.
Mid-Argyll, --- 8,121 --- 240,558 or thereby.
[note in margin] --- RMN
Ardnamurchan, --- 3,553 --- 307,302 or thereby.
Mull, --- 6,874 --- 260,865 or thereby.
Islay, --- 8,514 --- 255,230 or thereby.
TOTAL, --- 52,309 --- 2,001,227 or thereby.

NOTE.- The Registrar General reckons the Population of Argyll at
79,317, being 5,211 more than the above. That number however, reside
in the County of Inverness, 929 being in Arisaig, 672 in part of Aharacle,
3,125 in part of Kilmallie, and 485 in the Inverness part of the Registra-
tion District of North Ballachulish. I have copied the area from the
Census of 1881. The Ordnance Survey gives the acreage of land in
Argyll as 2,056,402. This however, includes 32,039 acres in Small Isles,
and 19,750 acres of Kilmallie now added to Inverness. I got the area of
Lochgilphead and Tobermory from the Burgh Clerk; of Inverary from
the Clerk of Works; of Dunoon from the Burgh Surveyor; of Campbeltown
from Dr Gibson; and of Oban, from the County Sanitary Inspector.

[Page] 17

Births and Deaths occurring in the County of Argyll during the year 1891.*

[Table inserted]

* Deaths in Institutions have been allocated to the Districts to which the persons belong.
+ No Returns from Salen. Ages and causes of death in District as a whole cannot be given.
‡ In Islay age of one person not stated.

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