E326/5/22/1 |
Burgh Aberdeen |
E326/5/22/1 |
Foot dee Quarter |
E326/5/22/1 |
26 Oct 1793 |
Dr [Doctor] Dingwall Fordyce |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Major Leslie |
Postilion |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mrs Duff of Hatton |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mrs Leys |
Postilion |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr Eneas Smyth |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mrs Dr. [Doctor] Morgan |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Dr. [Doctor] Bannerman |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr Alexander Young |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr James Thomson |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr Alexander Carnegie |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr Alexander Brebner |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr James Hadden |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
13 |
1 |
13 |
£57.10.0 |
£1.15.0 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Green Quarter |
E326/5/22/1 |
29 Oct 1793 |
Professor Ross |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mrs Innes of Cowie |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr John Henderson |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Dr. [Doctor] Irvine |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/1 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
£7.10.0 |
£0.15.0 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Crooked Quarter |
E326/5/22/1 |
05 Nov 1793 |
Mr John Durno |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Miss Cumine |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr Robieson |
Postilion &
House Servt [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr Alexander Milne |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mrs More |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
John Irvine Esqr |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr George More |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Dr. [Doctor] Livingston |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Dr. [Doctor] Robertson |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
The Heirs of the Deceast Baillie Dingwall |
Postilion |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Mr Brand Banker |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Provost Auldjo |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
13 |
1 |
13 |
£7.10.0 |
£1.15.0 |
E326/5/22/1 |
Collector Sim |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/1 |
[Page] 1
A Survey of the Rates and Duties Arisen with in the Burgh of Aberdeen from the 5th day of April
1793 to the 5th of April 1794 on MALE SERVANTS TAX. by Charles Farquharson Surveyor
93-94 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Burgh Aberdeen Continued |
E326/5/22/2 |
Even Quarter |
E326/5/22/2 |
11 Nov 1793 |
Provost Jopp |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
John Adams Vintner |
Waiters |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Provost Cruden |
House Srvt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
William Gordon Vintner |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Mr Russel of Old Deer |
Postilion |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Mr Alexander Garrioch |
House Sert. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
7 |
7 |
£8.15.0 |
£0.17.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Burgh Aberdeen Collected |
E326/5/22/2 |
Footdee Quarter |
13 |
1 |
13 |
£17.10.0 |
£1.15.0 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Green Quarter |
4 |
2 |
4 |
£7.10.0. |
£0.15.0 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Crooked Quarter |
13 |
1 |
13 |
£17.10.0 |
£1.15.0 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Evin Quarter |
7 |
7 |
£8.15.0 |
£0.17.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
37 |
4 |
37 |
£51.5.0 |
£5.2.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
10PerCent |
£5.2.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
£56.7.6 |
E326/5/22/2 |
Page 2d
4 @ £1.5.0 £5.0.0
37@ £1.5.0 £46.5.0
10 Per Cent £5.2.6
Aberdeen 25th January 1794 I Charles Farquharson Surveyor Aforesaid, do hereby Certify, that upon carefull
examination of the foregoing rates and duties I find they Amount to Fifty one pound five Shillings
Stlg. [Sterling]. Likewise with the additional dutie thereon of ten PCent [Per Cent], five pounds two Shillings & six pence.
And that on the Twenty fifth day of January 1794 I delivered to Mr William Copland Collector of the Said
duties for the Burgh aforesaid, an exact duplicate of the above Account as will appear from his Receipt
here unto Affixed duly examined and Compared with the foregoing, which contained My Oath that
requisitions were left with the Several persons before Named or at their dwelling houses of the dates
Annexed to their respective names, requiring them within fourteen days to give in a list of their
Male Servants, retained or employed by them from the fifth day of April 1792 to the fifth day
of April 1793, And that the Said account or Survey is made out from the lists returned to Me
and from information I could procure of the Male Servants of those whoes lists are deficient
and others who neglected or refused to give in a list thereof in terms of the Notices Left with
them as aforesaid. Charles Farquharson
Sworn at Aberdeen 25th Jany. [January] 1794
before George Auldjo J.P. [Justice of the Peace]
I William Copland Collector of the Land Tax for the Burgh of Aberdeen Do hereby acknowledge to [having]
this day received from Mr Charles Farquharson Surveyor of the Duties on Houses & Windows in the [Burgh]
of Aberdeen an exact Duplicate of the foregoing Survey of the Rates & Duties on Male Servants,
Amounting to fifty six pounds Seven Shillings & Six pence Sterling
Aberdeen 25 January 1794 William Copland
[Page] 2 |
E326/5/22/4 |
Male Servants
Burgh Aberdeen
ExGS [Examined General Surveyor]
[page] 4 |
E326/5/22/5 |
2 Aug 1793 |
Capt. [Captain] John Fraser |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/5 |
P [Page] 1st. A Survey of The Rates & Duties on Male Servants in the Burgh of Arbroath for one Year
Viz From 5th. April 1793 To 5th. April 1794 By Daniel Ross Surveyor
I Daniel Ross Surveyor aforsaid Do hereby certify that upon Carefull Examination I
Find the forgoing Duties Amot [Amount] to one pound seven shillings & sixpence Sterg [Sterling] And
I Delivered to Mr John Colvill Collr [Collector] of the said Duties an Exact Duplicate of this Acct [Account] which
Contained my Oath That the Proceeding Inhabitants were served with Notices of the
Date Aforesaid & that they were to be Charged Confirmably to their returns from
the Best information I could Procure Daniel Ross Surveyor
[Page] 5 |
E326/5/22/6 |
Male Servants Tax
ExGS [Examined General Surveyor]
[page] 6 |
E326/5/22/7 |
2 Bachrs [ Batchelors] male servants £1.5.0 each is £2.10.0
16 male servants at £1.5.0 each is £20.0.0
6 male servants at £1.15.0 each is £10.10.0
............................... £33.0.0
10 per cent thereon £36.6.0
I Robert Aiken Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon careful examination of the foregoing
Rates and Duties I find they amount to Thirty three pounds sterling which with the ten per Cent duty thereon
being Three pounds six shillings sterling makes them amount in whole to Thirty six pounds six shillings
sterling and that upon the Twenty Eighth day of November Current I delivered to Mr Thomas
McClellan Collector of said duties for said Burgh at his office an exact duplicate of and duly examined &
compared with the foregoing account which contained my oath that notifications were delivered or left of the dates
foresaid that the rates and duties therein charged were just and true to the best of my skill and knowledge and to
the best of my belief no person liable to be charged has been omitted.
Robert Aiken
of the Rates & Duties upon Male
Servants within the Royal Burgh
of Ayr from the 5th. April 1793 to 5th
April 1794 by
Robert Aiken
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
Surveyor Generals copy
[page] 7 |
E326/5/22/8 |
1793 |
Royal Burgh of Ayr |
E326/5/22/8 |
11 Jun 1793 |
Mrs Logan |
David McCreath |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Dr. [Doctor] Bowie |
John Burgess |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Capt. [Captain] Webster |
William Manson |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Charles Buchan Esqr. |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
William Campbell Esqr. |
Robert Paton |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Baillie George Charles |
Matthew Paton |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Mrs. Campbell Skerrington |
John Elder |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
12 Jun 1793 |
Mr. William Dunn Vintner |
Charles Mills |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Mr. Andrew Cathcart Vintner |
Charles Ross |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
13 Jun 1793 |
Collector Stevenson |
Robert Dick |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
22 Jun 1793 |
Hugh Hamilton Esq. Bellisle Batchelor |
Thomas McCartney
David Muir |
H.S. [House Servant] & Game keeper |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Capn. [Captain] Gairdner Mount Charles |
James McMillan |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Coln. [Colonel] McKinzie Granfield |
Peter McMillan |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Mrs Fergusson Doonholm |
William Hunter
James Sherar |
House Servt. [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/8 |
The Countess of Crawford |
Mr. Morrison
Alexander Crawford
James Ballantine
William McKergo
John Hendry
Hugh Anderson |
Gamekeeper |
6 |
6 |
£10.10.0 |
£1.1.0 |
E326/5/22/8 |
Total |
22 |
2 |
16 |
6 |
£33.0.0 |
£3.6.0 |
E326/5/22/8 |
[Page] 8
Survey of the Rates & Duties upon Male Servants within the Royal Burgh of Ayr
From 5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794 By Robert Aiken |
E326/5/22/9 |
1793 |
Sir George Abercrombie |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/9 |
Lady Findlater |
4 |
4 |
£6.0.0 |
£0.12.0 |
E326/5/22/9 |
Capt [Captain] Bartlet |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/9 |
Mrs Duff Hatton |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/9 |
James Duff Esq |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/9 |
George Robinson Esq |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/9 |
James Ross Vintner |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/9 |
George J Robinson Esq |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/9 |
13 |
9 |
4 |
£17.5.0 |
£1.14.6 |
E326/5/22/9 |
[Page] 9
Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX. In the Burgh of Banff
for one year To 5th April 1794 By Patrick McDonald Surveyor
Prooff 9 servants @ 25/- [£1.5.0] each £11.5.0
......... 4 servants @ 30/- [£1.10.0] each £6.0.0
Ten Per Cent on £17.5.0.............................£1.14.6
....................................................Amount £18.19.0
I Patrick Mcdonald Suryr [Surveyor] do hereby certify that Upon careful examination of the foregoing Rates and Duties I
find they amount to Eighteen pound nineteen shillings and sixpence and that I transmitted Alexander Avon
Collector of said duties an exact duplicate of the above acct. [account] duly examined And compared which con-
tained my Oath that Requisitions were left with the several Inhabitants And the assessment made
up from the lists and Answers in my possession.
