
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four Five to seven Eight to ten Eleven or more Duty 10% per 31 George III 10% per 36 George III
4 Apr 1798 George Clark Ogilvy Esq. One Servant Coachman 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6 £0.2.6

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A Survey of the Rates and Duties on Male Servants in the Burgh of Montrose frome the 5th Aprile 1797 To the 5th Aprile 1798 by Way of
Supplement or Addition to the Other Duties Due in that Burgh on the 5th Aprile 1798 By Daniel Ross Surveyor

I Daniel Ross Surveyor Do hereby Certify That upon Carefull examination I find the foregoing
Duties Amount to one pound ten shillings Sterling and I Deliver'd to Mr George Hall Collr. [Collector] of said Duties an
exact Duplicate of this Account Which contain'd my Oath that he was charged with a requisition of the
Date Aforesaid and that he was to be charged conformably to his return to me. The Above Duties
is an Addition or supplement to the former Duties surveyed by me last year and Due the fifth of April
one thousand seven hundred and ninty eight Daniel Ross Surveyor

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noho, Mike North