
Date Masters & mistresses names & designations Servants names Quality of servants Number of servants Bachelor servants One and two servants Three and four servants Five to seven servants Eight to ten servants Eleven or more servants Duty
1786 Jan Bk [Book] Town of Nairn
Thomas McLaren Inn keeper Waiter
Chaise driver
2 2 £1.17.6
2 2 £1.17.6

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[Page] 93

Survey of the MALE SERVANTS TAX arisen within the Town of
Nairn from the 5th day of July 1785 To the 5th day of April 1786 By Archibald Duff Surveyor

2 Servants at £1.5.0 each per Annum for 3 Quarters of a Year if £1.17.6

I Archibald Duff Surveyor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon careful examination
of the foregoing several rates and Duties I find they amount in whole to one pound seventeen shillings
and six pence Str [Sterling] and that upon the Eighteenth day of March Currt [Current] I delivered to Alexander Kinnaird
Collr [Collector] of the said Duties for the Town of Nairn aforesaid an Exact Duplicate of the above Accm [Accompt] duly examined
and Compaired with the foregoing which contained my oath that Notices were left with the several Inhabitants
or at their dwelling houses of the dates annexed to their respective names In order that they
might make a report of the greatest number of Male servants retained and employed by them for
the period therein mentioned which they did in Substance as above.
Archibald Duff Surveyor

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