Patrick Mcdonald
Sworn before me at Nairn 18 Novr. [November] 1793
John Fraser J.P. [Justice of the Peace] |
E326/5/22/10 |
[Servant Tax]
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 10 |
E326/5/22/10 |
Information on lower part of the page is probably from another page . |
E326/5/22/11 |
Male Servant Tax
ExGS [Examined General Surveyor]
No Waiter at this Burgh
[page] 11 |
E326/5/22/12 |
10 Jul 1793 |
Thomas Gellis Esq. |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/12 |
P [Page] 1st A Survey of the Rates & Duties on Male Servants in the Burgh of Brechin for one
Year viz from 5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794 By Daniel Ross Surveyor
I Daniel Ross Surveyr. [Surveyor] Aforesaid Do hereby Certify that the Sum of one pound seven shillings
and sixpence Ster.g [Sterling] And I Delivered to Mr. David Erskine Collr. [Collector] of the said Duties an Exact
Duplicate of this Acct. [Account] Which contained my Oath that the proceeding Inhabitants
Were served with Notices of the Date Aforsaid and that they were to be Charged
Conformably to their Returns from the Best Information I could Procure
Daniel Ross Surveyor
[Page] 12 |
E326/5/22/13 |
17 Sep 1793 |
Capt. [Captain] Aiton |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/13 |
Survey of Male Servants Tax Within the Burgh of Crail
for the Year Ending 5th April 1794 By Peter Colvile Surveyor
I Peter Colvile Surveyor aforesaid, do certify, that upon carefull examination,
of the foregoing, several Rates & duties, they amount in whole, to Two Pounds Fifteen
Shillings Sterling & do make oath, that Notices were left, at the dwelling House
of the Foregoing Person, of the date aforesaid, that he was to be charged with the Rates
& duties set against his name, Peter Colvile Surveyor
at Torryburn the 15th
day of Novr. [November] 1793 years
Before me Charles Preston. J.P [Justice of the Peace]
William Murray Colr. (Collector)
[Page] 13 |
E326/5/22/14 |
No 4 Office Copy
Male Servants Tax
Burgh of Crail
Amt. [Amount] £2.15.0
Exd.GS. [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 14 |
E326/5/22/15 |
1793 |
Cullen |
E326/5/22/15 |
Earl of Findlater |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/15 |
A Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX Arrising in the Town of Cullen from the 5th April
1793 to the 5th April 1794 By Patrick Mdonald Surveyor
I Patrick Mdonald Surveyor do hereby certify that upon careful examination of the forgoing Rates and duties I find they
Amount in whole to four pound nineteen Shilling and that I delivered Mr Mungo Rannie An exact duplicat
of the Acct [Account] duly examined and compaird from the forgoing which containd my Oath that the Requisi
tions were left with the Several Inhabitants or at their dwelling houses and that the Assessment is made
from the list and answers in my Possession Patrick Mdonald Surveyor
Sworn before me at Nairn 10 Nov [November] 1793
John Fraser J.P. [Justice of the Peace]
[page] 15 |
E326/5/22/16 |
[Page] 16
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
7 |
E326/5/22/17 |
15 Jul 1793 |
Cupar |
E326/5/22/17 |
Mr Peaston |
John Gulland |
Gardner |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/17 |
Capt [Captain] Robert Kerr |
Ninian Mason |
House servt. [servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/17 |
Major Horsburgh |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/17 |
David Methven |
James Cameron |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/17 |
Capt [Captain] Charles Bell |
William White |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/17 |
Miss Skene |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/17 |
George Sandilands Esqr |
James Mitchell
Andrew Gibson |
House Servt. [Servant]
Gardner |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/17 |
8 |
8 |
£10.0.0 |
£1.0.0 |
E326/5/22/17 |
Duty |
£10.0.0 |
E326/5/22/17 |
10pr ct [per cent] |
£1.0.0 |
£11.0.0 |
E326/5/22/17 |
Proof |
8 Servants at £1.5.0 |
£10.0.0 |
E326/5/22/17 |
10 pr ct [per cent] is |
£1.0.0 |
£11.0.0 |
E326/5/22/17 |
[Page] 17
Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX. for the Burgh of Cupar
For the Year Ending the 5th April 1794 By Peter Colvile Surveyor
I Peter Colvile Surveyer aforesaid do hereby certify that upon carefull examination of
the Several foregoing Rates & duties they amount in whole to eleven Pounds Stg [Sterling] & I do on the oath
that notices were left with the whole foregoing Inhabitants or at their dwelling Houses
of the date aforesaid that they were to be charged with the Rates & duties set against
their several names
Peter Colvile Surveyor
At Torryburn the 15th
day of Novr. [November] 1793 years
Before me Charles Preston J.P. [Justice of the Peace]
Alexander Simpson Collr [Collector] |
E326/5/22/18 |
[Page] 18
No 4
Office Copy
Male Servant's Tax
Burg of Cupar
Amount £11.0.0
Exd. GS [Examined General Surveyor]
8 |
E326/5/22/19 |
12 [Oc]t 1793 |
George McFarlane Vint. [Vintner] |
James __ |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/19 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/19 |
£1.7.6 |
E326/5/22/19 |
Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX. in the Burgh of Dumbarton
From the 5 April 1793 to 5 April 1794 By David Hutcheson Surveyor
I David Hutcheson Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon carefull exami
nation of the foregoing dutys find they amount to one pound Seven
shillings & sixpence Sterling, and that this day I delivered to John Mcaulay
Collector of these duties an exact copy of this account carefully examined &
compared and which did bear my oath that the said George McFarlan
was duly served with a requisition, and that he is charged agreeable to
his return and the Law in the duties aforesaid
Glasgow 31 Decr [December] 1793
David Hutcheson
[Page] 19 |
E326/5/22/20 |
Male Servants
Dunbarton Burgh
for one year to 5th April 1794
Excheqr. [Exchequer] Copy
[Page] 20 |
E326/5/22/21 |
26 Jul 1793 |
Dr [Doctor] Gilchrist for Mr Biggar |
John Taylor |
House Serv [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Doctor Gilchrist for himself |
James Crosbie |
House Serv [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Mrs Walter Riddell |
Thomas Brown |
House Serv [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Capt [Captain] Hamilton |
James Beck
James Paterson |
House Serv [Servant]
Postilion |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Jun 1793 |
James Gordon |
Archibald Gordon |
House Serv [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
George Johnston Coffee house |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Henry Clint Vintner |
William Graham |
Waiter |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/21 |
28 Jun 1793 |
Lady Carnwath |
James Bell |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Mrs Maxwell of Kirkconel |
John McWhae |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Mrs McVitie Vintner |
Luke Newlands
Primus Stevenson |
Waiter |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Mrs Lowthian |
Robert Crichton
Alexander Finlayson
William Underwood |
Gamekeeper |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/21 |
29 Jun 1793 |
David Staig Esqr |
Robert Smith |
House Serv [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Mrs Lawson Mercht[Merchant] |
Thomas Grieve |
Gamekeeper |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
John Syme Esqr |
George McGeorge |
Gamekeeper |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Capt [Captain] Riddell Carzield |
House Serv [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
20 |
17 |
3 |
£25.15.0 |
£2.11.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Mrs Maxwell of Kirkconnel Charged in Kirkcudbt. [Kirkcudbright] Shire |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/21 |
19 |
16 |
3 |
£24.10.0 |
£2.9.0 |
E326/5/22/21 |
Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX in the Burgh of Dumfries
from 5 April 1793 to 5 April 1794 by William Laidlaw Surveyor
19 Servants at £1.5.0 £21.5.0
3 Servants at £1.10.0 £4.10.0
10 p cent[per cent] £2.11.6
Total £28.6.6
I William Laidlaw Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon Careful Examination
I find the foregoing Duties Amount to Twenty eight pounds six shillings &
sixpence St [Sterling] And that upon the twelfth Day of Dec 1793 I delivered to Mr Francis
Maxwell Collector of the said Duties an exact Duplicate here of which contained
my oath That the before named persons were regularly served with notices of
the above duties being due by them
William Laidlaw
[Page] 21 |
E326/5/22/24 |
Male Servants tax
Borough of Dumfries
ending 5 April 1794
Office copy
Compd [Compared]
Exd. GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 24 |
E326/5/22/25 |
25 Jul 1793 |
John Lorimer vintr. [vintner] |
Alexander Bruce |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/25 |
James Frazer vintr. [vintner] |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/25 |
Dr. [Doctor] Wightman |
House servt. [servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/25 |
Capt. [Captain] William Clerk |
House servt. [servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/25 |
Colonel Steele Bellhaven |
House servt. [servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/25 |
5 |
5 |
£6.5.0 |
£0.12.6 |
E326/5/22/25 |
Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX. in the Royalty of Dunbar
from the 5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794 by William Johnstone Surveyor.
5 Servants at £1.5.0 each is £6.5.0
and 10 p.[per] Cent. on £6.5.0 is £0.12.6
£6.17.6 Sterling
I William Johnstone Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify That upon carefull examination I find the foregoing Duties
amount to the Sum of Six Pounds seventeen Shill.[shillings] & six pence Sterling and that upon the 8th Octbr. [October] 1793 I delivered
to Patrick Halyburton Collector of said Duties an exact duplicate of this Accompt duely examined & compared which
contained my Oath That the preceeding Inhabitants were duely served with Requisitions and that they were
charged in conformity to their several returns Or according to my knowledge & belief that they liable in
said Duties.
William Johnstone Surveyor.
[Page] 25 |
E326/5/22/28 |
Survey of the
Male Servants Tax in the
Royalty of Dunbar
from 5 April 1793 to 5th April 1794
£6.17.6 Ster. [Sterling]
[Page] 28 |
E326/5/22/29 |
20 Jun 1793 |
Dr [Doctor] Willison |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/29 |
William Gordon |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/29 |
Mrs Fletchart |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/29 |
John Ranking Esqr |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/29 |
Michael Luke Esqr |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/29 |
George Blair Esqr |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/29 |
Sir Alexander Douglas |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/29 |
8 |
1 |
8 |
£11.5.0 |
£1.2.6 |
E326/5/22/29 |
E326/5/22/29 |
P 1st [Page first]
A Survey of the Rates & Duties on Male Servants in the Burgh of Dundee For one Year
Viz From 5th April 1793 To 5th April 1794 By Daniel Ross Surveyr [Surveyor]
I Daniel Ross Surveyor aforsaid do hereby Certify that upon Carefull Examination
I find the forgoing duties Amot [Amount] to twelve pounds seven shillings & sixpence sterg [sterling]
And I Delivered To Mr James Dick Collr [Collector] of the said Duties an Exact Duplicate of this Acct [Account]
Which Contained my Oath That the proceeding Inhabitants were served with the Notice
of the Date aforesaid and that they were to be Charged Conformably to their Returns
from the best Information I could Procure Daniel Ross Surveyr [Surveyor]
[Page] 29 |
E326/5/22/30 |
[Page] 30
Male servants Tax
12 |
E326/5/22/31 |
2 Oct 1793 |
Dunfermline |
E326/5/22/31 |
John Wilson Vintner |
A Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/31 |
[Page] 31
Survey of Male Servants Tax in the Burgh of Dunfermline
For the Year Ending 5th April 1794 By Peter Colvile Surveyor
I Peter Colvile Surveyor aforesaid do certify that upon careful examination of the foregoing
several Rates & duties they amount in whole, to One Pound Seven Shillings & Six pence
Str. [Sterling] & I do make oath that the foregoing Person was served with a notice of the date
foresaid that he was to be charged with the rates & duties set against his name
Peter Colvile Surveyor
At Torryburn the 15th
day of Novr. [November] 1793 years
Before me Charles Preston J.P. [Justice of the Peace]
James Hunt Collr [Collector] |
E326/5/22/32 |
[Page] 32
No. 4 Office Copy
Male Servants Tax
Burgh of Dunfermline
Amt [Amount] £1.7.6
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
13 |
E326/5/22/33 |
1793 |
City of Edinburgh |
E326/5/22/33 |
5 Jun 1793 |
John McKay Innkeeper |
Alexander McQueen |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
6 Jun 1793 |
Lady Coalston |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Dr [Doctor] Alexander Hamilton |
John Reoch
James Anderson |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0. |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Revd [Reverend] William Greenfield |
William Thornton |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Mrs Schaw |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
John Davidson writer |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Hble [Honourable] Miss B. Gray |
James |
ho: Servt. [house Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Lady M. A. Carnegie |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Mrs. Douglas Clephan |
George Johnston |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Thomas Tod Esqr |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
7 Jun 1793 |
William Mcfarlane writer |
Dougal McLachlan |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Dr. [Doctor] Gregory Grant |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Robert Spence Dentist |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
John Buchan writer |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1793 |
Robert Jamieson writer |
John Scott |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
James Dickson Booksr [Bookseller] |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Francis Metcalf Vintr [Vintnter] |
John Robertson |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1793 |
James Horne writer |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1783 |
James Hunter Vintr [Vintner] |
Waiters |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1783 |
Robert Arbuthnot Esqr. |
George Sinclair |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
John Gardiner Banker |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Robert Anderson Banker |
footman |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Andrew Bonar Banker |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
William Creech Booksr. [Bookseller] |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Mrs Douglas Vintr [Vintner] |
James Douglas |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Mrs Fortune Vintr [Vintner] |
John Jardine
Peter Campbell |
Waiter |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Miles McPhell Vintr [Vintner] |
Dugald McEwan |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1793 |
William Kerr Secy. [Secretary] to Post Office |
James Carlow |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-Carruber's Close |
Adam Campbell writer |
Charles Gray |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1783 |
James Sym Esqr of Northfield |
Robert Campbell |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1793 |
Mrs. Elliot |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1793 |
Dr. [Doctor] Farquharson |
William McKay |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
British Linen Coy [Company] |
Porter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Walter Hogg Esqr. Manr. [Manufacturer] |
Charles Stephen |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1793 |
Dr [Doctor] Hume |
William Robison |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Dr [Doctor] Rutherford |
John Anderson |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
-- Jun 1793 |
James Thom Vintr [Vintner] |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
James Mather Vintr [Vintner] |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/33 |
Carried forward |
45 |
8 |
42 |
3 |
£67.0.0 |
£6.14.0 |
E326/5/22/33 |
A Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX in the City of Edinburgh
from the 5th of April 1793 To the 5th day of April 1794 by Robert Maughan Surveyor
[Page] 33 |
E326/5/22/34 |
21 Jun 1793 |
Brought forward |
45 |
8 |
42 |
3 |
£67.0.0 |
£6.14.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
21 Jun 1793 |
Dr. [Doctor] Duncan |
John Paul |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Robert Chalmers Esqr. |
Andrew Ringhean |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
James Law Surgeon |
Hamilton Monoch |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Forrest Dewar Surgeon |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Thomas Hay Surgeon |
James Bruce |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
John Bennet Surgeon |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Dr. [Doctor] Freer |
Ralph Stewart |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
George Wood Surgeon |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
22 Jun 1793 |
Miss Robertson |
Yates Cunningham |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
24 Jun 1793 |
John Stewart Vintr [Vintner] |
Donald Mercer |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Royal Bank of Scotland |
Duncan Mcfarlane |
Porter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
William Simpson Cashier to Royal Bank of Scotland |
Samuel Cameron
