[Page] 4hospital contains two large wards with 14 beds in each, and two
small wards, and is in every way suitable for the treatment of
infectious cases.
The Brechin District have also made arrangements with the
Infirmary Directors of that city, by which patients are admitted to
the fever wards, and these wards are in every way suitable for the
treatment of such cases.
The Forfar District have no agreement with the Directors of the
Forfar Infirmary, but infectious cases from the District are freely
admitted to that institution.
There are infectious wards in connection with the Montrose
Infirmary, but I understand the Local Authority of that town object
to infectious cases being brought within the burgh, so that negotia-
tions which were being carried on between the Brechin District
Committee and the Managers of the Montrose Infirmary have had
for the time to be suspended.
V. - "A Tabular Statement of the Sickness and Mortality
within the County, embodying the Information con-
tained in the Reports which the Medical Officers of
Districts, or parts of Districts, are required to send
to the County Council."
The population is that of the rural portions of the County
exclusive of the Burghs, and the various statistics apply solely to
the rural portion. The population of the County is 52,866. There
have been 1487 births during the year, giving a percentage of
28.108 per thousand, and 872 deaths, equal to 16.494 per thousand.
I append a tabular statement of the sickness and mortality within
the County, embodying the information contained in the Reports
which as Medical Officer for the District I have already furnished to
the County Council.
In this Report, and also in my Reports to the several districts, I
have abstained from giving particulars regarding the water supply
and drainage of the various districts of the County, as this is
[Page] 5
required of the Sanitary Inspector by the Bye-Laws of the County,
and has been very fully reported on by him.
I have also abstained from giving any statistics, except those
belonging to the County, for the present year. Those who are
interested in previous Census returns and tables of mortality will
find them in the reports of the Registrar-General.
In conclusion, I would draw the attention of the County Council
to the desirability of having an office in the various districts, where
the Sanitary Inspector's books should be kept, and where he might
be seen by appointment at any time.
I have the honour to be,
My Lords and Gentlemen,
Your Most Obedient Servant,
County Medical Officer.
March, 1892.
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, Douglas Montgomery
Location information for this page.