E106/1/1/1 |
Thir Rents or valuations Were taken up in order
To the Levie of a maintainence |
E106/1/1/3 |
[Page] 3
The Roll of the Rent of the Shyrefdome of Edinbrugh Prinll [Principall] made and Sett downe by the Comissioners [Commissioners] vnder subsryveand appoynted for that effect by act of the estates of Parliament of this Kingdome Holden at Edht [Edinburgh] the 4 of agust 1649 [4 Aug 1649] Which comissioners haveing mett vpon the ... day of ... last and haveing Judiciallie given ther oathes to vse ther best indevoures for a right and a true informattion of the rents of the whole shyre And to proceid faithfullie and Impartiallie in prosecuteing ther comission and instructiones relateing thervnto. Which they have carefullie performed in everie poynt after serious and mature deliberaun [deliberatioun] they have made and sett downe the Roll following in articles according to the Number of the severall parishes within the said shyre And have casten vp the sowmes according to the instructions of the parliament
[signed] S W Wauchope -- R Scott
J Smith -- T Douglas
[W] Inglis
David [Makonell]
W L Scott
M S Johnstoune
[?] |
E106/1/1/3 |
Edinburgh Principall - as distinguished from its dependent constabulary of Haddington (*A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue*, s.v. principal adj. 2f)
Edht - apparently an abbreviation for Edinburcht, or a similar spelling |
E106/1/1/4 |
Sanctcuthberts |
E106/1/1/4 |
... For himselfe and remnant heritors fewers Lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthers within the Parish of Sanct cuthberts ther money rent doeth extend to Sex thousand pund |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/4 |
Payed of wheat in the said parish tuentie chalders according to the measure of Lithgow and prick mett which being converted in money at the pryce of sex pund sexteen shilling eight pennyes [£6.16.8] for everie boll extends to Two thousand ane hundreth fourscore sex pund threetteen shilling four pennyes |
£2186.13.4 |
E106/1/1/4 |
Beir in the said parish thrie hundreth and tuentie chalder according to the measure and mett forsaid which being converted in money at the pryce of fyve pund sex shilling eight pennyes [£5.6.8] for everie boll extends to Twentie sevin thousand thrie hundreth and sex pund thretteen shillings four pennyes |
£27306.13.4 |
E106/1/1/4 |
Meill and oattis in the said parish Sevin chalder according to the measure and mett forsaid which being converted in money at the pryce of four pund thretteen shilling four pennyes [£4.13.4] the boll extends to Fyve hundreth twentie twa pund threeten shillings four pennyes |
£522.13.4 |
E106/1/1/4 |
The sowme of the pryce of the whole victuall and money in the said paroch is Threttie sex Thousand sexteen pund |
£36016.0.0 |
E106/1/1/4 |
By and attor [attour] ther is Mortified to the towne of Edht [Edinburgh] To heriotts hospitall King James colledge the poore decayed baxters of Edht [Edinburgh] And the towne of Edht [Edinburgh] ther propertie within the said parishes Extends to Threttie thousand and twa hundreth punds |
£30200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/4 |
To the Twa ministers and reader of the said parish ane thousand nyne hundreth and fiftie punds |
£1950.0.0 |
E106/1/1/4 |
Payed to the ministers of North Leith and Cannogate [Cannongate] furth of the said paroch ten chalders half wheitt half beir Is in money nyne hundreth thriescore threetten pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£973.6.8 |
E106/1/1/4 |
[Page] 4 |
E106/1/1/4 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
wedsetter - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
prick mett - the standard firlot measure, with a metal rod (the prick) supporting the crossbar
by and attour - over and above
Edht - apparently an abbreviation for Edinburcht, or a similar spelling |
E106/1/1/5 |
North leith |
E106/1/1/5 |
... For himselfe and remnant heritors proper wedsetters lyfrenters and vthers in the parochen of North Leith money Thrie hundreth Fourtie sex pund thretten shilling four pennyes |
£346.13.4 |
E106/1/1/5 |
Beir in the said parish ten chalder pryce and measure forsaid Is in money Eight hundreth fyftie thrie pund sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£853.6.8 |
E106/1/1/5 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said paroch Is ane thousand twa hundreth punds |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/5 |
By and attour ther is payed to the Minister and Schoolmaster thrie hundreth punds |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/5 |
[Page] 5 |
E106/1/1/6 |
South leith |
E106/1/1/6 |
... For himself and remnant heritors lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of South leith ther money rent is sevin hundreth fourscore fourtein punds thretteen shillings four pennyes |
£794.13.4 |
E106/1/1/6 |
Beir in the said paroch thriescore ane chalder measure and pryce forsaid Is Fyve thousand twa hundreth and fyve punds sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£5205.6.8 |
E106/1/1/6 |
The sowme of the pryce of victuall and money in the said parish Is Sex thousand punds |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/6 |
By and attour ther is payed to the Twa ministers of Leith to the Schoolemaster and Comunion elements ane thousand pund |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/6 |
To Heriotts hospitall and to the abbay ane thousand nyne hundreth thriescore thrie punds fyve shillings |
£1963.5.0 |
E106/1/1/6 |
Mortified to the towne of Edhr [Edinburgh] and to the Hospitall at leithwyndfoott |
E106/1/1/6 |
[Page] 6 |
E106/1/1/7 |
Dudingstoun |
E106/1/1/7 |
... For himselfe and remnant Heritors lyfrenters proper woodsetters fewers and vthers in the paroch of Dudingstoun Ther wheat in the said parochen Is sexteen chalder meassr [meassur] and pryce forsaid Is Ane thousand sevin hundreth Fourtie nyne pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£1749.6.8 |
E106/1/1/7 |
Beir in the said parish threttie four chalder meassr [meassur] and pryce forsaid Is Twa thousand Nyne hundreth and ane pund sex shilling eight pennyes |
£2901.6.8 |
E106/1/1/7 |
The sowme of the pryce of the Victuall and money in the said parish Is Four thousand sex hundreth and fyftie punds threteen shilling four pennyes |
£4650.13.4 |
E106/1/1/7 |
By and attour ther is payed to the minister Scholemaster & comunion Elements nyne hundreth punds |
£900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/7 |
[Page] 7 |
E106/1/1/8 |
Libbertoun |
E106/1/1/8 |
... For himselfe and remnant heritors lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of Libberton ther money rent Is Fyve thousand ane hundreth fourscore nyne punds sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£5189.6.8 |
E106/1/1/8 |
Wheat in the said parish Eight chalder measure and pryce forsaid Is Eight hundreth thriescore fourteen pund threeteen shillings four pennyes |
£874.13.4 |
E106/1/1/8 |
Beir in the said parish Fourscore chalder measure and pryce forsaid Is Sex thousand Eight hundreth twentie sex pund thretteen shillings four pennyes |
£6826.13.4 |
E106/1/1/8 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Fourtie sevin chalder measure and pryce forsaid Is thrie thousand fyve hundreth nyne pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£3509.6.8 |
E106/1/1/8 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said paroch extends to Sexteen thousand Four hundreth punds |
£16400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/8 |
By and attour ther is payed to the minister and Scholemaster & comunion Elements ane thousand ane hundreth threttie thrie pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£1133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/8 |
Payed to King James Colledge ane hundreth punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/8 |
[Page] 8 |
E106/1/1/9 |
Hailles |
E106/1/1/9 |
... for himselfe and remnant heritors fewers lyferenters proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of Hailles ther silver rent is four thousand fyve hundreth fourscore Eighteen pund |
£4598.0.0 |
E106/1/1/9 |
Wheit in the said paroch ane chalder is ane hundreth nyne pund sex shillings eight pennyes |
£109.6.8 |
E106/1/1/9 |
Beir in the said paroch Sevin Chalder Is fyve hundreth fourscore sevinteen punds sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/9 |
Meill and Aittis in the said paroch nyne chalder fyve bollis pryce Sex hundreth fourscore fyfteen pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£695.6.8 |
E106/1/1/9 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said parish Extends to Sex thousand punds |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/9 |
By and attour ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster & comunion Elements nyne hundreth and twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/9 |
[Page] 9 |
E106/1/1/10 |
Corstorphin |
E106/1/1/10 |
... for himselfe and remnant heritors fewers lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of corstorphin ther money rent In the said paroch is Twa thousand and twentie sex pund threten shilling four pennyes |
£2026.13.4 |
E106/1/1/10 |
Wheit in the said paroch Twelfe chalder pryce ane thousand thrie hundreth and tuelff punds |
£1312.0.0 |
E106/1/1/10 |
Beir in the said parish Twentie nyne chalder Eight bolls pryce Twa thousand fyve hundreth sevinteen punds sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£2517.6.8 |
E106/1/1/10 |
Meill and Aittis in the said parish Eighteen Chalder pryce Ane thousand thrie hundreth Fourtie four punds |
£1344.0.0 |
E106/1/1/10 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said parish extends to Sevin thousand Twa hundreth punds |
£7200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/10 |
By and attour ther is payed To the minister Schoolemaster and Comunion [Communion] Elements nyne hundreth & Twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/10 |
[Page] 10 |
E106/1/1/11 |
Cramond |
E106/1/1/11 |
... For himself and remnant heritors fewers Lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthers in the parish of Crawmond ther money rent is ane thousand four hundreth and four punds |
£1404.0.0 |
E106/1/1/11 |
Wheit in the said paroch nyne chalder pryce Is nyne hundreth fourscore four punds |
£984.0.0 |
E106/1/1/11 |
Beir in the said parish Thriescore fyfteen chalder pryce Is Sex thousand four hundreth punds |
£6400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/11 |
Meill and Aittis in the said parish Threttie nyne chald [chalder] pryce Twa thousand nyne hundreth and Twelff punds |
£2912.0.0 |
E106/1/1/11 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said parish Extends to Elevin thousand sevin hunder punds |
£11700.0.0 |
E106/1/1/11 |
By and attour ther is payed to the minister scholemaster & Schoolemaster sex hundreth threttie thrie pund sex shilling Eight pennyes and four chalder half beir and half meill Is thrie hundreth twentie punds Inde Is nyne hundreth fyftie thrie pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£953.6.8 |
E106/1/1/11 |
Item payed to the Magdalen chappell ane hundreth thrie punds |
£103.0.0 |
E106/1/1/11 |
[Page] 11 |
E106/1/1/11 |
by and attour – over and above
Latin 'inde' - thus |
E106/1/1/12 |
Kirklistoun |
E106/1/1/12 |
... For himselfe and remnant heritors fewers lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthers in that pairt of the parochen of Kirkliston in the schyre of midlothian Ther wheit in the forsaid pairt of the parochen is Sex chalder Twelff bolls pryce therof Sevin hundreth threttie Eight pund |
£738.0.0 |
E106/1/1/12 |
Beir in the forsaid pairt of the said parochen Is Twentie chalder pryce throf [therof] Is ane thousand sevin hundreth sex pund thretteen shilling four pennyes |
£1706.13.4 |
E106/1/1/12 |
Meill and Aittis in the said parochen is Twentie Fyve chalders pryce throf [thereof] Is ane thousand Eight hundreth thriescore sex pund thretten shill [shillings] Eight peny |
£1866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/12 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall in the forsaid pairt of the said parochen Extends in money to Four thousand thrie hundreth elevin punds sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£4311.6.8 |
E106/1/1/12 |
To the ministers and Schoolemaster thrie hundreth punds |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/12 |
[Page ] 12 & 7 |
E106/1/1/12 |
The amount for meal and oats as written in words does not match the sum in figures. |
E106/1/1/13 |
Ratho |
E106/1/1/13 |
... For himself and remnant heritors fewers lyfrenters proper wedsetter and vthers in the parrochin of Ratho ther money rent is ane hundreth and ten pund |
£110.0.0 |
E106/1/1/13 |
Wheit in the said paroch Sex chalders pryce Sex hundreth fyftie sex pund |
£656.0.0 |
E106/1/1/13 |
Beir Fourtie Chalder pryce Thrie thousand four hundreth thretteen punds sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£3413.6.8 |
E106/1/1/13 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Fyftie Eight Chalder pryce Four thousand thrie hundreth and threttie punds thretten shilling four pennyes |
£4330.13.4 |
E106/1/1/13 |
The sowme of the pryce of the Victuall and money in the said paroch Extends to Eight thousand Fyve Hundreth ten pund |
£8510.0.0 |
E106/1/1/13 |
By and attour ther is payed to the Minister Schoolemaster and Comunion Element Nyne hundreth and threttie thrie pund Sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£933.6.8 |
E106/1/1/13 |
To the excheqr [exchequer] sex pund thretteen shilling four pennyes |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/13 |
[Page] 13 |
E106/1/1/14 |
Kirknewtoun |
E106/1/1/14 |
... For himself and remnant heritors fewers lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthrs [vthers] in the parochen of kirknewtoun ther money rent is ane thousand ane hundreth threttie pund thretteen shilling four pennyes |
£1130.13.4 |
E106/1/1/14 |
Beir in the said paroch Twa chalder pryce therof is ane hundreth thriescore ten punds thretten shilling four pennyes |
£170.13.4 |
E106/1/1/14 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch 4 chalder pryce Twa hundreth Fourscore Eighteen punds thretteen shillings Four pennyes |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/14 |
The sowme of the pryce of the Victuall and money rent in the said paroch Extends to Ane thousand sex hundreth punds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/14 |
By and attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister and Comunion Elements Eight hundreth & twentie punds |
£820.0.0 |
E106/1/1/14 |
[Page] 14 |
E106/1/1/15 |
Currie |
E106/1/1/15 |
... For himselfe and remnant heritors fewers lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of Currie ther money rent is Four Thousand Sevin hundreth sex pund thretteen shillings four pennyes |
£4706.13.4 |
E106/1/1/15 |
Wheat in the said paroch Four Chalders pyrce throf [therof] is Four hundreth threttie sevin pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£437.6.8 |
E106/1/1/15 |
Beir in the said paroch Twelff chalder pryce throf [therof] is ane thousand twentie four pund |
£1024.0.0 |
E106/1/1/15 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Sexteen chald [chalder] Eight bolls pryce throf [therof] is ane thousand twa hundreth threttie twa pund |
£1232.0.0 |
E106/1/1/15 |
The sowme of the pryce of the Victuall and money in the said paroch Extends to Sevin thousand Four hundreth |
£7400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/15 |
Ther is by and attor [attour] payed to the Minister Schoolemaster & comunion Elements nyne hundreth and twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/15 |
Payed to the Towne of Edgt [Edinburgh] and to King James coledge Twa thousand fyve hundreth fyftie nyne pund Nynteen shilling sex pennys |
£2559.19.6 |
E106/1/1/15 |
[Page] 15 |
E106/1/1/16 |
Caldercleir |
E106/1/1/16 |
... For himselfe and remnant heritors lyfrenter fewars proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of Caldercleir ther money rent is ane thousand threttie sevin pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£1037.6.8 |
E106/1/1/16 |
Beir in the said paroch Fyve Chalder Eight bolls pryce throf [thereof] is Four hundreth thriescore nyne punds sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£469.6.8 |
E106/1/1/16 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Tuentie chalder pryce throf [therof] is ane thousand four hundreth Fourscore threteen pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£1493.6.8 |
E106/1/1/16 |
The sowme of the Pryce of the victuall and money in the said Parochen Extends to Thrie thousand punds |
£3000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/16 |
By and attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister Scholemaster and comunion Elements Nyne hundreth twentie pund |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/16 |
[Page] 16 |
E106/1/1/17 |
Eastcalder |
E106/1/1/17 |
... For himselfe and remnant heritors lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetters and vthers in the paroch of East Calder ther money rent is Four thousand ane hundreth thriescore thretten pund sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£4173.6.8 |
E106/1/1/17 |
Beir in the said paroch Sex chalder pryce throf [therof] is Fyve hundreth and tuelff punds |
£512.0.0 |
E106/1/1/17 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Sexteen chalder pryce throf [therof] is ane thousand ane hundreth fourscore fourteen punds thretten shilling four pennyes |
£1194.13.4 |
E106/1/1/17 |
The sowme of the pryce of the Victuall and money in the said paroch extends to Fyve thousand Eight hundreth fourscore punds |
£5880.0.0 |
E106/1/1/17 |
By and attour ther is payed to the minister and schoolemaster and comunion elements Nyne hundreth and twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/17 |
[Page] 17 |
E106/1/1/18 |
Westcalder |
E106/1/1/18 |
... For himself and remnant heritors lyfrenters fewers and proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of westcalder ther silver rent is Four thousand thrie hundreth Fourtie nyne pund sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£4349.6.8 |
E106/1/1/18 |
Beir in the said paroch Twelff bolls pryce Thriescore four pund |
£64.0.0 |
E106/1/1/18 |
Meill & aitts in the said paroch Twa chalder Eight bolls pryce throf [therof] ane hundreth Fourscore sex pund thretteen shilling four pennyes |
£186.13.4 |
E106/1/1/18 |
The sowme of the pryce of the Victuall and money in the said paroch is Four thousand sex hundreth punds |
£4600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/18 |
By and attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster & comunion [communion] element nyne hundreth threttie thrie pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£933.6.8 |
E106/1/1/18 |
[Page] 18 |
E106/1/1/19 |
Dalkeith |
E106/1/1/19 |
... For himself and remnant heritor lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetter and vthrs [vthers] in the parochen of Dalkeith ther money rent is Twa thousand sex hundreth threttie four punds thretteen shillings four pennyes |
£2634.13.4 |
E106/1/1/19 |
Wheit in the said paroch Four chalder pryce Four hundreth threttie sevin pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£437.6.8 |
E106/1/1/19 |
Beir in the said paroch Thriescore thretten chalder pryce Sex thousand Twa hundreth twentie nyne pund sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£6229.6.8 |
E106/1/1/19 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Four Chalder pryce Twa hundreth fourscore Eighteen punds thretten shilling four pennyes |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/19 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said paroch Extends to Nyne thousand sex hunder punds |
£9600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/19 |
By and attour ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster & comunion Elements ane thousand thrie hundreth twentie punds |
£1320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/19 |
[Page] 19 |
E106/1/1/20 |
Newbottell |
E106/1/1/20 |
For himself and remnant heritors lyfrenters fewars proper wedsetter and vthers in the parochen of Newbotle ther money rent is Fyve thousand Four hundreth punds |
£5400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/20 |
Wheit in the said paroch Fyve chalder Pryce Fyve hundreth Fourtie sex pund thretteen shilling four pennyes |
£546.13.4 |
E106/1/1/20 |
Beir Twentie Fyve chalder pryce Twa thousand ane hundreth threttie thrie pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£2133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/20 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Fyfteen chalder pryce ane Thousand ane hundreth and twentie pund |
£1120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/20 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall & money rent in the said parochen Is Nyne thousand Twa hundreth |
£9200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/20 |
By and attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaister & communion Elements ane thousand ane hundreth threttie thrie pund sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£1133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/20 |
[Page] 20 |
E106/1/1/21 |
Cockpen |
E106/1/1/21 |
For himself and remnant heritors Lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetters and vthers in the paroche of cockpen ther money rent in the said parochen is ane thousand Twa hundreth & Fourscoire ten punds thretteen shilling four penny |
£1290.13.4 |
E106/1/1/21 |
Beir in the said paroch sexteen chalder pryce Ane thousand thrie hundreth thrie score fyve pund sex shillings Eight pennyes |
£1365.6.8 |
E106/1/1/21 |
Meill and aittis in the said paroch Eighteen chalder pryce Ane thousand thrie hundreth fourtie four pund |
£1344.0.0 |
E106/1/1/21 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said paroch Extends to Four thousand punds |
£4000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/21 |
Byand attor ther is payed to the minister and schoolmaister & comunon [communion] Elements Nyne hundreth punds |
£900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/21 |
[Page] 21 |
E106/1/1/22 |
Carington |
E106/1/1/22 |
For himself and remnant heritors lyfrenter and vyrs [vthers] in the parochen of Carington Ther money rent is Twa thousand Four hundreth thriescore ten punds thretteen shilling Four peny |
£2470.13.4 |
E106/1/1/22 |
Beir in the said paroch Eight chalder pryce Sex hundreth Fourscore Twa punds thretten shilling Four pennyes |
£682.13.4 |
E106/1/1/22 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Ten chalder pryce Sevin hundreth Fourtie Sex pund thretten shilling four pennyes |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/22 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said paroch is Thrie thousand nyne hundreth punds |
£3900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/22 |
Byand attor ther is payed to the minister Schoolemr [Schoolmaster] & commion [communion] Elements Nyne hundreth punds |
£900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/22 |
[Page] 22 |
E106/1/1/23 |
Glencorse |
E106/1/1/23 |
For himself and remnant heritors Fewers Lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of glencorse ther rent being all money Extends to Twa thousand punds |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/23 |
Byand attour ther is payed to the minister shoolemr [schoolmaister] & comunon Elements nyne hundreth punds |
£900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/23 |
[Page] 23 |
E106/1/1/24 |
Naetonn |
E106/1/1/24 |
For himself and remnant heritors Lyfrenter Fewers proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of newton Ther rent being all money Extends to Sevin Thousand Thrie hundreth punds |
£7300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/24 |
Byand attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister Schoolemr [Schoolmaster] and comunon Elements Nyne hundreth and threttie punds |
£930.0.0 |
E106/1/1/24 |
[Page] 24 |
E106/1/1/25 |
Lessvade |
E106/1/1/25 |
For himself and remnant heritors Lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetters and vyrs [vthers] in the parochen of lessvade ther money is Sevin thousand Fyve hundreth thrie score Four punds -- 7564 li [Pounds] |
£7564.0.0 |
E106/1/1/25 |
Beir in the said paroch Fourteen chald [chalder] pryce Ane thousand Ane hundreth four score fourteen punds thretten shilling Four pennyes |
£1194.13.4 |
E106/1/1/25 |
Meill and aitts in the said parochen Fourteen chalder pryce Ane thousand Fourtie Fyve pund sex shilling Eight pennies |
£1045.6.8 |
E106/1/1/25 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money rent in the said parish Extends to nyne thousand Eight hundreth four punds |
£9804.0.0 |
E106/1/1/25 |
Byand attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster and comunion [communion] Elements Nyne hundreth and twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/25 |
[Page] 25 |
E106/1/1/26 |
Innerask |
E106/1/1/26 |
For himself and remnant heritors Lyfrenter proper wedsetters fewers And vthers in the parochen of Innerask ther money rent is Elevin Thousand Four hundreth thrie score four punds |
£11464.0.0 |
E106/1/1/26 |
Wheit in the said parochen Fourtie chalder pryce Four thousand Thrie hundreth thriescore thretteen punds Sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£4373.6.8 |
E106/1/1/26 |
Beir Fiftie chalders pryce Four thousand Twa hundreth thriescore sex pund Thretteen shilling four pennies |
£4266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/26 |
Meall and Aitts in the said paroch Twelff chalder pryce Eight hundreth fourscore sexteen pund |
£896.0.0 |
E106/1/1/26 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said paroch extends to Twentie ane Thousand punds |
£21000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/26 |
Byand attor [attour] ther is payd to the minister Schoolemaster and comunon [communion] Elements ane thousand thrie hundreth threttie thrie punds sex shilling Eight pennyes |
£1333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/26 |
[Page] 26 |
E106/1/1/27 |
Cranstoun |
E106/1/1/27 |
For himselfe and remnant heritors fewers Lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthrs [vthers] in the said paroch of Cranston Ther rent being all in money Extends to Sex thousand punds |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/27 |
By and attour ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster and Comunion Elements nyne hundreth and Twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/27 |
[Page] 27 |
E106/1/1/28 |
Criechtoun |
E106/1/1/28 |
For himself and remnant heritors Lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochen of Criechtonn Ther rent of Beir in the said paroch is Threttie chalder pryce throf [therof] is Twa thousand Fyve hundreth thrie score punds |
£2560.0.0 |
E106/1/1/28 |
Meill and Aitts in the said paroch Threttie chalders pryce throf [therof] is Twa thousand Twa hundreth and Fourie punds |
£2240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/28 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall in the said paroch Extends To Four thousand Eight hundreth punds |
£4800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/28 |
Byand attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster & communon Elements nyne hundreth and Twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/28 |
[Page] 28 |
E106/1/1/29 |
Falla |
E106/1/1/29 |
Sir patrick hamilton of Litle prestoun gave in his rent of Falla qlk [quhilk] is onlie money rent and Extends to ane thousand pund |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/29 |
By and attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister Twa hundreth punds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/29 |
[Page] 29 |
E106/1/1/30 |
Borthuick |
E106/1/1/30 |
For himself and remnant heritors Lyfrenter fewers proper wedsetters and vthrs [vthers] in the parochen of Borthuik Ther money rent is Sex thousand thrie hundreth twa pund thretteen shilling four pennyes |
£6302.13.4 |
E106/1/1/30 |
Meill and aitts in the said paroch Eight chalder pryce Fyve hundreth Four score sevinteen pund sex shilling Eight pennies |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/30 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said parish Extends to Sex thousand Nyne hundreth punds |
£6900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/30 |
By and attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister Schoolmaster and Comunion Elements Twelff hundreth punds |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/30 |
To the king of few dewtie fourtie punds |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/30 |
[Page] 30 |
E106/1/1/31 |
Tempill |
E106/1/1/31 |
For himself and remnant heritors Lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetters and vthers in the said parochen of Temple Ther money rent is Fyve thousand Eight hundreth and fyve punds sex shilling Eight pennies |
£5805.6.8 |
E106/1/1/31 |
Beir in the said paroche Twa chalders pryce throf [therof] is ane hundreth thriescore ten pund thretteen shilling four pennyes |
£170.13.4 |
E106/1/1/31 |
Meill in the said paroch Thrie chalders pryce throf [therof] is Twa hundreth twentie four punds |
£224.0.0 |
E106/1/1/31 |
The sowme of the pryce of the victuall and money in the said paroch Extends to Sex thousand Twa hundreth punds |
£6200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/31 |
Byand attor [attour] ther is payed to the minister and Comnion [Communion] Elements and Scholemaster nyne hundreth punds |
£900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/31 |
[Page] 31 |
E106/1/1/32 |
Pennycook |
E106/1/1/32 |
For himself and remnant heretors Lyfrenter fewers proper wedsetter and vthrs [vthers] in the parochen of pennycook Ther whole rent being onlie money Extends to Fyve thousand Four hundreth punds |
£5400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/32 |
Byand attour ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster and Comunion Elements nyne hundreth & twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/32 |
[Page] 32 |
E106/1/1/33 |
Heriott |
E106/1/1/33 |
For himselfe and remnant heritors Lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetters and vthers in the parochin of Heriott Ther rent being onlie money Extends to thrie thousand fyve hundreth punds |
£3500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/33 |
Byand attour ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster and Comunion elements nyne hundreth & twentie punds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/33 |
[Page] 33 |
E106/1/1/34 |
Stow |
E106/1/1/34 |
For himselff and remnant heritors Lyfrenters fewers proper wedsetters and vthrs [vthers] in the parochen of Stow ther rent being onlie money rent Extends to ten thousand pund |
£10000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/34 |
Byand attour ther is payed to the minister Schoolemaster and Comunion Elements nyne hundreth twentie pounds |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/34 |
Payed to the King of Few dewtie thrie hundreth and Nyne pund sexteen shillings |
£309.16.0 |
E106/1/1/34 |
[Page] 34 |
E106/1/1/35 |
Coall |
E106/1/1/35 |
The Casuall rent of coall in the shyre of Mid Lothian is Esteemat to be worth Sex thousand poundis |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/35 |
The Present totall of the Shyre of Mid Lothian Extends Thrie hundreth sex thousand thrie hundreth Fourscore sevin pund Eight shillings scottis |
£306387.8.0 |
E106/1/1/35 |
The old totall Were thrie hundreth ane thousand Nyne hundreth Fourscore pundis |
£301980.0.0 |
E106/1/1/35 |
The Present exceids the former Four thousand Four hundreth sex pound tuelff shilling |
£4406.12.0 |
E106/1/1/35 |
Mortified rent and what is payed to the Excheqr [Exchequer] Towne of Edgr [Edinburgh] and vtheris to be deduced Extends to Thriescore fyve thousand ane hundreth Fourscore Twa pund |
£65182.0.0 |
E106/1/1/35 |
The totall of the present Valuation of the shyre That is to pay mantenance Extends to Twa hundreth Fourtie ane thousand Twa hundreth & fyve pund Eight shilling |
£241205.8.0 |
E106/1/1/35 |
[Page] 35
R Scott
S. W wauchope
W J Inglis
T Inglis
T Douglas
J laird Makcullo
M L Scott
M S Johnestoune |
E106/1/1/37 |
[Page] 37
Valuation of the
Shrefdome [Shirreffdome] of
Edgr princl [Edinburgh principal]
producit 29 Jar 1650 [29 Jan 1650] |
E106/1/1/38 |
Kincardine |
E106/1/1/40 |
Fettercarne perish |
E106/1/1/40 |
David Earle of Southesk for himselff and remnant heritoris fewers Lyfrenteris proper vodsetteris and vtheris wtin [within] the perochin off fettercarne the money rent doeth extend to |
£784.3.4 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Peyit off meill in the said perochin Fyftie fyve chalderis and eight bolis according to the measur of Linlithgov prik mett Wch [Which] being convertit in moey [money] at four lb sex shillingis eight d [£4.6.8] a bole extendis to |
£3848.0.0 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Peyit off beir in the said perochin Thrittie four chalderis eight bolis according to the measur ford [foresaid] qch [quhich] being convertit in moey [money] at four ll ten ss [£4.10.0] the bol extendis to |
£2484.0.0 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Itm [Item] peyit of casuall rent in the said perochin for mosss [mosses] and peitis |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Suma [Summa] of the prices off the Whole wictuall covertit [convertit] and moey [money] of this perochin extendis to Sevin thowsand Sevin hundreth fourscor tua lb [pounds] sextein shillingis eight pennies |
£7782.16.[8] |
E106/1/1/40 |
Peyit out of the said rent to the minister at fettercarne Tua chalderis meill and ane chalder beir at the prices ford [foresaid] extends to tua hundreth ten lb 13 ss iiij ds [£210.13.4] and off moey [money] Thrie hundreth thriescor sewin lb xiii ss iiij ds [£367.13.4] |
£737.4.8 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Itm [Item] peyit to his maties [majesties] exchequer fyftie tua lb [pounds] iiij ss [four shillings] |
£52.4.0 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Itm [Item] to the schoolmaister ane hundreth sex lb [pounds] xiii ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£106.13.4 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Rests |
£6886.14.8 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Aberluthnot perochine |
E106/1/1/40 |
Patrick Earle of panmure for himself and remnant heritoris Lyfrenteris fewers proper vodsetteris and vtheris wtin [within] the perish of aberluthnot the money rent Doeth extend to |
£980.13.4 |
E106/1/1/40 |
Peyit of meill in the said perish Fyftie Nyne chalderis |
E106/1/1/40 |
[Page] 40
19 Januar 1650 [19 Jan 1650]