Charles Wood |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant]
Gardener |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Hugh Cameron Vintr [Vintner] |
John Smith |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Charles Stewart writer |
David Heron |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Mrs. Cuming |
Alexander Finlayson |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
George Williamson Messr. [Messenger] |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
25 Jun 1793 |
John Robertson writer |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Lewis Hay Banker |
James Miller |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
26 Jun 1793 |
Mrs. Genl. [General] Houston |
Hugh Fraser
Charles owen |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant]
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
The Bank of Scotland |
James Boyd
Thomas Key
Daniel Tod |
Porter |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
28 Jun 1793 |
Dr. [Doctor] McKenzie |
John Hill |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Mrs. Kerr |
John Kingston |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Alexander Wood Surgeon |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
29 Jun 1793 |
Profr [Proffessor] Dalzel |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Dr. [Doctor] Nathaniel Spens |
David Finlayson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Andrew Wood Surgeon |
James Porteous |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
1 Jul 1793 |
James Rose writer |
William Johnston |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Lady Reay |
Hugh Buchanan |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Argyle Square |
Thomas Smith writer |
James Ferguson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Robert Sinclair Esqr. |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Robert Cullen Advte. [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Lord Abercromby |
Alexander Forbes
David Bookless |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant]
Groom |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Dr. [Doctor] Hugh Blair |
Robert Innel
James Anderson |
Chaise Driver |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Lord Dunsinan |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/34 |
Carried forward |
89 |
18 |
83 |
6 |
£135.5.0 |
£13.10.6 |
E326/5/22/34 |
[Page] 34 |
E326/5/22/35 |
1793 |
Brought forward |
89 |
18 |
83 |
6 |
£135.5.0 |
£13.10.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Dow [Dowager] Lady Saltoun |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
David Russell |
David Bookless |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Mrs Campbell |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Robert McIntosh Advt [Advocate] |
Peter Small |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Society |
John Pringle Esqr |
Philip Wagner |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Thomas Pringle Esqr |
Hector McKinnon |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
John Dundas writer |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
James Russell Surgeon |
Francis Forbes |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Robert Syme writer |
Archibald Steel |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
James Bruce |
William Hardie |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
George Horne Esqr |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Brown's Square |
Andrerw Stewart writer |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Mrs Cuningham |
Duncan Stalker |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Miss Elliots |
Thomas Cosser |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Solicitor General |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Mrs Austin |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Lord Craig |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Sir William Miller |
4 |
4 |
£7.0.0 |
£0.14.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Col [Colonel] Monypenny |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Isaac Grant writer |
Adam Wilson |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
-- Jul 1793 |
Mrs Stewart of Binny |
Thomas Crawford |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
James Home writer |
Angus Mckay |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
John Dickson Advt [Advocate] |
Andrew Fife |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
John Gloag Mercht [Merchant] |
Lewis Gray |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
James Bremner |
Daniel Forbes |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Archibald Gibson writer |
Archibald Gray |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
John Haggarth Advt [Advocate] |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
-- Jul 1793 |
Ewan McPherson Vintr [Vintner] |
Charles -- |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
John Bayll Vintr [Vintner] |
James Stewart
George Forbes |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Andrew Walker Vintr [Vintner] |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
-- Jul 1793 |
Mr Poole Room sr [setter] |
James McFarlane |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Alexander Walker Room sr [setter ] |
John McLean
James Douglas |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant]
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
John Home Coach Mr [Maker] |
James Samuel |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Robert Walker Vintr [Vintner] |
Charles Douglas |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
John Cameron Vintr [Vintner] |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Charles Robertson Painter |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Lord Provost |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/35 |
William Robertson Esqr |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
Carried forward |
136 |
28 |
128 |
9 |
4 |
£209.5.0 |
£20.18.6 |
E326/5/22/35 |
[Page] 35 |
E326/5/22/36 |
1793 |
Brought forward |
136 |
28 |
123 |
9 |
4 |
£209.5.0 |
£20.18.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Alexander Mckenzie writer |
James Craike
Alexander Forbes |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant]
Chaise driver |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
James Gibson writer |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Alexander Bonar |
David McLeod |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
John Tait Junr [Junior] |
Alexander Lesslie |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
William McDonald writer |
Peter McAulay
William Henderson
James McDonald |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant]
Gamekeeper |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Thomas Cleghorn Coach Mr [Maker] |
Alexander Tweedie |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
8 Jul 1793 |
John Wauchope writer |
James Falconar
John Falconar |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant]
footman |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Mrs Bell |
George McIntosh |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
George Ferguson Advt [Advocate] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Mrs Philip |
Footboy |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Sir Alexander Ramsay |
4 |
4 |
£6.0.0 |
£0.12.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Lady Cathcart |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
George Cuming writer |
Daniel Chalmers |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
John Grieve Esqr |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Mrs Gordon Whitehill |
Tippo Savoy |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Mrs Gibson wright |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Robert Donaldson Esq |
John Black |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
William Rae Advt [Advocate] |
Alexander Stewart |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
David Reid Esqr |
William Smith |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
` |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Charles Innes writer |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Sir George Home |
Donald Corner |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Lady Clerk Maxwell |
John Burnet |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
George Andrew writer |
David Scott |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Mrs Skene of Rubslaw |
James Jeffrey |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Thomas Adair writer |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Thomas Farquharson Esqr |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
William Fettes Grocer |
John Rose |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Mrs Dallas |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Dow [Dowager] Lady Elibank |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
John Moir writer |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Honble [Honourable] H Erskine |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Sir Philip Ainsley |
Charles Calder
John McKenzie |
Groom |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
James Watson writer |
Walter Goodall |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Miss Farquharson |
Footboy |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
Lady Maxwell |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/36 |
First Division |
183 |
32 |
163 |
16 |
4 |
£274.15.0 |
£27.9.6 |
E326/5/22/36 |
[Page] 36 |
E326/5/22/37 |
1793 |
E326/5/22/37 |
St Andrew Street |
William Keith Accot [Accomptant] |
James Grant |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Thomas & William Sommers |
Duncan Cunning |
Waiter |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
9 Jul 1793 |
Miss Pringles |
Peter Pringle |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Cap: [Captain] Dewar |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mrs Mckenzie |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mr Sandilands |
Alexander Goodlet |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Sir William Ramsay |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Dr [Doctor] Andrew Hunter |
Robert --
John McGuffog |
footman |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Gilbert Innes Esq |
Coachman |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Misses Innes |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mrs Symth |
Robert Taylor
John Nelson |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mrs. Gordon |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Lady Auchinleck |
Robert Hewit
William Carr |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mr Archibald Borthwick |
James Elliot |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Alexander Menzies Esq |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mr James Stewart |
Donald Callum |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Robert Bosswall writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mrs. Campbell |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mrs. Douglas |
Fergus Ferguson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Lord Ankerville |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Earl of Aboyne |
7 |
7 |
£12.5.0 |
£1.4.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Major Genl. [General] Stuart |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mrs Dumbreck |
David Murray |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mrs Campbell Saddel |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Hble [Honourable] Mrs Gordon |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Earl of Dalhousie |
Gardener |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
The Excise Office |
John Knox |
Gardener |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Hble [Honourable] Mrs Hope Weir |
Patrick Smith |
footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Miss Drysdale |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Allan Mcdougall writer |
James Adams
Daniel Clunish
George Dewar |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant]
Gardener |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Queen Street |
Mrs. Wellwood |
James Hay |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mr. Ross Advte. [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mrs. Pasley |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Mr James Blaw |
Daniel Mcdougall |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
Carried forward |
49 |
5 |
39 |
3 |
7 |
£71.15.0 |
£7.3.6 |
E326/5/22/37 |
[Page] 37 |
E326/5/22/38 |
1793 |
Brought forward |
49 |
5 |
39 |
3 |
7 |
£71.15.0 |
£7.3.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Lady Hunter Blair |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Alexander Duncan writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
10 Jul 1793 |
Sir Henry Moncrieff Wellwood |
James Pearson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Robert Belches Esq |
Dougald Sinclair
Adam Frier
George Taylor |
Coachman |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Adam Rolland Advte. [Advocate] |
John Thomson
John Miller |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Miss Lauries |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Col [Colonel] Adam Livingston |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Alexander Ross Clerk of Session |
Dougald Swanson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Alexander Walker Esq |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Mrs. James Hunter |
D. Ferguson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Miss Hunter |
William Murray |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Adam Rolland writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
John Hunter writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1. |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Francis Scott Esqr. |
Alexander Oliver |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
John Mill Esq |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
George Kinnear Banker |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
John Cathcart Advte. [Advocate] |
William Main |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Francis Buchan Sydserf |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Miss Williamsons |
William Waterston |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
John Alexander Higgins |
Alexander Baxter |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
John Campbell writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Alexander Keith writer |
William Gillies |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
William Roberston Advte. [Advocate] |
John Weir |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Alexander Young writer |
John Donaldson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Mr Wolfe Murray |
David Simpson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Mrs Murray |
James McMillan |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Cap: [Captain] Brown |
George Mckinnon |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
John Northland Advt [Advocate] |
Peter Monteith |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Mrs. Cap: [Captain] Mansfield |
William Drummond |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Dowr. [Dowager] Lady Sempill |
John Dawson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Robert Bell writer |
Daniel Stewart |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Mrs. Irving |
Richard Grierson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Lady Dumfries |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Cornelius Elliot writer |
John McFarlane |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
William Tait Advt [Advocate] |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
George Robinson writer |
Richard Price
Alexander Niell |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/38 |
Carried forward |
98 |
16 |
76 |
15 |
7 |
£149.15.0 |
£14.19.6 |
E326/5/22/38 |
[Page] 38 |
E326/5/22/39 |
1793 |
Brought forward |
98 |
16 |
76 |
15 |
7 |
£149.15.0 |
£14.19.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Sir James Stirling |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Honble [Honourable] Mrs Colt |
William Sanderson
Henry Anderson |
Coachman |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Col [Colonel] Maxwell |
Alexander Johnston |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Thomas Cranston writer |
John Robertson |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Miss Cockburns |
William Porteous |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Robert Young Mercht [Merchant] |
William Brown |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs Cuningham |
George Munro |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
St David Street |
Hugh Bremner Acct [Accountant] |
Andrew Liddle |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs Syme |
William Young |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
11 Jul 1793 |
John Burnet Advt [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Thomas Renny writer |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Major Grant lodging with James Whyte |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Miss Craufurd |
Alexander Morrison |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Miss Kennedy |
John Kennedy |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Thistle Street |
Lady Campbell |
Daniel McKerchar |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
David Campbell Esq of Comby |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
James Ferguson Advt [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Archibald Fletcher Advt [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
12 Jul 1793 |
Natale Corri Musician |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs Baillie |
Allan Bogg |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Lady Rachel Bruce |
William Cunningham |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
George Street |
Robert Cay Advte. [Advocate] |
David Gray |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs Hunter |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Henry Brougham Esq |
Thomas Latten |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs Bell |
Frederick Elder |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
John Campbell writer |
Alexander Bremner |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Miss Graham |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Robert Allan Banker |
Robert Home |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
David Hunter Esqr. |
James Downie |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
John McNab writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs. Carmichael |
William Miller |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Andrew McKenzie writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Lady Sinclair |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs Maitland |
George Taylor |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
William Young writer |
Charles Calder |
Ho [House] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs. Mitchelson |
Fergus Ferguson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
John Gordon writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Mrs. Buchanan |
John McNaughton |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/39 |
John Hay Banker |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
Carried forward |
141 |
25 |
116 |
18 |
7 |
£215.10.0 |
£21.11.0 |
E326/5/22/39 |
[Page] 7
[Page] 39 |
E326/5/22/40 |
1793 |
Brought forward |
141 |
25 |
116 |
18 |
7 |
£215.10.0 |
£21.11.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Alexander Cuningham |
David Hunter |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Lady Christian Graham |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Sir William Forbes |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Dr. [Doctor] James Hay |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Samuel Anderson |
Robert Jamieson
James Barry |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant]
Postillion |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Mrs. Major Sands |
Rodderick Burn |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Miss Campbell |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Dr. [Doctor] Congalton |
Henry Sutherland |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Mrs. McLeod |
Adam Steel |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Countess Dowr. [Dowager] Balcanes |
Joseph McWilliams |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Archibald McDonald writer |
John Bridge |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Mrs. Baron Mure |
Andrew Brown |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Archibald Campbell Advte. [Advocate] |
Robert Law |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
John Taylor writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Sir Alexander McKenzie |
John Moffat |
Footman |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Mrs Spiers |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Miss Spiers |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Lt. Col. [Lieutenant Colonel] A. Murray |
Hugh Fraser
Daniel Fraser |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Lt. Genl. [Lieutenant General] Horn Elphingston |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Mrs. Hope |
Alexander Lawson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Mrs. Bruce |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Niell Ferguson Advte. [Advocate] |
Alexander McAush
Joseph Fresco |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Mrs Fothringham |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Captain Swindell |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Miss Ord |
James Stirling |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
John Campbell Esqr. |
John Jackson
William Kerr
William Fortune |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant]
footman |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
James Mansfield Esqr. |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Mrs. Loch |
Adam Baxter |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Lady Hopes |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Joseph Cauvin writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Alexander Mckonochie Esq |
Peter Smith
James Hepburn |
Chaise Driver
Footman |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
Miss Robertson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/40 |
13 Jul 1793 |
Col [Colonel] Dalrymple |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
2nd Division |
190 |
27 |
156 |
27 |
7 |
£281.10.0 |
£28.3.0 |
E326/5/22/40 |
[Page] 40 |
E326/5/22/41 |
1793 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Mrs Dundas of Arniston |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
John Anderson writer |
James Hardie
William Jamieson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant]
Postillion |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
William McEwan writer |
Richard Hay |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
John Patison Advte. [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
John Balfour Junr. [Junior] |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
James Walker writer |
John Turnbull
James Meikle |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant]
Footman |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Malcolm Laing Advte. [Advocate] |
Thomas Flat |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Miss Wilkie |
John Bell |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Mrs. Millar |
Alexander Ross
William Horsburgh |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
William Campbell writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Honble. [Honourable] Mrs. Stewart |
Alexander Gray |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
James Fraser writer |
Donald Robertson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Mrs. McDonald |
William Urquhart |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Vans Hathorn writer |
John Clephan |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
James Ferrier writer |
James Menzies |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Govr. [Governor] Edmonstone |
John Fisher |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Henry Jardine writer |
James McIntosh |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
[Rose] Street |
James Thomson |
John Rough |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
James Wardrope |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
15 Jul 1793 |
Miss Tailour |
Thomas Gelletly |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Hanover Street |
Andrew Wardrope Surgeon |
Lewis McLean |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
James Jollie writer |
Donald Sutherland |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
David Balfour writer |
John Walker |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Hugh Corrie writer |
John Corrie |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Robert Craigie |
Alexander Campbell |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Mrs. Lawrie |
William Pendrick |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Mrs. Cheape |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Archibald Miln writer |
Nathaniel Wilson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Revd. [Reverend] Mr Jones |
Charles Begbie |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Mrs. Hay Seggieden |
Robert Turner |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
David Stewart writer |
John How |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Alexander Wight writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
16 Jul 1793 |
Adam Pearson Esqr. |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
John Home Esqr. |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Allan Mcconnochie |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Mr Malcolm Riddell |
Francis Scott |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Alexander Anderson |
David Mason |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
Carried forward |
42 |
8 |
42 |
£62.10.0 |
£6.5.0 |
E326/5/22/41 |
[Page] 41 |
E326/5/22/42 |
1793 |
Brought forward |
42 |
8 |
42 |
£62.10.0 |
£6.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Thomas Manson writer |
William McIntosh |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Charles Hay Advte. [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
John Stuart Esqr. |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Edward McCormick Advte. [Advocate] |
Duncan Dow |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Thomas Scott writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Miss Lumsdaine |
James Younger |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Andrew Blane writer |
Duncan Kennedy |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Grant |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Spottiswood |
Alexander Nicolson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Frederick Street |
Alexander Abercromby |
Andrew Melrose |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Alexander Forbes |
James Clark |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Wilson |
Lewis Menzies |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Colin Mcdonald |
Matthew Johnston |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Alexander Elphingston |
Adam Clerk |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
James Drummond Advte. [Advocate] |
Robert Lawrie |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Lady Malcolm |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
17 Jul 1793 |
Mrs. Sandilans |
William Pollock |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Col. [Colonel] Sutherland |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Robertson |
Duncan McAndrew |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
John Whyte Advte. [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Selkrig |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
George Bruce writer |
Charles Paterson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Miss Callander |
James Young |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
William Dalziell writer |
Alexander Baine |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
John Gordon Esqr. |
John Hume |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
David Cathcart Advte. [Advocate] |
John Robb |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Lady Janet Dundas |
Alexander Quays |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
John Millar Advte. [Advocate] |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Alexander Wallace Banker |
Roderick Mathieson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Mundell |
William Yates |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Lady Campbell |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
L. Duff writer |
William Fortune |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Frederick Fothringham writer |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Ouchterlony |
James Arbuckle |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Archibald Burnet Esqr. |
Robert Dick |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Peter McDougall |
James __ |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
John Maitland Advte. [Advocate] |
William Hunt Wilkes |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Richard Hotchkiss writer |
Charles Smith |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Mrs. Halket Craigie |
Richard Angus |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
David Thomson writer |
Adam Archibald |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/42 |
Carried forward |
82 |
16 |
82 |
£122.10.0 |
£12.5.0 |
E326/5/22/42 |
[Page] 42 |
E326/5/22/43 |
1793 |
Brought forward |
82 |
16 |
82 |
£122.10.0 |
£12.5.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Mrs. Douglas |
William Campbell |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Castle Street |
James Innes |
Thomas Cochrane |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Mrs. Stewart |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Robert Sinclair Esq |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0. |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
William Molle writer |
William Cockburn |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Keith McKenzie writer |
David Sutherland |
ho: [house] Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
James Thomson writer |
William __ |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Mr James Davidson |
Robert Gibson |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
James Stodart Esqr. |
ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Robert Dundas McQueen Esq |
Alexander Ford
William Richardson |
Groom |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
William Drysdale Vintr [Vintner] St Andrews Street |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Alexander Ferguson Esq of Craigdarroch |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
John Buchan writer |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
3rd Division |
97 |
22 |
96 |
£147.10.0 |
£14.15.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Abstract |
E326/5/22/43 |
1st Division To Page 4 |
183 |
32 |
163 |
16 |
4 |
£274.15.0 |
£29.9.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
2nd Division To Page 8 |
190 |
27 |
156 |
27 |
7 |
£281.10.0 |
£28.3.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
3rd Division To Page 11 |
97 |
22 |
96 |
£147.10.0 |
£14.15.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Total |
470 |
81 |
416 |
43 |
11 |
£703.15.0 |
£70.7.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
81 Bachelors Servts. [Servants] |
at £1.5.0 Each |
£101.5.0 |
£10.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
415 Servants |
at £1.5.0 Each |
£518.15.0 |
£51.17.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
43 Servants |
at £1.10.0 Each |
£64.10.0 |
£6.9.0 |
E326/5/22/43 |
11 Servants |
at £1.15.0 Each |
£19.5.0 |
£1.18.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
£703.15.0 |
£70.7.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
£10 Per Cent |
£70.7.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
Total |
£774.2.6 |
E326/5/22/43 |
[Page] 11
I Robert Maughan Surveyor do hereby Certify that upon careful examination of the foregoing Rates &
Duties I find they amount in whole to Seven hundred and Seventy four Pounds Two shillings and Six pence
Sterling and that upon the 21st of January 1794 I delivered to Messrs George and Daniel McQueen Joint
Collectors of the said Duties in the City of Edinburgh an exact duplicate of the foregoing accounts duly examined
and compared which contained my oath that requisitions were left with the several Inhabitants or at their
Dwelling houses of the dates annexed to their respective names
Robert Maughan Surveyor
[Page] 43 |
E326/5/22/44 |
City of Edinburgh
From 1783 To 1794
Tax Office Duplicate
Delivered 13th. Feby. [February] 1794
[Page] 44 |
E326/5/22/45 |
1793 |
Elgin |
E326/5/22/45 |
Mr Andrew Peary Vintner |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/45 |
Mrs King New Milne |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/45 |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/45 |
Prooff |
E326/5/22/45 |
2 Male Servants @ £1.5.0 each |
£2.10.0 |
Duty on Servants |
£2.10.0 |
E326/5/22/45 |
Ten per Cent on £2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
Ten per Cent |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/45 |
amount |
£2.15.0 |
Amount |
£2.15.0 |
E326/5/22/45 |
A Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX Arrising in the Town of Elgin from the
5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794 By Patrick Mcdonald Surveyor
I Patrick Mdonald Suryr [Surveyor] do hereby certify that Upon carful examination of the forgoing rates and duties I find they
Amount in whole to two pound fifteen Shilling And that I delivrd to James Duffus Collector of said duties in the Town of
Elgin an exact duplicate of the Above Acct. [Account] duly examind and compared with the forgoing which containd my
Oath that Notices were left with the Several Inhabitants that they were to be charged the Sums annexed
to their Respective Names [Signed] Patrick MDonald Suryr [Surveyor]
Sworn before me at Nairn 18th Nov [November] 1793
John Fraser: J:P [Justice of the Peace]
[Page] 45 |
E326/5/22/46 |
[Page] 46
Male Servant Tax Elgin
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
15 |
E326/5/22/47 |
2 Jul 1793 |
Peter Ranking Esqr |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/47 |
P [Page] 1st
A Survey of the Rates & Duties on male servants in the Burgh of Forfar for one year viz
From 5th Aprill 1793 to 5th April 1794 By Daniel Ross Surveyor.
I Daniel Ross Surveyr [Surveyor] Aforesd [Aforesaid] Do hereby Certify that upon Carefull Examination I find the foregoing Duties
Amot. [Amount] to one pound seven shillings & sixpence Ster. [Sterling] And I Delivered to Mr. Andrew Suttie Collr. [Collector] of the said
Duties an Exact Duplicate of this Acct. [Account] which Contained my Oath that the proceeding Inhabitants
were servd. [served] with Notices of the Date aforesaid and that they were to be Charged Conformably to their
Returns from the best Information I Could Procure.
