
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four servants Five to seven servants Eight to ten servants Eleven or more servants Duty 10% per 31 George III
1793 Brought forward 82 16 82 £122.10.0 £12.5.0
Mrs. Douglas William Campbell ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Castle Street James Innes Thomas Cochrane ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] 1 1 1 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
Mrs. Stewart ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Robert Sinclair Esq 2 2 £2.10.0. £0.5.0
William Molle writer William Cockburn ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] 1 1 1 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
Keith McKenzie writer David Sutherland ho: [house] Servt [Servant] 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
James Thomson writer William __ ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] 1 1 1 £2.10.0 £0.5.0
Mr James Davidson Robert Gibson ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
James Stodart Esqr. ho: [house] Servt. [Servant] 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Robert Dundas McQueen Esq Alexander Ford
William Richardson
2 2 2 £5.0.0 £0.10.0
William Drysdale Vintr [Vintner] St Andrews Street Waiter 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
Alexander Ferguson Esq of Craigdarroch 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
John Buchan writer 1 1 £1.5.0 £0.2.6
3rd Division 97 22 96 £147.10.0 £14.15.0
1st Division To Page 4 183 32 163 16 4 £274.15.0 £29.9.6
2nd Division To Page 8 190 27 156 27 7 £281.10.0 £28.3.0
3rd Division To Page 11 97 22 96 £147.10.0 £14.15.0
Total 470 81 416 43 11 £703.15.0 £70.7.6
81 Bachelors Servts. [Servants] at £1.5.0 Each £101.5.0 £10.2.6
415 Servants at £1.5.0 Each £518.15.0 £51.17.6
43 Servants at £1.10.0 Each £64.10.0 £6.9.0
11 Servants at £1.15.0 Each £19.5.0 £1.18.6
£703.15.0 £70.7.6
£10 Per Cent £70.7.6
Total £774.2.6

Transcribe other information

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I Robert Maughan Surveyor do hereby Certify that upon careful examination of the foregoing Rates &
Duties I find they amount in whole to Seven hundred and Seventy four Pounds Two shillings and Six pence
Sterling and that upon the 21st of January 1794 I delivered to Messrs George and Daniel McQueen Joint
Collectors of the said Duties in the City of Edinburgh an exact duplicate of the foregoing accounts duly examined
and compared which contained my oath that requisitions were left with the several Inhabitants or at their
Dwelling houses of the dates annexed to their respective names
Robert Maughan Surveyor

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Alison James- Moderator, Chr1smac -Moderator, Aunt Sally