The Roll of the rent of the Sh..ifdome [Sherifdome] of Kincardin maid and Sett doun by the comissioneris vnder subscryving appoyntit for that effect by act of estaites of pa...liament [parliament] of this Kingdom Holdin at Edgh [Edinburgh] the fourt day off august iai vi c [1600] Fourtie Nyne Zereis [4 Aug 1649] Wich comissioneris [commissioneris] hawing mett the fourteinth - Day off Novembr [November] Last bypast [14 Nov 1648] and hawing Judicially giwin ther oathis to vse ther best indeveris for ane right and trew information off the rentis of the Whole sheir and to proceid faithfully and impartially in prosecuting ther Commission and instructionis relating thairto. Wch [Which] they have cairfully performed in ewerie poynt After Serious and mature deliberatione Thay haue maid & Sett doun the Roll efter following in articles according to the number off the sewerall Perochinis within the said sheir and haue cast wp the suma [summa] according to the Direction of Parliament: |
E106/1/1/40 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
vodsetteris - wadsetters, the creditors in a mortgage arrangement
prick mett - the standard firlot measure, with a metal rod (the prick) supporting the crossbar |
E106/1/1/41 |
four bolis ane firlot tua pekis according to the measur [measure] and pryce ford [forsaid] being convertit in moey [money] extendis To |
£4109.12.6 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit of beir in the said perish Thrittie chalders ten bolis a firlot tua pekis according to the ford [foresaid] meassr [measure] and being convirtit at the price ford [foresaid] extendis To |
£2206.13.4 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Sum of the Whole price of the Whole victuall convertit and moey [money] in this parish extendis To Sevin thowsand Tua hundrethe fourscor sextein lb [Pounds] Nyntein sh [Shillings] tua ds [pennies] |
£7296.19.2 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Theirof peyit to the minister tua chalder tua bolis meill ane chalder ane bol beir being convertit at the prices ford [foresaid] extendis to tua hundreth tuentie eight lb [Pounds] iij ss [three Shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£228.3.4 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Itm [Item] of moey [money] thrie hundreth thriescoir thrie lb [Pounds] vi ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£363.6.8 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit to the old colledg of aberdein of teind silver thrie hundreth thirttie thrie lb [Pounds] sex ss [shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Itm [Item] to it of teind wictuall eight bolis meil and tua bols beir convertit at the prices ford [foresaid] is thriescoir ane lb [Pound] |
£61.0.0 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit to the schoolmr [schoolmaster] of the perochin thriescor sex lb [Pounds] xiii ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit to the hospitall of montrois of mortiefied wictuall ten bolis ten peks meill extendis to fourtie sex lb [Pounds] xiiij ss [fourteen shillings] ij ds [two pennies] |
£46.14.2 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Sum of money mortiefiet to the said hospitall sex lb [Pounds] xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit to the exchequer of few dewtie Fourtie ane lb [Pounds] xiii ss [therteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£41.13.4 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Rests |
£6149.8.4 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Eglisgrig perochin |
E106/1/1/41 |
Sir Robert Grahem off Mvrphie for himselff and remnant heritors Lyfrenteris fewaris vodsetteris within the perochin off eglisgrig the money rent Doeth Extend to |
£421.9.4 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit of meill in the said parochin Fyftie thrie chalderis tua bols according to the measur abouewrin [abouewrittin] and convertit at the price forsaid extendis to |
£3718.0.0 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Fyftie Tua chalderis Nyn bolis according to the said meassr [meassure] and convertit at the price said extends To |
£3784.10.0 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit of casuall rent in the said perochin |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Peyit off few dewtie to the Lord Lendoris thriescor fyftein lb [Pounds] ten ss [shillings] ten ds [pennies] |
£75.10.10 |
E106/1/1/41 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Wholl victuall and money in this perochin extendis to Eight thousand Fourscor Nyntein lb [Pounds] ten ss [shillings] tua ds [pennies] |
£8099.10.2 |
E106/1/1/41 |
[Page] 41 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Theirout of peyit to the minister at eglisgrig sex bols ane firlot tua pekis Whyt at vj lb xvi ss viij ds [£6.16.8] the bole is fourtie four lb [Pounds] 10 ss [shillings] 2 ds [pennies] |
£44.10.2 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Item to him Thrie chalders meill convertit at the price forsaid extendis to tua hundreth eight lb [Pounds] |
£208.0.0 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Item to him of moey [money] thrie hundreth sextein lb [Pounds] xv ss [fifteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£316.15.4 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Item of beir tuentie sevin bols ane firlot extendis to ane hundreth tuentie tua lb [Pounds] xij ss [therteen shillings] vj ds [six pennies] |
£122.12.6 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit to the schoolmr. [schoolmaster] ane hundreth pundis |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit to the exchequer fyve lb [Pounds] vi ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£5.6.8 |
E106/1/1/42 |
[Total] |
£7302.5.6 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Perish of conveth |
E106/1/1/42 |
Alexander Lord Halcartoun for himself and remnant heritoris lyfrenters fewers lyfrenters proper vodsetters and vthers within the perochin of conveth ther moey [money] rent extends to |
£681.16.8 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit of meall in the ford [forsaid] perochin Fourtie chalders [--] according to the meassr [meassure] ford [forsaid] and being convertit in moey [money] at the price abovespeit [abovespecifeit] extendis to |
£2713.6.8 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit of beir in the ford [forsaid] perochin Tuentie eight chalders according to the said measur and being convertit at the price said extends to |
£2016.0.0 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Whole victuall and money in this perochin extendis To fyve thovsand Six hundrethe elevin pundis thrie ss [shillings] four ds [pennies] |
£5611.3.4 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit of this rent to the minister by the kirk landis posessit be himselff peyit be himselff qlk [quhilk] [which] is vorth ane chalder beir off money Thrie hundreth thirttein lb [Pounds] vj ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£313.6.8 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit to the schoolmr [schoolmaster] thrie scor sex lb [Pounds] xiii ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennnies] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit to the New collidge of St andrewis thrie hundreth therttie thrie lb [Pounds] sex shillingis viij ds [eight pennies] |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit of few dewties to the exchequer Tuentie ane lb [Pounds] xvi ss [sixteen shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£21.16.8 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the abbat of arbroth sex lb [Pounds] xiij [thirteen] shillingis iiij ds [four pennies] |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/42 |
[Total] |
£4869.6.8 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Garvok perish |
E106/1/1/42 |
William Earle Marshall for himselff and remnant heretoris lyfrenters proper wodsettters and vthers wtin [within] the perochin of garvok ther money rent doeth extend to |
£1823.6.8 |
E106/1/1/42 |
Peyit of meall in the said perochin Tuelff chalders eight |
E106/1/1/42 |
[Page] 42
Thrie [written in left side of page] |
E106/1/1/43 |
bolis meill according to the forsaid measur and being convertit in moey [money] at the price ford [forsaid] extendis to |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Sex chalders being convertit at the price ford [forsaid] extends to |
£432.0.0 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the whol wictuall and moey [money] in this perochin extendis to thrie thousand ane hundreth tuentie tua lb [Pounds] |
£3122.0.0 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Thierof peyit to the minister Tua chalderis tua bolis meill and ane chalder beir convertit at the price foirsaid extendis to tua hundreth Nyntein lb six ss viij ds [£219.6.8] and of moey [money] by his vicarage ane hundreth fourtie thrie lb 6 ss 8 ds [£143.6.8] inde |
£362.13.4 |
E106/1/1/43 |
[Total] |
£2759.6.8 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Fordoun perish |
E106/1/1/43 |
Sir Alexander Carnegy of pittaro for himselff and remnant heretoris lyfrenteris fewaris proper wodsetteris and vthers in the perochin of fordoun ther money rent extendis to |
£2430.13.4 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Peyit of meall in the said parochin Thriescor thrie chalderis four bolis according to Linlithgow measur and prik met qch [quhich] being convertit in money at the price ford [forsaid] extendis to |
£4385.6.8 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin thrittie thrie chalderis fourtein bolis according to the said measur being convertit at 4 lb 10 ss [£4.10.0] a bol extendis to |
£2394.0.0 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Whol wictuall and money in this perish extendis to Nyn thovsand tua hundreth Ten lb [Pound] |
£9210.0.0 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Theiroff peyit to the minister of silver stipend Four hundreth thriescor lb [£460.0.0] Item fyve chalderis meall and oats and ane chalder beir being convertit at the prices forsaidis extendis wt [with] the silver stipend To |
£878.13.4 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the exchequer thrittie lb [Pound] |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Peyit of few dewties to the new college of abd. [aberdeen] thrie lb [Pound] |
£3.0.0 |
E106/1/1/43 |
[Total] |
£8298.6.8 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Benholme perish |
E106/1/1/43 |
William Raittfeir of balgrein for himselff and remnant heritoris Lyfrentaris fewaris proper vodsetteris and vtheris in the perochin of benholm ther money rent extendis to |
£566.13.4 |
E106/1/1/43 |
Peyit of meall in the said parochin tuentie fyve chalderis sex bolis according to the said meassr [meassure] and being convertit at the price said extendis to |
£1759.6.8 |
E106/1/1/43 |
[Page] 43 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Peyit of beir in the said perish Tuentie eight chalders thrie bolis according to the measur and being convertit at the said price of beir extendis to |
£2029.10.[0] |
E106/1/1/44 |
Peyit of casuall rent for Whyt fishing in this perochin of moey [money] |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Peyit of Whyt in this perochin Tua chalders four bols at the price for dreyst quhyt extendis to |
£246.0.0 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Suma [Summa] of the Whole price of the Whole wictuall and moey [money] in this perysh extendis to four thowsand Eight hundreth elevin lb [Pound] ten ss [shillings] |
£4811.10.0 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Thereof peyit to the minister off moy [money] Tua hundreth thriescor lb [Pound] |
£260.0.0 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Sex bolis quhyt eightein bols bear and sextein bolis meill the wictuall being convertit at the prices above speit [specifeit] extendis to ane hundreth Four scor elewin lb [Pound] six ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] inde |
£191.6.8 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Peyit to the schoolmr [schoolmaster] eight bolis beir at thrittie sex lb [Pound] and in moey [money] fourtie lb [Pound] |
£76.0.0 |
E106/1/1/44 |
[Total] |
£4284.3.4 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Kyneff Perish |
E106/1/1/44 |
Robert Wicount of Arbuthnot for himselff and remnant heritoris Lyfrenteris feweris proper vodsetteris and vtheris in the perochin of kinneff ther money rent extendis to |
£651.18.8 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Peyit of meall in the said perochin thrittie ane chalderis thrie bolis according to the measur and mett forsaid qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the meall price ford [forsaid] extendis to |
£2162.6.8 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Peyit of bear in the said perish Fourtie Nyn chalderis thrie bolis thrie firlots according to the measr [measur] ford [forsaid] being convertit at the price of bear aboue wrin [written] extendis To |
£3544.17.6 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Peyit of Casuall rent for Whyt fishing in the said perish |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Wholl wictuall and moey [money] in this perish extendis to sex thovsand fyve hundreth fyftie Nyne lb [Pound] tua ss [shillings] ten ds [pennies] |
£6559.2.10 |
E106/1/1/44 |
Peyit heiroff to the minister Fyve hundreth four scor sevin lb tua ss [£587.2.0] tuentie four bolis thrie firlots meall tuentie thrie bols ane firlot bear the wll [wholl] at the price ford [forsaid] extendis to tua hundrh [hundreth] elewin lb Sevin ss ane ds [£211.7.1] for comunion elementis Fourtie Eight [£48.10.5] |
£846.19.6 |
E106/1/1/44 |
[Page] 44 |
E106/1/1/44 |
By calculation the communion element is £48.10.5 |
E106/1/1/45 |
To the schoolmaster ane hundret poundis |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Peyit of feu dewtie to the exchequer fyve lb [Pound] xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£5.13.4 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Peyit of mortiefiet rent to the hospitall of Montrois tuentie Nyn lb [Pound] ten shillingis |
£29.10.0 |
E106/1/1/45 |
[Total] |
£5576.19.10 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Arbuthnot Perochine |
E106/1/1/45 |
Robert Wicount of arbuthnot for himselff and remnant heritoris lyfrenteris friehalderis Proper vodsetters and vthers wtin [within] the perochin of arbuthnot thair money rent extendis to |
£712.4.0 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Peyit of meall in the said perochin Threttie Fyve chalderis sex bolis according to the measur of Linlithgow prik met being convertit in moy [money] at the price of the meall aboue vrin [written] extendis to |
£2452.13.4 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Peyit of beir in the said perish Eightein chalderis according to the measur above wrin [written] and at the bear price ford [forsaid] being convertit in moey [money] extendis To |
£1152.0.0 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Sum of the price of the hail victuall & moey [money] rent in this perochin extendis to Four thowsand thrie hundreth sextein lb [Pound] xvij ss [seventeen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£4316.17.4 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Thereof peyit to the minister sextein bols beir tuentie sex bols meall and thrie hundreth thrie scor sex lb xiij ss iiij ds [£366.13.4] of moey [money] the wictuall at the price said and the moey [money] extendis to ane hundreth fyftie ane lb xiij ss iiij ds [£151.13.4] |
£551.6.8 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Peyit to the schoolmr [schoolmaster] ane hundreth poundis |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the exchequer thrie lb [Pound] vi ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£3.6.8 |
E106/1/1/45 |
[Total] |
£3662.4.0 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Glenbervie perochin |
E106/1/1/45 |
James Dovglass of glenbervie for himselff and remnant heritoris lyfrentaris friehalderis and vthers wtin [within] the perochin of glenbervie ther silver rent extendis to |
£1346.13.4 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Peyit of meill in the said perochin Nyntein chalder four bolis tua firlotis according to the measr [measure] of the met qlk [quhilk] being convertit at the meill price aboue wrin [written] in money extendeth to |
£1335.0.0 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Eight chalders sex bolis according to the meassr [meassure] qlk [quhilk] being convertit at the bear price ford [forsaid] in moey [money] extendis to |
£603.0.0 |
E106/1/1/45 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Whol victuall and money in this perochin extendis tothrie thowsand tua hundreth fourscor four lb [Pound] xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£3284.13.4 |
E106/1/1/45 |
[Page] 45 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Theirof peyit to the minister of glenbervie of money thrie hundreth Pundis Off meill tuentie bolis tua firlots of beir sextein bolis the wictuall being convertit at the prices ford [forsaid] and the money extendis to Four hundreth thriescor pundis ten shillingis |
£460.10.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Peyit to the minister at Arbuthnot tua bolis beir eight bolis meill and Fourtie lb [Pounds] money the wictuall being convertit and the money extendis to four scor thrie lb [Pounds] xiii ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£83.13.4 |
E106/1/1/46 |
[Total] |
£2741.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Katerlane perish |
E106/1/1/46 |
Robert Arbuthnot of Katerlane for himselff and remnant heritoris lyfrentaris fewaris friehalders proper wodsetteris and vtheris within the parochin of Katerlane ther money rent extendis to |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Peyit of meill in this perochin Four chalder eight bolis according to the measur ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moy [money] at the meall price aboue wrin [written] extends To |
£312.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Four chalderis eight bolis according to the measur ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit at the price of beir aboue wrin [written] extendis to |
£324.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Sum of the price of the Whole wictuall and moey [money] in this perochin extendis To Eight hundreth thrittie sex lb [Pound] |
£836.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Theirof peyit to the minister Twa hundreth lb [Pound] |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the Earle of panmuir qlk [quhilk] vas peyit to the abbat of arboeth Fourtie lb [Pound] |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the somtym bishop of brechein and now to the minister at Sextein lb [Pound] |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
[Total] |
£580.0.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Dunnottar Perish |
E106/1/1/46 |
William Earle marshall for himselff and remnant heritors Lyfrenteris friehalderis feweris wodsetteris and vtheris wtin [within] the perochin of dunotar [dunnotar] ther money rent extendis to |
£1175.10.0 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Peyit of meall within the said perochin Tuentie sex chalderis ten bolis according to the measr [measur] of Linlithgov prik met qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the meall price ford [forsaid] extendis to |
£1846.6.8 |
E106/1/1/46 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Sevintein chalderis sex bols according to the measr [measur] ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moy [ money] at the beir price ford [forsaid] extendis to |
£1251.[0.0] |
E106/1/1/46 |
[Page] 46 |
E106/1/1/46 |
In the value of payment to the minister thrie has been overwritten with the Capital T in Twa.
The missing numbers have been calculated from the other totals in the parish |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit of casuall rent for Whyt fishing |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Sum [Summa] of the price of the Whole wictuall and moey [money] in this parochin Extendis To four thowsand sex hundreth thriescor tuelf lb [Pound] sextein ss [shilling] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£4672.16.8 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Theirof peyit to the minister thrie hundreth Fyftie thrie lb [Pound] vj ss [six shilling] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£353.6.8 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit to the schoolmaster thriescor sex lb [pound] xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/47 |
[Total] |
£4,252.16.8 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Fetterresso perish |
E106/1/1/47 |
William Earle marshall for himselff and remnant heretoris lyfrentaris friehalderis fewaris proper wodsetteris and vthers within the perochin of fetterresso ther Money rent extendis To |
£2,953.13.4 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit of meall in the said perochin Thrittie sewin chalderis ten bolis according to the measur of the mett ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit at the meall price aboue wrin [written] Extendis To |
£2,608.13.4 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit of bear in the said perochin Sevintein chalders ten bolis according to the forsaid measur qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money at the bear price ford [forsaid] extendis To |
£1,269.0.0 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit of casuall rent in the said perochin for quhyt fishing extendis to |
£240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Sum of the price of the Whol wictuall and money in the said perochin extendis To Sewin thowsand thriescor ten lb [pounds] |
£7,570.0.0 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Theirof peyit to the minister Fyve hundreth thrie score thrie lb [pounds] sex shillingis viij ds [eight pennies] |
£563.6.8 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit to the schoolmaster ane hundreth lb [pounds] |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the exchequer Eightein lb [pounds] |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/47 |
[Total] |
£6,888.13.4 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Nig perochine |
E106/1/1/47 |
Sir William forbes of monimusk for himselff and remnant heritoris lyfrenteris friehalderis fewaris proper wodsetteris and vthers in the perochin of nig ther money rent extendis to |
£268.6.8 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit of meall in the said perochin sex chalderis sex bols according to the measur ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the meal price aboue wrin [written] extendis to |
£442.0.0 |
E106/1/1/47 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Ten chalderis tuelff bolis according to the measur ford [foresaid] being convertit at the beir price aboue wrin [written] extendis To |
£774.0.0 |
E106/1/1/47 |
[Page] 47 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Of casuall rent for fishing |
£150.0.0 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Sum of the Price of the Whole wictuall and money extendis To Ane thowsand sex hundreth therttie four lb [pounds] sex ss [shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£1,634.6.8 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Theirof peyit to the minister ane hundreth fyftie fyve lb Sex ss viij ds [£155.6.8] moey [money] eightein bols meall and eight bols beir the wictuall being convertit at tha prices ford [forsaid] and the money extendis to tua hundreth thriedcor Nyn lb [pounds] vi ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£269.6.8 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the exchequer thrie lb [pounds] xvij ss [seventeen shillings] scotis |
£3.17.0 |
E106/1/1/48 |
[Total] |
£1,361.3.0 |
E106/1/1/48 |
That pairt of the perochin of bancharie davinik wtin [within] this sheir |
E106/1/1/48 |
John forbes of Leslie for himselff and remnant heritoris Lyfrenteris friehalders feweris proper wodsetters and vthers wtin [within] that pairt of the perochin of banchorie Dawnik on the south syd of the River Die ther money rent extendis To |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Peyit of meill in the said half perochin fourtein chalders fourtein bolis according to the said measur forsaid quhilk being convertit in money at the price of meill said extendis To |
£1031.6.8 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Peyit of beir in the said half perochin Eight chalders ten bolis according to the measur aboue wrin [written] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money at the beir price aboue wrin [written] Extendis to |
£621.0.0 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Sum of the price of the Whol wicTuall & money in this halff perochin extendis to tua thousand ane hundreth thriescor Nyntein lb [pounds] |
£1,310.0.8 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Theirof peyit to the minister Ten bolis beir tuentie tua bolis meill and Tua hundreth Nyntein lb eight pennies [£219.0.8] money the wictuall being convertit at the prices said and the money extendis To |
£359.7.4 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Peyit to the exchequer fyve lb [pounds] sex ss [shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£5.6.8 |
E106/1/1/48 |
[Total] |
£945.6.0 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Mariecouter perochin |
E106/1/1/48 |
Sir Gilbert Memzeis of pitfoddelis for himselff and remnant heritoris Lyfrentars friehalders feweris proper wodsetteris and vthers wtin [within] the perochin of mariecovter ther money rent extendis to |
£833.6.8 |
E106/1/1/48 |
Peyit of meall within the said perochin Ten chalders thrittein bolis according to the measur of Linlithgow prick mett qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the meill priveford [forsaid] extendis To |
£749.13.[4] |
E106/1/1/48 |
[page] 48 |
E106/1/1/48 |
the written value is £2,179.0.0 numeric value is £1,310.0.8 having checked earlier figures the written value is correct
the pennies value is missing, calculation of other amounts confirms 4 ds to be the correct figure. |
E106/1/1/49 |
Peyit of beir in the said parochin four chalders thrie bols at the measur forsaid qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the bear price aboue said extendeth to |
£301.10.0 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Sum [Summa] of the Whol price of the wictuall and moey [money] rent wtin [within] this perochin extends to Ane thowsand eight hundreth fourscor four lb [pounds] Ten ss [shillings] |
£1884.10.0 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Theirof peyit to the minister of moey [money] stipend tua hundreth four scor pundis [£280.0.0] and of wictuall tuentie thrie bolis meill and Nyn bolis bear the wictuall being convertit at the prices said and the money stipend extendis to four hundreth tuentie lb [pounds] iij ss [three shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] |
£420.3.4 |
E106/1/1/49 |
[Total] |
£1464.6.8 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Doris perishin |
E106/1/1/49 |
Andrew Lord Fraser for himselff and remnant heritors Lyfrentaris friehalders feweris vodsetteris and vtheris wtin [within] the perochin of Doris ther money rent extendis To |
£1173.6.8 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Peyit in the said parochin of meall Ten chalderis ten bolis thrie firlotis according to the measur of the mett ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the price of the meall aboue wrin [written] extendis To |
£789.18.4 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Four chalderis thrie bolis according to the said measr [measur] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at 4lb [pounds] 10 ss [shillings] the bol extendis To |
£301.10.0 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Whol wictuall convertit as saidis and money rent extendis To tua thowsand tua hundreth thriescor four lb [pounds] tuelff ss [shillings] |
£2264.12.0 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Theirof peyit to the minister thrie hundreth and fourtie lb of money and tua chalderis meill the meill being convertit in moey [money] at the price ford [forsaid] and the money extendis to Four hundreth Fyftie eight pundis thrittein ss [shillings] four pennies |
£458.13.4 |
E106/1/1/49 |
[Total] |
£1805.18.8 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Strachan Perochin |
E106/1/1/49 |
Sir Thomas Burnet of Leyis ferry for himselff and remnant heritoris Lyfrenteris friehalderis feweris proper wodsetteris and vtheris within the perochin of Strachan ther proper rent wtin [within] the said perochin being only a money rent extendis To |
£1682.6.8 |
E106/1/1/49 |
Sum of the rent of this perochin extendis to Ane Thousand Sex hundreth fourscor tua lb [pounds] sex ss [shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£1682.6.8 |
E106/1/1/49 |
[page] 49 |
E106/1/1/50 |
Peyit to the minister of strachan by his vicarage of money stipend Tua hundreth ten lb [pounds] |
£210.0.0 |
E106/1/1/50 |
[Total] |
£1472.6.8 |
E106/1/1/50 |
Banchorie ternan perochin |
E106/1/1/50 |
Sir Thomas Burnet of Leyis Kniyt for himselff and remnant heritoris Lyfrenteris friehalderis fewaris proper wodsetteris and vtheris within the perochin of banchorie ternan and that pairt of the perochin of Dalmaek Lyain wtin [within] the perochin of kincardin ther money rent extendis To |
£1526.13.4 |
E106/1/1/50 |
Peyit of meall heir fyftein chalderis according to the measur said qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the price of meill ford [forsaid] extendis To |
£1040.0.0 |
E106/1/1/50 |
Peyit of bear heir ELewin chalderis tuelff bols according to the measur ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money at the price ford [forsaid] extendis to |
£846.0.0 |
E106/1/1/50 |
Sum of the price of the Whol wictuall and money in this perochin extendis To thrie thowsand Four hundreth tuelff Pundis |
£3412.0.0 |
E106/1/1/50 |
Therof peyit to the minister Four scor lb moey [money] tuentie eight bolis bear thrie chalderis meall the wictuall being convertit at the rexiue [respective] prices ford [forsaid] and the money extendes To |
£415.0.0 |
E106/1/1/50 |
Peyit to the exchequer tuentie punds sex ss [shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] |
£20.6.8 |
E106/1/1/50 |
[Total] |
£2976.13.4 |
E106/1/1/50 |
The Totall of the present waluation of this Sheir besyd the mortiefied rent and What is peyit to the exchequer extendis to Thrie scor Fyftein thovsand Sex hundreth thrittie eight Punds eight shillingis tua ds [pennies] |
£75638.8.2 |
E106/1/1/50 |
The mortified Rent and What is peyit to the exchequer extendis to Ten thowsand four hundreth thrie score aight lb [pounds] tua shillingis |
£10468.2.0 |
E106/1/1/50 |
[page] 50 |
E106/1/1/50 |
Kniyt -Knight |
E106/1/1/51 |
The Totall of the former Waluation extends to thrie scor fourtein thowsand Nyn hundrith thrittie sex lb [pounds] 4 ss [shillings] 2 ds [pennies] |
£74936.4.2 |
E106/1/1/51 |
The Present Waluation doeth extend the former in Sevin hundreth tua lb [pounds] four ss [shillings] |
£702.4.0 |
E106/1/1/51 |
[page] 51
The new augmentation of ministers stipends (qlk [quhilk] is so much vrged & will also be obtained) this will exhaust all the superplus valuation & much mor
Qvheras we in obediens to the act of parliament and for echeiving the certifications therein conteint Have returned the report of thr [ther] valuatiounes at ane hicher rate then anie former valuaunes [valuatiounes] of this schyre and also Exceiding the probatioun of severale rentalls given in and probaun [probatioun] of Witnesses deduced befoir us and the totall sett down be the parliament. Thairfore we doe protest That if anie schyre at anie tyme heirefter obteine deductioun of the totale prescrybed be the parliament That the said schyre of Kincard [Kincardine] in regard of the premisss [premisses] may have also a proportionale eass and deduction from the totall
[Signed by the following]
John barclay
James Low balbegnoe
W Rait of [halgrein]
[G] Raitt
William Naper
Patirk Falconer
J Burnett |
E106/1/1/51 |
The premisses - 'the foregoing, the aforesaid, the above' (see *A Dictionary of the Older Scottish Tongue* s.v. premisis 2). |
E106/1/1/53 |
[Page] 53
Valuation of the
Shrefdome [shirefdome] of Kincardin
Producit the 29 Jay [29 Jan 1650]
1650 |
E106/1/1/54 |
[Page] 54
Wigtoun |
E106/1/1/56 |
[Page] 56
The Roll of the rent of the Sheffdome [Shireffdome] of Wigtoune maid and sett doune be the Commissiouners vnder subscryveand appoynted for that effect by act of the estates of Parliament of this kingdome Haldin at Edinburgh The fourth day of August 1649 [4 Aug 1649] Which Comissioners haveing mett vpon the fourth day of September Last And haveing Judiciallie gevin their oathes to vse their best endevoures for a right and true Informatioune of the Rents of the haill Shire and to proceid faithfullie and Impartiallie in prosecuteing their Comissioune and Instructiounes relateing thervnto. Which they have carefullie performed in every poynt Efter serious and mature deliberatioune They have made and sett doune The Roll following in Articles according to the number of the severall Paroches in the said Shire and have cast vp the Summes according to the Directioune of the Parliament
Andrew Agnew
William Kennedy
John Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/58 |
Penninghame |
E106/1/1/58 |
James irle of Galloway for himself and remanent heritors fwers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the said Paroschine their money rent Extends to The sowme of Sex thousand tua hundreth 18 l [pounds] |
£6218.0.0 |
E106/1/1/58 |
Payit in meill and Beir Threttie tuo bolls Linlithgow measure prik mett whilk being converted into money at 4 ls 16: 8 ds [£4.16.8] the boll Extends to Ane hundreth Fyftie four punds 13 s [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] |
£154.13.4 |
E106/1/1/58 |
Sunma [Summa] of the haill money rent and Pryce of victuall being free Rent (by and attour the after wreittin Deductiounes alreadie Compted in the rents aboue wreittin) ExtendsTo the soum of Sex thousand thrie hundreth thriescoir tuelf punds 13: 4 |
£6372.13.4 |
E106/1/1/58 |
Payit of Casualities & Customes Fourscore fyve punds Ten shill [shillings]: 8 ds [pennies] |
£85.10.8 |
E106/1/1/58 |
Payit in Mortafied Rent to the Colledge of Glasgow Tuo hundreth fourscore punds Tenn shillings |
£280.10.0 |
E106/1/1/58 |
Payit to the Minister schoolemr [schoolemaster] Ane Thousand punds |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/58 |
Payit to his Mties [Majesties] Excheqr [Exchequer] Threttie eight punds fourteen shillings |
£38.14.0 |
E106/1/1/58 |
[Page] 58
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
Baldwine |
E106/1/1/58 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
prick mett - the standard firlot measure, with a metal rod (the prick) supporting the crossbar
by and attour - over and above |
E106/1/1/60 |
Wigtoune |
E106/1/1/60 |
James Earle of Galloway for him selff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters and proper wodsetters within the said paroschine Thair money Rent Extends to ane thousand fyve hundreth sixtie sex punds 13:4 |
£1566.13.4 |
E106/1/1/60 |
Payit in meill and beir in the said Paroschine Sex bolls Pryce and measure a for said whilk being convertet into money Extends to Twentie Nyne punds |
£29.0.0 |
E106/1/1/60 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money Rent and pryces of victuall by and attour the deductiounes after writtin Extendis to ane thousand fyve hundreth nyntie fyve punds 13. 4 |
£1595.13.4 |