Daniel Ross Surveyr [Surveyor]
[Page] 47 |
E326/5/22/48 |
Male Servants Tax
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 48 |
E326/5/22/49 |
1793 |
Forres |
E326/5/22/49 |
A:P: Cumming of Altyre |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/49 |
Coll: [Colonel] Blane |
1 |
1 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/49 |
Mr Emslie Vintner |
1 |
1 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/49 |
4 |
2 |
4 |
£7.10.0 |
£0.15.0 |
E326/5/22/49 |
Proof |
2 Bachelors Servants @ £2.10.0 each |
£5.0.0 |
Duty on Servants |
£7.10.0 |
E326/5/22/49 |
2 Servants @ £1.5.0 each |
£2.10.0 |
Ten per cent |
£0.15.0 |
E326/5/22/49 |
£7.10.0 |
Amount |
£8.5.0 |
E326/5/22/49 |
Ten per Cent £7.10.0 |
£0.15.0 |
Sum £8.5.0 |
E326/5/22/49 |
A Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX. Arrising in the Town of Forres from the 5th
Aprile 1793 to the 5th Aprile 1794 By Patrick Mdonald Survr [Surveyor]
I Patrick Mdonald Suryr [Surveyor] do hereby certify that Upon careful examination of the forgoing rates and duties I find they
Amount in whole to Eight pound five Shillings And that I delivered to Thomas Eddie Collector of Said duties in the Town of
Forres an exact duplicate of the Above Acct. [Account] duly examind and compaird which containd my Oath that the
Several Inhabitants were duly Served with Requisitions and that the Assessment is made up from the lists and
answers is in my possession Patrick MDonald Suryr [Surveyor]
Sworn before me at Nairn 18 Nov [November] 1793
John Fraser J.P. [Justice of the Peace]
[Page] 49 |
E326/5/22/50 |
Male Servant Tax
Forres 1793
Exd. GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 50 |
E326/5/22/51 |
Glasgow Survey
G Storie Surveyor
[Page] 51 |
E326/5/22/53 |
1st Division |
E326/5/22/53 |
1-2 Jul 1793 |
Thomas Stewart Glasgow field |
Peter Sinclair |
Gardner |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Robert Armour Rosebank |
Alexander Forster |
Gardner |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/53 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
£3.15.0 |
£0.7.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
2d Division |
E326/5/22/53 |
5 Jul 1793 |
Proffessors Young |
Daniel Catery |
House servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Proffessor Anderson |
Alexander Gowans |
House servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Proffessor Hope |
Donald Cameron |
House servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Proffessor Jaffray |
James |
House servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Proffessor Jarden |
Peter Macalaster |
House servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
£10.0.0 |
£1.0.0 |
E326/5/22/53 |
8 Jul 1793 |
3d Division |
E326/5/22/53 |
Mrs Knox Vintner High Street East Side |
James Thomson |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
4th and 5th Divisions |
Nill |
E326/5/22/53 |
22 Aug 1793 |
6th Division |
E326/5/22/53 |
Hugh McIndoe Vintner Gallowgate Northside |
Robert Black |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
7th Division |
Nill |
E326/5/22/53 |
8 Division |
E326/5/22/53 |
24 Aug 1793 |
Mrs Tait Vintner Gallowgate Southside |
James Black |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
9th Division Gallowgate Southside from Bridge to Charlotte Street with Ch: [Charlotte] Street |
E326/5/22/53 |
24 & 26 Aug 1793 |
Miss Shearer |
John Gardner |
Gardner |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Archibald Coats Mercht [Merchant] |
James Coats |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Robert McNair Mercht [Merchant] |
John Wilson |
Gardner |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Archibald Paterson Chandler |
John Gardner |
Gardner |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
David Dale Mercht [Merchant] |
Thomas Forsyth
John Rankin
Daniel Glen |
Chaise driver
Gardner |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/53 |
7 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
£10.15.0 |
£1.1.6 |
E326/5/22/53 |
27 Aug 1793 |
10th Division |
E326/5/22/53 |
Robert Struthers Brewer Gallowgate Southside |
Matthew Bogle
James Cowie |
House Servant
Gardner |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/53 |
Glasgow Survey 1793
A Survey of the Male Servants in Glasgow for the Year Preceding
5th April 1794 by George Storie Survey [Surveyor]
[Page] 53 |
E326/5/22/54 |
11th Division |
E326/5/22/54 |
27-28 Aug 1973 |
William Smart Vintner Tontine |
Charles Gordon
George Gordon
John Driman
William Forbes
Thomas Hunt
Tomas Drimman
Francis Amelia
James __ |
Gardner |
8 |
8 |
£16.0.0 |
£1.12.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Andrew Dumbar Vintner Kings Arms |
James Cuming |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
9 |
1 |
8 |
£17.5.0 |
£1.14.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
12th Division |
E326/5/22/54 |
Newtoun Ramshorn Grounds |
E326/5/22/54 |
2 Sep 1793 |
Robert Tennant Brewer |
James |
Gardener |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
John Duguid Mercht [Merchant] |
not named |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Mrs Brown Langside |
Roderick McKenzie |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Archibald Smith Mercht [Merchant] |
Colin Turnbull |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
James Connel Mercht [Merchant] |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
John Dowal Vintner Star Inn |
Forbes Sutherland
William Allan
John Ralph
Andrew Manners
Peter -- |
Waiter |
5 |
5 |
£8.15.0 |
£0.17.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
William Coats Mercht [Merchant] |
Malcom McGregor |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Miss Glassford |
Thomas Farquhar |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Henry Riddel Mercht [Merchant] |
Robert Shepherd |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
George Munro Mercht [Merchant] |
John a Negroe |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Andrew Blackburn Colvil Mercht [Merchant] |
not named |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Mrs Alexander Newtoun |
James |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Gilbert Douglas Mercht [Merchant] |
Hugh McLean |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Dugald Bannatine Mercht [Merchant] |
J Jaffray |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
John Wallace Esqr |
not named |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
John McDowall Esqr |
John McInnes |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
22 |
1 |
14 |
3 |
5 |
£32.0.0 |
£3.4.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
13th Division |
E326/5/22/54 |
Henry Fleming Vintner |
Waiters |
4 |
4 |
£6.0.0. |
£0.12.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Thomas Houston Prince Wales |
John Sector |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
William Bogle Mercht [Merchant] |
Peter -- |
House Servant |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
James Towers Surgeon |
John Paul |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
James Sproul Mercht [Merchant] |
James Reid |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Robert Graham Writer |
James Wilson |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Robert Carrick Banker |
William -- |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Ship Banking Company |
Samuel King |
Porter |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Thomas Durie Vintner |
Waiters |
4 |
4 |
£6.0.0 |
£0.12.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Archibald Graham Banker |
John Marshall |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Thistle Bank Company |
J Dempster |
Porter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Alexander Dunlop Surgeon |
J Dunlop |
H: [House] Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
Archibald Henderson Mercht [Merchant] |
Daniel McFarlane |
H: [House] Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/54 |
19 |
1 |
11 |
8 |
£27.0.0 |
£2.14.0 |
E326/5/22/54 |
[Page] 54 |
E326/5/22/55 |
14th Division |
E326/5/22/55 |
5 & 6 Sep 1793 |
Mrs Barns |
Barclay Cook
John McIsaac |
Chaise Driver |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Mrs Hopkirk |
James Stewart |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Richard Dennistoun Mercht [Merchant] |
John McPherson |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Robert Dunmore Mercht [Merchant] |
not named |
House Servant
Chaise driver
Gardener |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Mrs John McCall |
John Johnston |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
David Russel Mercht [Merchant] |
Allan Wood |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
John Leitch Mercht [Merchant] |
John -- |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
James Stirling Mercht [Merchant] |
-- |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Gilbert Hamilton Mercht [Merchant] |
William Blackwood |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Michael Bogle Mercht [Merchant] |
William Campbell |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Wlliam Clark Colr [Collector] Customs |
Donald Alexander |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Peter Murdoch Mercht [Merchant] |
William Jaffray &
James Reid |
House Servants |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Joseph Scott Mercht [Merchant] |
John Murdoch |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
John Riddel Mercht [Merchant] |
Robert McQueen |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Miss Jamieson |
John Dunnipace |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
James Dennistoun Sen [Senior] Esqr. |
John Watson |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Andrew Robertson Mercht [Merchant] |
James Grant |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
James Hill Writer |
William Morrison |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
John Campbell Sen. [Senior] Mercht [Merchant] |
James Bell |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Alexander Campbell Mercht [Merchant] |
P Campbell |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Walter Logan Junr [Junior] Merchant |
Arthur McArthur |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Capt [Captain] Alexander McPherson |
William Watson |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
James McDowall Mercht [Merchant] |
James Farquharson
Robert Cunningham
James Aitkinson |
House Servant
Chaise driver
Gardner |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Mrs Dougall |
not named |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Mrs Major Campbell |
James Morton |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Robert Muirhead Mercht [Merchant] |
Malcolm McIntyre |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
John Gordon Mercht [Merchant] |
James Andrews |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
33 |
27 |
6 |
£42.15.0 |
£4.5.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
15th Division |
E326/5/22/55 |
10 Sep 1793 |
John Baird Esqr |
John Gibson |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/55 |
John Orr Town Clerk |
Adam Mitchell |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
William Cross at Mrs Cross's |
Not named |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/55 |
William Bogle Junr [Junior] Mercht [Merchant] |
Not named |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Mrs Kennedy Auchterfardell |
Not named |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Archibald Young Surgeon |
John Young |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
John Maxwell Writer |
William Wingate |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
George Murdoch Esqr |
John Malcom |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
Merchant Bank Co [Company] |
James Scott |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
9 |
2 |
9 |
£13.15.0 |
£1.7.6 |
E326/5/22/55 |
[Page] 3d
Glasgow Survey 1793
[Page] 55 |
E326/5/22/56 |
16th Division |
E326/5/22/56 |
16 Sep 1793 |
Mrs William Hamilton |
-- |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Doctor Cleghorn |
Archibald Turnbull |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
John Alston Mercht [Merchant] |
Not named |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Peter Blackburn Stamp Mr [Master] |
Not named |
House servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
William Shortridge Mercht [Merchant] |
William Watson |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
John Gardner Vintner |
Thomas Emsley |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Alexander Scott Mercht [Merchant] |
James Guthrie |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/56 |
James Watson Banker |
William Geeky |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Mrs McDonald Vintner |
John -- |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
George Anderson Mercht [Merchant] |
Archibald Salmon |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
£13.15.0 |
£1.7.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
17th Division |
E326/5/22/56 |
17 Sep 1793 |
John Alston Junr. [Junior] Mercht [Merchant] |
Not named |
House servt [servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
18th Division |
Nill |
E326/5/22/56 |
19th Division |
E326/5/22/56 |
18 Sep 1793 |
William Gardner Vintner |
Thomas |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
20th Division |
E326/5/22/56 |
24 Sep 1793 |
Mrs Houstoun Vintner |
Thomas Forbes |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
21st Division |
E326/5/22/56 |
25 Sep 1793 |
Alexander Strathern Vintner |
John Currie |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
22d Division |
E326/5/22/56 |
25-26 Sep 1793 |
William Anderson Tanner |
-- |
house Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
John Black Mercht [Merchant] |
-- |
house Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Royal Bank |
William Campbell |
Porter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
3 |
3 |
£3.15.0 |
£0.7.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
23d Division |
Nill |
E326/5/22/56 |
24th Division |
E326/5/22/56 |
30 Sep & 1 Oct [1793] |
William Craig Wood Mercht [Merchant] |
William Ross |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Miss Miller |
William Miller |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Mrs Anderson |
Not named |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Mrs Buchanan Spittal |
William Stirrat |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Alexander Gordon Mercht [Merchant] |
Not named |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Allan Scott Mercht [Merchant] |
Not named |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Duncan Campbell Colr [Collector] Excise |
Not named |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Mrs Colin Campbell |
Not named |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
Mrs Rae Crawfurd |
John Murray |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
9 |
9 |
£11.5.0 |
£1.2.6 |
E326/5/22/56 |
[Page] 56 |
E326/5/22/57 |
Male Servants in Glasgow P [Per] Survey 1793 by George Storie Surveyor |
E326/5/22/57 |
Page 1st Division 1st |
2 |
1 |
2 |
£3.15.0 |
£0.7.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
2 |
5 |
3 |
5 |
£10.0.0 |
£1.0.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
3 |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
6 |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
8 |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
9 |
7 |
1 |
4 |
3 |
£10.15.0 |
£1.1.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
10 |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
[Page] 2 [Division] 11 |
9 |
1 |
8 |
£17.5.0 |
£1.14.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
12 |
22 |
1 |
14 |
3 |
5 |
£32.0.0 |
£3.4.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
13 |
19 |
1 |
11 |
8 |
£27.0.0 |
£2.14.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
[Page] 3 [Division] 14 |
33 |
27 |
6 |
£42.15.0 |
£4.5.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
15 |
9 |
2 |
9 |
£13.15.0 |
£1.7.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
[Page] 4 [Division] 16 |
10 |
1 |
10 |
£13.15.0 |
£1.7.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
17 |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
19 |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
20 |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
21 |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
22 |
3 |
3 |
£3.15.0 |
£0.7.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
24 |
9 |
9 |
£11.5.0 |
£1.2.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
137 |
10 |
104 |
20 |
5 |
8 |
£197.5.0 |
£19.14.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
104 Servants |
at £1.5.0 each |
£130.0.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
20 Servants |
at £1.10.0 each |
£30.0.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
5 Servants |
at £1.15.0 each |
£8.15.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
8 Servants |
at £2.0.0 each |
£16.0.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
137 |
£184.15.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
10 Bachelors |
£1.5.0 extra |
£12.10.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
£197.5.0 |
E326/5/22/57 |
10 per cent thereon |
£19.14.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
£216.19.6 |
E326/5/22/57 |
[Page] 57
I George Storie Surveyor aforesaid Do hereby Certify that upon careful I find the foregoing Duties Amount
to Two hundred and sixteen pounds nineteen Shillings and six pence Sterling and that this day I
delivered to John Carlile Collector of these Duties an exact duplicate of this Account duly examined
and compared which contained my Oath that the foregoing Inhabitants were served with
Requisitions and that they were charged conform to their Returns or my knowledge and belief that
they were liable in said duties Glasgow 27 December 1793 George Storie Surveyor |
E326/5/22/58 |
[Page] 58
Male Servants
To 5th April 1794
Exd. GS [Examined General Surveyor]
18 |
E326/5/22/59 |
27 Jul 1793 |
Mrs Johnston of Huttonha [Huttonhall] |
House Servt. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/59 |
James Seton Esq. |
House servt. [servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/59 |
Sir James Baird |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/59 |
Mrs. Fairbairn vint. [vintner] |
a Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/59 |
Dr. [Doctor] Richard Sommers |
Chaise driver |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/59 |
John Clerk vint. [vintner] |
a Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/59 |
7 |
7 |
£8.15.0 |
£0.17.6 |
E326/5/22/59 |
Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX in the Royalty of Haddington
from the 5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794 by William Johnstone Surveyor
7 Servants at £1.5.0 each is £8.15.0
And 10 pcent [per cent] on £8.15.0 is £0.17.6
Amount of these Duties is £9.12.6 Sterling
I William Johnstone Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify That upon carefull examination I find the foregoing
Duties I find they amount to the sum of Nine Pounds twelve shillings & sixpence Sterling And that upon the 9th Octr [October] 1793
I delivered to John Carfrae the Collector of said Duties an exact duplicate of this Accompt duely examined
& compered which contained my Oath That the foregoing Inhabitants were duely served with requisitions And
that they were charged in conformity to their several returns Or according to my knowledge & belief that they were
liable in said Duties.
