
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four servants Five to seven servants Eight to ten servants Eleven or more servants Duty 10% per 31 George III
1794 Foulden Parish
23 Jul 1794 James Wilkie Esqr. Foulden James Simpson
Christopher Patrick
John Sked
House servt. [servant]
3 3 £4.10.0 £0.9.0
Mordington Parish
Joseph Marshall Esr. David Young
John Martin
Gardr. [Gardener]
2 2 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
Alexander Renton Esqr. B. [Bachelor] 4 4 4 £11.0.0 £1.2.0
6 4 2 4 £13.10.0 £1.7.0
Ayton Parish
24 Jul 1794 John Fordyce Esqr. Ayton 5 5 £8.15.0 £0.17.6
Alexander Robertson Esqr. 2 2 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
7 2 5 £11.5.0 £1.2.6
Eymouth Parish
25 Jul 1794 Mrs. Bell Linthill House Servt. [Servant] 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
David Renton Esqr. B. [Bachelor] Robert Fowler Chaise driver 1 1 1 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
William Robertson mercht. [merchant] B. [Bachelor] George Scot House servt. [servant] 1 1 1 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
3 2 3 £6.5.0 £0.12.6
Coldinghame Parish
Miss Home Burnhall House Servt. [Servant] 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Danial Gordon vint. [vintner] Press a Waiter 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
2 2 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
Chirnside Parish
26 Jul 1794 Joseph Home Esqr. Ninewells B. [Bachelor] John Hardie
William Sheppard
David Ewart
House servt. [servant]
Gardr. [Gardener]
3 3 3 £8.5.0 £0.16.6
William Hall Esqr. B. [Bachelor] Whitehall Riding Servt. [Servant] 1 1 1 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
Revd. Dr. [Reverend Doctor] Anderson Min. [Minister] B. [Bachelor] Chaise driver 1 1 1 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
5 5 2 3 £13.5.0 £1.6.6
Buncle Parish
John Lumisdain Esqr. Blanerne 3 3 £4.10.0 £0.9.0
Hutton Parish
28 Jul 1794 William Ker Esqr. Meadowhouse Robert Pinkerton
Campbell Pinkerton
House Servt. [Servant]
2 2 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
Capt. [Captain] Johnston Huttonhall 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Blake Stowe Esqr. Spittal James Jeffries
George Fairbairn
2 2 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
John Logan Fish. [Fishwick] Mains Thomas Logan Gamekeeper 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
6 6 £7.10.0 £0.15.0

Transcribe other information

Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX in Berwickshire
from the 5th April 1794 to the 5th April 1795 by William Johnstone Surveyor

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