
Date Inhabitants names, residence, and parish Actual # of shops Shops at £5 to £9 Shops at £10 to £14 Shops at £15 to £19 Shops at £20 to £24 Shops at £25 to under £30 Shops at £30 and upwards Duty
Argyle Street Southside from Jamaica Street to Stockwell with St Enochs, Maxwell & Dunlop Streets
25 Aug 1788 Charles Crawford Barber 1 £8.0.0 £0.2.8
Robert Robertson Grocer 1 £8.0.0 £0.2.8
Thomas Fleckfield Grocer 1 £6.0.0 £0.2.0
Elizabeth Maxwell & Eliza Miller Grocer 1 £12.0.0 £0.8.0
John Watson Surgeon 1 £16.0.0 £0.16.0
James Kirkwood Saddler 1 £7.0.0 £0.2.4
Archibald Glas Cooper & Grocer 1 £12.0.0 £0.8.0
James Miller Grocer 1 £15.0.0 £0.15.0
Stephen Maxwell Copr [Copper] smith 1 £25.0.0 £2.3.9
Merchant Banking Company 1 £30.0.0 £3.0.0
Hugh Cameron Grocer 1 £5.0.0 £0.1.8
James Coggan Grocer 1 £6.0.0 £0.2.0
Robert Brown Perfumer 1 £15.0.0 £0.15.0
Angus Mcdonald Grocer 1 £10.0.0 £0.6.8
Patrick McAdam Grocer 1 £12.10.0 £0.8.4
Walter McIndoe Barber 1 £12.10.0 £0.8.4
John Turner Rum Mercht [Merchant] 1 £20.0.0 £1.5.0
David Muir Grocer 1 £20.0.0 £1.5.0
Graham & Wardrop Copr [Copper] Smith 1 £20.0.0 £1.5.0
James Paterson Barber 1 £6.0.0 £0.2.0
28 Aug 1788 James Bannerman Glass Framer 1 £16.0.0 £0.16.0
Walter & Wills Shoemakers 1 £27.0.0 £2.7.3
John Rankin Grocer 1 £10.0.0 £0.6.8
Mrs Trueman Grocer 1 £20.0.0 £1.5.0
William Park Grocer 1 £20.0.0 £1.5.0
Miss Bryce Milliner 1 £20.0.0 £1.5.0
James Watson for Stirling Bank 1 £5.0.0 £0.1.8
Robert Knox Grocer 1 £14.0.0 £0.9.4
William Aird Saddler 1 £15.0.0 £0.15.0
29 £51.0.0 £83.0.0 £77.0.0 £120.0.0 £52.0.0 £30.0.0 £22.10.11

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