William Johnstone Surveyor
15 [Page] 59 |
E326/5/22/62 |
Survey of the
Male Servants Tax in the
Royalty of Haddington
from 5 April 1793 to 5 April 1794
£9.12.6 Ster. [Sterling]
[Page] 62 |
E326/5/22/63 |
Nov 1793 |
Alexander Marquis Vintner |
John McKellar |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/63 |
James Campbell of Silvercraigs |
Alexander Blair |
footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/63 |
Neil McGibbon Esqr. |
John Lamont |
footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/63 |
Comy [Commissary] D. Campbell |
John Morrison |
footman |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/63 |
4 |
1 |
4 |
£6.5.0 |
£0.12.6 |
E326/5/22/63 |
Report Survey Male Servants Tax Burgh of Inveraray
For the Year ending 5 April 1794 By Duncan MacNuier Surveyor.
1 Rate at £2.10.0 £2.10.0
3 rates at £1.5.0 £3.15.0
10 per cent of £6.5.0 of duty £0.12.6
I Duncan McNuier Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon careful examination of the
foregoing rates and duties I find they amount in whole to Six Pounds Seventeen Shillings Sixpence
Stg [Sterling] and that notices were given by me to the whole forenamed persons or left at their dwelling houses certifying
there that they were to be charged with the Rates and Dutys set against their several names
And that upon the twenty fourth day of February JavijC and ninety four years [1794] I delivered to Neil
McGibbon Collector of the said taxes for Argyllshire and Burgh aforesaid an exact Duplicate
of the above acct. [account] and which contained my oath that notices were given or left with
the whole foregoing persons of the date aforesaid that they were to be charged with
the dutys set against their several names.
Duncan MacNuier,
Inveraray 24th February 1794
[Page] 63 |
E326/5/22/64 |
Male Servants Tax of
the Burgh of Inveraray
5 Apl [April] 1794
[Page] 64 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Aug 1793 |
Provost Phineas McIntosh of Drummin |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Baillie John McIntosh |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Baillie William Ingles |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Baillie James Shaw |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Capt [Captain] Thomas Fraser of Dunballoch |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Provost William McIntosh |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Mr John Ettles |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Mr Robert Ettles |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Mr John Hay |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/65 |
10 |
10 |
£12.10.0 |
£1.5.0 |
E326/5/22/65 |
Abstract of the MALE SERVANTS TAX. within the Town of Inverness from the 5th
April 93 to the April 1794 by John Rose Surveyor
10 Male Servants of Column 1&2 at £1.5.0 each is £12.10.0
Interest thereon at 10 P [Per] Cent Pr [Per] Annam £1.5.0
Total Male Servants in the Town of Invss [Inverness] £13.15.0 Town
Brought forward the Male Serts [Servants] in the Shire with 10 PC [Per Cent] as Above £135.17.0 Shire
Total Male Serts [Servants] in the Shire & Town with 10 PrC PA [per cent per annum] yron [thereon] £149.12.0
I John Rose Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon Carefull examination of the above Duties I find they Amount to the Sum of one
hundred and forty nine pounds Twelve Shellings Sterling and that apon the Twenty Foruth day of November I delivered Messers
James Grant & Farquhar McDonald ax exact Duplicate as Stated above which contains my Oath that the preceeding Inhabitants
were duely Served with requsitions of the dates aforesaid requiring them within fourteen days to deliver to me an Attested list of
their Servants horses & Carriages employed and used by them from the fifth April Ninety two to the 5th Apl [April] 1793 and that the Above
Account was made up from their Several returns to me from the best information or from my own Certain knowledge of respective Attestements
John Rose Survr [Surveyor]
Male Servants
Shire and Burgh of
To 5th April 1794
Exd. GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 65 |
E326/5/22/66 |
15 Aug 1793 |
Arthur Forbess of Culloden Esqr |
9 |
9 |
£18.0.0 |
£1.16.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Sir James Grant Barronet |
7 |
7 |
£12.5.0 |
£1.4.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
The Honbl [Honourable] Archibald Fraser of Lovate |
6 |
6 |
£10.10.0 |
£1.1.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Æneas McIntosh Esquire |
4 |
4 |
£6.0.0 |
£0.12.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Alexander McDonell of Glengerry |
4 |
4 |
4 |
£11.0.0 |
£1.2.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Alexander Baillie of Dochfour |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Sir Robert Sinclair Barrt [Baronet] Fort George |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
David Davidson of Cantray |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Edward Fraser of Relick |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
William Chisholm of Chisholm |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Capt [Captain] Baillie of Dunain |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Evan Camron of Glenevas |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Capt [Captain] James Fraser of Culduthel |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
James Fraser of Gortuleg |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Alexander Fraser of Torbreck |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Roderick McNeel of Barra |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Coilin McDonald of Boysdale |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Alexander McDonald younger of Boysdale at Askernesh |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Capt [Captain] Angus Cameron at Landivra |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
George McPherson of Invereashie |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Alexander Treapaud Lieut Govr [Lieutenant Governor] of Fort Augustus |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
George Baillie of Leys |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
James Fraser of Belladrum |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Mrs. Fraser of Fanellan |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Patrick Grant of Glenmorison |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Major John Grant of Glenmorison |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Coll [Colonel] John McLeod of Tallasker |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
John McLeod of Razay |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Lieut Coll [Lieutenant Colonel] William Grant late 42 Regt [Regiment] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Mrs Grant of Sheogly |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
John Fraser of Achnagairn |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Mrs Grant younger of Grant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Lachlan McGillvray Esquire |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Alexander Fraser of Struie |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
John Peter Grant of Rothiemurcus |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
James Grant of Corrimonie |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Capt [Captain] William McIntosh of Aberarder |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Mr Cuthert of Castlehill for one gamekeeper |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Total M. Servts [Male Servants] |
76 |
10 |
37 |
11 |
13 |
9 |
£123.10.0 |
£12.7.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
76 |
10 |
43 |
11 |
13 |
9 |
E326/5/22/66 |
76 |
10 |
43 |
11 |
13 |
9 |
£123.10.0 |
£12.7.0 |
E326/5/22/66 |
Abstract of the MALE SERVANTS TAX within the Shire of Inverness from
the 5th Apl [April] 93 to the 5th Apl [April] 1794 by John Rose Surveyor
Proof as Follows
10 Batchelors Serts [Servants] at £1.5.0 each over and above ye [the] duty -- £26.0.0
37 Servant at £1.5.0 each -- £46.5.0
7 Servant at £1.10.0 each -- £10.10.0
13 Servant at £1.15.0 each -- £22.15.0
9 Servant at £2.0.0. each -- £18.0.0
76 -- Total -- £123.10.0
Interest yron [theron] at 10 PC [Per Cent] -- £12.7.0
Exd Gs [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 66 |
E326/5/22/67 |
1793 |
Royal Burgh of Irvine |
E326/5/22/67 |
23 Jul 1793 |
The Honble [Honourable] Patrick Boyle |
John Crawford
David Rowan |
House Serv [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/67 |
24 Jul 1793 |
Capn [Captain] Davidson Br [Bachelor] |
William Johnston |
House servt [servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/67 |
John Bryan Vintner |
Robert Bankhead |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/67 |
Br [Bachelor] Capn [Captain] John Campbell |
William Stevenson |
HS. [House Servant] & Postn [Postillion] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/67 |
Total |
5 |
2 |
5 |
£8.15.0 |
£0.17.6 |
E326/5/22/67 |
Survey of the Rates and Duties upon Male Servants within the Royal Burgh of Irvine from
5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794 By Robert Aiken
2 Bachrs [Bachelors] male Servts [Servants] £1.5.0 each £2.10.0
5 Servts [Servants] at £1.5.0 each £6.5.0
10 Per Cent thereon £0.17.6
Total by prooff £9.12.6
I Robert Aiken Surveyor aforesaid Do hereby Certify
that upon careful Examination of the foregoing rates
and Duties I find they amount to Eight pounds fifteen
shillings str. [sterling] which with the ten Per Cent thereon being
Seventeen Shillings and Six pence str. [sterling] makes their amount
in whole to nine pounds twelve Shillings and Six pence
Sterl. [Sterling] and that upon the Sixteenth Day of
November Currt. [Current] I caused deliver to Mr William Templeton
Collector of said Duties for said Burgh at his office an
Exact Duplicate of and duly examined & compared with
the foregoing account which contained my oath that
Notifications were delivered or left of the Dates foresaid
That the Rates and duties therein charged were just &
true to the best of my skill & knowledge & to the best
of my belief no person liable to be charged was omitted
Robert Aiken
[page] 67 |
E326/5/22/68 |
[page] 68
Of the Rates and Duties upon Male
Servants within the Royal Burgh
of Irvine from 5th April 1793 to 5th
April 1794 By
Robert Aiken
Exd. GS. [Examined General Surveyor]
Surveyor Generals Copy
22 |
E326/5/22/69 |
20 Jul 1793 |
The Burgh of Jedburgh |
E326/5/22/69 |
John Carr of Cavers in Jedburgh Batchr [Bachelor] |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/69 |
John Rutherford Ainzlie Jedburgh a Batchr [Bachelor] |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/69 |
2 |
2 |
2 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/69 |
A Survey of the [MALE SERVANTS TAX.] in the Burgh of Jedburgh from the
5 of April 1793 to the 5 of April 1794 By William Brunton Surveyor
2 Servants @ £1.5.0 Each is £2.10.0
2 Servants @ £1.5.0 Each is £2.10.0
£5.0.0 @ 10 per Cent is £0.10.0
Sum Total £5.10.0
I William Brunton Surveyor aforesaid do hereby certify that upon carefull examination I find the above duties amount to the Sum of
Five pound Ten Shillings and that upon the Twenty Fourth day of October I delivered to John Clark Collector of these
duties for the Burgh aforesaid an exact duplicate of the above which Containd my Oath that the preceeding Inhabitants were duly Served with Requisitions of the dates foresaid desiring them within fourteen days to deliver or cause to be delivered to me upon Calling for that purpose an Attested list of All the Servants Horses and Carriages Used and employed by them from the 5 of April Ninety three to the 5 of April Ninety four as well as A count of what Servants Horses and Carriages they might use and employ anywhere Else and that the forgoing Report was made up from their Several Attested lists or Returns to me from the best information I coud procure or from my own knowledge of their Respective Establishments
William Brunton
[Page] 69 |
E326/5/22/70 |
A Survey of the Male Servants Tax
in the Burgh of Jedburgh from the 5 of
April 1793 to the 5 of April 1794
Exd. [Examined] GS [General Surveyor]
[Page] 70 |
E326/5/22/71 |
12 Sep 1793 |
Kinghorn |
E326/5/22/71 |
James Rutherford Esq |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/71 |
William Skinner Vintner |
Charles McDonald |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/71 |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/71 |
Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX Within the Burgh of Kinghorn
for the Year ending 5th April 1794 By Peter Colvile Surveyor
I Peter Colvile Surveyor aforesaid do certify that upon carefull examination of the Severall
foregoing rates & duties they amount in whole to Two Pounds Fifteen Shillings Sterling
I do make oath that notices were left with the foregoing Inhabitants or at their dwelling
Houses of the Date aforesaid, that they were to be charged with the severall rates & duties set
against their names
Peter Colvile Surveyor
at Torryburn the 15th
day of Novr [November] 1793 years
Before me Charles Preston J.P. [Justice of the Peace]
John Hutton Collr. [Collector]
[Page] 71 |
E326/5/22/72 |
No 4 Office Copy
Male Servant's Tax
Burgh of Kinghorn
Amount £2.15.0
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[page] 72 |
E326/5/22/73 |
1793 |
Kirkcaldy |
E326/5/22/73 |
14 Aug 1793 |
Mr David Wemyss for the late Provost Cowan |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Mrs White |
Alexander Elphistone |
House Sert. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Mr Fergus |
Peter McCallum |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Mrs Christie Vintner |
A waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Mrs McGill |
a Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Capt.[Captain] George Birrell |
A Servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Provost Birrell |
A Servant |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Alexander Wilson Junr. [Junior] |
A Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/73 |
8 |
2 |
8 |
£12.10.0 |
£1.5.0 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Duty |
£12.10.0 |
E326/5/22/73 |
10 pr Ct [per Cent] |
£1.5.0 |
£13.15.0 |
E326/5/22/73 |
Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX. Within the Burgh of Kirkcaldy
For the Year ending 5th April 1794 By Peter Colvile Surveyor
Proof 2 Batchelor Servants at £1.5.0 over and above the Duty £2.10.0.
