
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four Five to seven Eight to ten Eleven or more Duty 10% per 31 George III 10% per 36 George III
Sep 1797 Major Davidson Servant 1 1 £1.5.0. £0.2.6. £0.2.6.
10 per cent £0.2.6.
10 per cent adl [additional] £0.2.6.

Transcribe other information

Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX. in the Royalty of Dysert
For the year ending 5 April 1798 James Millar Surveyor

I James Millar Surveyor aforesaid Do hereby Certify that upon careful examination of the foregoing Rates and
Duties I find they amount to the Sum of One pound ten shillings Sterling and that upon the [ ]
Day of [ ] I delivered to Mr John Jamieson Collector of said Duties an exact duplicate of this Account
which contained my Oath that Major Davidson was duly served with Requisitions of the date foresaid and
that he is charged according to his own Return. James Millar Surveyor

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noho, Margaret Ward