

[Note] 320

Western District.

The population of the Western District, estimated to the middle of 1896, was
9972. During the year there were 225 Births (103 males and 122 females) and 138
Deaths registered in the District, giving a Birth-rate of 22.56, and a Death-rate of
13.83, as compared with a Birth-rate of 19.84, and a Death-rate of 14.40 in 1895.
The Natural Increase of the population during the year was 87, as compared with 54
in 1895. Deaths in persons over 60 years of age were 69, or 50.0 per cent. of the total,
as against 68 in 1895. There were 16 deaths of children under 1 year, of which 6
were attributed to premature birth, giving an Infantile Mortality of 71.11, as com-
pared with 65.9 in 1895. The Zymotic Death-rate during 1896 was .601, as compared
with 1.91 in 1895. The total number of infectious cases notified during the year
was 35, as against 100 in 1895.
During the past year the health of the Western District has been very
satisfactory, and the work of the Health Department has been little beyond the
ordinary routine of administration. The absence of large contracts, or at least the
absence of the many men employed on these, has been felt as a relief from the con-
stant anxiety of former years. The only contract still in progress in the District is
in connection with the Glasgow Water Works, but, as the work is at present confined
to tunnelling through a hill, only a few men can be employed. It is soon expected,
however, that the final part of the contract will be attacked, that is, the raising the
level of Loch Katrine by constructing a heavy embankment, which will necessitate
the employment of a large number of men. The purification of the Forth by the
removal of the sewage of Aberfoyle from entering the river in its crude state has now
been accomplished, and the Western District Committee, having put its own house
in order, will be in a favourable position to insist on the elimination from the river of
the sewage from the Stirlingshire villages also. At Killin the works in connection
with the Special Drainage District, although much retarded by unfavourable weather,
have made good progress, and it is anticipated that they will be in full operation in
May, 1897, this event is looked forward to with much interest, as with a complete
purification system, under the management of the District Committee, it ought to be
possible to develope its highest efficiency.
2. General enquiries have been made throughout the year in order to ascertain
the condition of the District, and special enquiries have been made, in connection with
outbreaks of infectious disease, to discover their origin, and secure isolation for the
protection of the public, as well as to determine whether action was necessary to be
taken as to alleged nuisances, of which complaints were from time to time received.
Enquiries were also made as to the best site for the Killin Hospital, formerly located
at Glenoglehead, but which it was considered advisable to remove to a more easily
accessible place.
3. Advice was given in connection with the purification of the sewage from some
of the houses in Aberfoyle and Killin Drainage Scheme, as well as in connection
with the proposal of the inhabitants of Killin, to have the District Hospital removed
to another site nearer to the village. No certificates were necessary under the Public

[Note] 321

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, seamill