[Page] 12cause of death is often not certified. I would point out that
this was the case during the past year in the whole of Western
Ardnamurchan, in Gigha, and in Colonsay.
V. I beg to append tabular statements of the area, and
of the population at the last census of the County as a whole,
as well as of the Burghs, and of the seven Local Government
Districts. I also give Tables of the sickness, births and deaths
during the past year in each District separately, and in the
whole County; a Chart giving the course followed by
influenza, bronchitis, pneumonia, diarrhœa, sore throat, and
rheumatism, from month to month during the year, and
another chart giving the mean monthly temperature, the mean
daily range, and the rainfall at four meteorological stations in
the County.
My thanks are specially due to private medical
practitioners in the County, for their courtesy and co-opera-
tion, and for supplying me with monthly schedules of
preventible diseases, although not in receipt of remuneration
from any of the District Committees or the Council. Also to
Dr Campbell of Craigrannoch for supplying me monthly with
meteorological data for Ballachullish. My thanks are also
due to the local Medical Officers and to the County and local
Sanitary Inspectors for their co-operation and assistance in
the discharge of my duties.
I am,
My Lords and Gentlemen,
Your obedient Servant,
Roger McNeill MD. DPH Camb
County Medical Officer, Argyll.
OBAN, MARCH 31st, 1892.
[note in margin] --- RMN
ARGYLL. [Note] --- of May 1891. previously referred to.
MAY 6th, 1891.
I regret that owing to the short time at my disposal the foregoing
Report is not so complete or so carefully put together as I should wish
it to be, but even from the imperfect account that I have been able to
give of the state of the Public Health and the Sanitary condition of the
County of Argyll, it will be seen that there is much need for enforcing
the provisions of the Public Health Acts and other Acts bearing on the
Public Health.
[Page] 13
The unsatisfactory state of the Water Supply in many localities
has been repeatedly referred to. During my visit to each district I
inspected the Bakehouses. Several of those visited by me are satisfac-
tory while others can hardly be said to be so. I regret that I have
not been able to examine many of the Dairies. Butcher Meat, Meal,
Milk, Butter, and indeed provisions of all kinds I have been unable
from want of time to examine. From all that I have seen and heard
I have come to the firm conclusion that it would be well if the Council
would, without delay, appoint a Public Analyst for the County. I
beg also to suggest that the Sanitary Committee frame rules and bye-
laws for the guidance of the District Committees, under Section 57 of
the Local Government Act, and with this view would respectfully
submit the following suggestions for consideration.
(1). The formation of a Sanitary or Public Health Committee of
each Local Authority under Section 7, Public Health Act, to receive
notices and take proceedings in matters requiring attention in the
intervals between the meetings of the District Committees.
(2). The necessity for each District Committee to appoint some
person to take proceedings on their behalf. This is necessary
for the removal of nuisances. Under Section 7, Public Health Act,
the Local Authority or their Committee may by minute or other
writing signed by the Chairman of such body or Committee empower
any officer to make complaints and take proceedings on their behalf.
(In general the Sanitary Inspector would be the proper person to
(3). The absolute necessity of providing Hospital Accommodation
for infectious diseases in each district, and ambulances for the con-
veyance of patients to such hospitals. In some places like Tarbert, two
District Committees might with advantage join in building an efficient
Hospital. Hitherto a few inefficient cottages have been set apart by
Parochial Boards as Hospitals, but they were seldom if ever used. This
was mainly owing to the fact that there was no ambulance attached to
any of them and no conveyance could be got on hire for the purpose.
(4). The necessity of adopting the Notification of Infectious
Diseases Act by each District Committee, and at the same time of
adopting the Bye-laws of the Board of Supervision for the purpose.
When this Act is adopted in any district notice should be sent to all
Medical Practitioners in the district. It should be stated that the
Notifications should be sent to me as Medical Officer to each District
Committee. Forms of certificate required by the Board for the purpose
should be sent by the Clerk of the District Committee to each Medical
practitioner. The form for certificate is a statutory form and cannot
be altered. A foot note however may be added. It would be desirable
if in a foot note the age of the patient, the date of the attack, the milk
supply, the school attended, the probable source of infection and the
occupation of parent (if child) should be given.
(5). The compulsory removal of persons suffering from infectious
disease, and being without proper lodgings and accommodation, to an
infectious diseases hospital. This power is given to Local Authorities
under Section 42, Public Health Act. The Local authority should in
all cases authorize the Sanitary Inspector or Medical Officer, in terms
of Section 7, to exercise the power of the Local Authority under
Section 41, otherwise a meeting of the Local Authority would have to
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[Note in margin] Alterations signed off by RMN (Roger McNeill)Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
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