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Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four servants Five to seven servants Eight to ten servants Eleven or more servants Duty
1787 Buncle parish
25 Jul 1787 John Lumisdain Blanerne William Carlisle
Alexander Bonner
Thomas Lumisdain
House servt. [servant]
3 3 £4.10.0
Coldinghame Parish
Sir John Home of Renton George Pedoie
William Winter
Gard. & Ch. [Gardener & Chaise] Driver
House servt. [servant]
2 2 2 £5.0.0
Daniel Gordon Press Andrew Lyal Waiter 1 1 £1.5.0
27 Jul 1787 Miss Home Burnhall George Sligh Postillion 1 1 £1.5.0
4 2 4 £7.10.0
Chirnside parish
26 Jul 1787 Capt. [Captain] Johnston Ninewells Charles Dickieson House servt. [servant] 1 1 £1.5.0
Joseph Home Esq. Ninewlls James Middlemas Gardiner 1 1 1 £2.10.0
William Hall Esqr. Whitehall Alexander Riccalton
John Cameron
House servt. [servant]
2 2 2 £5.0.0
4 3 4 £8.15.0
Ayton parish
Alexander Robertson Prenderguest Henry Gibson Ch. [Chaise] Driver 1 1 £1.5.0
John Fordyce Esqr. Ayton James Mill
John Fraser
James Moffat
House servt. [servant]
3 3 £4.10.0
4 1 3 £5.15.0
Eymouth parish
30 Jul 1787 John Renton Esqr. Eymouth David Taylor Ch. [Chaise] Driver 1 1 £1.5.0
Robert French Eymouth Ralph Creighton House servt. [servant] 1 1 £1.5.0
Thomas French Eymouth John Nisbet House servt. [servant] 1 1 £1.5.0
Robert Robertson Eymouth John Turnball House servt. [servant] 1 1 £1.5.0
4 4 £5.0.0
Mordington parish
1 Aug 1787 Alexander Renton Mordington William Sherriff
William Hood
George Smeeton
Ninian Ker
Stable boy
Stable boy
4 4 4 £11.0.0
William Marshall Edrington Thomas Harvey Footman 1 1 £1.5.0
5 4 1 4 £12.5.0
Fowlden parish
Mrs Simpson Ninelands John Cow Ch. [Chaise] Driver 1 1 £1.5.0
James Wilkie Esqr. Fowlden Robert Nicholson
William Sheppard
Nichol Brown
Chaise Driver
Gard. [Gardener]
3 3 £4.10.0
4 1 3 £5.15.0
Hutton Parish
2 Aug 1787 William Ker Esqr. Meadowhouse David Heugh
John Martin
2 2 £2.10.0
Sir James Baird Huttonhall John Douglas
Andrew Marjoribanks
William Johnston
David Hislop
House servt. [servant]
Gard. [Gardener]
Chaise driver
4 4 £6.0.0
William Jaffray Sunnie House servt. [servant] 1 1 1 £2.10.0
7 1 3 4 £11.0.0
Ladykirk parish
John Bell Herndean John Wood Groom 1 1 1 £2.10.0
William Robertson Esqr. Ladykirk Adam Young
Thomas Moffat
Adam Edington
William Thomson
House servt. [servant]
Gardr. [Gardener]
4 4 4 £11.0.0
5 5 1 4 £13.10.0

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Survey of the MALE SERVANT TAX in the County of Berwick
for the year ending 5 April 1788 by William Johnstone Surveyor [Page] 29

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

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