
Proprietor and land Valuation
Item ane Mylne Swyne pryce Fyve poundes £5.0.0
Suma [Summa] of the casualities is fouscoir aught poundes sex shillinges aught pennies £88.6.8
[4] Fourtlie Off casuall rent within the said paroche £0.0.0
[5] Fyftlie Off few dewties or tak dewties within the said paroche or tak dewties £0.0.0
Suma [Summa] of the haill pryces of victuals money rent and casualities within the said paroch Extendis to Tua thowsand thrie hundreth fourtie Sex poundes £2346.0.0
[6] Sextlie Payed of mortified rent by the forsaid rent Out of the said paroch To the Hospitall of Cullen thrie chalderis four bolles meill of the measure and at the pryce forsaid Inde Tua hundreth and aught poundes £208.0.0
Item payed To the minister of the said paroch of money Sex hundreth merkis £400.0.0
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent of the said paroch is Sex hundreth aught poundes £608.0.0
[7] Seaventlie Payed to his majesties exchequer furth of the said paroch £0.0.0

Transcriber's notes

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Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee