Proprietor and land | Valuation |
The Paroche of Lothe | |
The Earle of Sutherland For himselff and remanent heretoris fewaris lyvrentaris proper wedsettaris & vtheris wtin [within] the paroche of Lothe Thair moy [money] rent doeth extend to Ane hundreth nyntie sex pundis thretteine schillingis four pennies | £196.13.4 |
Payit of bear in the said paroche of stock and teynd Thrie hundreth and Threttie bollis according to the messr [measure] and at the pryce forsaid Inde Ane Thowsand four hundreth Eightie fywe pundis | £1485.0.0 |
The sowme of the haill moe [money] rent and pryce of the said victuell in the said paroche doeth extend to Ane Thowsand Sex hundreth Eightie Ane pundis Thretteine schillingis ffour pennis |
£1681.13.4 |
Payit of Customes in the said paroche Ane hundreth pundis |
£100.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill moy [money] rent & pryce of the said bear and Customes in the said paroche extends to Ane Thowsand sewin hundreth Eightie ane pundis thretteine schillingis four pennies | £1781.13.4 |
Deductiones | |
Payit to the successor of the laitt pndit [pretendit] bischope of Caithnes of Few dewtie fourtie pundis moy [money] | £40.0.0 |
Payit to the minister of Loche by the vicarage yeirlie Ane hundreth threttiethrie pundis sex schillingis Eight pennies Togidder with threttie tuo bollis bear pryce forsaid Inde tuo hundreth sewintie sewin pundis sex schillingis Aught pennies |
£277.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] deductionis Thrie hundreth sewinteine pundis sex schillingis Aught pennies |
£317.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] of Frie rent in this paroche extends to Ane thowsand Four hundreth sextie four pundis sex schillingis aught pennies | £1464.6.8 |
Transcribe other information
J Murray of pulrossie
Alexander Gray of Crich R Gordoune
J Sutherland of clyne
Walter Murray of abirstore
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