

[Note] 306

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Diarrhoea caused 20 deaths during 1896, as compared with 31 in 1895. Again,
as in 1895, the maximum deaths from this disease correspond closely with the
maximum readings of the 48-inch underground thermometer. The following table
shows the monthly relation of deaths from Diarrhoea to the mean readings of the
48-inch underground thermometer:-

TABLE showing relation between Deaths from Diarrhoea and
Underground 48-inch Thermometer Readings.

[Table inserted]

Measles caused no deaths durng 1896.
Whooping-Cough caused 5 deaths during 1896, as compared with 4 in 1895.
The deaths recorded occurred in the Western and Eastern Districts, and were all
childen under five years of age.
Uncertified Deaths, or those in which the cause of death was insufficiently
stated, amounted to 53, or 5.8 per cent. of the total, as compared with 99 in 1895,
thus showing a marked improvement.
During 1896, as in former years, the Registrars of the 82 Registration Districts
have supplied regular monthly returns of Births and Deaths, and I would take this
opportunity of publicly thanking them for their valuable assistance.
Hospital Accommodation. - As noticed in last Annual Report, the arrange-
ment by which the Perth, Central, Highland, and Eastern Districts received
accommodation for their infectious cases in the Perth Royal Infirmary Wards,
terminates in May, 1897, and, in consequence, a new arrangement was necessitated,
in which it was considered advisable that the Western District should, to some extent,
participate. A conference was held between representatives of the City of
Perth and of the five County Districts, and it was agreed to accept a very
favourable offer made by the Infirmary Directors to receive the patients from the
Local Authorities, as in the past, on the payment of an annual sum of £700. This sum
was to be divided between the City of Perth and the Perth, Central, Highland, and
Eastern Districts in the proportions of £300 from the City and £400 from the
Districts, the payment from the latter to be less whatever sum was received from the
Western District, which agreed to pay at the rate of £5 per patient treated. Both
the Infirmary Directors and the Local Authorities are to be congratulated on this
agreement, as it will prove mutually advantageous. The County Medical Officer has
no supervision over the management of any patients in the Perth Infirmary, but, by

[Note] 307

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CorrieBuidhe- Moderator, seamill