
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four servants Five to seven servants Eight to ten servants Eleven or more servants Duty 10% per 31 George III
30 Jul 1793 Capt. James Dalrymple B. [Batchelor] Valet 1 1 1 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
Charles Dalrymple Esq. David Gibson
Robert Porteous
John Thomson
3 3 £4.10.0 £0.9.0
4 1 1 3 £7.0.0 £0.14.0

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Survey of the Male Servants Tax in the Royalty of North Berwick
from the 5th April 1793 to the 5th April 1794. by William Johnstone Surveyor.
[page] 89

Proof. 1 Bachelor servant at £1.5.0 is £1.5.0
1 Servant at £1.5.0 is £1.5.0
3 Servants at £1.10.0 is £4.10.0
and 10 pCent on £7.0.0 is £0.14.0
Amount of these Duties is £7.14.0 Sterling

I William Johnstone Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify That upon carefull examination I find the foregoing Duties
amount to the sum of Seven Pounds fourteen Shillings Sterling and that upon the 10th October 1793. I
delivered to John Kirk Collector of said Duties an exact duplicate of this Accompt duely examined & com-
-pared which contained my Oath That the preceeding Inhabitants were duely served with Requisitions And that
they were charged in conformity to their several returns Or according to my knowledge & belief that they were
liable in said Duties. William Johnstone Surveyor.

[Page] 89

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Alison James- Moderator, Chr1smac -Moderator, Bill-IonaR, Mike North