
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four servants Five to seven servants Eight to ten servants Eleven or more servants Duty
12 Aug 1790 Cupar
James Morrison Esqr James Barr
Robert Brown
Andrew Gibson
House Servant
Chease [Chaise] Drever [Driver]
3 3 £4.10.0
Mager [Major] James Horsburgh Samal Hinds House Servant 1 1 £1.5.0
David Mithven Ventner James McDonald Watterer 1 1 £1.5.0
Captain Robert Ker Michal Killgour House Servant 1 1 £1.5.0
Captain Charles Bell Frederick Elder House Servant 1 1 £1.5.0
Mr William Paston John Gullen Gardener 1 1 £1.5.0
Capt [Captain] Pattrick Rigg of Dunfield William Morrison
George Duff
David Rintoull
Robert Laird
Mathow Young
William Bruce
House Servant
Posttellen [Postillion]
Posttellen [Postillion]
6 6 £10.10.0
14 5 3 6 £21.5.0

Transcribe other information

Survey in the Burgh of Cupar from the 5th day of April 1789
to 5th April 1790 by Charles Robb Surveyor


5 Servants at £1.5.0 each is £6.5.0
3 Servants at £1.10.0 each is £4.10.0
6 Servants at £1.15.0 each is £10.10.0
= £21.5.0

I Charles Robb Surveyor aforesaid do hereby certify that upon careful Examination of the foregoing duties I find they amount in whole to Twenty one pounds Five shilling Sterling and that upon the Eighteen day of November I delivered to Alexander Simpson Collector of the said duties for the Burgh aforesaid an Exact duplicate of the above Account duly Examined and compared with the foregoing which contained my Oath at Nottices [Notices] were left with the several persons before named or at their dwelling houses of the dates anexed [annexed] to their respective names requiring them within fourteen dayes [days] to give in a list of their Carriage or Saddle horses retained or employed by them from the 5 day of April 1789 to the 5 day of April 1790 and that the said Account or Survey is made out from the list returned to me and from the Best Information I could procuur [procure] of the Carriage or Saddle horses of those whose lists are deficiant [deficient] neglected or refused to give in a list thereof in termes [terms] of the Nottices [Notices] left with them as aforesaed [aforesaid]
Charles Robb Surveyor

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