8 Servants at £1.5.0. £10.0.0.
10 pr Ct [per Cent] £1.5.0. £13.15.0.
I Peter Colvile Surveyor aforesaid do Certify that the Foregoing duties amount to the
sum of Thirteen pounds fifteen Shillings Sterling & I hereby make Oath that the foregoing Inhabitants
were duly served with requisitions of the date foresaid & that they were charged conform to their re
turns to me or from the Best Information. Peter Colvile Surveyor
At Torryburn the 15
day of Novr [November] 1793 years
Before me Charles Preston J:P [Justice of the Peace]
William Drysdale Collr. [Collector]
[Page] 73 |
E326/5/22/74 |
No 4 Office Copy
Male Servant's Tax
Burgh of Kirkcaldy
For the Year ending 5 April 1796
Amt [Amount] £13.15.0
Exd.GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 74 |
E326/5/22/75 |
19 Jul 1793 |
David Sproat, Esqr of Portmary, Batchelor |
Robert Jefferson |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/75 |
Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX. in the Burgh of Kirkcudbright
from the 5th day of April 1793 to the 5th of April 1794 by David Mcmillan Survr. [Surveyor]
1 Batchr. [Batchelors] Male servt [Servant] at £1.5.0 above the duty £1.5.0
1 Male Servt. [Servant] at £1.5.0 £1.5.0
£2.10.0 Male servt [servant] Tax
Ten pr [per] Cent thereon is £0.5.0 10 pr [per] cent
£2.15.0 Grand total
I David Mcmillan Surveyor aforsaid do hereby Certify That upon careful examination of the foregoing several
Rates and duties I find the amount in whole to be Two Pounds fifteen shillings Sterling; and that upon
the Ninth day of November one thousand seven hundred and ninety three years I delivered to
Mr David McLellan Writer Collector of the said duties for the Burgh aforesaid an exact Duplicate
of the foregoing which contained my Oath that requisitions or notices were delivered to or left for the said
Person at his dwelling Place of the date annexed to his name that was to be charged with the
duty certified to be due upon him David Mcmillan
[Page] 75 |
E326/5/22/76 |
Survey of the Male Servant Tax in
the Burgh of Kirkcudbright from
the 5th day of April 1793 to 5th day of April 1794
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 76 |
E326/5/22/77 |
21 Oct 1793 |
Robert Baikie of Tankerness |
Alexander Laurence |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/77 |
Robert Laing of Strynzie |
David Bews |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/77 |
John Traill of Westness |
John Logie |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£.0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/77 |
Total |
3 |
3 |
£3.15.0 |
£0.7.6 |
E326/5/22/77 |
Survey MALE SERVANTS TAX. Within Kirkwall from 5th April 1793
to 5th April 1794 by Alexander Fraser Surveyor
I Alexander Fraser Surveyor aforesaid do make Oath that upon this Twenty-fifth day of October Seventeen
Hundred & Ninety Three I delivered to John Heddle Collector of said Tax for the Town of Kirkwall an exact
Duplicate of the above Survey Amounting to Four Pounds Two Shillings and Six pence.
Alexander Fraser Surveyor
At Kirkwall 25th October 1793
Sworn before Thomas Jameson J.P. [Justice of the Peace]
[Page] 77 |
E326/5/22/78 |
Male Servants Tax within
the Town of Kirkwall from
5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794
Exd. GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 78 |
E326/5/22/79 |
23 Jul 1793 |
The Burgh of Lanark |
E326/5/22/79 |
Miss Porterfield at Smeilon |
John Renwick |
Coachman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/79 |
John Fraser |
Footman |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/79 |
John Haddow Vintr [Vintner] |
Thomas Pate |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/79 |
£3.15.0 |
£0.7.6 |
E326/5/22/79 |
Survey of the duties on Male Servants in the Burgh of Lanark from the 5th of April 1793 to the 5th of April 1794 by Andrew
Aitchison Surveyor
I Andrew Aitchison Surveyor aforesaid Do hereby certify that upon carefull examination of the above several
rates and duties find they amount in whole to the sum of Four pound Two Shillings and Sixpence Sterling
and that on this day I sent to Mr James Waygateshaw Collector of these duties an exact duplicate of this
account which contained my Oath that the above Inhabitants were duly served with requisitions and they were
charged to their returns
Andrew Aitchison
Glasgow 15 Octr [October]
[Page] 79 |
E326/5/22/82 |
Male Servants
Lanark Burgh
To 5th April 1794
Excheqr [Exchequer] Copy
To 5th April 1794
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 82 |
E326/5/22/83 |
29 May 1793 |
William Hamilton Esqr of Westport |
Walter Paris |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/83 |
Total |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/83 |
Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX. in the Town of Linlithgow
from the 5th April 1793 to the 5th April 1794 ~ James Watsone Surveyor
I James Watsone Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that the above William Hamilton
Esqr was duly served with a Requisition and Notice whereby he was to be charged
with the Duty of the above Male Servant And that upon the Twelfth day of October
current I delivered to Mr William Napier Collector for the foresaid Borough of Linlithgow an
Exact Duplicate of this Survey and which contained my oath to the above effect
James Watsone Surveyor
Linlithgow 15th October
[Page] 83 |
E326/5/22/84 |
Survey of the Male Servants
Tax in the Borough of Linlithgow
from the 5th April 1793
to the 5th April 1794
James Watsone Surveyor
[Page] 84 |
E326/5/22/85 |
18 Jul 1793 |
Alexander Smith Esq. |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/85 |
Lady Carnegie |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/85 |
John Keith Esq. |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/85 |
Alexander Christie Esq. |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/85 |
Mrs Renny Borrowfield |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/85 |
Robert Stephen Esq. |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/85 |
William Foord |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/85 |
10 |
7 |
3 |
£13.5.0 |
£1.6.6 |
E326/5/22/85 |
A Survey of the Rates & Duties on Male Servants in the Burgh of Montrose for one year viz
From 5th April 1793 To 5th April 1794 By Daniel Ross Surveyor
I Daniel Ross Survey'r [Surveyor] Aforesd [Aforesaid] Do hereby Certify that upon Carefull Examination I find the foregoing
Duties amo't [amount] to fourteen Pounds, Eleven Shillings & sixpence Ster. [Sterling] And I Delivered to Mr David Deighton Collr [Collector] of the said Duties an Exact Duplicate which Contained my Oath that the Proceeding Inhabitants were serv'd
with Notices of the Date Aforesaid and that they were to be Charg'd Conformably to their Returns
from the Best information I Could Procure Daniel Ross Surveyr. [Surveyor]
[Page] 85 |
E326/5/22/86 |
Male servant Tax
No Waiters
[Page] 86 |
E326/5/22/87 |
1793 |
Nairn |
E326/5/22/87 |
Doctor Brodie |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/87 |
A Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX Arrising in the Town of Nairn
from the 5 April 1793 to the 5 April 1794 By Patrick Mdonald Survyr [Surveyor]
Prooff 1 Male Servant @ 25/- [£1.5.0] for a Year £1.5.0 Duty on Servants £1.5.0
Ten per Cent on £1.5.0 £0.2.6 Ten per Cent £0.2.6
Amount £1.7.6 £1.7.6
I Patrick Mdonald Suryr [Surveyor] do hereby certify that upon careful examination of the forgoing rates and duties I find they
Amount to One pound Seven Shillings and Sixpence And that I delivered to John Strath Collector of Said duties
for the Town of Nairn an exact duplicate of the above Acctt [Account] duly examind and compared which containd
My Oath that the forgoing Inhabitant were duly Served with a Requisition and the Assessment made
up from his Answers in my possession Patrick MDonald Survyr [Surveyor]
Sworn before me at Nairn 8th Nov [November] 1793
John Fraser J P [Justice of the Peace]
[page] 87 |
E326/5/22/88 |
Male Servant Tax
Exd.GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[page] 88 |
E326/5/22/89 |
30 Jul 1793 |
Capt. James Dalrymple B. [Batchelor] |
Valet |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/89 |
Charles Dalrymple Esq. |
David Gibson
Robert Porteous
John Thomson |
Coachman |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/89 |
4 |
1 |
1 |
3 |
£7.0.0 |
£0.14.0 |
E326/5/22/89 |
Survey of the Male Servants Tax in the Royalty of North Berwick
from the 5th April 1793 to the 5th April 1794. by William Johnstone Surveyor.
[page] 89
Proof. 1 Bachelor servant at £1.5.0 is £1.5.0
1 Servant at £1.5.0 is £1.5.0
3 Servants at £1.10.0 is £4.10.0
and 10 pCent on £7.0.0 is £0.14.0
Amount of these Duties is £7.14.0 Sterling
I William Johnstone Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify That upon carefull examination I find the foregoing Duties
amount to the sum of Seven Pounds fourteen Shillings Sterling and that upon the 10th October 1793. I
delivered to John Kirk Collector of said Duties an exact duplicate of this Accompt duely examined & com-
-pared which contained my Oath That the preceeding Inhabitants were duely served with Requisitions And that
they were charged in conformity to their several returns Or according to my knowledge & belief that they were
liable in said Duties. William Johnstone Surveyor.
[Page] 89 |
E326/5/22/92 |
Survey of the
Male Servants Tax in the
Royalty of North Berwick
from 5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794.
£7.14.0 Ster. [Sterling]
[Page] 92 |
E326/5/22/93 |
The Burgh of Peebles |
E326/5/22/93 |
Patrick Honeyman Esq mt. [merchant] |
House Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/93 |
Proof |
E326/5/22/93 |
1 Male Servant @ £1.5.0 |
£1.5.0 |
E326/5/22/93 |
£1.5.0 @ 10pc [per cent] Cost is |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/93 |
Sum Total |
£1.7.6 |
E326/5/22/93 |
A Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX in the Burgh of Peebles from the 5 of
April 1793 to the 5 of April 1794 By William Brunton Surveyor
I William Brunton Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon carefull examination I find the above duties amount to the Sum of
One pound Seven Shillings and six pence And that upon the Thirty --day of October -- I delivered to James Wall Collector of these duties
for the Burgh aforesaid an exact duplicate of the above which Contained my Oath that the preceeding inhabitants were duly served Requisitions
of the duties foresaid desiring them within fourteen days to deliver or cause to be delivered to me upon calling for that purpose An Attested list of all the Servants Horses and Carriages used and employed by them from the 5 of April Ninety three to the 5 of April Ninety four as well as well as an account of which Servants Horses and Carriages they might use and Employ anywhere Else and that the foregoing Report was made up from their Several Attested lists or returns to me from the best information I could procure or from my own personal knowledge of their Respective Establishments.
