Date | Prog # of masters | Masters/mistresses names and designations | Prog # of servants | Servants names | Quality of servants | Duty |
24 Mar 1779 | 1 | Provost Charles Hamilton | 1 | James Cran | Chaise driver | £0.15.0 |
2 | Mr Robert Barclay Surgeon | 2 | Archibald Robertson | House boy | £0.15.0 | |
3 | The H [Honourable] Mr Peter Boyle | 3 | Walter Chisolme | House Servt [Servant] | £0.15.0 | |
25 Mar 1779 | 4 | Thomas Arthur Master | 4 | Arthur Lees | House Boye | £0.15.0 |
4 | 4 | £3.0.0 |
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[Page] 47Survey of the Servants Returned within the Burgh of Irvine from the 5th of
July 1777 to the 25th of March 1778
By Hugh Richmond Surveyor
I Hugh Richmond Surveyor aforesaid Do hereby Certify That upon Carefull
examination of the above accompt I find that the Duties therein contained
amount in whole to Three pounds Sterling money And that upon the Twenty
ninth day of April One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy nine I delivered
to Mr Anthony M'Harg Town Clerk of Irvine Collector of the said Duties an
exact duplicate of the above agreeable to the returns made by the Several
masters & mistresses above desingned of the respective dates aforesaid
which contained exact lists of their respective Servants returned by
them Severally
Hugh Richmond Surveyor
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