E106/1/1/60 |
Payit in Casualties and customes in the said Paroschine nyne punds Elevin shillings four ds [pennies] |
£9.11.4 |
E106/1/1/60 |
Payit in Mortified Rent to the Minister schoolemr [schoolemaster] of the said Paroschine Fyve hundreth Thrie scor 16 lb [pounds] 6 ss [shillings] |
£576.6.0 |
E106/1/1/60 |
Payit to his Maties [Majesties] Exchequar Fourtie punds |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/60 |
[page numbered] 4 & 60
Andrew Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/62 |
Kirkjnner |
E106/1/1/62 |
John Vanse of Barinbarock for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the said Paroschine their money Rent Extends to |
£3321.17.4 |
E106/1/1/62 |
Payit of victuall meill and beir in the said Paroschine Ane hundreth Thrie score Ane firlot pryce and measure afor said Which being convertet in money Extends to Eight hundreth Eighteene punds tuo shillings |
£818.2.0 |
E106/1/1/62 |
Suma [Summa] of the whole money rent and pryce of victuall by & attour the deductiones afterwrtin [afterwrittin] Extends to four thousand ane hundreth threttie nyne punds 19:4 |
£4,139.19.4 |
E106/1/1/62 |
Payit of Casualties and Customes Twantie eight punds fifteene shill [shillings] |
£28.15.0 |
E106/1/1/62 |
Payit in few dewtie to the Colledge of Glasgow threttie four punds 13 6 |
£34.13.0 |
E106/1/1/62 |
Payit in mortified Rent to the Minister schoolemr [schoolemaster] Nyne hundreth Threescore four punds sevinteen ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] |
£964.17.8 |
E106/1/1/62 |
Payit in victuall to his Maties [Majesties] Exchequere Twantie Three bolls three firlots mett measure aforsaid |
£114.16.0 |
E106/1/1/62 |
Payit to his Mties [Majesties] Excheqr [Exchequer] in money ane hundreth threttie sex pund 13: 4ds [pennies] |
£136.13.4 |
E106/1/1/62 |
Peyit of Mortified Rent to Andrew Ramsay ane hundreth Threescore four pund |
£164.0.0 |
E106/1/1/62 |
[page numbered] 5 & 62
Andrew Agnew
H Agnew
ariullane |
E106/1/1/64 |
Sorbie |
E106/1/1/64 |
James Earle of Galloway for himselff and remanent heretors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the said paroschine their money Rent Extends to |
£3020.9.4 |
E106/1/1/64 |
Peyit of victuall meill and beir in the said paroschin mett and measure aforsaid Two hundreth Threttie ane bolls tuo firlotts Which being convertet into money Extends to Ane thowsand ane hundreth fourtie aucht in pounds sevinteene shillings |
£1148.17.0 |
E106/1/1/64 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money Rent and pryces of victuall by and attour the deductiounes after wreitten Extends to Four thowsand two hundreth Thretie Nyne punds 6:8ds [pennies] |
£4,139.6.4 |
E106/1/1/64 |
Peyit of Casualities and Customes |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/64 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the Colledge of Glasgow Tuo hundreth Three score elevine punds sex shillings eight pennies |
£271.6.8 |
E106/1/1/64 |
Payit in Mortified Rent to Mr Robert blair Ten punds 13:4 ds [pennies] |
£10.13.4 |
E106/1/1/64 |
Payit in Mortified Rent to the Minister schoolemr [schoolemaster] Sevin hundreth Threttie three punds sex shill [shillings] 8ds [pennies] |
£733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/64 |
Payit of victuall to the Minister Fyfteene bolls mett & measure aforsaid |
£72.0.0 |
E106/1/1/64 |
Payit to his Mties [Majesties] Excheqr [Exchequer] Twantie four punds |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/64 |
[page numbered] 6 & 64
Andrew Agnew
armllane [Ardmillan]
J Agnew |
E106/1/1/66 |
Whithorne |
E106/1/1/66 |
James Erle of Galloway for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the said paroschine their money rent Extends to |
£3876.13.4 |
E106/1/1/66 |
Peyit of meill and beir in the said paroschine Sevin score bolls mett and meassure aforsaid which being convertet into money . Extends to Ane thowsand sex hundreth fourtie three punds sex shilling 8 ds [pennies] |
£1643.6.8 |
E106/1/1/66 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money rent and pryce of victuall being free rent by and attour the afterwrittin deductions compted in the Rent abouewritten Extends the sowme of Fyve thowsand Fyve hundreth Twantie punds |
£5520.0.0 |
E106/1/1/66 |
Payit in few dewtie to the Colledge of Glasgow fyve hundreth Fyfftie ane punds Thretteen shillings four pennies |
£551.13.4 |
E106/1/1/66 |
Payit of mortified Rent to Mr Robert blair fourtie tuo punds |
£42.0.0 |
E106/1/1/66 |
Payit in Mortified rent to the Minister of Portmongomerie Three score punds Thretteene shill [shilling] four pennies |
£60.13.4 |
E106/1/1/66 |
Payit in Mortified Rent To the Minister schoolemaister |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/66 |
[Page numbered] 7 & 66
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
ariullane |
E106/1/1/68 |
Grassertoune |
E106/1/1/68 |
James Erle of Galloway for him selff and remanent heriters Lyverenters fewers and proper wodsetters within the paroschine of Glassertoune their money Rent Extends to |
£2528.13.4 |
E106/1/1/68 |
Payit of meill and beir in the said paroschine Nyneteene score Nynteene bolls Mett and measure aforsaid Which being converted into money Extends to Ane Thowsand Nyne hundreth Twantie eight punds Ten shillings eight pennies |
£1928.10.8 |
E106/1/1/68 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money rent and pryces of victuall being free Rent by and attour the afterwrittin deductiounes Compted in the rent abouewrittin Extends to Four thowd [thowsand] Four hundreth Fyftie Sevin lb [pounds] four ss [shillings] |
£4457.4.0 |
E106/1/1/68 |
Payit of Casualities or Customes in the said parosch Twantie Nyne punds sex shillings eight pennies |
£29.6.8 |
E106/1/1/68 |
Payit in few dewtie to the Colledge of Glasgow Three hundreth five punds sex shillings eight pennies |
£305.6.8 |
E106/1/1/68 |
Payit of mortified rent to the Minister Schoolemr [schoolemaster] of the said paroschine Aught hundreth four score thretten punds 6s [shillings] 8ds [pennies] |
£893.6.8 |
E106/1/1/68 |
Payit to his Majesties Exchequare Fourtie ane punds |
£41.0.0 |
E106/1/1/68 |
[Page numbered] 8 & 68
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/70 |
Mochrum |
E106/1/1/70 |
John Dumbar of Mochrum for himselff and remanent heritores fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the paroschine there money Rent Extends to |
£3897.13.4 |
E106/1/1/70 |
Payit of meill and beir in the said paroschine fourtie Nyne bolls tuo firlots mett and measure aforsaid Which being convered into money Extends to tuo hundreth threttie Nyne pund fyve shillings |
£239.5.0 |
E106/1/1/70 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money Rent and pryces of victuall being free Rent by and attour the afterwrittin deductiounes compted in the Rent abouewtin [abouewrittin] Extends to Foure thowd [thowsand] Ane hundreth threttie sex pund 18:4 ds [pennies] |
£4136.18.4 |
E106/1/1/70 |
Payit of customes or Casualities in the said parochine Ane hundreth tuo punds 3s [shillings] 8ds [pennies] |
£102.3.8 |
E106/1/1/70 |
Payit in tak dewtie To the Colledge of Glasgoe ane hundreth punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/70 |
Payit in Mortified rent to the Minister Schoolemr [Schoolemaster] and poore |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/70 |
[Page numbered] 9 & 70
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew |
E106/1/1/72 |
Kirkcowan |
E106/1/1/72 |
William Gordonn of Craighlaw for himselff and remannent heritores fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the Paroschin Their money Rent Extends to |
£4363.17.4 |
E106/1/1/72 |
Payit of meill and beir in the said paroschine Nyneteene bolls mett and measure aforsaid which being converted in money Extends to Fourscore elevin punds fourteen shill [shillings] eght pennies |
£91.16.8 |
E106/1/1/72 |
Suma [Summa] of the whole money Rent and pryces of victuall being free Rent by and attour the after wtin [writtin] deductiounes compted in the rent above wrtin [writtin] Extends Four thowsand four hundreth Fyftie fyve punds 14 ss [shillings] |
£4455.14.0 |
E106/1/1/72 |
Payit of customes or casualities in the said paroschin Twa hundreth Fyftie sex punds |
£256.0.0 |
E106/1/1/72 |
Payit in mortified Rent to Mr Andrew Ramsay ane hundreth Ten punds 13 : 4 ds [pennies] |
£110.13.4 |
E106/1/1/72 |
Payit in mortified Rent to the Minister Schoolemr [Schoolemaster] of the said paroschine Eight hundreth fourtie four punds |
£844.0.0 |
E106/1/1/72 |
Payit to his Majesties Exchequare Twantie fyve pund |
£25.0.0 |
E106/1/1/72 |
[Page numbered] 10 & 72
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/74 |
Glenluice |
E106/1/1/74 |
James Ross of Balneill for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the old paroschine of Glenluice thair money rent Extends to |
£4095.13.4 |
E106/1/1/74 |
Payit in meill and beir in the said paroschine Fowre hundreth and Fyfteene bolls of the mett and measure ford [forsaid] which being converted into money Extends to Twa thowsand fyve pund sexteene shillings Eight pennies |
£2005.16.8 |
E106/1/1/74 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money rent and pryces of victuall being free Rent by and attour the afterwritten deducnes [deductions] alreadie Compted in the Rent abouewrittin Extends To the sum of Six thowsand ane hundreth ane pund ten ss [shillings] |
£6101.10.0 |
E106/1/1/74 |
Payit of Casualities or customes in the said paroschine Ane hundreth fourscore Eight pund Thretteene shill [shillings] four pennies |
£188.13.4 |
E106/1/1/74 |
Payit in forsaid Tak dewtie to the Colledge of Glasgow Aught hundreth Fourscore ten punds |
£890.0.0 |
E106/1/1/74 |
Payit in mortified Rent to the minister schoolemr [schoolemaster] of the said paroschine Aught hundreth Threescore sex pund 13ss [shillings] 4ds [pennies] |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/74 |
[Page numbered] 11 & 74
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
ariullane |
E106/1/1/76 |
New Parosch of Glenluce |
E106/1/1/76 |
James Ross of Balneill for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the sd [said] paroschine There money Rent Extends to |
£2360.11.4 |
E106/1/1/76 |
Payit of meill and beir in the said paroschine Fourtie three bolls mett and measure aforsaid which being converted into money Extends to Two hundreth sevin punds sevinteen shillings |
£207.17.0 |
E106/1/1/76 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money Rent and prices of victuall being of free rent by and attour the afterwreittin deductions alreadie compted in the rent aboue wrtin [writtin] Extends to the soume of Twa thowd [thowsand] fyve hundreth sextie eight punds 8ss [shillings] |
£2568.8.0 |
E106/1/1/76 |
Payit in customes or Casualities in the said paroschine ane hunderth eghteene punds |
£118.0.0 |
E106/1/1/76 |
Payit in few and tak dewties to the Colledge of Glasgow Two hundreth fyve punds thretteene shillings four pennies |
£205.13.4 |
E106/1/1/76 |
Payit in Mortified Rent to the Minister and Schoolemr [Schoolemaster] of the said paroschine six hundreth Thretteen punds sex ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] |
£613.6.8 |
E106/1/1/76 |
[Page numbered] 12 & 76
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/78 |
Insche |
E106/1/1/78 |
John Erle of Cassilles for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and others withinthesaid paroschine thair money Rent Extends to |
£5450.0.0 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit in meill and beir in the said paroschine Ane hundreth Fyftie three bolls ane firlot of the mett and measure aforsaid whilk being converted into money Extends to Sevin hundreth fourtie ane punds elevin shill [shilling] four pennies |
£741.11.4 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Summa of the haill money rent and pryces of victuall being free Rent by and attour the afterwreittin deductiounes alreadie compted in the rent aboue wreittin Extends to sex thowsand ane hundreth nyntie ane punds: 11ss [shillings] 4ds [pennies] |
£6191.11.4 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit in customes or casualities in the said paroschine ane hundreth threescore ane punds sex shillings eight pennies |
£161.6.8 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit to the Colledge of Glasgow Ane hundreth fourscore fyfteene punds |
£195.0.0 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit in Mortified Rent to the Minister of Portmongomerie Ane hundreth elevin pund Three shill [shilling]: four pennies |
£111.3.4 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit of vicll [victuall] twentie four bolls |
£116.0.0 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit of mortified rent to the minister of Stranraver of vicll [victuall] fyftein bolls |
£72.0.0 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit in mortified rent to the minister and schoolemr [schoolemaster] thr [their] |
£652.13.4 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit of vicll [victuall] tuentie eight bolls |
£135.6.8 |
E106/1/1/78 |
Payit to his Ma [Majesties] Excheqr [Exchequer] |
£153.3.4 |
E106/1/1/78 |
[Page numbered] 13 & 78
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/80 |
Kirkenin |
E106/1/1/80 |
John Erle of Cassilles for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the said paroschine their money Rent Extends to |
£4015.5.4 |
E106/1/1/80 |
Payit in meill and beir in the said parochine ane hundreth fourtie sex bolls tuo firlots of the mett and measure aforsaid whilk being converted in money Extends to Sevin hundreth eight pund tuo shillings |
£708.2.0 |
E106/1/1/80 |
Summa of the haill money rent and pryces of victuall being free by and attour the afterwreittin deductiounes alreadie compted in the rent aboue wrtin [writtin] Extends to the soume of Four thowsand Sevin hundreth tuantie three punds sevin ss [shilling] 4ds [pennies] |
£4723.7.4 |
E106/1/1/80 |
Payit in customes or casualities in the said paroschin |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/80 |
Payit of few dewtie to the Colledge of Glasgow Ane hundreth 30lb [pounds] |
£130.0.0 |
E106/1/1/80 |
Payit in Mortified Rent to the minister and schoolemr [schoolemaster] of the said paroschine ane thowsand pund |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/80 |
[Page numbered] 14 & 80
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/82 |
Lesualt |
E106/1/1/82 |
Sir Patrick Agnew of Lochmore knyt [knyght] barronett for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the said paroschin their money Rent Extends to |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/82 |
Payit of meill and beir in the said paroschine Nynscore tuo bolls tuo firlots of the mett and measure aforsaid which being converted into money Extends to Aught hundreth fourscore four punds aught shillings |
£884.8.0 |
E106/1/1/82 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money Rent & pryces of Victuall being free Rent by and attour the afterwreittin deductiounes alreadie compted in the rent aboue wrtin [writtin] Extending to Twa thou [thousand] fowr hundreth fourscore four punds eight ss [shillings] |
£2484.8.0 |
E106/1/1/82 |
Payit in Customes or Casualities in the said paroschine Threttie pund fyve shillings |
£30.5.0 |
E106/1/1/82 |
Peyit of mortified Rent to the minister and Schoolemr [Schoolemaster] Three hundreth Threescore sex pund 13ss [shillings] 4ds [pennies] |
£366.13.4 |
E106/1/1/82 |
Payit of meill and beir to the minister tuentie sex bolls |
£125.13.4 |
E106/1/1/82 |
[Page numbered] 15 & 82
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew |
E106/1/1/84 |
Portmontgomrie |
E106/1/1/84 |
Sir Robert Adair of kinhilt knyt [knyght] for himselff and remanent heritoes fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the said paroschine their money rent Extends to Ane thowsand |
£1672.13.4 |
E106/1/1/84 |
Payed in mortified Rent to the minister of Stranraver Threescore sex punds Thirtteene shilling four pennies |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/84 |
and of victuall thrf [thereof] price ford [forsaid] |
£36.5.0 |
E106/1/1/84 |
Payit of Mortified Rent to the Minister and schoolemr [schoolemaster] of the said paroschine Four hundreth Fourscore Ten pund 13s [shillings] 4ds [pennies] |
£470.13.4 |
E106/1/1/84 |
[page numbered] 16 & 84
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/84 |
" Patch" in middle of page |
E106/1/1/86 |
Stainkirk |
E106/1/1/86 |
James Mcdowell of Garffland for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and vthers within the paroschine their money rent Extends to |
£3468.6.8 |
E106/1/1/86 |
Payit of meill and beir in the said paroschine Three hundreth fourscore sevinteen bolls of the mett and measure ford [forsaid] which being converted into money Extends to Ane thowsand Nyne hundreth aughteen punds 16ss [shillings] 8ds [pennies] |
£1918.16.8 |
E106/1/1/86 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money rent and pryces of victuall by and attour the deDuctiounes after wrtin [writtin] Extendsto fyve thows [thowsand] three hundreth eightie sevin punds 3:4 |
£5387.3.4 |
E106/1/1/86 |
Payit in Customes or Casualities in the said paroschin ane hundreth threttie pund |
£130.0.0 |
E106/1/1/86 |
Payit of few and tak dewtie to the Colledge of Glasgow ane hundreth three pund |
£103.0.0 |
E106/1/1/86 |
Payit of mortified Rent To the minister schoolemr [schoolemaster] Extending to Fyve hundreth three score punds 6ss [shillings] 8ds [pennies] |
£560.6.8 |
E106/1/1/86 |
Payit of victuall Twantie fyve bolls |
£120.16.8 |
E106/1/1/86 |
Payit to his Maties [Majesties] Exchequar |
£57.13.4 |
E106/1/1/86 |
[page] 86
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
ariullane |
E106/1/1/88 |
Kirkmadin |
E106/1/1/88 |
Sir Robert Adair of kinhilt knyt [knyght] for himselff and remannent heritors fewers Lyvesetters and proper wodsetters in the said paroschin their money Rent Extends to |
£3100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/88 |
Payit of meill and beir in the said paroschine Three hundreth Fourtie sex bolls tuo firlots of the mett and measure aforsaid whilk being converted into money Extends to Ane thowsand sex hundreth Threscore fourteene pund fyfteene shillings |
£1674.15.0 |
E106/1/1/88 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill money rent and pryces of victuall by and attour the deductiounes afterwreittin Extends to the soume of Fowr thowsand sevin hundreth sevintie four xv ss [fifteen shillings] |
£4774.15.0 |
E106/1/1/88 |
Payit of customes or casualities in the said paroschine The sum of Twentie punds 16ss [shillings] |
£20.16.0 |
E106/1/1/88 |
Payit in Morified Rent to the Minister and Schoolemr [Schoolemaster] The soume of Sevin hundreth Threttie three pund 6ss [shillings] 8ds [pennies] |
£733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/88 |
Payit of victuall Threttie bolls |
£145.0.0 |
E106/1/1/88 |
Payit to his Maties [Majesties] exchequhare fourteen punds sex shill [shillings] four pennies |
£14.6.8 |
E106/1/1/88 |
[page numbered] 17 & 88
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
Baldene |
E106/1/1/90 |
The totall of the present valuatioune of this Shyre Beside the Mortified Rent and what is payed to the Excheqr [Exchequer] Extends To the sowme of Threescore Eight Thowsand Sevin hundreth Twantie ane punds fyve shillings |
£68721.5.0 |
E106/1/1/90 |
The Mortified Rent and what is payed to the Excheqr [Exchequer] Ministers and Schoolemr [Schoolemasters] of the said paroschine by and attour the said sowme Extends to the sowme of Eightene thousand fyve hundreth threttie sex pund 19 |
£18536.19.0 |
E106/1/1/90 |
[page numbered] 18 & 90
William Kennedy
Andrew Agnew
S hay of ariullane
Alexander Mcculloch of ardwell
J Agnew of Shechorne
Baldene |
E106/1/1/93 |
[page] 93
Valuation of the
Shrefdome [Sheriffdom] of Wigtoun
producit 5 der 1649 [5 Dec 1649] |
E106/1/1/94 |
[Page numbered] 1 & 94
The report of the valuaunes [valuatiounes] of the rents of theShrefdome [Shirefdome] of Drumfreis and Stewartrie of Annandaill Givin in be the comissioners [commissioners] of the valuatioun of that shyre
December 1649 [Dec 1649]
Dumfreis & Stewy [Stewartry]
of Annandale |
E106/1/1/96 |
[Page numbered] 2 & 96
Att Drumfreis the fourt day off deccember 1649 zeres [4 Dec 1649]
The report maid of the roll and rent of the shrefffdome [shireffdome] off Drumfres and Stewartrie of Annandale By the Comissionars vnder subscryvand appoyntit for that effect be the estaites off this kingdome holdin at Edht [Edinburgh] the fourt day off August jaj vic & fourtie nyne zieres [4 Aug 1649] Which comissionars haue mett vpoun the ... day off September and having Judiciallie gavin thr [their] oathes To vse thare best indeavoures for ane richt and trew informaun [informatioun] of the rent of the wholl shyre and To proceid faithfullie and impartiallie in prosecuting thr [their] Comissioun and instructiounes relating thrvnto [thervnto] Which They haue cairfullie performed in everie poynt efter serious and mature deliberaun [deliberatioun] They haue made & sett downe The roll following in articles According To the number of the severall paroches within the sd [said] shyre and have cast vpe the sowmes according To the directioun of the Parliat [Parliament] And followes On the vther syd |
E106/1/1/98 |
Glencairne |
ls |
E106/1/1/98 |
The rent of the parochin of Glencairne belanging to the Lairds off Craigdaroche Crawfurdstoun Caitloch Maxwelltoun and remanent heretors thrin [therein] extends To the sowme off Twellff Thowsand sevin hundreth Fourtie Fyve pounds Teynd The ministers stipend includit inde |
£12745.0.0 |
E106/1/1/98 |
Keir |
E106/1/1/98 |
The rent of the Parochine of Kere belanging To the earle of Dirletoun The Laird off Lag Barjarg & remanent heretors Extends To Thrie thowsand eight hundreth Fourtie thrie Pounds in stock & tynd The ministeris stipend includit |
£3843.0.0 |
E106/1/1/98 |
Tynrome |
E106/1/1/98 |
The rent of the Parochine of Tynrome belanging To the Laird off Lag Pynzearie Croglerne & remanent heretors Extends to in stock and tynd the ministers stipend being includit to Thrie Thowsand Twa hundreth Tuentie sex pounds |
£3226.0.0 |
E106/1/1/98 |
[Page numbered] 3 & 98
The report off the valuaun [valuatioun] off the Shreffdome [Shireffdome] of Nithisdaill in the severall paroches throff [thereof] Givin in be the Comissioners of the valuaun [valuatioun] vpoun the 5th off december 1649 [5 Dec 1649] |
E106/1/1/98 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii. |
E106/1/1/99 |
Penpont |
E106/1/1/99 |
The rent off the Paroche of Penpont belanging To the Lairds of Ecles Baitfoord arkland and remanent heretors Extends To in stock and teynd the ministers stipend being includit To Ane Thowsand sex hundreth Threttie thrie pounds |
£1633.0.0 |
E106/1/1/99 |
Mortoun |
E106/1/1/99 |
The rent off the Paroche off mortoun belanging To James Dowglas of mortoun & remanent heretors Extends To in stock & teynd The ministers stipend being includit Ane Thowsand Fyve hundreth Pounds |
£1500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/99 |
Durisdier |
E106/1/1/99 |
The rent off the Paroche of Durisdier belanging To the Laird of Enoche castell hill & remanant heretors Extends to in stock & teynd the ministerris stipend being includit Four Thowsand sex hundreth fiftie Thrie Pounds |
£4653.0.0 |
E106/1/1/99 |
[Page] 99 |
E106/1/1/100 |
Kirkbryd & Sanqr [Sanquhar] |
E106/1/1/100 |
My Lord Carnewath in the sd [said] paroches his rent in stock & tynd the ministeris stipend being includit Extends To eight hundreth Thrie score sex pounds Thretteine shillingis four pennies |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/100 |
Kirkconnell |
E106/1/1/100 |
The rent off the Paroche of kirkconnell belanging To Carco, Spangock Gargland & remanent vthers extends To in stock and teynd the ministers stipend being includit Ane Thowsand Sex hundreth Pounds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/100 |
Closburne & Dalgarno |
E106/1/1/100 |
The rent off the Paroche off Closburne Dalgarno Pertening To the Lairds of Lag Closburne & Sir John Dalzeall & remanent heretors Extends To in stock & tynd the ministeris stipend being includit Sevin Thowsand Four score four pounds |
£7080.0.0 |
E106/1/1/100 |
[Page numbered] 4 & 100 |
E106/1/1/100 |
Sevin Thowsand Four score four pounds = £7084.0.0 - Scribe has £7080.0.0 |
E106/1/1/101 |
Holiewood |
E106/1/1/101 |
The rent off the Paroche of holiewood belanging To the Lairds off Gribtoun Cowhill Portrack & remanent heretors Extends in stock & teynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Sex thowsand sevin hundreth Thriescore Fyfteene pounds |
£6775.0.0 |
E106/1/1/101 |
Dinscore |
E106/1/1/101 |
The rent of the Paroche off Dinscore pteing [perteining] To the Laird of Lag Chappell Dalgonner Sundaywoll and remanent heretors Extends in stock and teynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Fyve Thowsand fyve hundreth Fyftie Twa Pounds |
£5552.0.0 |
E106/1/1/101 |
Carleverock |
E106/1/1/101 |
The rent of the Paroche of Carleverock pertening To the earle of Nithsdaill Conhaith Craigis And remanent heretors Extends in stock and teynd the ministers stipend being includit To Thrie thowsand Fyve hundreth & Thriescore nyne Pounds |
£3569.0.0 |
E106/1/1/101 |
[Page] 101 |
E106/1/1/102 |
Kirkmacho |
E106/1/1/102 |
The paroche of kirkmacho of rent perteining To the Lairds of Mouswald Carneselloch Gillberne & remanent heretors Extends in stock and tynd the ministers stipend being includit To Sex thowsand sex hundreth Fourtie ane pounds |
£6641.0.0 |
E106/1/1/102 |
Torthorall |
E106/1/1/102 |
The rent off the paroche of Torthorall pertening To the Laird of Lag Boatath & remanent heretors Extends To in stock & teynd The ministers stipend being includit To Sevin hundreth fiftie nyne pounds |
£759.0.0 |
E106/1/1/102 |
Tyndwall |
E106/1/1/102 |
The rent of the Paroche of Tyndwall pertening To the Lairds of ann Feild & Tyndwall & remanent heretors Extends in stock and teynd the minsteris being includit To Foure thowsand Fyve hundreth Pounds |
£4500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/102 |
[Page numbered] 5 & 102 |
E106/1/1/103 |
Kirkmichaell & Garrell |
E106/1/1/103 |
The rent of the paroche of kirkmichaell & garrell perteining To Sir Johne Dalzell & remanent heretors Extends To in stock & tynd the ministerres stipend being includit Thrie thowsand threttie Fyve pounds |
£3035.0.0 |
E106/1/1/103 |
Traillflat & Dumgrie |
E106/1/1/103 |
The rent off the paroche off Traillflat Dumgrie perteining To the Laird of amisfield & Sir Johne dalzell & remanent heretors Extends in stock & teynd the ministers stipend being includit Thrie thowsand Twa hundreth pounds |
£3200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/103 |
Landwart of dumfries |
E106/1/1/103 |
The rent off the Landwart of Drumfries perteining to the Lairds of Carneselloche Craigis Natherwood & remanent heretors Extends in stock and teynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Thrie Thowsand eight hundreth threttie ane pounds |
£3831.0.0 |
E106/1/1/103 |
]Page] 103 |
E106/1/1/104 |
The earle of queinsberries rent within the Sreffdme [shirreffdome] of Nathisdaill as the former lyes in the severall paroches viz Sanqr [Sanquhar] Kirkconnell Kirkbryd & Durisdier Penpont & Tynrome mortoun & Dalgairno Torthorall and Garrell Extends To the sowme off Fourtie six Thowsand pounds |
£46000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/104 |
The Stewartrie of Annandaill, |
E106/1/1/104 |
Moffat |
E106/1/1/104 |
The rent of the paroche of Moffats pteing [perteining] To the earle of Hartfell Corheid Grantoun Drumcreiffe & remanent heretors Extendis in stock and teynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Twellff Thowsand Thrie hundreth Fourscore nyne pounds thretteine shillings four pennies |
£12389.13.4 |
E106/1/1/104 |
Kirkpatrick Juxta |
E106/1/1/104 |
The rent of the paroche off kirkpatrick Juxta perteining To the earle of Hartfell Corheid Langboddome and remanent heretors Extends in stock and tynd ministerris stipend being includit To Foure thowsand Twa hundreth fourscore six pounds |
£4286.0.0 |
E106/1/1/104 |
[Page numbered] 6 & 104 |
E106/1/1/105 |
The paroche of Johnstoun |
E106/1/1/105 |
The rent of the paroche of Jonstoun perteining To the earle of Hartfell, peyis in stock & tynd the ministerris stipend being includit Extends To Twa Thowsand Foure hundreth Pounds |
£2400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/105 |
Hutton & Corrie |
E106/1/1/105 |
The paroche of huttoun & Corrie the rent throf [thereof] perteining To the earle of Hartfell the Laird of Hastra Gillesbie & remanent heretors Extends in stock & tynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Sevin Thowsand sevin hundreth threttie thrie pounds sex shillingis |
£7733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/105 |
Wamffray |
E106/1/1/105 |
The rent of the paroche of wamffray perteinis To the Laird of Wamfray Poddene & vtheris Extends in stock & tynd The ministerris stipend being includit To Foure Thowsand Twa hundreth fourscore nyne pounds |
£4289.0.0 |
E106/1/1/105 |
[Page] 105 |
E106/1/1/105 |
Scribe has omitted the written 8 pennies in £7733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/106 |
Apillgarth Sibilbie & Dinwoodie vnited |
E106/1/1/106 |
The rent of the Paroche of Apilgarth etc- perteining To the earle of hartfell the Laird of Apilgirth Ladie Tyndwald & vtheris Extends in stock and tynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Fyve Thowsand Thrie hundreth fourscore Thrie pounds |
£5383.0.0 |
E106/1/1/106 |
Drysdaill |
E106/1/1/106 |
The rent of the Paroche of Drysdaill pteng [perteining] To the earle of Hartfell Annandale Laird of Lockerbie and vtheris extendis in stock & tynd the ministeris stipend being includit To Foure thowsand Foure hundrethe thriescore Ten pounds |
£4470.0.0 |
E106/1/1/106 |
Lochmaben |
E106/1/1/106 |
The rent of the paroche of Lochmaben ptening [perteining] To the earle of Annandale Cueinsberrie & hartfell & vtheris Extends in stock & tynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Fyve Thowsand eight hundreth and fiftie Pounds |
£5850.0.0 |
E106/1/1/106 |
[Page numbered] 4 and 106 |
E106/1/1/107 |
Daltounes |
E106/1/1/107 |
The rent of the Paroche of daltounes perteining To the Laird of holmynes & the Laird of mouswald & vther remanent heretors Extends in stock and teynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Twa Thowsand Fyve hundreth & nyne pounds |
£2509.0.0 |
E106/1/1/107 |
Mouswald |
E106/1/1/107 |
The rent of the paroche of mouswald extends To the Laird off mouswald William Carlew & remanent heretors Extends in stock & teynd the minsterris stipend being includit To Twa Thowsand ane hundreth & Fourtie Pounds |
£2149.0.0 |
E106/1/1/107 |
Ruthwald |
E106/1/1/107 |
The rent of the paroche of Ruthwald perteining To the earle of Nithisdall & Annandale & vtheris heretors Extends To in stock and tynd the ministers stipend being includit Twa thowsand sevin hundreth Thriescore thretteine pounds |
£2773.0.0 |
E106/1/1/107 |
[Page] 107 |
E106/1/1/107 |
Mouswald - scribe has omitted nine pounds |
E106/1/1/108 |
Cumertries & Trailltrow |
E106/1/1/108 |
The rent of the Paroche of Cumertries perteining To the earle of Annandale Kellheid & vtheris heretors Extends in stock and teynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Thrie Thowsand eight hundreth Threttie thrie pounds |
£3833.0.0 |
E106/1/1/108 |
Tunnergarth & St mungo vnit |
E106/1/1/108 |
The rent of the paroche of Turnergarth & St mungo perteining To the earle of Annandale The laird of castillmilk Extends in stock and tynd The ministerris stipend being includit To Thrie Thowsand Thrie hundreth Twentie Pounds |
£3320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/108 |
Gretna & Reidkirk |
E106/1/1/108 |
The rent off the paroche of gretna and Reidkirk perteining To the earle of Annandale and arthur Irvine of skaills & vthers Extends in stock and tynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Fyve Thowsand Foure hundreth & tua pounds thretteine shillingis 2d [pennies] |
£5402.13.4 |
E106/1/1/108 |
[Page] 108 |
E106/1/1/109 |
Dornock |
E106/1/1/109 |
The rent of the Paroche of dornock perteining to the earle of queinsberrie Archbald Dowglas his brother and Stabletoun Extends in stock & tynd The ministers stipend being includit To Twa Thowsand Fyve hundreth and fourtie Pounds |
£2540.0.0 |
E106/1/1/109 |
Kirkpatrickfleming |
E106/1/1/109 |
The Paroche of kirkpatrick fleming perteining To the earle of Hartfell Mr [Master] of Maxweill & vthers Extends in stock and teynd The ministerris stipend being includit To Thrie Thowsand sevin hundreth Ten pounds thretteine shillings 4d [pennies] |
£3710.13.4 |
E106/1/1/109 |
Annans |
E106/1/1/109 |
The rent off the paroche of Annan perteing [perteining] To the earle of Hartfell kellheid and vthers heretors Extends in stock in tynd the ministerris stipend being includit to Ane Thowsand Foure hundreth pounds |
£1004.0.0 |
E106/1/1/109 |
[Page] 109 |
E106/1/1/110 |
Hoddime Luce & Achillfechaine |
E106/1/1/110 |
The rent of this Paroche perteining To the earle of Annandale kellheid Bonshaw & vtheris heretors Extends in stock & tynd the ministeris being includit To Thrie thowsand eight hundreth fiftie foure pounds threttein shillings |
£3854.13.4 |
E106/1/1/110 |
Midilbie Pennersauchs & Carrurthers vnited |
E106/1/1/110 |
The rent of this paroche perteining To the Earles of Annandale queinsbirrie & Hartfell & vthers heretors Extends in stock and tynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Foure thowsand Fyve hundreth Twentie Fyve pounds xvij ss [seventeen shillings] |
£4525.17.0 |
E106/1/1/110 |
Watstirker [Westerkirk] |
E106/1/1/110 |
The rent of this paroche perteining To the earle of Buccleughe Sir William Scot of Hardin the Laird of Wastra and remanent vthers heretors Extends in stock in tynd the ministers stipend being includit To Eighteine Thowsand eight hundreth fourscore nyne pounds |
£18889.0.0 |
E106/1/1/110 |
[Page] 110 |
E106/1/1/111 |
Cannabie & Mortoun |
E106/1/1/111 |
The rent of this paroche perteining To the earle of Buccleugh Extends To sex thowsand Twa hundrethe & Ten pounds |
£6210.0.0 |
E106/1/1/111 |
Stablegordoune |
E106/1/1/111 |
The rent of this Paroche perteining to the earle of Bucclueghe & vthirs heretors thr [there] Extends In stock & teynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Foure thowsand nyne hundreth fourscore nyne pounds |
£4989.0.0 |
E106/1/1/111 |
Ewis |
E106/1/1/111 |
The rent of this paroche pteinis [perteinis] To the earle of Buccleughe & Arkilltoun & vtheris Extends in stock in tynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Sevine Thowsand & Thretteine pounds vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£7013.6.8 |
E106/1/1/111 |
Wauchope |
E106/1/1/111 |
The rent of this Paroche perteinis To the earle of Buccleughe Extends in stock and tynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Thrie thowsand fourtie thrie pounds |
£3043.0.0 |
E106/1/1/111 |
[Page] 111 |
E106/1/1/112 |
Suma [Summa] of the severall Paroches of the kirks of the shreffdome [shirreffdome] of Drumfreis and stewartrie of Annandaill being in number Fourtie thrie and they are sevirallie sett dwne in the particular valuatunes [valuatiounes] in stock and Teind To the sowme of Twa hundreth Fourtie sex thowsand six Pounds IN witnes qrof [quharof] We haue subscreyvit these pnts [presents] At drumfreis the fourt Day of december 1649 [4 Dec 1649] |
