
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four Five to seven Eight to ten Eleven or more Duty 10% per 31 George III 10% per 36 George III
17 Nov 1797 Majr. [Major] Alexander Baillie John McKay
a Volunteer
House Servt. [Servant] 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6 £0.2.6
1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6 £0.2.6

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Survey of the Rates & Duties on Male Servants arrisen in the Burgh of Tain
from 5 April 1796 till 5 April 1797 By William Murray Surveyor

18 Nov 1797 I William Murray Surveyor Do Certify that upon carefull Examination I find
the above Rates & Duties amount to One Pound ten shillings Sterling - And I do further
Certify that the above account Contains the Number of Servants Returned to me. or that
I could discover to be So said, according to the best of my knowledge or Information
William Murray Surveyor

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noho, Mike North