William Brunton
[page] 93 |
E326/5/22/94 |
A Survey of the Male Servants Tax
in the Burgh of Peebles from the 5
of April 1793 to the 5 April 1794
ExGS [Examined General Surveyor]
[page] 94 |
E326/5/22/95 |
28 Aug 1793 |
David Smyth Esqr Methven |
Donald Anderson
Duncan Maxton
David Simmie |
Gardner |
3 |
3 |
£4.10.0 |
£0.9.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
Docter James Wood |
David Gordon |
Riding Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
John Richardson Esqr Pitfour |
David Hardie
John Forbes |
Riding Servt [Servant]
Gardner |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
James Richan Mercht [Merchant] |
Duncan McNaughton |
house Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
James Murray Esqr |
Dan Deuer |
house Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
30 Aug 1793 |
John Campbell of Auchaldr [Auchalander] |
Archibald McIntyre |
Riding Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
Mungo Murray Esqr |
John Anderson |
Riding Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
James Paton Writer |
Alexander Duncan |
hous Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
John Campbell Vintr [Vintner] |
Patrick Rollo |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
Mrs Cathrine Marshall Vintr [Vintner] |
Robert Robertson |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
Mrs Ann Buist Vintr [Vintner] |
Alexander McGlashan |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
James Christie Vintr [Vintner] |
John Duff |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
15 |
3 |
12 |
3 |
£23.5.0 |
32.6.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
£23.5.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
Prooff |
E326/5/22/95 |
3 at £1.5.0 |
£3.15.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
12 at £1.5.0 |
£15.0.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
3 at £1.10.0 |
£4.10.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
£23.5.0 |
E326/5/22/95 |
£23.5.0 at 10 PCt [per cent] |
£2.6.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
£25.11.6 |
£25.11.6 |
E326/5/22/95 |
A Survey of the Rates and Duties on Male Servants arisen in the Town
of Perth from 5th April 1793 to 5th of April 1794 by Laurence Buchan Surveyor
Perth 29 October 1793 I Laurence Buchan Surveyor aforesaid do hereby certify that upon
careful Examination of the several Duties I find they amount to Twenty five pounds Eleven Shillings
and Six pence Str [Sterling] and this date I delivered to Mr Patrick Miller Collector of the said Duties for the Town
aforesaid an Exact Duplicate of the Above Accompt duly Examined and compared with the foregoing
requisitions being left with the several Masters and Mistresses or at their dwelling houses
Laurence Buchan Surveyor
[Page] 95 |
E326/5/22/98 |
A Survey of the Rates
and Duties in Male Servts [Servants]
in the Town of Perth
from 5 April 1793 to 5 Apr 1794
Exd. GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 98 |
E326/5/22/99 |
24 Aug 1793 |
Mr. Robert Barnborough Vintner |
Robert McLaren |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/99 |
Totall |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/99 |
[Page] 99
Survey of the Male Servants Tax in the Borough of Queensferry
from the 5th April 1793 to the 5th April 1794. James Watsone Surveyor
I James Watsone Surveyor aforesaid do hereby certify that the above Mr. Robert
Barnborough was duly served with a Requisition and Notice whereby he was to be
charged with the Duty of the above Male Servant And that upon the Twelfth day
of October current I delivered to Mr Robert Chapman Collector for the foresaid Borough of
Queensferry an exact Dupplicate of this Survey which contained my oath to the above
James Watsone Surveyor
Linlithgow 15th October
1793 |
E326/5/22/100 |
[Page] 100
Survey of the Male Servants
Tax in the Borough of Queensferry
from the 5th April 1793
to the 5th April 1794
James Watsone Surveyer
35 |
E326/5/22/101 |
1793 |
St. Andrews |
E326/5/22/101 |
20 Aug 1793 |
Dr. [Doctor] George Forrest |
A Servant |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/101 |
Mrs Nairn |
Alexander Mitchel |
House Sert. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/101 |
Capt. [Captain] Duncan |
James Wilson
James Edward
Andrew Jamieson
John Henderson |
Gardner |
4 |
4 |
£6.0.0 |
£0.12.0 |
E326/5/22/101 |
Principal Hill |
David McIntyre |
House Sert. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/101 |
John Patullo Esq. |
John Bridges |
House Sert. [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/101 |
William McLean Inverscaddle |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/101 |
The Magistrates of st. Andrews |
Stewart Grace &
James Hunter |
Gamekeeper |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/101 |
11 |
7 |
4 |
£14.15.0 |
£1.9.6 |
E326/5/22/101 |
Duty |
£14.15.0 |
E326/5/22/101 |
10 per Cent |
£1.9.6 |
£16.4.6 |
E326/5/22/101 |
Proof |
7 Servants at £1.5.0 |
£8.15.0 |
E326/5/22/101 |
4 servants at £1.10.0 |
£6.0.0 |
E326/5/22/101 |
10 per cent |
£1.9.6 |
£16.4.6 |
E326/5/22/101 |
[Page] 101
Survey of MALE SERVANTS TAX Within the Burgh of St. Andrews
For the Year ending the 5th April 1794 By Peter Colvile Surveyor
I Peter Colvile Surveyor Aforesaid, do certify, that upon carefull examination, of the several foregoing
Rates & duties, they amount in whole to Sixteen Pounds, Four Shillings & Six pence Sterling & I do
make oath that notices were left, with the whole foregoing Inhabitants, or at their dwelling
Houses, of the date aforesaid, that they were to be charged, with the several Rates & duties, set
against their names
Peter Colvile Surveyor
At Torryburn the 15th.
day of Novr. [November] 1793 years
Before me Charles Preston J:P [Justice of the Peace]
Andrew Gullen Collector |
E326/5/22/102 |
[Page] 102
No. 4th Survey
of Male Servants Tax
Burgh of St. Andrews
Office Copy
Amt. [Amount] £16.4.6
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
36 |
E326/5/22/103 |
First Quarter |
E326/5/22/103 |
7 Aug 1793 |
Major Joass, Castle |
Robert Johnston
Robert Clark |
Chaise Driver
House Servt [Servant] |
2 |
2 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
John Mckillop Esq |
Riding Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
Total |
3 |
1 |
3 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
Second Quarter |
E326/5/22/103 |
9 Aug 1793 |
Doctor Stirling |
James McIntosh |
House Servt [Servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
Malcolm Morris |
Not Named |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/103 |
Mrs Wingate |
Peter Ross |
Waiter |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/103 |
Total |
3 |
1 |
3 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
Quarters Collected |
E326/5/22/103 |
1st Quarter |
3 |
1 |
3 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
2nd Quarter |
3 |
1 |
3 |
£5.0.0 |
£0.10.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
Grand Total |
6 |
2 |
6 |
£10.0.0 |
£1.0.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
£10.0.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
£11.0.0 |
E326/5/22/103 |
Stirling Borough Survey
Male Servants Tax
from the 5th April 1793 to the 5th of April 1794, James Allan Surveyor
I James Allan Surveyor aforesaid do hereby certify that upon careful Examin-
ation I find the foregoing duties Amount to the Sum of Eleven Pounds Ster [Sterling] and that upon the
thirtieth day of November last I delivered to Mr William Cowan Collector of said duties an exact
duplicate of this Account duly Examined & Compared which contained my Oath that the preceed-
ing Inhabitants were duly served with Requisitions, And, that they were charged in conformity
to their several returns now in my possession & according to my knowledge & belief that they were
liable in said duties.
James Allan, Surveyor
[page] 103 |
E326/5/22/106 |
Stirling Borough Survey
Male Servant's Tax
From 5th April 1793 to 5th April 1794
James Allan Surveyor
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 106 |
E326/5/22/107 |
Burgh of Stranraer |
E326/5/22/107 |
20 Jun 1793 |
William Rose Esq |
James MCubbins |
Groom |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/107 |
Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX in the Burgh of Stranraer from
the 5th of April 1793 to 5th April 1794 by David Mmillan Surv. [Surveyor]
Proof 1 Male Servant at £1.5.0 is £1.5.0
Ten Pr Cent thereon is £0.2.6
I David Mmillan Surveryor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon careful examination of the foregoing several
rates and duties I find the amount in whole to be one Pound Seven Shillings and six pence Sterling.
and that upon the Ninth day of November one thousand seven hundred & ninety three years
I delivered to Mr Thomas Mcnair Collector of the said duties for the Burgh aforesaid an exact
Duplicate of the foregoing which contained my oath that a reqn. [requisition] or notice was left with the said
Person or at his dwelling Place of the date annexed to his name that was to be charged with
the duties so certified to be due from him.
David McMillan
[Page] 107 |
E326/5/22/108 |
Survey of the Male Servant Tax
in the Burgh of Stranraer from the 5th
day of April 1793 to 5th April 1794
Exd GS [Examined General Surveyor]
[Page] 108 |
E326/5/22/109 |
1793 |
Tain |
E326/5/22/109 |
16 July |
Alexander Baillie of Tarrel |
John McKay |
Driver |
1 |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/109 |
Capt. [Captain] David Ross Banker |
John Kerr |
house servt. [servant] |
1 |
1 |
1 |
£2.10.0 |
£0.5.0 |
E326/5/22/109 |
2 |
1 |
2 |
£3.15.0 |
£0.7.6 |
E326/5/22/109 |
A Survey of the Rates and Duties on Male Servants. Arrisen in the Burgh of Tain from 5 April
1793 to 5 April 1794 By David Ross Assistant Surveyor
2 Servants
1 Batchelor's @ £1.5.0......£1.5.0
2 Servants. @ £1.5.0........£2.10.0........£3.15.0
10 pr [per] Cent and.............................£0.7.6
........................................................£4.2.6. Totall
I David Ross Surveyor aforsaid do hereby Certify That upon Carefull examination of the foregoing
Rates and Duties, I find they amount in whole to Four pound Two shillings and Six pence Sterling and
that upon the Thirty first day of august last I delivered to George Murray Treasurer of the Burgh of Tain
and Collector of the Said Dutys an exact Duplicate of the above account duely examined and Compared
with the foregoing which Contained my oath that the acct. [account] Contained the Number of male Servants returned
to me or were kept by the said masters, according to the best of my knowledge or Information.
David Ross
Tain 9th october 1793
[Page] 109 |
E326/5/22/110 |
Duplicate Survey of
the Rates and Duties
on Male Servants in the
Burgh of Tain for the
year ending 5 April 1794
Exd. [Examined] GS [General Surveyor]
[Page] 110 |
E326/5/22/111 |
Burgh of Wigton |
E326/5/22/111 |
13 June 1793 |
Matthew Campbell Esqr. |
Robert McCutcheon |
Footman |
1. |
1 |
£1.5.0 |
£0.2.6 |
E326/5/22/111 |
Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX. in the Burgh of Wigton from
the 5th. day of April 1793 t0 5th April 1794 By David Macmillan Survr. [Surveyor].
Proof 1 Male Servant at £1.5.0 is £1.5.0
Ten PrCent [per cent] thereon is £0.2.6
£1.7.6 Total
I David Macmillan Surveyor aforesaid do hereby certify that upon careful examination of the foregoing several rates
& duties I find the amount in Whole to the One Pound & Seven Shillings and six pence Sterling; and that upon the
Eleventh day of November one thousand seven hundred & ninety three years I delivered to
Mr John McCaulie Wigton Collector of the said duties for the Burgh foresaid an exact Duplicate of the
foregoing which contained my Oath that requisition or notice was delivered to the said Person of the
date annexed to his name that was to be charged with the duty hereby certified to be due from him.
David Macmillan
[Page] 111 |
E326/5/22/112 |
[Page] 112
Survey of the Male Servant Tax
in the Burgh of Wigton from the 5th of
April 1793. to 5th April 1794.
Exd. GS [Examined General Surveyor]
40 |