£246006.0.0 |
E106/1/1/112 |
[Page] 112
The ministers stipends are included in all the valuatunes [valuatiounes] of the severall paroches without the which We could not mak wpe the totall sowme for casuall rentes or pryces of victuall the shyre is subject in payment of nather Except some bolls victuall that in a few Paroches is set be the ministeris in tak to the tennents for silvir rent which we haue valued accordinglie
[John] finestoun
Thomas mcburnie
James birkie of [soudonpooll]
[James] fergusone
James greirsone of dallgonare
Thomas johnstoune
William Kennedie |
E106/1/1/115 |
[Page] 115
Valuations of the srefdome [sherrifdome] of drumfreis 1649
producit be 5 der 1649 [5 Dec 1649]
Wrong & out of order |
E106/1/1/116 |
Lanerk to landward |
E106/1/1/116 |
Sr [Sir] James Lockhart of Ley for himself and remanent heritors, feuers lyfrentors, propper wodsetters, and vthrs [vthers] within the sd [said] paroch of lanerk ther mony rent doeth extend to thre thousand seiven hunderethe twentie nyne punds 6 ss [shillings] 8 d [pence] |
£3729.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116 |
[Page] 115
Report of the valuation of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of lanerk
The roll of the rent of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of lanerk made and sett doune by the comissioners vnder subscryving appoynted for tht [that] effect by act of the estaits of parliat [parliament] of ths [this] kingdome holden at Edr [Edinburgh] the fourt of august 1649 [4 Aug 1649] qch [quhich] comissioners haveing mett on the 23 day of august last and haveing juditiallie given ther othes to vse thr [their] best indevors for a rgt [right] and trew informane [informatione] of the rent of the haill chyer and to prosead faithfulllie and impartiallie in prosecuting thr [their] comissione and instructiones relating thrvnto [thervnto] qch [quhich] thay have carefullie performed [in] everie poynt persones qo [quho] could best give informane [informatione] of the trew worth and valow of each paroch nominat be the kirk sessiones For ane exact valuatione of the haill schyer wer cited befoir vs and conform to thr [their] depositiones vpon oath the valuane [valuatione] of the haill schyer the pryce of victuall being computed acording to the derectiones of the Parliat [Parliament] doeth extend to the soume of ane hundereth thirtie nyn thousand fyve hundereth thre score sixtein pundis 13 ss [shillings] 4 d [pence] scotts [£139,576.13.4]
Qwhairvpon we the sd [said] comissioners taiking into consideration the last wordis of or [our] comissione fra the parliat [parliament] declairing tht [that] no respect shall be had to ane valuane [valuatione] to be reportit tht [that] should be vnder the totall of the former valuane [valuatione] delyverit to the comissioners of ilk schyer be the Clerk Register Have in obedience to the act of parliat [parliament] and to prevent the hasard of the sertificatione thrin [therin] conteint maid ane additione to the soum of the valuane [valuatione] above specifiet maid vpon the depositione of wittnesss [witnesses] vpon oath And sett doune the rolle following in articles acording to the number of the severall paroches wtin [within] the sd [said] schyer & have cast vp the soumes according to the derectione of the parliat [parliament] With this speciall provisione and protestatione That the declaratione of the parliat [parliament] concerning such valuanes [valuationes] of vthre schyers as sall be reportit vnder the former totall be carfullie observit And in caise the valuane [valuatione] of anie schyer sall be admittit vnder ther formar totall That in tht [that] caice the valuane [valuatione] above mentionat of this schyer acording to the depositione of witnesss [witnesses] vpon oath may be also resevit and admittit as the just totall of this schyer |
E106/1/1/116 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
wodsetter - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
Some of the text at page foot is repated at the next page header throughout the Lanark Roll.
All valuations are extended for clarity. |
E106/1/1/116A |
1 Lanerk to landward |
E106/1/1/116A |
Sr [Sir] James Lockhart of Ley for himself and remanent heritors, feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] within the sd [said] paroch of lanerk ther mony rent doeth extend to thre thousand seiven hunderethe twentie nyne punds 6ss [shillings] 8d[pence] |
£3729.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch Fyve chalders acording to the measur of linlithgow prick mett qch [quhich] being convertit into mony at the pryce of four pundis thirtein shillings four pence [£4.13.4] For ilk boll extendis to thre hundrethe threscoir thirtein pundis 6 ss [shillings] 8d [pence] |
£373.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch twelff chalders acording to the measur of linlithgow prick mett which being convertit into money at the pryce of four punds ten shillings [£4.10.0] for ilk boll extendis to aught hundereth threscoir four punds |
£864.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Payet in few and tak deutie to vthr [vther] persones besyd the deutie peiable to his matie [majestie] thirtie thrie pund 6 ss [shillings] 8d [pence] |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Suma [Summa] off the mony and pryc off vittall in the sd [said] paroch Extendis in the haill to fyve thousand poundis |
£5000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Payit of mortifiet rent to the minister and scolmaister in mony four hundereth threscoir thirtein pounds 6 ss [shillings] 8d [pence] |
£473.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116A |
2 Lesmahagow |
E106/1/1/116A |
My lord duke of hamilton for himself and remnant heritors feuers lyferentors propper wodsetters wtin [within] the forsd [forsaid] paroch ther mony rent extendis to aught thousand fyve hunderethe sixtein punds 13ss [shillings] 4d [pence] |
£8516.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Off beir thirtein chalders inde in mony nyn hunderethe threscoir tenn pund 13 - 4 d [pence] |
£970.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Off meill Fortie thre Chalders inde in mony thre thousand four scoir sixtein pund |
£3096.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Payt in casualities for lames and wethers ane hunderethe thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116A |
Payit in few and tak deutie to vthre [vthere] persones besydis the deuties payable to his matie [majestie] ane hunderethe thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116A |
[Page] 116A
J Hamilton of Udstoun [Uddingstoun]
Patrick Hamilton
Robert Hamilton |
E106/1/1/116B |
Off beir thirtein chalders inde in mony nyn hunderethe threscoir tenn pund 13 - 4 d [pence] |
£970.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Off meill Fortie thre Chalders inde in mony thre thousand four scoir sixtein pund |
£3096.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payt in casualities for lames and wethers ane hunderethe thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payit in few and tak deutie to vthre [vthere] persones besydis the deuties payable to his matie [majestie] ane hunderethe thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Suma [Summa] of the mony and pryce of victals forsd [forsaid] Extends to twelf thousand aught hunderethe thirtie thre pund 6 - 8 d [pence] |
£12833.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payit to tuo ministers and a scollmaister aught hunderethe pund |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payit of meil to the ministers seiven Challders inde in mony fyve hundereth and four pund |
£504.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Suma [Summa] of the mirtifiet rent extendis to in mony ane thousand thre hunderethe and four pund |
£1304.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payit to His maties [majesties] Exchecker |
E106/1/1/116B |
3 Carlowke |
E106/1/1/116B |
The laird of mauldslie For Himself and remanent eritors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [others] wtin [within] the sd [said] paroch of Carlouk thr mony rent extendis to Fyve thousand Four hunderethe Fiftie seiven punds 6 ss [shilings] 8 d [pence] |
£5457.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Off beir Six Ch [Chalders] inde in mony Four hundereth Fortie aught punds |
£448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Off meil Fourtein Ch [Chalders] inde in mony Extendis to ane thousand and aught pundis |
£1008.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payit of feu deutie to vthrs [vthers] besyd His matie [majestie] Fourscoir six pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£86.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis in the haill to Seiven thousand punds |
£7000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payit to the minister and scolmaister fyve hunderethe thirtie thre punds 6 - 8 d [pence] |
£533.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payit to the minister Ane Ch [Chalder] of meill inde in mony ane hunderethe Fortie four pund |
£144.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent Six hunderethe thre scoir seiventein pund |
£677.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116B |
Payit to His maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116B |
4 Douglass |
E106/1/1/116B |
My lord marques of Douglas and vthre [vthere] heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters ther mony rent is Fyve thousand nyn hundereth Fiftie sex pund 13 ss [shillings] 4 d [pence] |
£5956.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116B |
[Page] 116B
A Steuart
A Stewart
J hamiltoun of udstoune
James Hamiltone
Patrick Hamiltoun
Robert Hamiltoun |
E106/1/1/116C |
4 Douglass |
E106/1/1/116C |
My Lord marques of Douglas and vthre [vthere] heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters ther mony rent is Fyve thousand nyn hundereth Fiftie sex pund 13 ss [shillings] 4 d [pence] |
£5956.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Off beir tua chd [chalders] inde in mony ane hundereth fortie nyne punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£149.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Off meill twelve chd [chalders] inde in mony aught hundereth thre scoir Four punds |
£864.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit of casuall rent for coall thirtie punds |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Suma [Summa] of mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to Seiven thousand punds |
£7000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister in mony Four hundereth and thirtein punds 6 - 8 d [pence] |
£413.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit of meill to the minister Four Chd [Chalders] inde in mony tua hundereth Fourscoir aught pund |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit to the minister of Casualities in lambes and wolle Fyftie punds |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payment to the minister of new augmentatione ane hundereth thirtie thrie punds 6 - 8 d [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent in mony extends to aught hunderetth four scoir four punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£884.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit to his maties [majesties] Exchecker |
E106/1/1/116C |
5 Crauffordmure |
E106/1/1/116C |
My lord marques of douglas For Himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyfrentors propper woodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent Extendis to nyne thousand thre hundereth threscoir six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£9366.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent Extends to nyne thousand thre hundereth thre scoir six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£9366.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payett of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister in mony six hundereth thre scoir six pounds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent is sax hundereth threscoir sax punds 13 - 4 d [pence] |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit to his maties [majesties] Exchecker |
E106/1/1/116C |
6 CrauffordJohne |
E106/1/1/116C |
My lord duke of hamiltone For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vyrs [vthers] thr mony rent extends to tuo thousand tuo hundereth and Fortie punds |
£2240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit of meill Fyve Chd [Chalders] inde in mony thre hunderetth and thre scoir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit of Casualities For lambis and vyrs [vthers] ane hundereth punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
Payit of Feu and tack deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] ane hundereth punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116C |
[Page] 116C
A Steuart
J Stewarte
James hamiltone |
E106/1/1/116D |
5 Crauffordmure |
E106/1/1/116D |
My lord marques of douglas For Himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyfrentors propper woodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent Extendis to nyne thousand thre hundereth threscoir six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£9366.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent Extends to nyne thousand thre hundereth thre scoir six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£9366.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payett of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister in mony six hundereth thre scoir six pounds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent is sax hundereth threscoir sax punds 13 - 4 d [pence] |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payment to his maties [majesties] exchecqer threscoir sax punds - 13 -4d [pence |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
6 CrauffordJohne |
E106/1/1/116D |
My lord duke of hamiltone For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] thr [ther] mony rent extends to tuo thousand tuo hundereth and Fortie punds |
£2240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payit of meill Fyve Chd [Chalders] inde in mony thre hunderetth and threscoir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payit of Casualities For lambis and vthrs [vthers] ane hundereth punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payit of Few and tack deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] ane hundereth punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of victuall extends to two thousand aught hundereth punds- |
£2800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scolmaister in mony six hundereth threscoir six pounds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Suma [Summa] of mortifiett rent is six hundereth thriescoir six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payit to his maties [majesties] Exchecker |
E106/1/1/116D |
Lambingtone and Wandall |
E106/1/1/116D |
My lord marques of Douglas For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent extends to thre thousand Fyve hundereth Fourscoir nyne punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£3589.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Off meill twa chd [chalders] inde in mony ane hundereth Fortie Four punds |
£144.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Suma [Summa] of the money rent and pryce of vittall Extends to thre thousand seiven hundereth thritie thre punds 6 - 8d [pence |
£3733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister Fyve hundereth nyntie six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£596.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Suma [Summa] of mortifiett rent is Fyve hundereth nyntie six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£596.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116D |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116D |
[Page] 116D
S Steuart
J Stewarte
James Hamiltone
J Hamiltoun
Robert hamilton |
E106/1/1/116E |
Extends to thre thousand seiven hundreth thirtie thre punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£3733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister Fyve hundereth nyntie six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£596.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Suma [Summa] of mortifiett rent is Fyve hundereth nyntie six pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£596.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116E |
8 Overtoune |
E106/1/1/116E |
My lord marques of Douglas For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyferentors propper woodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent extendis to ane thousand thre hundereth and seiventein punds |
£1317.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Off meill tua chd [chalders] and aught bolls inde in mony ane hundereth and Four scoir punds |
£180.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to ane thousand Four hundereth seiventein punds |
£1497.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Payit of mortifiett rent in the sd [said] paroch to the minister and scolmaister Four hundereth thre scoir sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£466.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Suma [Summa] of mortifiett rent is Four hundereth thre scoir sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£466.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116E |
9 Culter |
E106/1/1/116E |
of Culterallors For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyferentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent extendis to sax hundereth punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£600.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch aught chd [chalders] inde in mony Fyve hundereth Four scoir seventein punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch sixtein chd [chalders] inde in mony ane thousand and hundereth Fyftie two punds |
£1152.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Payit in few and tack deuties to others thn [than] his matie [majesties] Fyftie punds |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to two thousand Four hundereth punds |
£2400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Payit of mortifiet rent to the minister and scolmaister Fyve hundereth punds |
£500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent is Fyve hunderethe punds |
£500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116E |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecquer |
E106/1/1/116E |
10 Symentone |
E106/1/1/116E |
The laird of lambingtone for himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propper woodsetters and others thr rent Off beir Fyve chd [chalders] inde in mony thre hundereth threscoir 13 punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£373.6.8d |
E106/1/1/116E |
[Page] 116E
S Steuart
J Stewarte
James Hamiltone
J Hamiltoun
Robert hamilton |
E106/1/1/116F |
10 Symentone |
E106/1/1/116F |
The laird of lambingtone for himself and remanent heritors feuers lyfrentors propper woodsetters and others thr rent Off beir Fyve chd [chalders] inde in mony thre hundreth threscoir 13 punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£373.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch eleven chd [chalders] eleven bolls ane furlett inde in mony aught hundereth Fortie two punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£842.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Suma [Summa] off the rent of this paroch extends to ane thousand tuo hunderethe and 16 punds |
£1216.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister thre hunderethe and threscoir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent is thre hunderetth and threscoir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116F |
11 Carnwath |
E106/1/1/116F |
The arle of Carnwath For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent Extendis to Four thousand two hunderethe thirtie aught punds |
£4238.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Off meill eleven chd [chalders] inde in mony seiven hunderethe Fourscoir twelve punds |
£792.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Payit of casuall rent in coall twentie six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Payit of few and tack deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] ten punds |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Suma [Summa] of mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to Fyve thousand thre scoir sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£5066.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister in mony thre hundereth and Fyftie punds |
£350.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Payit to the minister of meill Four chd [chalders] inde in mony two hundered Fourscoir aught punds |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent Extends to Sax hunderethe thirtie aught punds |
£638.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116F |
Libertone and Quodquane |
E106/1/1/116F |
The arle off Carnwath For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent extendis to ane thousand seiven hundereth and six punds -13-4d [pence] |
£1706.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch Four chalders inde in mony tua hunderethe four scoir auchtein punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£298.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch tuentie Four chd [chalders] inde in mony ane thousand seivin hunderethe tuentie aught punds |
£1728.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116F |
[Page] 116F
S Steuart
J Stewarte
Robert hamilton |
E106/1/1/116G |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch twentie Four chd [chalders] inde in mony ane thousand seivin hunderethe twentie aught punds |
£1728.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Payit of Few and tak deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] aught punds |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to thre thousand seiven hunderethe thirtie thrie punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£3733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister in mony Fourscoir punds [£80.0.0] with two hunderethe thrie scoir six punds 13 - 4d [£266.13.4] For mentenence of ane other minister |
£346.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Off meill aught chd [chalders] inde in mony Fyve hunderethe thriescoir sixtein punds |
£576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent is nyn hunderethe twentie tuo punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£922.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116G |
13 Dunsyer |
E106/1/1/116G |
My lord marques of douglas For himself and remanent heretors fewers lyferentors propper wadsetters and vtheres ther mony rent extendis to ane thousand Four hundereth fiftie sax punds |
£1456.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch tua chd [chalders] inde in mony ane hunderethe Fortie four punds |
£144.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Summa of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to 1000 sax hundereth punds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister in mony ane hunderethe and Fourtie pounds |
£140.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Off meill to the minister seiven chd [chalders] inde in mony Fyve hunderethe and Four punds |
£504.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Summa of mortifiet rent is sax hunderethe fortie Four punds |
£644.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116G |
Dolphingtone |
E106/1/1/116G |
William broun of dolphingtone For himself and remanent heretors fewers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] thr [ther] mony rent extends to seiven hunderethe Four scoir aught punds |
£788.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Payit in few and tack deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] ane hunderethe and tuell punds |
£112.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Summa of the rent of this paroch is nyn hunder punds |
£ 900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Payit in mortifiett rent to the minister in mony thre hunderethe thirtie thre punds 6 - 8 |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Suma [Summa] of the mortofiet rent is thre hunderethe thirtie thre punds 6 - 8 |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116G |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116G |
15 Walstone |
E106/1/1/116G |
[Page] 116G
S Steuart
J Stewarte
James Hamiltone
J Hamiltoun
Robert hamilton |
E106/1/1/116H |
15 Walstone |
E106/1/1/116H |
Col. [Colonel] Bailey of welstone for himself and remanent heritors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthers ther mony rent extendis to aught hundreth Fyftie three punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£853.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch tuo chd [chalders] aught bolls inde in mony aught hunderethe fourscoir sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£886.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Off meill Fyve chd [chalder] inde in mony thre hundreth threscir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extends to ane thousand and Four hunder punds |
£1400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister in mony ane hundereth Fortie punds |
£140.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Off beir ane chalder inde in mony threscoir Fourtein punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£74.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Off meill ane chalder aught bolls inde in mony ane hundereth and aught punds |
£108.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent is thre hundereth tuentie tuo punds 13 - 4d [pennies] |
£322.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116H |
16 Biggar and Thankertone |
E106/1/1/116H |
My lord Fleiming For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyferentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent extendis to tuo thousand nyne hundereth tuentie aught punds |
£2928.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch eleven chd [chalders] inde in mony aught hundereth tuantie ane punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£821.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Off meill tuentie tuo chd [chalders] ind in mony ane thousand Fyve hunder fourscoir Four punds |
£1584.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to Fyve thousand thre hunder thirtie thre punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£5333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116H |
payit in mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister in mony Four hunder punds |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Off beir to the minister ane chalder inde in mony threscoir fourtein punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£74.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116H |
off meill to the minister tuo chd [chalders] inde in mony ane hunderethe Fortie Four punds |
£144.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent is Sax hunder and aughtein punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£618.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Payit to his matie [majestie] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116H |
17 Wistone |
E106/1/1/116H |
James Winraham of wistone For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyfrentors propper wadsetters and others thr [ther] mony rent extendis to ane thousand ane hunder and tuentie aught punds |
£1128.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch ane chd [chalder] inde in mony thre scoir tuelve punds |
£72.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to ane thousand tuo hundereth punds |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scolmaister in mony tuo hunder punds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116H |
[Page] 116H
A Steuart
J Stewarte |
E106/1/1/116I |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to ane thousand tuo hundereth punds |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scolmaister in mony tuo hunder punds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Off meill to the minister thre chd [chalders] aught bolls inde in mony tuo hunderethe Fyftie tuo punds |
£252.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Suma [Summa] of mortifiett rent Extendis to Four hundereth Fyftie tuo punds |
£452.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Payit to his matie [majestie] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116I |
18 Covingtone |
E106/1/1/116I |
The laird of covingtone For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors proper wadsetters and vthrs [others] thr [ther] mony [mony] rent extendis to aught hundereth threscoir seiven punds 10ss [shillings] |
£867.10.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Off beir thre chd [chalders] inde in mony thre hundereth thirtie Four punds |
£334.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Off meill seiven chd [chalders] ane bolle inde in mony Fyve hunder and aught punds 10ss [shillings] |
£508.10.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to ane thousand six hunder punds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister Four hunderethe punds |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent is Four hunderpunds |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116I |
19 Carmichaelle |
E106/1/1/116I |
Sr [Sir] James carmichall For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propperwadsetters and vthre [vthers] thr mony rent extendis to aught hundereth thriescoir seiven punds 10 ss [shillings] |
£867.10.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch thre chd [chalders] inde in mony tuo hundereth tuentie Four punds |
£224.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Off meill seiven chd [chalders] and ane boll inde in mony Fyve hundereth aught punds 10 ss [shillings] |
£508.10.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to ane thousand and sax hundereth punds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Payit of mortifiet rent to the minister and scolmaister one hundereth thirty thrie punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Payit of beir to the minister ane chalder and four bolls inde in mony fourscoir punds 6 ss [shillings] 8ds [pence] |
£80.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Payit of meill to the minister tuo chalderid and aught bolls inde in mony ane hunder and fourscoir punds |
£180.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Suma [Summa] off the mortifiett rent is Four hunder and six punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£406.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116I |
20 Petinaine |
E106/1/1/116I |
Sr [Sir] James Carmichaell for himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the sd [said] paroch thr mony rent Extendis to Nyne hundered thrie scoir sixtein punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£976.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch thrie chd [chalders] inde in mony tuo hunderethe tuenty Four punds |
£224.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
off meill aught chd [chalders] inde in mony Fyve hundereth thrie scoir seiven punds |
£567.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116I |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to ane thousand seiven hundereth threscoir sax pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£1766.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116I |
[Page] 116I
James Hamiltone
J Hamiltoun
Robert hamilton |
E106/1/1/116J |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to ane thousand seiven hundereth threscoir sax pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£1766.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit off mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister ane hunderethe punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit to the minister of beir tuo chalders inde in mony ane hunder Fortie nyne punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£149.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Off meill to the minister Four chal [chalders] Fyve bolls inde in money thre hunderethe ten punds 10ss [shillings] |
£310.10.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent is in the sd [said] parich Fyve hundereth threscoir punds |
£560.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116J |
21 Carstaires |
E106/1/1/116J |
Sr [Sir] William Lockart For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wadsetters and vthrs wtin [within] the sd [said] paroch thr mony rent extendis to One thousand Sax hunder thirtie and ane punds - 13 - 4ds [pennies] |
£1631.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Off oatis in the sd [said] paroch Ane chalder Fourtein bolls inde in mony ane hunde [hundred] thirtie and Fyve punds |
£135.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch tua chd [chalder] inde in mony ane hunder Fortie nyn punds 6ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] |
£149.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch aught chd [chalder] inde in mony Fyve hunder thriescoir sixtein punds |
£576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit of Few and tak deutie to others thnhis matie [majestie] aught punds |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to tuo thousand Fyve hunder punds |
£2500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scolmaister in mony Sax hundreth punds |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent is six hunderethe punds |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116J |
22 Dalzelle |
E106/1/1/116J |
The Laird of Dalzell For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyferentors propper wadsetters and within the sd [said] paroch including the tuo motherwells thr mony rent esxtends to ane hunderethe Fourscoir seventein punds 6 - 8d [pennies] |
£197.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit of beir in the sd [said] paroch Four chalders inde in mony tuo hunderethe Fourscoir aughtein punds - 13 - 4 |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch Siven chd [chalders] inde in mony Fyve hunderethe and Four punds |
£504.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce off vittall Extendis to ane thousand punds |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scolmaister in mony Four hunder and Four punds |
£404.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent is Four hunder and Four punds |
£404.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116J |
23 Dalsseffe |
E106/1/1/116J |
My lord duke of hamilton For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyferentors propper wadsetters and vthrs within the sd [said] paroch thr mony rent Extends to tuo thousand nyn hunderethe thirtie aught punds |
£2938.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch seaven chd [chalder] ibde in mony Fyve hunderethe tuentie Ane punds 13 - 4ds [pennies] |
