
Date Prog # of masters Masters/mistresses names and designations Prog # of servants Servants names Quality of servants Duty
Aberladdy Parish
23 Sep 1779 37 Lord Elibank 130 Lauchlan McKenzie Butler £1.1.0
131 William Tarquhar Footman £1.1.0
132 Peter Brown Driver £1.1.0
133 George Ramsay Stable boy £1.1.0
134 William Hosie Gardner £1.1.0
38 Colonel Hepburn Lufnus 135 William Ormiston House Sevt. [Servant] £1.1.0
2 6 £6.6.0
Atholstonford Parish
39 Sir David Kinloch Bart [Baronet] 136 Alexander Black Butler £1.1.0
`137 Alexander Dudgeon Footman £1.1.0
138 David McDonald Footman £1.1.0
139 Peter Dickson Groom £1.1.0
140 Alexander Cunningham Postilion £1.1.0
141 William Reid Gardner £1.1.0
40 John Hume Esqr Kilduff 142 James Mento Footman £1.1.0
2 7 £7.7.0
Gladmuir Parish
41 William Law Esquire 143 William Cummings House Servt. [Servant] £1.1.0
144 David Paterson House Servt. [Servant] £1.1.0
145 Andrew Livingston Gardner £1.1.0
146 Robert Stevenson Driver £1.1.0
1 4 £4.4.0
Salton Parish
42 Mrs Fletcher of Salton 147 David Gibson Footman £1.1.0
148 Hugh Dalgeish Cook £1.1.0
149 William Tofts Driver £1.1.0
150 George Tofts Mr Fletchers servant £1.1.0
151 James Gray Gardner £1.1.0
152 James Baine Journeyman £1.1.0
1 6 £6.6.0

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DANIALSAN, davidshef