
Date Prog # of masters Masters/mistresses names and designations Prog # of servants Servants names Quality of servants Duty
4 Sep 1778 1 Major Joass 1 Norman Smilie Chaise Driver £0.15.0
2 Doctor Walter Stirling 1 Andrew Lenox Groom £0.15.0
2 2 £1.10.0

Transcribe other information

A Survey of the Rates & duties upon Servants in the Town of Stirling
from 5th Jul 1777 to 25th March 17778 P [Per] James Allan Surveyor

I James Allan Surveyor aforesaid, do hereby certify that upon
carefull Examination of the forgoing Assessments they Amount in whole to One pound
Ten Shilling Sterling & that upon the 10th day of February last, I delivered to Mr, John
McGibbon Collector of the said dutys for the Town aforesaid an Exact duplicate of the
above Account, duly Examined and compared with the foregoing which contained my
Oath that the above was a faithfull Charge taken from the Gentlemen's lists given in &
my own information.
James Allan Surveyor
Alloa 3d, April 1779
Sworn before me James Alexander Sher Subst. [Sheriffs Substitute]

Transcriber's notes

Deleted NE

  Transcribers who have contributed to this page.

DANIALSAN, Nora Edwards, Martin J Grieve, Alan NW