£521.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116J |
Off meill thirtein chd [chalder] inde in mony nyn hundereth thirtie six punds |
£936.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116J |
[Page] 116J
J Hamiltoun of Udstoun
J Stewart
A Steuat
Patrick Hamiltoun
S Hamiltoun |
E106/1/1/116K |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch Seaven chd [chalder] inde in mony Fyve hunderethe tuentie tua punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£522.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Off meill thirtein chd [chalder] inde in mony nyn hundereth thirtie Six punds |
£936.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit of casualities and customes For salmond tuentie punds |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit in casuall rent For coall tua hundreth tuentie pundis |
£220.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit in few and tak deutie to others thn [than] his maties [majesties] thirtie punds |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Suma [Summa] of the rent and priyce of vittall Extendis to Four thousand Sax hunderethe threscoir sax pundis 13 - 4d [pence] |
£4666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit of mortifiet rent to the minister and schoolmaister in mony thre hunderethe fourscoir thr punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£383.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Off meill to the minister Four chd [chalder] inde mony tuo hunderethe fourscoir aught lb [pounds] |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent is sax hundereth threscoir eleven pounds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£671.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116K |
24 Stainhouse |
E106/1/1/116K |
My lord deuke of hamiltone for himself and remanent heretors Fewers lyfrentars propper wadsetters thr mony rent Extends to one thousand Fyve hunderethe Fourscoir tuo punds |
£1582.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Off beir Fyve chd [chalder] inde in mony thrie hunderethe threscoir aught punds |
£368.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Off meill nyntein chd [chalder] inde in mony ane thousand thrie hunderethe thriescoir aught punds |
£1368.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit of tak and few deutie to others thn [than] his maties [majesties] thirtein punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116K |
suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to thre thousand thre hunderethe thirtie thre punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£3333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit of mortified rent to yhe minister and scoolmaister in mony Four hundereth threscoir saxtein punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£476.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116K |
To the minister Four chd [chalder] meill inde in mony tua hunder Fourscoir aught punds |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent extendis to in mony Seiven hundrethe threscoir Four punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£764.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116K |
25 Glassfoord |
E106/1/1/116K |
My lord Semple For himself and remanent heretors and lyfrentors proper wodsetters and vthrs thr mony rent Extendis to tuo thousand thre hunder thre soir ane pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£2361.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Off meill thirtein chalder inde in mony nyn hunder thirtie sax pund |
£936.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
For ane swine Sax pund |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit in few and tack deutie to others thn his maties [majesties] thirtie punds |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to thre thousand thre hunder thirtie thre punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£3333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116K |
Payit to the minister and scolmaister in mony Four hunder thriescoir sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£466.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116K |
[Page] 116 K
A Steuart
J Stewart |
E106/1/1/116L |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to thre thousand thre hunder thirtie thre punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£3333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Payit to the minister and scolmaister in mony Four hunder thriescoir sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£466.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off meill to the minister Four chd [chalder] inde in mony Tua hunder Fourscoir aught lb [Pounds] |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Suma [Summa] of mortifiet rent Extendis to Seiven hunder Fyftie Four pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£754.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116L |
26 Blantyre |
E106/1/1/116L |
My lord blantyre For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wadsetters and vthrs thr mony rent extends to aught hunder Fourtie tuo punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£842.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off beir tua chd [chalder] inde on mony ane hunder Fourtie nyn pund 6 - 8 |
£149.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off meill aught chd [chalder] inde in mony Fyve hunder threscoir saxtein pund |
£576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off few and tack deutie besyde payable to his maties [majesties] 6 chd [chalder] inde in mony Four hunder thirtie tuo pund |
£432.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Suma [Summa] of the money rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to tuo thousand pound |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Payit to the minister and scolmaister tua hunder thre scoir aught pund |
£268.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off meill to the minister Fyve chd [chalder] inde in mony thre hunder and threscoir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Suma [Summa] of the mortiffiet rent is sax hunder tuentie aught pund |
£628.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116L |
27 CambusLange |
E106/1/1/116L |
My lord duke of hamilton For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors proper wadsetters and vthre thr mony rent extendis to tua thousand ane hunderethe and ane pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£2101.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off beir Fyve chalder inde in mony thre hunder threscoir thirtein pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£373.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off meill aught chd [chalder] inde in mony Fyve hunder threscoir saxtein pund |
£576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off oats aught chd [chalder] inde in mony Fyve hunderethe threscoir saxtein punds |
£576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off casualities and customes for Salmond fortie pund |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Payit in casuall rent For coall thre hunder thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to Four thousand pund |
£4000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Payit to the minister and scoolmaister in mony thre hunder and fyftie punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£350.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Off meill Fyve chd [chalder] inde in mony thre hunder threscoir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent extendis to Seiven hundereth and ten pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£710.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116L |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116L |
28 Cambusnethene |
E106/1/1/116L |
The laird of lambingtone For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyferentors |
E106/1/1/116L |
[page] 116L
J Hamiltoun of Udstoun
Patrick Hamiltoun
R Hamiltoun |
E106/1/1/116M |
28 Cambusnethene |
E106/1/1/116M |
The laird of lambingtone For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyferetors proper wadsetters and vthrs ther mony rent extendis to thre thousand Sax hunder fourscoir ane pund |
£3681.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Off beir Four chd [chalder] inde in mony tua hunder Fourscoir aughteine punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Off meil ten chd [chalder] inde in mony Seiven hunder and twentie pund |
£720.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit For coall in the sd [said] paroch tua hunder pund |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit off Few and tak deutie to others thn [than] his maties [majesties] ane hunderethe pund |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to Fyve thousand punds |
£5000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit to the minister and scolmaisters Four hunder and ten punds |
£410.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Off meill to the minister Four chd [chalder] Four bolls inde in mony thre hunder and sax pund |
£306.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit to the toun of glasgow For mentenence of ther minister threscoir Sax pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent is Seiven hunder Fourscoir tua pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£782.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116M |
29 Ruthergland to landward |
E106/1/1/116M |
The laird of minto For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfentors propperwodsetters and vthrs thr mony rent Extends to Sax hunder Fortie seiven pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£647.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Off beir thre chd [chalder] inde in mony tua hunder tuentie Four pund |
£224.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Off meill sax chd [chalder] inde in mony Four hunder thirtie tuo punds |
£432.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit for sallmond fishing thirtie pund |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to ane thousand thre hunder thirtiethre pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£1333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit to the minister and scoolmaister tua hunder thre scoir aught pund |
£268.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Off meill Four chd [chalder] inde in mony tua hunder fourscoir aught punds |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent is Fyve hunder fiftie and Sax pund |
£556.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116M |
30 Carmonocke |
E106/1/1/116M |
My lord duke of hamilton For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrenters propper wadsetters and vthrs thr mony rent Extendis to Four hunder tuentie ane punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£421.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Off beir Sax chd [chalder] inde in mony Four hunder Fortie aught pund |
£448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Off meill tuelfe chd [chalder] inde in mony aught hunder thre scoir Four pund |
£864.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Payit of few and tak deutie to others thn his maties [majesties] threscoir Sax pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116M |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittalls ane thousand aught hunder pund |
£1800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116M |
[Page] 116M
A Stewart
R Stewart
Patrick Hamiltone
James Hamiltone of Udstone
R Hamiltoun |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit to the minister and scoolmaistor ane hunder threscoir aught pund |
£168.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
off meill Fyve chdr [chalders] inde in mony thre hunderethe and threscoir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Summa of the mortifiet rent is Fyve hunder and thirtie aught pund |
£538.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116N |
31 halff Cathcart wtin [within] this schyer |
E106/1/1/116N |
The laird of Calderwood For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyferentors propper wadsetters and vthrs [others] thr [their] mony rent extends to Seiven hunder Fourscoir ane pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£781.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Off beir ane chdr [chalder] inde in mony threscoir Fourtein pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£74.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Off meill tua chdr [chalders] inde in mony ane hunder Fortie Four pund |
£144.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Summa of the mony rent and pryceof vittall Extendis to ane thousand pound |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116N |
32 Hamiltone |
E106/1/1/116N |
My lord duke of hamiltone for himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyfrentors propper wedsetters and vthrs [others] thr [their] mony [money] rent extendis to Seiven thousand Four hunder nyntein pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£7419.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Off whett ane chdr [chalder] inde in mony ane hunder and nyn pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£109.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Off beir thirtein chdr [chalders] inde in mony nyn hunder threscoir ten pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£970.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Off meill twentie Fyve chdr [chalders] inde in mony ane thousand aught hunder punds |
£1800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payt of Casualities For wethers butter and Cheis ane hunder threscoir Sax pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£166.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit in coall thre hunder thirtie thre 6 - 8d [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit of Few deutie tua hunder punds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to elevein thousand pund |
£11000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister in mony Fyve hunder punds |
£500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Off meill thirtein chdr [chalders] and ane half inde in mony nyn hunder threscoir tuelve punds |
£972.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit to the scoolmaister and For mentenence of a student at the coledge of glasgow tua hunderethe and ten punds |
£210.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Pait to the coledg of glasgow thirtie tua pund & to the hospitell of hamilton Fyftie punds |
£82.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiet rent extendis to ane thousand seiven hunderethe Threscoir four punds |
£1764.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116N |
33 Munklands |
E106/1/1/116N |
My lord duke of hamiltone For himself and remanet heretors Feueris lyfrentors propper wadsetters and vthrs [others] ther mony rent extendis to Fourtein thousand punds |
£14000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Payit of Feu deutie in meill and hogs corne aughttein chdr [chalders] aught bolls and ane half bolle Inde in mony to ane thousand thre hundereth thirtie thre punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£1333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116N |
Suma [Summa of mony rent and pryce off vittall extendis |
E106/1/1/116N |
[Page] 116N
A Stewart
J Stewarte |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit of Few deutie in meill and hog corne aughttein chldr [chalders] aught bolls and ane half boll Inde in mony to ane thousand thrie hundereth thirtie thre punds 6 - 8 d [pence] |
£1333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Suma [Summa] of mony rent and pryce off vittall extendes to Fyftein thousand thrie hundereth thirtie thrie pundis 6 - 8 d [pence] |
£15333.6.8d |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the tua ministers aught chdr [chalders] of vittall and Sax hunder punds in mony inde ane thousand ane hunder thriescoir Sax punds |
£1166.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit to the scoolmaister and For mentenence of ane student at the Colledge thrie scoir aughtein punds thirtein shillings Four pennies |
£78.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Summa of the mortifiet rent is ane thousand Tuo hunder Fortie Four pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£1244.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker ane hunderethe punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
34 Calder |
E106/1/1/116O |
The laird of Kew For himself and remanent heretors Feuers lyfrentors propper wadsetters and vthrs ther mony rent extendis to Thre thousand Fyve hunder punds |
£3500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Off beir nyn chdr [chalders] Four bolls and half ane peck inde in mony sax hunderethe Fourscor tuelve punds |
£692.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Off meill thirtie nyn chdr [chalders] inde in mony tua thousand aught hunderethe and aught punds |
£2808.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit off Feu deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] eleven chdr [chalder] ane boll thre Firletts and ane peck inde in mony aught hunderethe punds |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Summa off mortifiet rent and pryce of vittall extends to seiven thousand and aught hunderethe punds |
£7800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit off mortiffiett rent to the clerk of the generall assemblie kirk agent and colledge of glasgow one hunderethe and thirtie punds |
£130.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit to the minister Sax hunder punds |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Suma [Summa] off the mortiffiet rent is Seiven hundereth and thirtie punds |
£730.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116O |
35 Goveane excluding Sr [Sir] georg maxwell his land |
E106/1/1/116O |
Sr [Sir] Robert douglas for himself and remanent heretors of thr [their] mony [money] rent Extendis to tua thousand Sax hunder tuentie Fyve pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£2625.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Off beir aught Chdr [chalders] inde Fyve hunder Fourscoir Seiventein pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Off meill thirtie chdr [chalders] inde tua thousand ane hunder thriescoir punds |
£2160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
For salmond Fyftie pund |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit off feu and tak deutie to others thn [than] his maties [majesties] twelve chdr [chalders] fifftein bolls Sax pecks inde nyne hunder thirtie thrie pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£933.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit For coall tua hundereth punds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to Sax thousand Fyve hundereth Saxtie Sax lib [pounds] 13.4 |
£6566.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116O |
Payit of mortiffiet rent to the Clerk of the generall assemblie colledge of glasgow and |
E106/1/1/116O |
[Page] 116O
J Hamiltoun of udstoune
James Hamiltone |
E106/1/1/116P |
Suma [Summa] of the mony rent and pryce of vittall Extendis to Sax thousand Fyve hundereth Saxtie Sax lib [pounds] 13.4 |
£6566.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit of mortiffiet rent to the Clerk of the generall assemblie colledge of glasgow and Kirk agent in mony ane hunder Fourscoir fyftein pound 13 - 4d [pence] |
£195.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit of beir to the toun or colledge of glasgow Sax chldr [chalder] ind Four hunder Fortie aught pund |
£448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit of meill to the sd [said] toun or colledg twentie Four chdr [chalder] inde ane thousand Seiven hunder twentie aught punds |
£1728.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent of the sd [said] paroch is tua thousand thrie hunderethe thriescoir and eleiven pund |
£2371.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit to his matie [majestie] exchecker Fourscoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
36 Barronie Paroch of glasgow |
E106/1/1/116P |
Robert hamilton of silvertonhill For himself and remanent heretors of ther mony rent extends to Four thousand nyn hunderethe punds |
£4900.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Off beir ten chdr [chalder] ane Firlett and half peck inde seiven hunderethe Fortie aught punds |
£748.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Off meill thrie scoir sax chdr [chalder] inde Four thousand seven hunderethe Fyftie tua punds |
£4752.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit of Few deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] twentie tuo chdr [chalder] thrie bolls aught pecks tuo pecks meill and corn extending to in mony ane thousand Sax hunderethe punds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Summa off the mony rent and pryce off vittall extends to tuelve thousand punds |
£12000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit of mortiffiet rent to the colledge off glasgow clerk of the assemblie and kirk agent tuo hunderethe Fourscoir thrie punds |
£283.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit For ministers stipends vphoulding of the heigh kirk & vthir his persones uses Fyve hunder punds And Saxtein chdr [chalder] off meill inde ane thousand ane hunderethe Fyftie tua punds |
£1152.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Off beir Four chdr [chalder] inde tua hunder Fourscoir aughtein punds 13 - 4 d [pence] |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Ite [Item] the mills and kills Formerlie of glasgow valuett with the shyer and now mortifiet For pyus usesin the sd [said] toun being Sax hunder punds |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent is tuo thousand aught hunderete thretie thre punds 13 - 4 ds [pence] |
£2833.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker ane hunderethe punds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
37 Avandaile |
E106/1/1/116P |
My lord duke of hamilton For himself and remanent heretors of thr [their] mony rent extendis to Seven thousand Sax hunder and ten punds 13 - 4 d [pence] |
£7610.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Off beir aught chdr [chalder] inde Fyve hunder Fourscoir seiventein punds 6 - 8d [pence] |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Off meill thirtie chdr [chalder] inde tua thousand ane hunder thriescoir punds |
£2160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Off feu Deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] thrie hunderethe punds |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Summa of mony and pryce of vittallExtendis to- ten thousand Sax hundereth thrie scoir Sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£10666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit to the minister aught hunder thriescoir Sax pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Payit to the scolmaister ane hunderethe punds and to menteane ane student at the colledge ten punds |
£110.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116P |
Summa off the mortiffiet rent is nyne hunder thriescoir Saxtein pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£976.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116P |
[Page] 116P
A Stewart
J Stewart
J hamilton of Udstoune
Patrick hamiltone
Robert hamilton |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit to the scolmaister ane hunderethe punds and to menteane ane student at the colledge ten punds |
£110.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Suma [Summa] off the mortiffiet rent is nyne hunder thriescor saxtein pund 13 - 4 d [pence] |
£976.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116Q |
38 Kilbryde |
E106/1/1/116Q |
The laird of torrens For himself and remanent heretors of ther mony rent Extendis to Fyve thousand Fyve hunder Fyftie thre pund 6 - 8 d [pence] |
£5553.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Off meill Fyftie Fyve chdr [chalder] inde thre thousand nyn hunder and sixtie punds |
£3960.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Off few deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] Four hunder Four scoir sax punds 13 - 4 d [pence] |
£486.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Summa of the mony rent and pryce of vittall is ten thousand punds |
£10000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit of mortiffiet rentt to the colledge of glasgow in mony For the vickiradge seiven hunder pund |
£700.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit in meill to the said colledge thirtie tuo chdr [chalder] inde tuo thousand thre hunder and Four pund |
£2304.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit to the scoolmaister and For mentenence of a student at the colledge - threscoir Saxtein pund |
£76.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent thre thousand Fourscoir punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£3080.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116Q |
39 Bothwelle |
E106/1/1/116Q |
My lord duke of hamiltone For himselff and remanent heretors of thr [their] mony rent extendis to thre thousand thre hunder threscoir Fyve punds |
£3365.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Off beir thirtein chdr [chalder] 5 bolls 1/2 inde nyn hunder Fourscoir saxtein pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£996.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Off meill tuentie seiven chdr [chalder] sax bolls inde ane thousand nyn hunderethe threscoir and eleiven pund |
£1971.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
For coall thre hunderethe thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit in Few deutie ane thousand thrie hunder thirtie thre pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£1333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Summa of the mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to aught thousand punds |
£8000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit off mortiffiet rent Four chalder off meill inde tua hunderethe Fourscoir aught pund |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Off mony tua hundereth threscoir sax pund 13 - 4 |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
to the scoolmaister & For mentenence of a student at the colledge Fourscoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Suma [Summa] off the mortiffiett rent is sax hunerethe thirtie Four pund 13 - 4 |
£634.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116Q |
40 Shottis |
E106/1/1/116Q |
My lord duke of hamiltone For himselff and remanent heretors of thr [their] mony rent extendis to sax thousand sax hunder thirtein pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£6613.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116Q |
[Page] 116Q |
E106/1/1/116R |
thirtie Four pundis 13 - 4 |
£34.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116R |
Payit to his maties [Majesty] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116R |
40 Shottis |
E106/1/1/116R |
My lord duke of hamiltone For himself and remanent heretors of thr [ther] mony [money] rent extendis to six thousand sex hunder thirtein pundis 6 - 8d [pence] |
£6613.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116R |
Off meill ten chdr [chalder] inde seiven hunderethe and twentie pundis |
£720.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116R |
Payit off Feu deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] Fyve hunder thirtie thrie pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£533.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116R |
Payit in wethers butter and cheis ane hunderethe thirtie thrie pund 6 - 8d [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/116R |
Summa of the mony rent and pryce of vittallis aught thousand pounds |
£8000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116R |
Payit to the minister sax hunder punds and to the scoolmaister and For mentenence off a student at the colledge Fourscoir punds |
£680.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116R |
Summa of the mortiffiet rent is sax hunder and Fourscoir punds |
£680.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116R |
Payit to his maties [majestie's] exchecker |
E106/1/1/116R |
The totall off the present valuatione of the schyer besyd the mortifiet rent and qu [quhat] is payit to the exchecker Extends to Ane hundereth Fourscoir Saxtein thousand thre hunder threescoir nyntein punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£196379.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116R |
The mortifiet rent extends to thirtie thousand thre hunderethe thre scoir Fyve punds |
£3365.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116R |
His maties [majestie's] rent in this schyer extends to |
E106/1/1/116R |
The totall of the Former valuatione of this schyer extends to ane hunder Fourscoir Sixtein thousand tua hunderethe and Fortie punds |
£196240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116R |
This pnt [present] valuatne [valuation] doethe exceid the Former ane hunderethe thirtie nyn pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£139.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116R |
[Page] 116R
The lide mynes [lead mines] Formerlie valued at ane thousand punds bott ane act off parliat [parliament] was producit be the lord hoptone to the valuers exempting the saidis lide mynes Fre all valuatne [valuatione] and burdines qtsomever [quhatsomever]
Sir george maxwell off netherpollock his lands wtin [within] the parochine of goven wtin [within] this schyre being valuet Formerlie to Fyve hunderethe and Fyftie merks bot is is not computed in the totall of this shyer in respect of ane act of parliat [parliament] anexing the same lands perteining to the laird pollock to the sreffdom [sheriffdom] of Ranffrew
A Stewart
S Stewart
J Hamiltoun of Udstone
Pa [Patrick] Hamiltoun
[Signed foot of page]
W Carmichaell
William Broun
A Steuart of Orontoune
J hamiltoun of Udstoun |
E106/1/1/116S |
The totall off the present valuatione of this schyer besyd the mortifiet rent and qt [quhat] is payit to the exchecker Extends to Ane hundereth Four scoir Saxtein thousand thre hunder threscoir nyntein punds 13 - 4d [pence] |
£196379.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116S |
The mortified rent extends to thirtie thousand thrie hunderethe thrie scoir Fyve punds |
£30365.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116S |
His maties [majestie's] rent in this schyer extends to |
E106/1/1/116S |
The totall of the Former valuatione of this schyer extends to ane hunder Fourscoir Sixtein thousand tua hunderethe and Fortie punds |
£196240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/116S |
This pnte [presente] valuatne [valuation] doeth extend the Former ane hunderethe thirtie nyn pund 13 - 4d [pence] |
£139.13.4 |
E106/1/1/116S |
[Page] 116S
Sr [Sir] george maxwell off netherpollock his lands wtin [within] the parochine of goven wtin [within] this schyer being valued Formerlie At Fyve hunderethe and Fyftie merks bot it is not computed in the totall of this shyer in respect of ane act of parliat [parliament] anexing the same lands perteaning to the laird pollock to the sreffdom [sheriffdom] of Ranffrew
W carmichaell
A Steuart of Overtoune
William Broun of dolphintoun
J hamiltoun of Udstoun
J Stewarte
[ ] Wynram
James hamiltone
Gedion Jack
R Hamilton
George Lockhart
Robert Denham |
E106/1/1/117 |
[Page] 117
[Upside down at foot of page]
Valuation of
the Srefdome [Shireffdome]
of Lanerk
1649 |
E106/1/1/117 |
Page extensively repaired |
E106/1/1/118 |
follows the roll of the saids valuauns [valuatiouns] |
E106/1/1/118 |
Cathcart paroche |
£2870.0.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Eglishame paroche |
£3333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Merne paroche |
£6233.6.8 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Eastwood paroch |
£2633.6.8 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Renfrew paroch |
£3866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Inchinane |
£3345.13.4 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Erskine |
£6208.13.4 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Killellane |
£2833.6.8 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Kilmalcolme |
£8332.0.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Kilbarchane |
£8436.6.8 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Neilstoune |
£5471.6.8 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Grinock |
£3200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Innerkip |
£4726.0.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Houstoun |
£2434.0.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Paslay |
£21785.1.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Lochwinzeoch |
£10230.14.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Knock, Bogsyd & Sandiefoord |
£580.0.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
Suma [Summa] of the whole shire foure score [sixtein] Thowsand eight hundreth fyiftie thrie punds is |
£96853.0.0 |
E106/1/1/118 |
[Page] 118
Pasley ultimo noia [notitia] 1649
Wee the comissioners [commissioners] vnder subscriving appointed for valuatioun of the rents of the shreffdome of Renfrew by act of the estates of Parliament of this kingdome holdin at Edr [Edinburgh] the 4th of august 1649 [4 Aug 1649], heaving often and frequentlie conveined, And heaving laboured to informe our selvs of the value and worth of the said whole shire by the informatioun and depositions of men who might give best knowledge in the rextiue [respective] paroches ceited for that effect : Doe declare vpon our oath that we found the valuatioun according to the informaun [informatioun] and depositiouns of the saids witnesses would not extend to the former totall sume: And theirfore for satisfying of the act of parliament (ordaining no respect to be had to anye valuauns [valuatiouns] that sould be vndir the totall of the former valuatioun) We haue added to our saids informers depositiouns als much as to make vp our former totall sume [summe] In obedience to the act of Parliament allanerlie : With this humble protestaune [protestatioune], that if the valuaune [valuatioune] of any shire be receaved from the valuers within their former totall sumes [summes] We may be admitted to give in our valuatioun expreslie according to the informaune [informatioune] and depositioun of our witnesss [witnesses]
Nota tht [that] this last article of knock, bogsyde & sandiefoord is to be deduced aff the shire in regard tht [that]
sen the former valuaun [valuatioun] it is declared be the Lords of counsell & ssession to be wtin [within] the towne
of Renfrew
James Montgomrie
W Ralstone of that ilk Neather pollok
J Wallace
Patrik Flemyng of Barrochan
A Craigends
Johne Maxwell of sowthbar
William Mure
Porterfeild of thht [that] Ilk
[Faulduss] of tht [that] ilk |
E106/1/1/118 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
'Rextive' is an abbreviation for 'respective(ly)', by confusion of 'p' and 'x'.
