
Proprietor and land Valuation
Carnok Parish
The free rentt Payid to the heritors lyfrentters proper wedsetters and vthers within the Parish off Carnoke
off Money fyftein pund ellewen shillings three penneis £15.11.3
off Beare fywe chalder £386.13.4
off Meall and oatts ten chalder four boolls two firletts £699.2.6
off Blak oatts being estimat at halff pryce two chalder £68.0.0
Summa is ellewin hundereth sextie nyne Pund seven shillings and ane pennie £1169.7.1
More Payid in mortified rentt
off Money ane hundreth and sextie Pund £160.0.0
off Beare ane chalder sex boolls £106.6.0
off Meall and oatts two chalder and ten boolls £178.10.0
Summa is four hundereth fourtie four Pund sextein shillings aught penneis £444.16.8

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[Signed] J S Bogie J: P: [Justice of the Peace] com [commissioner]

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