
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four Five to seven Eight to ten Eleven or more Duty 10% per 31 George III 10% per 36 George III
Brought Over 263 34 70 79 58 20 36 £498.0.0 £49.16.0 £49.16.0

Transcribe other information

34 at £1.5.0 £42.10.0
70 at £1.5.0 £87.10.0
79 at £1.10.0 £118.10.0
58 at £1.15.0 £101.10.0
20 at £2.00 £40.0.0
36 at £3.0.0 £108.0.0

£498 at 20 PrCt [per cent] £99.12.0 £597.12.0

Perth 13th March 1798 I Laurence Buchan Surveyor aforesaid do hereby certify That
upon careful Examination of the several rates and duties I find they amount in Whole to Five
hundred and Ninty seven pounds Twelve shillings Stg [sterling] and that upon the 28th day of February inst
I delivered to James Maxton Esquire Collector of the said duties for the Shire aforesaid an Exact duplicate
of the Above Account duly Examined and compared with the foregoing; requisitions being left with [the]
several Inhabitants or at their dwelling houses and the Above Account is agreable to returns made
Laurence Buchan Surveyor

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