deduced - deducted
Latin 'ultimo notitia' - latest information |
E106/1/1/119 |
[Page] 119
15 Jan 1650
Produced in Comittee |
E106/1/1/121 |
[Page] 121
Valuaun [Valuatioun] of the Shriffdome [Sheriffdome]
of Renfrew
produced to the sub committee
17 Jary 1650 [17 Jan 1650]
Report of the valuation
of the Shireffdom of
Ranfrew |
E106/1/1/122 |
[Page] 122
valuaun [valuatioun] of the
Srefdome [Sherifdome] of
producit 14 der
1649 [14 Dec 1649]
wrong and out of
Roxburgh |
E106/1/1/124 |
Parochin of Jedburgh |
E106/1/1/124 |
Suma [Summa] of the bolls of bere and meill in this paroche is ane thousand foire hundreth fyftie four bolls and a halfe and halfe ane furlote quhiche is in money at sex pund sex schilling [£6.6.0] the boll Aucht thousand thrie hundreth and threttie aucht punds - 13 schillings four pennies |
£8338.13.4 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Item of aitts thriescoir nyne bolls and a halfe whiche being convertit in money at four pund sex schillings aucht pennies [£4.6.8] the boll is thrie hundredth and ane pund thrie schillings four pennies |
£301.3.4 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Item the money rent of this paroche is ellevin thousand aucht hundret [hundreth] fourescoir and auchtein punds and a ellevin schillings |
£11898.11.0 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Suma [Summa] of the money rent and haill victual of this paroche at the pryce foirsaid Is twentie thousand fyve hunret [hundreth] threttie aucht punds 7s [shillings] 6ds [pennies] |
£20538.7.6 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Ancrum par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/124 |
Suma [Summa] of the bolls of bere and meill in this paroche is ane hundreth fourescoir auchteine bolls pryce foirsaid is ane thousand tua hundreth fourescoir sevintein punds four schillings |
£1297.4.0 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Mare threttie sevin bolls quheit at aucht pund [£8.0.0] the boll is twa hundrethe fourescoir sextein punds |
£296.0.0 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Item of money rent sevin thousand fyve hundredth twentie ane punds sextein schillings : viij ds [eight pennies] |
£7521.16.8 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Suma [Summa] totalis of this paroche is nyne thousand ane hundret [hundreth] and fyftein punds aucht pennies |
£9115.0.8 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Crailling par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/124 |
Suma [Summa] of this hail paroche being convertit in money rent Is Sevin thousand ane hundreth foure scoir and ellevin punds: 7s [shillings] 4ds [pennies] |
£7171.7.4 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Eckfurde par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/124 |
Suma [Summa] of wictuall meill beir ry and peis and aitts in this paroche Is fyve hundreth fourescoir thrie bolls Quhilk being convertit in money at the prices set doun Is thrie thousand fyve hundrethe fyftie punds sextein schillings |
£3550.16.0 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Item of money rent wtin [within] this paroche sex thousand sevin hundreth thriescoir fourteen punds ellevin schillings |
£6774.11.0 |
E106/1/1/124 |
Suma [Summa] of the whole victuall and money Is in all ten thousand thrie hundrethe twentie five punds sevin schillings |
£10325.7.0 |
E106/1/1/124 |
[Page] 124
Valuatioun of the
schirefdome of Roxbrughe
Cropt 1649
The abridgement whereof followis |
E106/1/1/124 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
At Crailing, the sums of money in words and figures do not agree.. |
E106/1/1/125 |
Mynto par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [Summa] of the beir and meill within this paroche is fyvescoir sex bolls at 6 lib: 6 ss [£6.6.0] the boll Is six hundret [hundreth] and thriescoir sevin punds sextein schillings |
£667.16.0 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Mair auchtein bolls of quheit at the pryce set doun Is ane hundret [hundreth] and fourtie punds |
£140.0.0 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Item of money rent wtin [within] this paroche, Ane thousand fyve hundret [hundreth] fyftie thrie punds sex schillings aucht pennies |
£1553.6.8 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [Summa] totalis is tua thousand thrie hundreth thriescoir and fyve punds tua schillings aucht pennies |
£2365.2.8 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Bedroull par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall wtin [within] this paroche is tua hundreth fourescoir ane bolls meill and beir pryce foirsaid Is sevintein hundrethe thriescoir ten punds sex schillings |
£1770.6.0 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Item the money rent wtin [within] this parochen is ane thousand nyne hundrethe fourescoir and ten punds sex schillings aucht pennies |
£1990.6.8 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [Summa] totalis of this parochen is thrie thousand sevin hundrethe and thriescoir punds tuelve schillings aucht pennies |
£3760.12.8 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Abbotroull par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [Summa] of this paroche being all money rent is ane thousand sex hundreth thriescoir and sexteine punds |
£1676.0.0 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Hopkirk par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [Summa] of victuall within this paroche is auchtscoir four bolls meill and beir pryce foirsaid Is ane thousand threttie thrie punds four schillings |
£1033.4.0 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Item of money rent wtin [within] the said paroche Is sex thousand five hundrethe threttie sex punds threttin schillings four pennies |
£6536.13.4 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [Summa] of bothe Is Sevin thousand fyve hundret [hundreth] thriescoir ten punds sex schillings 8ds [pennies] |
£7570.6.8 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Sowden par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/125 |
Summa of this paroche being all money rent Is fyve thousand and fyve hundret [hundreth] punds |
£5500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Oxnam par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [Summa] of the bolls of victuall within this paroche is ane hundrethe fourescoir and aucht bolls beir and meill pryce foresaid is ane thousand ane hundredth fourescoir four punds aucht schillings |
£1184.8.0 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Item the money rent is aucht thousand aucht hundrethe and threttie nyne punds threttin schillings four pennies |
£8839.13.4 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [summa] totalis is ten thousand twentie four punds sevin schillings four pennies |
£10024.7.4 |
E106/1/1/125 |
Hownem par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/125 |
Suma [summa] of the haill rent in this parochene being all money rent Is ten thousand fourescoir and ten punds sex schillings aucht pennies |
£10090.6.8 |
E106/1/1/125 |
[Page] 125 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Caveris par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/126 |
Suma [Summa] of wictuall within this parochen is four hundrethe fourtie aucht bolls beir and meill and of quheit fourtie aught bolls pryce foresaid Is thrie thousand tua hundrethe fowrtie sex punds aucht shillings |
£3246.8.0 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Item of money rent within the said parochen Is threttine thousand tua hundret thriescoir punds 13s [shillings] 4ds [pennies] |
£13260.13.4 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Suma [Summa] of moneyis and victuall Is in all Sexteine thousand fyve hundrethe sevin punds 4 shillings |
£16507.4.0 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Kirktoune par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/126 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all money rent Is Four thousand tua hundrethe and nynteine punds sevintein shillings four pennies |
£4219.17.4 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Hawick par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/126 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all money rent Is Fyftein thousand fyve hundrethe and ellevin punds ten shillings |
£15511.10.0 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Wiltoun par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/126 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all money rent Is fyve thousand thrie hundrethe fyftie nyne punds thrie shillings foure pennies |
£5359.3.4 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Hassindeane par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/126 |
Suma [Summa] of the wictuall within this paroche Is thrie hundrethe and siventie thrie bolls quhairof threttie tua bolls quheit the rest meill and beir the quheit at aucht pund [£8.0.0] the boll Is tua hundrethe fyftie sex punds [£256.0.0] the meil and beir at sex pund sex shillings [£6.6.0] the boll Is aucht hundrethe fourescoir and sexteine punds sex schillings [£897.6.0] |
£1153.6.0 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Item of money rent within the said paroche Is Four thousand tua hundreth and twentie thrie punds sex schillings |
£4223.6.0 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Cassiltoun par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/126 |
Suma [Summa] of This parochen being all of money rent is Fyftein thousand fyve hundrethe twentie sex punds |
£15526.0.0 |
E106/1/1/126 |
Kelso par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/126 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all money rent Is Fourtein thousand sevin hunder and aucht punds |
£14708.0.0 |
E106/1/1/126 |
[page] 126 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Roxbrughe par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent is nyne thousand aucht hundrethe fourtie ane punds sevintein schillings |
£9841.17.0 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Sproustoun par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall wtin [within] this paroche Is sevine hundrethe thriescoir bolls of meill and beir and auchtein bolls of quheit at the pryces foirsaids Is tua thousand fyve hundreth twentie nyne punds fourtein schillings |
£2529.14.0 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Item of money rent within the said paroche ten thousand nyne hundrethe tuelff punds sex schillings 8d [pence] |
£10912.6.8 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] totalis of bothe money and victuall Is threttin thousand four hundrethe fourtie sex punds aucht pennies |
£13446.0.8 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Ednem par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent Is Sevin thousand aucht hundreth and four scoir punds |
£7880.0.0 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Stitchell par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent Is Foure thousand and four hundret punds |
£4400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Mccarstoun par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent Is sex thousand aucht hundreth threttie sex punds sevintein schillings four pennies |
£6836.17.4 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Morbatle par [paroche] |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent is sextein thousand twentie sevin punds sextein schillings sex pennies |
£16027.16.6 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Yettun par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent Is sex thousand fyve hundreth and fourtie punds sex schillings aucht pennies |
£6540.6.8 |
E106/1/1/127 |
Lyntoun par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/127 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent Is fyve thousand thrie hundrethe and nynteine punds sex schillings aucht pennies |
£5319.6.8 |
E106/1/1/127 |
[Page] 127 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Melrose pa: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen all of money rent is twentie thousand aucht hundreth and ellevin pund sevintein schillings |
£20811.17.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Lillislie pa: [Paroche] |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent Is Sevin thousand sex hundrethe thriescoir and four pund |
£7664.0.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Bowden par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent aucht thousand four hundrethe foure scoir and ten punds |
£8490.0.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Lassuden par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all of money rent four thousand ane hundreth fourescoir and nyntein punds ellevin schillings 2ds |
£4199.11.2 |
E106/1/1/128 |
MaxToun par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being all money rent is fyve thousand aucht hundret and threttie punds |
£5830.0.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Langnewtoun par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of this parochen being of money rent is ane thousand tua hundrethe fourescoir punds fourtein schillings |
£1280.14.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Askirk par: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall rent within this parochen Is aucht hundrethe twentie sevin punds sex schillings |
£827.6.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Item of money rent is Foire thousand tua hundrethe threttie sevin punds thrie schillings |
£4237.3.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill rent of this paroche is Fyve thousand thriescoir four punds nyne schillings |
£5064.9.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Lyndeane pa: [paroche] |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall within this parochen is ane hundrethe and fourtein bolls the pryce foirsaid if sevin hundreth punds |
£700.0.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Item of money rent ane thousand ane hundret thriescoir fyftein punds nyntein schillings |
£1175.19.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
Suma [Summa] of this haill parochen victuall and money Is ane thousand aucht hundrethe thrie scoir fyftein punds nyntein schillings |
£1875.19.0 |
E106/1/1/128 |
[page] 128 |
E106/1/1/130 |
[Page] 130
Rentall of the shreffdome [shireffdome] of
Selkark cropt and zeir of
God 1649
Edinb [Edinburgh] 15 January
1650 [15 Jan 1650]
Produced befor the committee
of estats. |
E106/1/1/132 |
Selkirk Paroche |
E106/1/1/132 |
The rent of the haill landis within the said paroche qhk [quhilk] belongis to the said shrefdome [shirefdome] of selkirk in the haill Extend to the sowme of threttin thousand nyn hundreth sevintie eight punds 13 - 4 |
£13978.13.4 |
E106/1/1/132 |
Deductions |
E106/1/1/132 |
Off the quhilk rent thr [ther] is first to be deducit of few Dewtie zeirlie payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of four hundreth fourtie sex punds 6 - 8 |
£446.6.8 |
E106/1/1/132 |
Item to be Deducit the ministeris stipend Extending to the sowme of Sevin hundreth sextin punds 2 - 8 |
£716.2.8 |
E106/1/1/132 |
[Page] 132
The Roll of the rent of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of selkirk maid and sett Doun by the comissioneris [commissioneris] vnder subscryveing appoyntit for that effect by act of the estaitis of Parliament of this kingdome haldin at Edinburgh the fourt day of august 1649 [4 Aug 1649] Quhich comissioneris [commissioneris] haveing mett On the ... day off august Last And haveing judiciallie givin thair oithis to vse thair best indevors for a richt and true informatioun of the rentis of the haill schyre And to proceid faithfullie and impartiallie in prosequuting thair comissioun [commissioun] and instructiounes Relatting thrvnto [thervnto] quhich thay haue cairfullie Performit in everie poynt Efter serious and Mature Deliberatioun They haue maid and sett doun The roll following and articles according to the number of the severall paroches within the said schyre The rent thairof being Onlie in money and haue cast vp the sowmes according to the Directioun of the parliament |
E106/1/1/132 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii. |
E106/1/1/133 |
Mair to be deducit the scholmr [scholmaister] of the said paroche his fie extending to the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/133 |
The sowme of the haill deductiounes of the totall rent of the said paroche extendis to the sowme of £1,162.9.4 swa thair haill rest of frie rent |
£12816.4.0 |
E106/1/1/133 |
THe paroche of yara |
E106/1/1/133 |
The valued rent of the haill Landis within the said paroche Extend to the sowme of Tuetie sex thousand eight hundreth thrie scoir sevin punds 16 - 8 |
£26867.16.8 |
E106/1/1/133 |
Off the qlk [quhilk] sowme thair is first to be Deducit of Few Dewtie yeirlie payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of |
£1641.1.8 |
E106/1/1/133 |
Item to be Deducit the ministers stipend Extending to the sowme of |
£1035.8.0 |
E106/1/1/133 |
Item to be Deducit of Mortifiet rent to the chappell royall |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/133 |
Swa restis of frie rent the sowme of |
£23791.7.0 |
E106/1/1/133 |
The paroch of Ettrik |
E106/1/1/133 |
The forsd [forsaid] rent of the haill Landis wtin [within] the said paroche Extendis to the sowme of |
£6342.13.4 |
E106/1/1/133 |
Off the qlk [quhilk] sowme thair is to be deducit of few dewtie Payabill to the kingis matie [majestie] the sowme of |
£41.13.4 |
E106/1/1/133 |
[Page] 133 |
E106/1/1/134 |
Item to the Erle of hadingtoun of few dewtie the sowme of |
E106/1/1/134 |
Item to be deductit the ministeris stipend extending to the sowme off |
£416.13.4 |
E106/1/1/134 |
Summa of the deductiounes is |
£458.6.8 |
E106/1/1/134 |
Sua that there will rest of frie rent the sowme of |
£5884.6.8 |
E106/1/1/134 |
Gallasheillis paroche |
E106/1/1/134 |
The valued rent of the Landis within the said paroche belonging to the said Shrefdome [sherrifdome] Extendis to the sowme of |
£4566.13.4 |
E106/1/1/134 |
The quhilk sowme thair is to be deducit of few dewtie payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of |
£185.11.8 |
E106/1/1/134 |
Mair to the minister of the said paroche is trie pairt of his stipend the sowme of |
£237.4.6 |
E106/1/1/134 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductionnes extend to the sowme of |
£422.16.2 |
E106/1/1/134 |
Sua there will rest of frie rent the sowme of |
£4143.17.2 |
E106/1/1/134 |
Stow paroche |
E106/1/1/134 |
The rent of the Landis of the said paroche belonging to the said shrefdome [sherrifdom] ?dome extend to the sowme of |
£4010.0.0 |
E106/1/1/134 |
[page] 134 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Off the qlk [quhilk] sowme thair is to be deducit of few dewtie payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of |
£223.5.0 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Ite [Item] to the minister of the said paroche as due pairt of his stipend the sowme of |
£246.6.8 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductionnes amont to the sowme of |
£469.11.8 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Swa thr [there] will rest of frie rent |
£3540.8.4 |
E106/1/1/135 |
InnerLethin paroche |
E106/1/1/135 |
The rent of the Landis within the said paroche belonging to the said srefdome [sheriffdome] extend to the sowme of |
£873.0.0 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Off the qlk [quhilk] sowme thair is to be deductit the few dewtie payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of |
£52.6.8 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Ite [Item] to the minister of the said paroche as ane pairt of his stipend the sowme of |
E106/1/1/135 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductionnes amont to the sowme of |
£52.6.8 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Swa thair will rest of frie rent |
£820.13.4 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Hassinden paroche |
E106/1/1/135 |
The rent of the said paroche and Landis thearof belonging to the forsaid srefdome [sheriffdome] extend to the sowme of |
£1160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Off the qlk [quhilk] sowme thair is to be deducit of few dewties payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/135 |
Item to the minister of the said paroch as ane pairt of his stipend the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/135 |
[page] 135 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Suma [Summa] of the Deductionnes of this paroche amont to the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Swa thair will rest of frie rent |
£1160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Askirk paroche |
E106/1/1/136 |
The valued rent of the Landis within the said paroche belonging to the forsaid shrefdome [sheriffdome] Extendis to the sowme of |
£1583.6.8 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Off the quhilk sowme thair is to be deductit of feu deutie payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Item to the minister of the said paroche as ane pairt of his stipend the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Suma [Summa] of the deducitionnes of this paroche extend to the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Sua that thr [there] restis of frie rent the sowme of |
£1583.6.8 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Hawick paroche |
E106/1/1/136 |
The valued rent of the Lands within the said paroche belonging to the forsaid srefdome [sheriffdome] extends to the sowme of |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/136 |
Off the quhilk sowme thair is to deducit the few dewtie payabill to his matie [majestie] the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/136 |
[Page] 136 |
E106/1/1/137 |
Item to the Minister of the said paroche as ane pairt of his stipend the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/137 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones of the forsaid paroche extend to the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/137 |
Swa restis of frie rent the sowme of |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/137 |
Wiltoun paroch |
E106/1/1/137 |
The valued rent of the forsaid paroche belonging to the said srfdome [sheriffdome] Extendis to the sowme of |
£700.0.0 |
E106/1/1/137 |
Off the quhilk sowme thair is to be deducit of few dewtie payabill to his majestie the sowme of |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/137 |
[Page] 137 |
E106/1/1/138 |
Item to the minister of the said paroche as ane pairt of his stipend the sowme of |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/138 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductionnes amont to the sowme of |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/138 |
Sua thr [there] will rest of frie rent the sowme of |
£660.0.0 |
E106/1/1/138 |
The Totall sowme of the haill srefdome [sheriffdome] all the Deductionnes abouewritten being dewtie calculat [calculated] Extendis to the sowme of fyftie four thousand Eight hundereth punds 3:2: |
£54800.3.2 |
E106/1/1/138 |
The former valuation Did extend to - |
£80100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/138 |
This valuation is short of the former - |
£25300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/138 |
[page] 138
the Comissioneris under writtin In witnes of this our report have subscryvit thir pntis [presentis] with or [our] hands
J murray
Williame Scott
R Scott
William Scott
J Scott |
E106/1/1/141 |
Valuans [Valuations] of the Shyre of Selkirk cropt
Producit be the sub cmmitte [subscribed committee]
17 Jar 1650 [17 Jan 1650] |
E106/1/1/142 |
[Page] 142
Peebles |
E106/1/1/143 |
[Page] 143 |
E106/1/1/143 |
The text (which is upside down) has been scored out. It is repeated on page E106/1/1/147 http://www.scotlandsplaces.gov.uk/digital-volumes/historical-tax-rolls/land-tax-rolls-1645-1831/land-tax-rolls-various-counties-volume-01/132#zoom=3&lat=1698&lon=722&layers=B. |
E106/1/1/144 |
Innerlethan paroche |
E106/1/1/144 |
Sir Alexander Morisone of Prestoungrainge knicht and remanent heritores feweres lyfrenteres, propper Wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroch of Innerlethan their money rent doeth extend to Sex thowsand fyve hundreth fourescoire fyve pundes tuo schilling viij d [eight pence] |
£6585.2.8 |
E106/1/1/144 |
Item payed of meall in the said paroch Tuo chalderes and foure bolles meall according to the measure of Lithgow prick mett which being convertit into money at the pryce of foure pundes ten schilling [£4.10.0] for each boll extends to |
£162.0.0 |
E106/1/1/144 |
Item payed in take duetie to the earle of Lowthiane Threttie foure pundes |
£34.0.0 |
E106/1/1/144 |
Item payit in mortified rent to the minister as a pt [part] of his stipend Ane hundreth fourescoire thretteine punds vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£193.6.8 |
E106/1/1/144 |
Item payed to his maties [majesties] exchequher in few & blenshe dueties Ane hundreth fourescoire fyve punds vj ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pence] |
£185.6.8 |
E106/1/1/144 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroche is Sex thowsand sevine hundreth fourescoire ane pundes tuo schilling eight pennies |
£6781.2.8 |
E106/1/1/144 |
Traquair paroche |
E106/1/1/144 |
John earle of Traquair etc and remanent heritores feweres lyfrenteres, propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroche of Traquair their money rent (being no vther kynd of rent payed in the paroche) doeth extend to Fyve thousand fyve hundreth threescoire pundes sevintein schilling sex pennies |
£5560.17.6 |
E106/1/1/144 |
Item payed in mortiefied rent to the minster Foure hundreth thretteine pundes vi ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£413.6.8 |
E106/1/1/144 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroch of Traquair Is Fyve thowsand fyve hundreth threescoire punds xvij ss [seventeen shillings] vj d [six pence] |
£5560.17.6 |
E106/1/1/144 |
[Page] 144
The Roll of the Rent of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of Pebles maid and sett doune by the comissionares [commissionares] vnder subscryveing appoyntit for that effect by act of the estaittes of Parliament of this kingdome holdin at Edinburgh the fourth of August jaj vi ct fourtie nyne [4 Aug 1649] Which comissionares [commissionares] haveing mett vpon the ellevinth day of september last bypast And haveing judiciallie gevin their oathes to vse their best endeavores for a right and true informaun [informatioun] of the rentes of the whole schyre, and to proceid faithfullie and Impartiallie in prosequuteing their comissioun [commissioun] and instructiounes relateing thervnto Which thay have carefullie performed in everie poynt After serious and mature deliberaun [deliberatioun], they have maide and sett doune the roll following in articles according to the number of the severall paroches within the said schyre and have cast vpe the summes according to the directioun of the parliament.
