
Date Prog # of masters Masters/mistresses names and designations Prog # of servants Servants names Quality of servants Duty
1779 Town of Kirkwall
19 Mar 1779 1 Andrew Baikie Landwr. [Landwaiter] of Customs 1 Nicol Clouston Stable Boy £1.1.0
2 George Ross Comptr. [Comptroller] of Customs 2 John McPherson Keeper of the Stables £1.1.0
3 Mr James Reddoch Coolr. [Collector] of Customs 3 Garlies Ross Stable Boy £1.1.0
4 Robert Laing Merchant 4 David Bews Gardner £1.1.0
5 John Traill of Westness 5 John Logie House Steward £1.1.0
6 Robert Baikie of Tankerness 6 Robert Sinclair House Steward £1.1.0
6 Total in Town 6 £6.6.0
22 Mar 1779 1 Patrick Graeme of Graemeshall 1 John Ross Footman £1.1.0
7 Total in Town & Country 7 £7.7.0

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Survey of the Duties upon Servants within the Town of Kirkwall and Country of Orkney from 25th
March 1778 to 25th March 1779 by Alexander Fraser Assessor

I Alexander Fraser Assessor aforesaid do hereby Certify that upon carefull examination
of the foregoing Duties I find they amount to the Sum of Seven pounds seven Shillings And that
upon the Third of July Current I delivered to Alexander Fraser Writer in Kirkwall Collector
of said Duties for the Town & Country foresaid an exct Duplicate of the above Acct. [Account] duly
examined & Compared with the aforegoing, which Contained my Oath that the above Servants
were all the Servants in Town & Country of Orkney subject to payment of Duty as above
to the best of my knowledge & belief. At Kirkwall 5th July 1779
Alexander Fraser Assessor

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