Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Strabrock Paroch | |
Kirkhill Three Thousand Ninety Two pounds | £3092.0.0 |
Houstoun Nine Hundereth pounds | £900.0.0 |
Holmes Two Hundereth Fifty Three pound Six shilling Eight pennies | £253.6.8 |
Robert Andersone Sixtein pound Thirtein shilling Four pennies | £16.13.4 |
Suma [Summa] Strabrock Paroch Four Thousand Two Hundereth Sixty Two pounds | |
Followes The Valuation of the Coall and Salt which is Eximed from paying off publick burdens | |
In Bathgat Paroch | |
Bathgate Coall Ane Hundereth Thirty Three pound Six shilling & Eight pennies | £133.6.8 |
Bowbairdy Ane Hundered and Thirty Three pound six shilling and Eight pennies | £133.6.8 |
Ballincreist And Hundered pound | £100.0.0 |
Hilderstoun Thirty pound | £30.0.0 |
In Carridden Paroch | |
Bonhard Six Hundered pound | £600.0.0 |
Grainge Six Hundered pound | £600.0.0 |
Kinglass Four Hundered pound | £400.0.0 |
In Kinneill Paroch The Duke of Hamiltons Coall and Salt Six Hundered pounds | £600.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] Coall and Salt Two Thousand Five Hundered Ninty Six pound Thirtein shilling Four pennies |
Transcribe other information
[Marginalia] William Bell Clr [Clerk]The Valuation of the wholl Shyre Ex[tends] To Seventy Seven Thousand Four Hundered Fourty Four pounds Four shilling and six pennies Scots money And the foresaid Valuation of the Coall and Salt being deduced t[]pot alle valuation of the Land Rent of the Shyre Extends to Seventy Four Thousand Eight Hundered Forty seven pounds Eliven shilling Two pennies Scots Extracted out of the Valuation books of the Shire by me William Bell Clerk to the Commissioners of Supply
[Signed] William Bell
William Bell Shirreff Clerk of Linlithgow Collector of Sup[ply] and Clerk to the Commissioners thereof maketh oath that the above written six sheets and and half paper signed by him on the margin and delivered by him to the Court of Exchequher In pursuance of ane order of Court of the nynth day of August Last Is ane true and Just Copie of the principall []oods of Valuation keeped by him for the Shirreffdome of Linlithgow
[Signed] William Bell
Iurat Coram me
9 Die Novr [November]
[Signed] J Smith
Transcriber's notes
Some words in the final paragraphs are illegible because of blots or smudges. Several of these are obvious but some are not. Examples are Ex[tends] (obvious) or t[]pot where I can't work out what the actual words are, although the overall meaning is clear. []oods of valuation could be Roods.Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
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