J Murray
j Lausone
Alexander Burnet
J Hunter
John hay
William Russell |
E106/1/1/144 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
1 Merk = £0.13.4 |
E106/1/1/145 |
Kailzeo paroche |
E106/1/1/145 |
John earle of Traquaire etc and remanent heratores feweres lyferenters propper wodsetteres and vthers within the said paroch of Kailzeo their money rent doeth extend to Tuo thowsand foure hundreth fyftie eight pundes iiij ss [four shillings] ij d [two pence] |
£2458.4.2 |
E106/1/1/145 |
ITem payed of meall in the said paroch Tuelve bolles according to the measure of Lithgow prick mett which being converted into money at the pryce of foure pounds 10 ss [£4.10.0] for each boll extendis to Fyftie foure pundes |
£ 54.0.0 |
E106/1/1/145 |
ITem payed in take duetie to the Lord Iedburghe Fyftie three pundes vi ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£ 53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/145 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the minister Three hundreth threttie three punds vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£ 333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/145 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroche Is Tuo thowsand fyve hundreth three scoire fyve pundes ten shilling ten pennies |
£2565.10.10 |
E106/1/1/145 |
Pebles paroche |
E106/1/1/145 |
John earle of Tueiddaill etc and John Lord Hay of Yester and remanent heratores feweres lyfrenters, propper wodsetters and vtheres within the said paroche of Pebles their money rent doeth extend to Fyve thowsand eight hundreth foure scoire foure punds tuelve shilling two pennies |
£5884.12.2 |
E106/1/1/145 |
ITem payed of bear in the said paroche sex chalderes and tuelve bolles according to the measure of Lithgow prick met which being convertit into money at the pryce of sevine mks [merks] [£4.13.4] each boll extendis to Fyve hundreth and foure pundes |
£ 504.0.0 |
E106/1/1/145 |
ITem payed of malt in the said paroch Tuelve chalderes tuo bolles according to the measure forsaid which being convertit into money at sevine mks [merks] [£4.13.4] ilk boll extendis to nyne hundreth and fyve punds sex schilling eight pennies |
£ 905.6.8 |
E106/1/1/145 |
ITem payit of meall in the said paroche Ellevine chalderes tuo bolles according to the measure forsaid which being convertit into money at foure punds ten schilling [£4.10.0] ilk boll extendis to eight hundreth and ane punds |
£801.0.0 |
E106/1/1/145 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the persone and vicar of Pebles Eight hundreth and fourtie pundes |
£840.0.0 |
E106/1/1/145 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroche of Pebles Is Eight thowsand foure scoire fourteine pundes eighteine schilling ten pennies |
£8094.18.10 |
E106/1/1/145 |
[Page] 145
J Murray
J Lausone
John hay
Alexander Burnet
J Hunter
William Russell |
E106/1/1/146 |
Menner paroche |
E106/1/1/146 |
James Nasmyth of Posso and remanent heritores feweres lyfrenteres, propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroche of menner their money rent doeth extend to Foure thowsand nyne hundreth foure scoire foure pundes tuelve shilling foure pennies |
£4984.12.4 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Item payed of beir in the said paroche sex bolles according to the measure of Lithgow prick mett which being convertit into money at sevine merkes [£4.13.4] ilk boll extendis to Tuentie eight pundes |
£ 28.0.0 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Item payed of meill in the said paroche Tuo chalderes and fourteine bolles according to the measure forsaid which being converted into money at foure punds ten sh [£4.10.0] ilk boll extendis to Tuo hundreth and sevine punds |
£ 207.0.0 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Item payed of oattes in the said paroche Ane boll oattes according to the measure forsaid pryce thereof foure lib [pounds] 10 ss [shillings] |
£ 4.10.0 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Item payed of casualities in the said paroche Ane stane woole |
£ 4.0.0 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Item payed in mortiefied rent to the persone of Pebles and vicar of Menner Ane thowsand ane hundreth three pundes xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij d [four pence] |
£1103.13.4 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroch of Menner is Fyve thowsand tuo hundreth tuentie eight pundes tuo shilling foure pennies |
£5228.2.4 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Dawik paroche |
E106/1/1/146 |
William vaitche of dawik elder and Sr [Sir] John vaitche of dawik younger for the haill paroche of dawik their money rent (being no vther kynd of rent payit in the paroche) doeth extend to Ane thowsand sex hundreth foure scoire fyfteine pundes ellevine schilling ij d [two pence] |
£1695.11.2 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Item payed in mortified rent to the minister three hundreth tuentie three pundes vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£ 323.6.8 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Suma [Summa] of the sad rent within the said paroche of dawik Is Ane thowsand sex hundreth foure scoire fyfteine pundes ellevine schilling tuo pennies |
£1695.11.2 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Drumelzear and Tweidmure paroches |
E106/1/1/146 |
John earle of Tueiddaill etc and John Lord Hay of yester etc and remanent heritores feweres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the saids paroches their money rent (being no vther kynd of rent payit out therof) extendes to nyne thowsand fyve hundreth foure scoire ellevine punds xviij ss [eighteen shillings] |
£9591.18.0 |
E106/1/1/146 |
Item payed in mortiefied rent to the ministeres of Drummelzeares and Tueidmure sevine hundreth and sevinteine pundes sexteine schilling |
£ 717.16.0 |
E106/1/1/146 |
[Page] 146
J Murray
J Lausone
J Hunter
John hay
Alexander Burnet
William Russell |
E106/1/1/147 |
ITem payed to his maties [majesties] excheqvher In few duetie One hundreth threttie ane pundes v ss [five shillings] j d [one penny] |
£131.5.1 |
E106/1/1/147 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroches of Drummelzeares and Tueidmure is Nyne thowsand fyve hundreth foure scoire ellevine pundes xviij ss [eighteen shillings] |
£9591.18.0 |
E106/1/1/147 |
Kirkurd paroche |
E106/1/1/147 |
James Geddes of Kirkurd and remanent heratores feweres lyfrenteres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said pche [paroche] their money rent doeth extend to Ane thowsand sevine hundreth three scoire eight pundes tuelve schilling foure pennies |
£1768.12.4 |
E106/1/1/147 |
ITem payed of meall in the said paroche Sevinteine bolles according to the measure of Lithgow met which being converted into money at 4 lib 10 ss [£4.10.0] the boll extendis to |
£76.10.0 |
E106/1/1/147 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the toun of edht [Edinburgh] for the ministeres stipend Sex hundreth fyftie nyne pundes sex schilling eight pennies |
£659.6.8 |
E106/1/1/147 |
Suma [Summa] of the rent within the said paroche of Kirkurd is One thowsand eight hundreth fourtie fyve punds tuo schilling foure pennies |
£1845.2.4 |
E106/1/1/147 |
Neuland paroche |
E106/1/1/147 |
John earle of Traquair etc and remanent heratores feweres lyfrenteres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroch of newlands their money rent doeth extend to Fyve thowsand ane hundreth foure scoire nyne pundes xix ss [nineteen shillings] |
£5189.19.0 |
E106/1/1/147 |
ITem payed of meall in the said paroche sex chalderes and tuelve bolles according to the measure & pryce forsaid Is |
£486.0.0 |
E106/1/1/147 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the minister Foure hundreth three scoir sex punds xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij d [four pence] |
£466.13.4 |
E106/1/1/147 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroch of newlands is Fyve thowsand sex hundreth three scoire fyfteine punds nynteine schilling |
£5675.19.0 |
E106/1/1/147 |
Lintoun paroche |
E106/1/1/147 |
John earle of Traquair and remanent heratores feweres lyfrenters propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroch of Lintoun their money rent doeth extend to Foure thowsand foure hundreth tuentie sevine punds viij ss [eight shillings] iiij d [four pence] |
£4427.8.4 |
E106/1/1/147 |
ITem payed of meall in the said paroche Sevinteine bolles according to the measure & pryce abovewrtn [abovewritten] Is |
£76.10.0 |
E106/1/1/147 |
ITem payed of casualities in the said paroche tuentie wedderes at fyve mkes [merkes] [£3.6.8] the peice Is |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/147 |
[Page] 147
J Murray
J Lausone
John hay
Alexander Burnet
J Hunter
William Russell |
E106/1/1/148 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the minister in money tuo hundreth foure scoire ane punds vi ss [six shillings] viii d [eight pence] [£281.6.8] and three chalderes and half chaldere meall of the pryce & measure forsaid extending both to |
£533.6.8 |
E106/1/1/148 |
ITem to heriotte hospitall fourtie three pundes vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£43.6.8 |
E106/1/1/148 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroch of Lintoun is Foure thowsand fyve hundreth three scoire ten punds ellevine schilling eight pennies |
£4570.11.8 |
E106/1/1/148 |
Glenquhome paroche |
E106/1/1/148 |
John earle of Wigtoune etc and remanent heritores fewares lyfrenteres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroch of Glenquhome their money rent doeth extend to Tuo thowsand three hundreth fourtie three punds nyne schilling |
£2343.9.0 |
E106/1/1/148 |
ITem payed of beir in the said paroche Ane chalder & tuelve bolles according to the measure forsaid which being converted into money at sevine merkes [£4.13.4] ilk boll extendis to |
£130.13.4 |
E106/1/1/148 |
ITem payed of meill in the said paroche eight chalderes & nyne bolles according to the measure forsaid which being convertit into money at 4 lib 10 ss [£4.10.0] ilk boll extendis to |
£616.10.0 |
E106/1/1/148 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the minister Foure hundreth and fourtie pundes |
£ 440.0.0 |
E106/1/1/148 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroch of glenquhome Is Three thowsand foure scoire ten punds 12 ss [shillings] 4 d [pence] |
£3090.12.4 |
E106/1/1/148 |
Kilbucho paroche |
E106/1/1/148 |
My Lord Hartrie and remanent heritores feweres lyfrenteres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroche their money rent doeth extend to Ane thowsand three hundreth tuentie fyve punds eighteine schilling |
£1325.18.0 |
E106/1/1/148 |
ITem payed of beir in the said paroche eight chalderes eight bolles & ane firloit according to the measure forsaid which being converted into money at sevine mkes [merkes] [£4.13.4] ilk boll extendis to Sex hundreth threttie fyve punds xvj ss [sixteen shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£635.16.8 |
E106/1/1/148 |
ITem of Meall in the said paroche eighteine chalderes and ane boll according to the measure forsaid which being converted into money at 4 lib 10 ss [£4.10.0] ilk boll extendis to One thowsand three hundreth punds ten schilling |
£1300.10.0 |
E106/1/1/148 |
ITem payed in mortiefied rent to the minister Tuelve bolles meall, foure bolles beir of the measure & pryces befor mentionat and in money rent 346 lib 13/4 [£346.13.4] Inde in all Foure hundreth nynteine pundes vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£ 419.6.8 |
E106/1/1/148 |
Suma [Summa] of the said rent within the said paroche of Kilbucho Is THree thousand tuo hundreth three scoire tuo punds foure schilling eight pennies |
£3262 4.8 |
E106/1/1/148 |
[Page] 148
J Murray
J Lausone
Alexander Burnet
John Hay
J Hunter
William Russell |
E106/1/1/149 |
Skirling paroche |
E106/1/1/149 |
Sir James Murray of skirling for the haill paroche of skirling his money rent doeth extend to eight hundreth three scoire nynteine pundes three schilling foure pennies |
£ 879.3.4 |
E106/1/1/149 |
ITem payed of beir in the said paroche Sevine chalderes and thretteine bolles according to the measure forsaid which being converted into money at sevine mkes [merkes] [£4.13.4] the boll extends to fyve hundreth four scoire three punds vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£583.6.8 |
E106/1/1/149 |
ITem payed of malt in the said paroche ane chalder according to the measure forsaid at sevine mkes [merkes] [£4.13.4] the boll extendes to three scoire fourteine punds xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij d [four pence] |
£74.13.4 |
E106/1/1/149 |
ITem payed of meall in the said paroche fyfteine chalder and ellevine bolles according to the measure forsaid which being converted into money at 4 lib 10 ss [£4.10.0] the boll Is Ane thowsand ane hundreth tuentie nyne punds ten schilling |
£1129.10.0 |
E106/1/1/149 |
ITem payit in mortified rent to the minister in money and victuall being convertit in money Fyve hundreth threttie three pundes sex schilling eight pennies |
£ 533.6.8 |
E106/1/1/149 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroch of Skirling is Tuo thowsand sex hundreth three scoir sex pundes thretteine schilling foure pennies |
£2666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/149 |
Brochtoun paroche |
E106/1/1/149 |
Sir David murray of Stanehoipes Knicht and remanent heritores feweres lyfrenteres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroch of brochtoun their money rent doeth extend to eight hundreth foure scoire foure punds eight schilling eight pennies |
£ 884.8.8 |
E106/1/1/149 |
ITem payed of beir in the said paroche Foure chalderes & thretteine bolles according to the measure forsaid which being converted into money at sevine mkes [merkes] [£4.13.4] ilk boll extendis to |
£ 359.6.8 |
E106/1/1/149 |
ITem payed of meall in the said paroche ellevine chalderes and fyve bolles according to the measure forsd [forsaid] which being convertit into money at 4 lib 10 ss [£4.10.0] ilk boll extendes to |
£ 814.10.0 |
E106/1/1/149 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the minister in victuall and money rent Tuo hundreth foure scoire thretteine pundes sex schilling eight pennies |
£ 293.6.8 |
E106/1/1/149 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroche of Brochtoun Is Tuo thowsand fyftie eight pundes fyve schilling foure pennies |
£2058.5.4 |
E106/1/1/149 |
[Page] 149
J Murray
J Lausone
John hay
Alexander Burnet
J Hunter
William Russell |
E106/1/1/150 |
Stobo paroche |
E106/1/1/150 |
Sir David Murray of Stanehoipes Knicht and remanent heritors fewares lyfrenteres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroch of Stobo their money rent doeth extend to Three thowsand fyve hundreth eighteine punds three schilling 8d [pence] |
£3518.3.8 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed of beir in the said paroch fyve bolles according to the measure of Lithgow prick mett at sevine mks [merks] [£4.13.4] ilk boll extendis to tuentie three punds vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£23.6.8 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed of malt in the said paroche sex bolles malt according to the measure and at the pryce abovewrin [abovewritten] extendes to Tuentie eight punds |
£28.0.0 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed of meill in the said paroche Tuo chalderes and Thretteine bolles according to the measure forsaid which being convertit into money at 4 lib 10 ss [£4.10.0] the boll extendes to |
£202.10.0 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed of oattes in the said paroche Ten bolles according to the measure forsaid which being convertit into money extendes to |
£45.0.0 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed in mortified rent to the minister in victuall and money rent Foure hundreth tuentie tuo punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 d [pence] |
£422.13.4 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed in few duetie to the duke of Lennox ane hundreth and fyftie pundes |
£150.0.0 |
E106/1/1/150 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroch of Stobo is Three thowsand and eight hundreth seventeine punds foure pennies |
£3817.0.4 |
E106/1/1/150 |
Lyne paroche |
E106/1/1/150 |
John earle of Tueiddaill and John Lord hay of Yester etc and remanent heritores feweres lyfrenteres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroch of Lyne their money rent doeth extend to Foure thowsand foure hundreth and ane punds ane schilling tuo pennies |
£4401.1.2 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed of beir in the said paroche Ten bolles according to the measure and at the pryce abovespeit [abovespecifiet] extendis to |
£46.13.4 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed of meill in the said paroche Ten bolles according to the measure & at the pryce beforspeit [beforspecifiet] extendis to |
£45.0.0 |
E106/1/1/150 |
ITem payed in mortiefied Rent to the minister Sex hundreth threttie three punds sex schilling viij d [eight pence] |
£633.6.8 |
E106/1/1/150 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent rent within the said paroche of Lyne Is Foure thowsand foure hundreth foure scoire thretteine pundes foure schilling vj d [six pence] |
£4493.4.6 |
E106/1/1/150 |
[Page] 150
J Murray
J Lausone
John hay
Alexander Burnet
J Hunter
William Russell |
E106/1/1/151 |
Edelstoun paroche |
E106/1/1/151 |
Sir Alexander Murray of Blakbaronie knicht and remanent heritores fewares lyfrenteres propper wodsetteres and vtheres within the said paroche of Edelstoun their money rent doeth extend to Fyve thowsand fourtie tuo pundes fyve schilling eight pennies |
£5042.5.8 |
E106/1/1/151 |
Item payed of meall in the said paroche tuo chalderes and fowre bolles according to the measure of Lithgow prick met which being converted into money at 4 li iv s[£4.4.0] the boll extendis to |
£162.0.0 |
E106/1/1/151 |
Item payed in few duetie to the duke of Lennox fourtie tuo pundes ix ss [nine shillings] viij d [eight pence] |
£42.9.8 |
E106/1/1/151 |
Item to the earle of haddintoun fyftie pundes |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/151 |
Item to the earle of Lowthiane tuentie pundes |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/151 |
Item payed in mortified rent to the minister and scool mr [schoolmaster] sex hundreth pundes |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/151 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent within the said paroch of Edelstoun is Fyve thowsand three hundreth sexteine pundes fyfteine schilling foure pennies |
£5316.15.4 |
E106/1/1/151 |
The totall of the present valuatun [valuatioun] of the said schyre (besyde the mortified rent and what is payed to the exchequher) extendis to three scoire sexteine thowsand tuo hundreth tuentie sevine pundes sexteine schilling ten pennies |
£76227.16.10 |
E106/1/1/151 |
The mortified rent and what is payed to the exchequher extendis to nyne thowsand tuo hundreth and sex pundes ane schilling ane penny |
£9206.1.1 |
E106/1/1/151 |
[Page] 151
J Murray
J Lausone
John Hay
J Hunter
William Russell
Alexander Burnet |
E106/1/1/153 |
Valuation of the
Srefdome [Sherrifdome] of Peiblis 1649
Produced 22 Jar [1650] [22 Jan 1650] |
E106/1/1/154 |
[Page] 154
10 |
E106/1/1/156 |
The Parochine of Falkirk |
E106/1/1/156 |
James goodlat of abutishauche for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares And vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of falkirk thair moey [money] rent doethe extend to Fyftene thowsand foure hunderethe pund nyntene shilling aucht pennyes |
£15400.19.8 |
E106/1/1/156 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine Fyftie sex chaldir tuelf bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of Linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of 4 ll 16 ss 8 ds [£4.16.8] the boll extends to |
£4388.13.4 |
E106/1/1/156 |
Off malt in the said parochine Sex chaldir according to the meassr [meassure] forsd [forsaid] wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4 ll 16 ss 8 ds [£4.16.8] the boll Extendis to |
£453.6.8 |
E106/1/1/156 |
Off beanes & peass in the said parochine tuentie ane chaldir aucht bollis ane firlot according to the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4 ll 16 ss 8 ds [£4.16.8] the boll Extends to |
£1663.17.6 |
E106/1/1/156 |
Off meale & oattis in the said parochine thriscoir seavintene chaldirs fourtene bollis thrie pecks according to the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of foure pund 5 ss [£4.5.0] ilk boll Extends to |
£5296.6.8 |
E106/1/1/156 |
[Page] 156
The Roll of the rent of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of Sterling maid & [sett] downe be the comissionares wnder subscryveand appoyntit for that effect be act of the estates of parliat [parliament] of this kingdome haldin at Edr [Edinburgh] the fourt of august 1649 [4 Aug 1649] wch [which] comissionares having mett On the fyftene - day off August [15 Aug] last And having judiciallie gevin thr [their] oathes to vse thr [their] best indevoures for a richt & trew informaun [informatioun] of [the] rentis of the Whole shyre And to proceid faithfullie And impartiallie in prosecuting thr [their] comissioune and instructiones relaiting thrvnto [thervnto] wch [which] they have carfullie performed in everie poynt Efter serious and mature deliberaune [deliberatioune] They have maid & Sett downe the roll following in articles according to the number of the severall parochines wtin [within] the sd [said] shyre And have cast vpe the sowmes according to the directioune of the parliament: |
E106/1/1/156 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
wodsettares - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
"Linlithgow Prick Mett" a standardised firlot measure having a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/157 |
Payed in casuall rent for coall sex hunderethe punds |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Payed in few & tack dewties to vthr [vther] persones besyde the dewties payable to his matie [majestie] aucht hunderethe fyftie sex pund ellevin shillinge foure pennies |
£856.11.4 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the wholl victualls & money rent in this parochine is tuentie aucht thowsand sex hunderethe fyftie ny [nyne] pund fyftene shilling tua pennies |
£28659.15.2 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Payed in mortefied rent to the minr [minister] & scoolmr [scoolmaster] of money thrie hunderethe thrie scoir fourtene pund ellevin shilling aucht pennies |
£374.11.8 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Off beare tua chalder tua bollis of the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted into money at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll is |
£164.6.8 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Off meale foure chalderis of the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll is |
£272.0.0 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortefied rent |
£810.18.4 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] exchequer in moey [money] fyve hunderethe & fourtie pund |
£540.0.0 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine Extendis to tuentie seavine thowsand thrie hunderethe & aucht pund sextene shilling ten pennies |
£27308.16.10 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Slamanan parochine |
E106/1/1/157 |
James boyd of balmitchell for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper Wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of Slamanane Thair money rent doethe extend to tua thowsand seavine hunderethe thrie scoir seavintene pund fyve pennies |
£2777.0.5 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Payed of few & tack dewties to superiors ane hunderethe fyftie sex pund ellevine shilling aucht pennies |
£156.11.8 |
E106/1/1/157 |
Suma [Summa] the whole moey [money] rent in this parochine is tua thowsand nyne hunderethe threttie thrie pund tuelf shilling ane pennie |
£2933.12.1 |
E106/1/1/157 |
[Page] 157 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Payed in mortefeid rent to the minr [minister] & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money fyve hundred threttie thrie pund sex shilling aucht pennies |
£533.6.8 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of the parochine extends to tua thowsand foure hunderethe pundis fyve shilling fyve pennies |
£2400.5.5 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Morrowingsyde parochine |
E106/1/1/158 |
Alexander crawfurd of manuellmyln for himself & remanent heretors fewars lyfrentares proper Wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of morrowingsyde Thair money rent doethe extend to tua thowsand foure hunderethe tua sex shilling ten pennies |
£2402.6.10 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Payed of beare & malt in the said parochine ane chaldir tuelf bollis according to the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] for everie boll extendis to |
£135.6.8 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Off meale in the said parochine threttie sex chalder ellevine bollis tua firlotis according to the meassr [meassure] foresaid whiche being converted in money at the pryce of 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extends to |
£2496.5.6 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Payet in casuall rent for coall |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Payet in few & tack dewties to vthr [vther] persones besyde the dewties payable to his matie [majestie] ane hunderethe fourtie pund threttene shilling 4ds [pennies] |
£140.13.4 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & money rent in this parochine is fyve thowsand tu hunderethe tuentie fyve pund foure shilling 4ds [pennies] |
£5225.4.4 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Payed in mortefeid rent to the minr [minister] & scoolemr [scoolemaster] to the collage of Edr [Edinburgh] in moey [money] tua hunderethe tuentie nyne pund ellevine shilling |
£229.11.0 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] exchequer in money thrie scoir auchtene pund |
£78.0.0 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to the sowme of foure thowsand nyne hunderethe sevintene pund threttene shilling 4ds [pennies] |
£4917.13.4 |
E106/1/1/158 |
Airthe parochine |
E106/1/1/158 |
James bruce of powfowles for himself And remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of Airthe Thair moey [money] rent doethe extend to ane hunderethe & tuentie punds |
E106/1/1/158 |
[Page] 158 |
E106/1/1/159 |
tua shilling tua pennies |
£120.2.2 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine fourtie thrie chalder fyftene bollis according to the meassr [meassure] foresaid wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll extendis to |
£3397.16.8 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine ane hunderethe ane chaldir aucht bollis thrie peckis according to the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] for everie boll extendis to sex thowsand nyne hunderethe tua pund sextene shilling |
£6902.16.0 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed in casuall rent for coall |
£400.7.6 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & money rent in this parochine is ten thowsand aucht hunderethe tuentie ane pund tua shilling 4ds [pennies] |
£10821.2.4 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed in mortefied rent to the minr [minister] & scoolemr [schoolmaster] in money fyve hunderethe fyftie thrie pund foure shilling aucht pennies |
£553.4.8 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] in money fourtie sex pund sextene shilling aucht pennies |
£46.16.8 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extendis to ten thowsand tua hunderethe tuentie ane pund ane shilling |
£10221.1.0 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Bothkenner parochine |
E106/1/1/159 |
Alexander callander portionare of Bothkenner for himself and remannent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of bothkenner Thair money rent doethe extend to |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed of beare & beanes & beanes & beanes in the said parochine threttie ane chalder threttene bollis tua firlotis according to the meassr [meassure] foresd [foresaid] wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] for ewerie boll Extendis to |
£2462.11.8 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine fourtie ane chalder aucht bollis according to the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] for ilk bolle extendis to |
£2822.0.0 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & money in this parochine is fyve thowsand tua hunderethe fourescoire foure pund ellevine shilling 8ds [pennies] |
£5284.11.8 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed in mortefied rent to the minr [minister] & scoolemr [schoolmaster] in moey [money] |
£652.2.4 |
E106/1/1/159 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] in moey [money] |
£213.0.0 |
E106/1/1/159 |
[Page] 159 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Payed to the excheqr [exchequer] & the erle of mare of wheat fyve chalder sex bollis thrie firlotis tua peckis of the meassr [meassure] foresd [foresaid] wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 6lb 16ss 8ds [£6.16.8] the boll extendis to fyve hunderethe four scoir threttene pund threttene shilling |
£593.13.0 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Payed to the excheqr [exchequer] of beare Ten chalder fourtene bollis of the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll Extendis aucht hunderethe fourtie pund threttene shilling foure pennies |
£840.13.4 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Suma [Summa] of the Deductiones |
£2299.8.8 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extendis to tua thowsand nyne hunderethe fourescoir fyve pund thrie shilling |
£2985.3.0 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Lairbert parochine |
E106/1/1/160 |
John burne in Lairbert for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of Lairbert Thair moey [money] rent doethe extend to thrie thowsand fyve hunderethe fyftie seavine pund ten shilling sex pennies |
£3557.10.6 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Payed to vthr [vther] superiors besyde the dewties payet to his matie [majestie] |
£49.6.8 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Suma [Summa] of the whole rent of this parochine is thrie thowsand sex hunderethe & sex pund seavintene shilling tua pennies |
£3606.17.2 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Payed in mortified rent to the minister & scoolmr [scoolmaster] in money |
£366.2.6 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] in money |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Suma [Summa] of frie rent of this parochine is thrie thowsand tua hunderethe ten pund fourtene shilling aucht pennies |
£3210.14.8 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Donypace parochine |
E106/1/1/160 |
Johne levingstoune of kirkland for himself & remanent fewares heretors lyfrentares propper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of Donypace Thair moey [money] rent extends to tua thowsand thrie hunderethe thrie scoir punds aucht pennies |
£2360.0.8 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine tua chalder of the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll is |
£154.13.4 |
E106/1/1/160 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine tuentie tua chalder ellevine bollis tua firlotis of the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] |
E106/1/1/160 |
[Page] 160
4 |
E106/1/1/161 |
wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll Extendis to |
£1543.17.6 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Payed to vthrs [vthers] persones in few & tack dewties besyde the dewties payable to his matie [majestie] |
£57.8.8 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryces of the whole victuall & moey [money] in the sd [said] paroche is foure thowsand ane hunderethe sextene pund tua pennies |
£4116.0.2 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Payed in mortified rent to the minisr [minister] & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money |
£143.6.10 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Payed to him in meale 2 cha [chalder] 5 bollis 3 pecks qlk [quhilk] of the meassr [meassure] & pryce fsaid [foresaid] extendis to |
£158.0.0 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£301.6.10 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] in money |
£14.13.4 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to thrie thowsand & aucht hunderethe punds |
£3800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Denny parochine |
E106/1/1/161 |
Johne cuthill for himself & remanent heretors lyfrentares propper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] in the parochine of Denny Thair money rent extendis to nyne hunderethe fourtie fyve pund ellevine shilling foure pennies |
£945.11.4 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Payed of meale wtin [within] the said parochine threttie aucht chalder thrie bollis tua firlotis of the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being verted [converted] in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extendis to |
£298.17.6 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & moey [money] in this parochine thrie thowsand fyve hunderethe fourtie foure pund aucht schilling 10ds [pennies] |
£3544.8.10 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Payed in mortified rent to the minr [minister] & scoolemr [scoolemaster] of moey [money] |
£254.1.8 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Payed in meale to him 3 cha [chalder] of the pryce & meassr [meassure] fsaid [foresaid] |
£204.0.0 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£458.1.8 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] in moey [money] |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/161 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine thrie thowsand thriescoir sextene pund seavine shilling tua pennies |
£3076.7.2 |
E106/1/1/161 |
St. ninianes parochine |
E106/1/1/161 |
Robert bruce of auchinbowie for himself & remanent heretors fewars lyfrentares propper wodsetteres & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of St. ninianes Thair money rent extendis to nyntene thowsand aucht hunderythe & seavine pundis seavine shilling tua pennies |
£19807.17.2 |
E106/1/1/161 |
[Page 160] |
E106/1/1/161 |
[Note] In the total for Denny parish, the written word is seavine shillings but the figure in the duty is seventeen. |
E106/1/1/162 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine threttie chalderis according to the foirsd [foirsaid] meassr [meassure] wch [which] being converted in moey [money] at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll is |
£2320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine Sextie chalder ane boll thrie firlotis is foure thowsand fourescoir seavine punds aucht shilling 6ds [pennies] |
£4087.8.6 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Payed in casuall rent for coall |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Payed for fishingis |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Payed in few & tack dewties to other persones besyde the dewties payable to his mathie [majestie] |
£535.0.0 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & moey [money] in this parochine is tuentie seavine thowsand thrie hunderethe fyftie pund fyve shilling aucht pennies |
£27350.5.8 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Payed in mortified rent to the minister & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money |
£582.13.4 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Off beare ane chalder of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] is |
£77.6.8 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Off meale thrie chalder tuelf bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£255.0.0 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortefied rent |
£915.0.0 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [ exchequer] in money |
£159.11.0 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Off beare threttene bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£62.16.8 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Off malt thrie bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] is |
£14.10.0 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Suma [Summa] of the victuall & money payed to the excheqr [exchequer] |
£236.17.8 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to tuentie sex thowsand Ane hunderethe fourescoir auchtene pund aucht shilling |
£26198.8.0 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Alvethe parochine |
E106/1/1/162 |
John monteathe of westgate for himself & remanent heretors fewars lyfrentares propir wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of Alvethe Thair money rent doethe extend to |
£0.0.0 |
E106/1/1/162 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine fyftene chalder seavine bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted into money at the pryce of 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll extendis to |
£1193.16.8 |
E106/1/1/162 |
[Page] 163 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine tuentie fyve chalder nyne bollis of the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extendis to |
£1738.5.0 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & moey [money] in this parochine is tua thowsand nyne hunderethe threttie tua pund ane shilling 8ds [pennies] |
£2932.1.8 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Payed in mortefied rent to the minister & scoolemaister in money |
£266.3.4 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Payed to him in beare tuentie sex bollis of the pryce & meassr [ meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] |
£125.13.4 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Payed to him of meale tuentie sex bollis of the pryce & meassr [meassure] foirsaid |
£110.10.0 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Mair of money to the scoulemaister |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£555.13.4 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to tua thowsand thrie hunderethe thriescoir sextene pund aucht shilling foure pennies |
£2376.8.4 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Logye parochine & Leckrope |
E106/1/1/163 |
Archibald row of inuerallone for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of logye & leckrope Thair moey [money] rent extendis to fyve hunderethe threttie ane pund nyne shilling ten pennies |
£531.9.10 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Payed of wheat wtin [within] the said parochine foure chalderis threttene bollis tua firlotis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 6lb 16ss 8ds [£6.16.8] for everie boll extendis to |
£529.11.8 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Payed of beare withine the said parochine tuentie tua chalder aucht bollis tua firlotis according to the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll extendis to |
£1742.8.6 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Payed of meale & oattis in the said parochine threttene chalder ellevine bollis ane firlot according to the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted in moey [money] at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extendis to |
£931.16.4 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & moey [money] in this parochine is thrie thowsand seavine hunderethe threttie thrie pund sex shilling 8ds [pennies] |
£3733.6.4 |
E106/1/1/163 |
Payed of mortified rent to the minister & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money |
£165.6.8 |
E106/1/1/163 |
[Page] 163 |
E106/1/1/163 |
The shilling value has been changed from aucht to ane; the curl over the u is still visible.
Leckrope = Lecropt |
E106/1/1/164 |
Payed to tha [tham] of wheat thrie bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid extendis to |
£20.10.0 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Payed to tha [tham] of beare threttene bollis tua firlots of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] |
£65.5.0 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Payed to thame of meale aucht bollis tua firlots of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] |
£36.2.6 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£287.4.2 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] & the Erle of mar in money |
£25.0.0 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Off wheat thrie chalder tuelf bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£410.0.0 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Off beare Sex chalder of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] is |
£464.0.0 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Off oattis fyve chalder aucht bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] |
£374.0.0 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones to the excheqr [exchequer] etc |
£1273.0.0 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to tua thowsand ane hunderethe thriescoir threttene pund tua shilling tua pennies |
£2173.2.2 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Gargunnok parochine |
E106/1/1/164 |
Johne leckie of that ilk for himself And remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares and vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of gargunnok Thair moey [money] rent doethe extend to ane thowsand seavine hunderethe threttie seavine pund nyntene shilling 8ds [pennies] |
£1737.19.8 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine foure chalder aucht bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of Linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in moey [money] at the pryce of 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] ilk boll extendis to |
£348.0.0 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine tuentie seavine chalder seavin bollis tua firlotis of the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted into money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extendis to |
£1867.17.6 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Payed in few & tack dewties to superiors besyde the kinge |
£54.1.8 |
E106/1/1/164 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryces of the whole victuall & money in this parochine is fyve thowsand & seavine pund threttene shilling ten pennies |
£5007.13.10 |
E106/1/1/164 |
[Page] 164 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Payed to the minister & scoolemaister in mortified rent in money |
£184.5.10 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Off beare aucht bollis thrie firlotis |
£42.5.10 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Off meale tua chalder aucht bollis ane firlot is |
£171.1.3 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent of this parochine is |
£397.12.11 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to foure thowsand sex hunderethe & ten punds ellevine pennies |
£4610.0.11 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Kippen parochine |
E106/1/1/165 |
David mushett of spitteltoune for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of kippen thair money rent doethe extend to ane thowsand nyne hunderethe tuentie thrie pund |
£1923.0.0 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Payed wtin [within] the said parochine of beare foure chalder nyne bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in money at the pryce of 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] for ewerie boll extendis to |
£348.0.0 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Payed within the said parochine of meale tuentie chalder ten bollis sex peckis according to the measr [meassure] foirsd [foirsais] whiche being converted in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extendis to |
£1404.2.0 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryces of the whole victuall & moey [money] in this parochine is thrie thowsand sex hunderethe thriescoir fyftene pund tua shilling |
£3675.2.0 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Payed in mortified rent to the minister & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in moey [money] |
£203.2.0 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Off meale foure chalder sex bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£297.10.0 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Off beare ane boll of the measoure and pryce foirsaid |
£4.16.8 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent of this parochine is |
£505.8.8 |
E106/1/1/165 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to thrie thowsand ane hunderethe thriescoir nyne threttene shilling foure pennyes |
£3169.13.4 |
E106/1/1/165 |
[Page] 165 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Fintrie parochine |
E106/1/1/166 |
Mr Robert napier of culcruiche for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of fintrie thair money rent doethe extend to ane thowsand seavine hunderethe fyftie nyne pund |
£1759.0.0 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Payed in the said parochine of beare tuentie bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in moey [money] at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] for everie boll extendis to |
£96.13.4 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Payed of meale wtin [within] the said parochine ten chalder fouretene bollis according to the foirsaid meassr [meassure] wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extendis to |
£739.10.0 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Payed of casualities or customes fyftene stanes of buttare at 3lb [£3.0.0] the stane and ten stanes of cheis at 30ss [£1.10.0] the stane Inde thrie score punds |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryces of the whole victuall & moey [money] in the said parochine is tua thowsand sex hunderethe fyftie fyve pund thrie shilling 4ds [pennies] |
£2655.3.4 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Payed of mortefeid rent to the minister & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Off meale ane chalder nyne bollis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£106.5.0 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£406.5.0 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to tua thowsand tua hunderethe fourtie aucht pund auchtene shilling foure pennies |
£2248.18.4 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Balfrone parochine |
E106/1/1/166 |
Adame cahowne of lusglene for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of Balfrone thr [thair] money rent Doethe extend to ane thowsand aucht hunderethe ten pund nyne shilling tua pennies |
£1810.9.2 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Payed of beare wtin [within] the said parochine tua chalder fourtene bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll is |
£222.6.8 |
E106/1/1/166 |
Payed of meale wtin [within] the said parochine threttene chalderis aucht bollis of the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted in moey [money] at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll Extendis to |
£918.0.0 |
E106/1/1/166 |
10 -- [Page] 166 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryces of the whole victuall & moey [money] in the said parochine is tua thowsand nyne hunderethe & fyftie pund fyftene shilling ten pennies is |
£2950.15.10 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Payed in mortified rent to the minister & scoolmaister in money |
£358.6.8 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Off meale tua chalderis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£136.0.0 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£494.6.8 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extendis to tua thowsand foure hunderethe fyftie Sex pund nyne shilling tua pennies |
£2456.9.2 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Killerne parochine |
E106/1/1/167 |
Johne lennox of barneshogille for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares and vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of killerne Thair moey [money] rent extendis to thrie hunderethe tuentie fyve pund sex shilling aucht pennies |
£325.6.8 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine thrie chalder sex bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll is |
£261.0.0 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine fourtie ane chalder ane boll of the meassr [meassure] foirsaid wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll Extendis to |
£2792.5.0 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & moey [money] in this parochine is thrie thowsand thrie hunderethe thriescoir auchtene pund ellevine shilling aucht pennies |
£3378.11.8 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Payed in mortefied rent to the minister & scoolmaister in money |
£293.6.8 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Off meale foure chalderis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£272.0.0 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£565.6.8 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to tua thowsand aucht hunderethe threttene pund fyve shilling |
£2813.5.0 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Strablaine paroche |
E106/1/1/167 |
Archibald edmondstoune of ballewane for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] within the parochine of strablaine |
E106/1/1/167 |
[Page] 167 |
E106/1/1/167 |
Strablaine = Strathblane |
E106/1/1/168 |
Thair money rent extendis to ane thowsand thrie hunderethe foure scoire ten pundis foure shillinge is |
£1390.4.0 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Payed of beare wtin [within] the said parochine thrie chalder & threttene bolls according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll is |
£294.16.8 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine tuentie thrie chalder tua bollis according to the foirsaid meassr [meassure] wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll Extendis to |
£1572.10.0 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & moey [money] in this parochine is thrie thowsand tua hunderethe fyftie seavine pund ten shilling aucht pennies |
£3257.10.8 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Payed in mortified rent to the minister & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money |
£77.19.4 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Off meale foure chalder of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£272.0.0 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£349.19.4 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Suma [Suma] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to tua thowsand nyne hunderethe & seavine pund ellevine shilling foure pennies |
£2907.11.4 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Campsie parochine |
E106/1/1/168 |
Sr [Sir] James livingstoune of kilsaythe for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettars & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of campsie Thair moey [money] rent extendis to tua thowsand tua hunderethe thrie scoire ten pund nyne shilling |
£2270.9.0 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine auchtene chalderis seavine bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll Extendis to |
£1425.16.8 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine thrie scoire threttene chalder fourtene bollis ane firlot ane peck tua lippies according to the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll Extendis to |
£5024.19.3 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Payed of few & tack dewties to superiors |
£1264.7.0 |
E106/1/1/168 |
Payed in casuall rent for coall |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/168 |
[Page] 168 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Payed of casualities or customes in the sd [said] parochine aucht watheris at 53ss 4ds [£2.13.4] the peice |
£21.6.8 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryces of the whole victuall & money in this parochine is ten thowsand sex hunderethe tuentie thrie pund aucht shilling sex pennies |
£10623.8.6 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Payed of mortefied rent to the minister & scoolmaister in money |
£397.6.0 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Off meale tua chalder thrie firlotis ane peck of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£139.9.0 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£536.15.0 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extendis to Ten thowsand fourescoir sex pund threttene shilling sex pennies |
£10086.13.6 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Moniaburt [Moniaburcht] parochine |
E106/1/1/169 |
Sr [Sir] James livingstoune of kilsaythe for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares propper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of moniaburt [moniaburcht] Thair moey [money] rent extendis to ane thowsand seavine hunderethe fourescoir fourtene pund ane shilling foure pennies |
£1794.1.4 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Payed in meale wtin [within] the said parochine ellevine chalder ane boll according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in moey [money] at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] for ewerie boll extendis to |
£752.5.0 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryces of the whole victuall & money in the said parochine is tua thowsand fyve hunderethe fourtie sex pund Sex shilling foure pennies |
£2546.6.4 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Payed of mortified rent to the minir [minister] & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money |
£53.13.4 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Off meale sex chalderis of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsaid |
£408.0.0 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£461.13.4 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extendis to tua thowsand fourescoir foure pund threttene shillinge |
£2084.13.0 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Baldernok parochine |
E106/1/1/169 |
Johne hamiltoune of Bardowie for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares propper wodsettares and vthers withine the parochine of baldernoke |
E106/1/1/169 |
[Page] 169 |
E106/1/1/169 |
Moniaburcht = Monyabroch, now Kilsyth |
E106/1/1/170 |
Thair money rent doethe extend to tua hunderethe threttie thrie pund sextene shilling foure pennies |
£233.16.4 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Payed of beare wtin [within] the said paroche ane chalder fyftene bollis according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll extendis to |
£149.16.8 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Payed of meale wtin [within] the said parochine ten chalders thrie bollis according to the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll is |
£692.15.0 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Payet of casualities or customes ten watheris at 53ss 4ds [£2.13.4] the peice |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Payed of blenshe dewtie to the chalmerlane of mugdok |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the haill victuall & moey [money] in the said parochine is ane thowsand ane hunderethe nyne pund fourtene shilling aucht pennies |
£1109.14.8 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Payed of mortified rent to the minist [minister] & scoolemr [scoolemaster] in money |
£194.13.4 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Off meale tua chalderis nyne bollis thrie firlots of the meassr [meassure] & pryce foirsd [foirsaid] |
£177.8.8 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent |
£372.1.8 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill rent of this parochine extends to Seavine hunderethe threttie seavine pund threttene shilling |
£737.13.0 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Kilpatrik parochine |
E106/1/1/170 |
Allexander dowglass of keistoune for himself & remanent heretors fewares lyfrentares propper wodsettares & vyrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of kilpatrick Thair moey [money] rent doethe extend to nyne hunderethe sextene pund auchtene shilling |
£916.18.0 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Payed of few dewties to the superiors sex hunderethe thrie scoir fourtene pund nyne shilling |
£674.9.0 |
E106/1/1/170 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill rent of this parochine is ane thowsand fyve hunderethe foure scoir punds nynetene shilling foure pennies |
£1580.19.4 |
E106/1/1/170 |
[Page] 170 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Payed of mortified rent to the minir [minister] tuentie aucht pund ane shilling foure pennies |
£28.1.4 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to ane thowsand fyve hunderethe fyftie tua pund auchtene shilling |
£1552.18.0 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Inchcalleoche parochine |
E106/1/1/171 |
Duncan mcfarlane of bracherne for himself & remanent fewares lyfrentares proper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of Inchcalleoche Thair money rent is ane thowsand seavine hunderethe thrie pund ten shilling |
£1703.10.0 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Payed of beare withine the said parochine tua chalder according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll Extendis to |
£154.13.4 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Payed of meale wtin [within] the said parochine Sextene chalder ten bollis according to the meassr [meassure] foirsd [foirsaid] wch [which] being converted in moey [money] at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll Extendis to |
£1130.10.0 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Payed in casualities or customes in the sd [said] parochine ellevine wadderis at 53ss 4ds [£2.13.4] the peice |
£29.6.8 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & moey [money] in the said parochine extendis to thrie thowsand & auchtene pund |
£318.0.0 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Payed of mortified rent to the minister & scoolmaister in money |
£533.6.8 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] in money |
£16.13.4 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extends to tua thowsand foure hunderethe thriscoir aucht punds |
£2468.0.0 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Drymen parochine |
E106/1/1/171 |
William napeir of ardmoir for himself & remanent heretors fewers lyfrentares propper wodsettares & vthrs [vthers] wtin [within] the parochine of drymen Thair money rent doethe extend to thrie thowsand thrie hunderethe fyftie seavine pund nyne shilling aucht pennies |
£3357.9.8 |
E106/1/1/171 |
Payed of beare in the said parochine thrie chalder fyve bolls according to the meassr [meassure] of linlithgow prick mett wch [which] being converted in money at |
E106/1/1/171 |
Inchcalleoche = Inchcailleach, now Buchanan |
E106/1/1/171 |
[Page] 171 |
E106/1/1/172 |
the pryce of foure pund 16ss 8ds [£4.16.8] the boll extends to |
£256.3.4 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Payed of meale in the said parochine fyftie thrie chalder thrie bollis sex pecks according to the foirsaid meassr [meassure] wch [which] being converted in money at 4lb 5ss [£4.5.0] the boll extendis to |
£3618.7.0 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Payed in casualities or customes wtin [within] the sd [said] parochine fourtie steanes of cheis at 30ss [£1.10.0] the steane |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the whole victuall & money in this parochine is seavine thowsand tua hunderethe fourscoir tuelf pund |
£7292.0.0 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Payed in mortefied rent to the minister Seavine chalder of meale according to the foirsd [foirsaid] meassr [meassure] & pryce wch [which] being converted as said is extends to |
£476.0.0 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Payed to his maties [majesties] excheqr [exchequer] in money |
£85.6.8 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Payed to the towne of glasgow of teind ten chalders of meale qlk [quhilk] being converted as ford [forsaid] extendis to |
£680.0.0 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Mair to tham of money |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of this parochine extendis to Sex thowsand tuentie foure pund |
£6024.0.0 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Walter Graha [Graham] of glennie for his Landis of mundowie & overglennie Lyand wtin [within] the paroche of port & shrefdome [shirefdome] of sterling his rent is in money wiout [without] deductionis ane hunderethe & fourtie pund |
£140.0.0 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Johne campbell his landis of [knokgull] lyand wtin [within] the shrefdome [shirefdome] of sterling his rent throf [therof] is Tua hunderethe thriescoir sex pund threttene shilling foure pennies |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/172 |
The totall of the pnt [present] valowaune [valowatioune] of this shre [shire] besyde the mortified rent & qt [quhat] is payed to the excheqr [exchequer] Extendis to Ane hunderithe threttie thowsand tua hunderithe threttie foure pund fyftene shilling foure penneis |
£130,234.15.4 |
E106/1/1/172 |
THe mortefeid rent & what is payet to the excheqr [exchequer] extendis to Fyftene thowsand foure hunderithe thriescoir fourtene lb [pund] 16ss [shillings] 1d [penny] |
£15474.16.1 |
E106/1/1/172 |
[Page] 172 |
E106/1/1/172 |
Port = ? Port of Menteith |
E106/1/1/173 |
The totall of the formar valowaun [valowatioun] of this shre [shire] in anno 1693 extends to ane hunderithe fyftie thowsand aucht hunderithe and tua pund ane shilling nyne penneis |
£150802.1.9 |
E106/1/1/173 |
The Revalowaun [Revalowatioun] in anno 1697 was ane hunderithe fourtene thowsand sex hunderithe thriescoir fyftene pund tua shilling aucht penneis |
£114675.2.8 |
E106/1/1/173 |
The pnt [present] valowaun [valowatioun] extends the revalowaun [revalowatioun] fyftene thowsand fyve hunderithe fyftie nyne pund tuelf shilling aucht penneis |
£15559.12.8 |
E106/1/1/173 |
The pnt [present] valowaun [valowatioun] is schort of the first valowaun [valowatioun] the sowme of tuentie thowsand fyve hunderithe thriescoir seavin pund sex shilling fyve penneis |
£20567.6.5 |
E106/1/1/173 |
[Page] 173
N Bruce
Jhone Edmonstoune
P Napier of Culcheuch
John Rollok |
E106/1/1/175 |
[Valuatun] Valuatioun of the
Srefdome [ Shirefdome] of Stirling
producit be Sr [Sir] James hope
5 Dec 1649 |
E106/1/1/176 |
[Page] 176
The new Valuatione of
Linlithgow schyr
11 |
E106/1/1/179 |
[Page] 179
The Roll of the Rent of the Scherrefdome of Linlithgow made and Sett downe by the Comissioners [Commissioners] vnder subscryveand appoyntit for that effect by act of the Estates of Parliament of this Kingdome, Holden at Edinbrut [Edinburgh] the fourt day of agust 1649 yeirs [4 Aug 1649] Whiche Comissioners [Commissioners] haveing mett on the Thretteine day of September [13 Sep] Last. And haveing Judiciallie gevin thair Oathis to vss their best endevors for a Richt and trew Informatione of the Rentis of the wholl Schyr, and to proceid faithfullie and Impartiallie In prosecuting their commissione, and Instructiones Relateing thairvnto, Whiche they have carefullie performed In everie poynt. Eftir serious and mature Deliberatione They have made & Sett doune the Roll following In articles according to the number of the Seuerall Paroches within the said Schyr, And have cast vp the Summes According to the direction of the Parliament
J Sandelandis
W Dundas
Robert drumond [drummond]
francis durhame |
E106/1/1/180 |
Linlithgow Paroche |
E106/1/1/180 |
I] James Hamiltoun of huntlie for himself and Remanent heretors, fewars, lyfrentars, propper Wedsetters, and vthires Within the said paroche of Linlithgow Their money Rent doethe extend to Tuall Thowsand Tua hundrethe fyftie thrie punds sex Schillinges eight penneis |
£12253.6.8 |
E106/1/1/180 |
II] Peyit of Bear in the said paroche Threttie Thrie chalders fyftene bolls tua firlotes according to the meassr [meassure] of Linlithgow prick mett Whiche being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 5 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£5.6.8] for everie boll Extends to Tua Thowsand Eight hundrethe fourscore Eightene punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] |
£2898.13.4 |
E106/1/1/180 |
Peyit of meall In the said paroche threttie Thrie chalders fyftene bolls Tua firlotes according to the forsaid meassr [meassure] Whiche being converted into moey [money] at the pryce of 4 lib 13 ss 4 ds [£4.13.4] for everie boll Extends to Tua Thowsand fyve hundrethe threttie Sex punds 6 ss [shillings] 8 ds [penies] |
£2536.6.8 |
E106/1/1/180 |
Suma [Summa] of the Pryce of the victuall and money Rent being frie rent In the said paroche (by & attor [attour] the Efter mentioned deductiones) is Sevintene Thowsand Sex hundrethe fourscoir Eight punds Sex Schillinges eight penneis |
£17688.6.8 |
E106/1/1/180 |
Peyit in mortified Rent To the ministers of Linlithgow paroch of moey [money] Foure hundrethe thretteine pund Sex Schillinges eight penneis |
£413.6.8 |
E106/1/1/180 |
Peyit to thame of Bear tua chalders ellevin bolls tua firlots meassr [meassure] ford [forsaid] Whiche being converted into moey [money] extends to tua hundrethe threttie tua punds |
£232.0.0 |
E106/1/1/180 |
Peyit of meall to thame fyve chalders Sevin bolls tua firlotes, meassr [meassure] ford [forsaid] Whiche being Converted into Moey [Money] Extends to four hundrethe eight pund Sex Schillinges eight penneis |
£408.6.8 |
E106/1/1/180 |
Summa of the mortified rent is ane Thowsand fyftie thrie pund 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] |
£1053.13.4 |
E106/1/1/180 |
Peyit To his maties [majesties] exchequer tuentie ane pund Six Schillinges eight penneis |
£21.6.8 |
E106/1/1/180 |
[Page] 180 |
E106/1/1/180 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
The Measure = "Linlithgow Prick Mett" a standardised firlot measure having a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/181 |
Kinneill Paroche |
E106/1/1/181 |
I] Johne hamiltoun chalmlane [chamberlane] of Kinneill for himselff and Remanent heretors, fewars, lfyrentars, propper wedsetters and vthirs Their moy [money] Rent doethe extend To ane Thowsand Sevin hundrethe Fyve punds four schilllings |
£1705.4.0 |
E106/1/1/181 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the said paroche tuentie chalder ellevin bolls ane firlot, measr [measure] ford [forsaid] Whiche being converted into money at the fornait [fornamit] pryce for everie boll Extends to Ane Thowsand Sevin hundret [hundreth] Thriescoir Sex pund thretteine Schillinges four penneis |
£1766.13.4 |
E106/1/1/181 |
Off meall In the said paroch tuentie chalderis ellevin bolls ane firlot according to the forsaid meassr [meassure] Whiche being Converted Into money at the fornait [fornamit] pryce for everie boll Extends to Ane Thowsand Fyve hundrethe Fourtie fyve pundes Sexteine Schillinges eight penneis |
£1545.16.8 |
E106/1/1/181 |
III] Peyit In Casuall rent for coall and Salt In the said paroche ane Thowsand Thrie hundrethe and Sex punds thretteine Schillinges four penneis |
£1306.13.4 |
E106/1/1/181 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryce of the victuall money and casuall Rents being frie Rent in the said paroche (by and attor [attour] the Eftirmentioned deductiones) is Sex Thowsand thrie hundreth Tuentie four punds Sevin Schillinges 4 ds [pence] |
£6324.7.4 |
E106/1/1/181 |
Peyit In mortified Rent to the minister of the said Paroche In moy [money] Four hundrethe punds |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/181 |
Peyit to him of Bear Tua chalders according to the ford [forsaid] meassr [meassure] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to ane hundret [hundreth] thriescoir ten punds thretteine schillings four penneis |
£170.13.4 |
E106/1/1/181 |
Off meall to him ane chalder meassr [meassure] & pryce ford [forsaid] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to thriescoir fourteine punds thretteine schillinges four penneis |
£74.13.4 |
E106/1/1/181 |
Peyit to the Schoolemr [Schoolmaster] of the sd [said] paroche In moy [money] fourscoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/181 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified Rent is Sevin hundret [hundreth] tuentie fyve punds Sex Schillinges eight penneis |
£725.6.8 |
E106/1/1/181 |
[Page] 181 |
E106/1/1/182 |
Carridden paroche |
E106/1/1/182 |
I] James allane of Stackis for himselff and Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars & vthrs [vthers] In the said paroche of Carridden Their moy [money] rent doethe Extend to Ane Thowsand Thrie hundrethe and Sex punds Thretteine Schillinges four penneis |
£1306.13.4 |
E106/1/1/182 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the said Paroche threttie Thrie chalders four bolls meassr [meassure] & pryce ford [forsaid] Whiche being Converted into money Extends to Tua Thowsand eight hundret [hundreth] Threttie Sevin piund Sex Schillinges eight penneis |
£2837.6.8 |
E106/1/1/182 |
Peyit of meall In the said Paroche of Carridden Threttie thrie chalders four Bolls according to the forsaid meassr [meassure] Whiche being Converted into moy [money] at the fornait [fornamit] pryce for the boll Extends to Tua Thowsand four hundrethe fourscoir tua punds thretteine Schillinges four penneis |
£2482.13.4 |
E106/1/1/182 |
III] Peyit In Casuall Rent for Coall and Salt In the said paroche thrie Thowsand Tua hundrethe thriescoir Sex punds thretteine schillings four penneis |
£3266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/182 |
Suma [Summa] of the money and casuall Rents and of the Pryce of the fornait [fornamit] victuall being frie Rent in the sd [said] paroche (by & attor [attour] the subsequent deductiones) is nyne Thowsand Eight hundrethe foure scoir thretteine punds Sex Schillings eight penneis |
£9893.6.8 |
E106/1/1/182 |
Peyit of mortified rent To the minist [minister] & School maister of the sd [said] paroche In moy [money] thrie hundrethe Thriescoir thrie pund Sex Schillings viij ds [eight pence] |
£363.6.8 |
E106/1/1/182 |
Peyit to the sd [said] minist [minister] of bear thretteine bolls thrie firlots ane peck tua lipies Wche [Whiche] being converted into moy [money] Extends to Thriescoir thretteine pund sex schillings eight penneis |
£73.16.8 |
E106/1/1/182 |
Peyit to him of meall tuentie Sevin bolls 2 firlots 3 pecks Wch [Which] being converted into moy [money] extends to ane hundreth tuentie eight punds 19 ss [shillings] 8 ds [pence] |
£128.19.8 |
E106/1/1/182 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent is fyve hundrethe thriescoir sex punds 3 ss [shillings] |
£566.3.0 |
E106/1/1/182 |
[Page] 182 |
E106/1/1/182 |
'Peyit of meall' line 2 - last word pennies scored out |
E106/1/1/183 |
Abercorne Paroche |
E106/1/1/183 |
I] Gavin moubray In dudingstoun for himselff and Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars & vthrs [vthers] In the said Paroch of Abercorne Their moy [money] Rent doethe Extend to ane Thowsand Tua hundrethe thrie scoir fourteine punds |
£1274.0.0 |
E106/1/1/183 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the said Paroche Thriescoir ane chalders eight bolls according to the ford [forsaid] meassr [meassure] Whiche being Converted into moey [money] at the fornait [fornamit] pryce extends to fyve thowsand tua hundrethe fourtie eight punds |
£5248.0.0 |
E106/1/1/183 |
Peyit of meall In the said Paroche Thriescoir ane chalders eight bolls according to the forsaid meassr [meassure] Whiche being converted into moy [money] at the fornait [forenamit] pryce Extends to Four Thowsand Fyve hundrethe four scoir Tuell punds |
£4592.0.0 |
E106/1/1/183 |
III] Peyit In few to vthir persones besyd the dwties peyable to his matie [majestie] In moy [money] thrie hundrethe tuentie Sex punds thretteine Schillinges four penneis |
£326.13.4 |
E106/1/1/183 |
Suma [Summa] of the money Rent and of the pryce of the fornait [fornamit] victuall being fue rent in the said paroche (by & attor [attour] the eftir mentioned deductiones) is Ellevin Thowsand four hundrethe and fourtie punds thretteine Schillings four penneis |
£11440.13.4 |
E106/1/1/183 |
Peyit of Mortified Rent To the minister and Schoolemr [Schoolemaster] of the said paroche In moy [money] thriescoir fyfteine punds |
£75.0.0 |
E106/1/1/183 |
Peyit to the sd [said] minister In victuall Eight chalders Qrof [Quharof] four chalders bear Whiche being converted into moy [money] extends to thrie hundrethe fourtie ane punds sex Schillings eight penneis |
£341.6.8 |
E106/1/1/183 |
and of Oattis & meall 4 chalders Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends at 4 lib 13 ss 4 ds [£4.13.4] for everie boll to tua hundrethe fourscoir eighteine punds thretteine Schillings four penneis |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/183 |
Suma [Summa] of the Mortified Rent Sevin hundret [hundreth] fyfteine punds |
£715.0.0 |
E106/1/1/183 |
Peyit to his Maties [Majestie's] excheckquer In moy [money] fourscoir nynteine punds sevinteine Schillinges eight penneis |
£99.17.8 |
E106/1/1/183 |
[Page] 183 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Dumanie paroche |
E106/1/1/184 |
I] Johne Stewart of Newhallis for himselff and Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars & vthrs [vthers] within the said paroche of Dumanie Their money Rent Doethe extend to Thrie Thowsand Tua hundrethe Tuentie Sevin pund nyne Schillinges four penneis |
£3227.9.4 |
E106/1/1/184 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the said Paroche Thriescoir Sex chalders ane boll thrie firlots of the ford [forsaid] meassr [meassure] Whiche being converted into moy [money] at the fornamit pryce for everie boll Extends to Fyve Thowsand Sex hundrethe fourtie Tua punds thretteine schillinges four penneis |
£5642.13.4 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Peyit of meall In the said Paroche Thriescor Sex chalders ane boll Thrie firlots, of the meassr [meassure] & pryce ford [forsaid] being Converted into moy [money] Extends to four Thowsand nyne hundrethe threttie Sex punds thrie schillinges four penneis |
£4936.3.4 |
E106/1/1/184 |
III] Peyit of few to Ane vthr [vther] persone thn [than] to his Matie [Majestie] In moy [money] threttie pund fourteine schillings tua penneis |
£30.14.2 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Suma [Summa] of the money Rent and of the pryce of the fornamit victuall being frie rent In the said paroche (by and attor [attour] the eftir mentioned Deductiones) is Thretteine Thowsand Eight hundrethe threttie Sevin punds |
£13837.0.2 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Peyit of Mortified Rent To the minister and Schoolemr [Schoolemaster] of the said paroche In moy [money] ane hundrethe threttie Sex pund thretteine schilllings four penneis |
£136.13.4 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Peyit of Bear To the sd [said] minister thrie chalder Eight bolls Whiche being converted into moy [money] at the ford [forsaid] pryce Extends to tua hundreth four scoir eighteine punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pence] |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Peyit of meall To him Thrie chalders eight bolls Whiche being converted into moy [money] at the ford [forsaid] pryce is Tua hundret [hundreth] thriescoir ane pund 6 ss [shillings] 8 ds [pence] |
£261.6.8 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent is Sex hundrethe fourscoir sexteine pund thretteine Schillinges four penneis |
£696.13.4 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Peyit to his Maties [Majestie's] excheckquer In moy [money] tuentie Sex punds |
£26.0.0 |
E106/1/1/184 |
[Page] 184 |
E106/1/1/184 |
Dumanie = Dalmeny
The sub-total for Dalmeny has been corrected in figures, but not in the verbal description. |
E106/1/1/185 |
Parcell of Cramound paroche |
E106/1/1/185 |
I] Johne Stewart of Newhalls for himselff and Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars and vthirs within that pairt of the said paroche of Cramound QLk [Quhilk] Lyis wthin [within] the said Scherrefdome of Linlithgow Their moy [money] Rent Doethe Extend to Sex hundrethe fyftie thrie pund Sex Schillinges eight penneis |
£653.6.8 |
E106/1/1/185 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the forsaid parsell of the said paroche Sex chalders fyfteine bolls thrie firlots off the meassr [meassure] & pryce ford [forsaid] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to Fyve hundrethe four scoir Sexteine punds |
£596.0.0 |
E106/1/1/185 |
Peyit of Meall Sex chalders fyfteine bolls thrie firlots Whiche being converted into moy [money] at the fornait [forenamit] pryce Extends to fyve hundrethe Tuentie ane pund Ten schillinges |
£521.10.0 |
E106/1/1/185 |
Suma [Summa] of the money Rent and pryce of the fornait [forenamit] victuall Being frie Rent In the ford [forsaid] parsell of the said paroche (besyd the Subsequent deductione) is ane Thowsand Sevin hundrethe Thriescoir Ten punds Sexteine Schillinges 8 ds [pence] |
£1770.16.8 |
E106/1/1/185 |
Peyit of Mortified Rent to the minist [minister] of the said paroche of Cramound In moy [money] threttie sex punds thretteine Schillinges four penneis |
£36.13.4 |
E106/1/1/185 |
[Page] 185 |
E106/1/1/186 |
Kirklistoune paroche |
E106/1/1/186 |
I] Williame Patersone of corsetburne for himselff and Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars & vthirs within the said paroche of Kirklistoun Their money Rent doethe Extend to Thrie Thowsand Sevin hundret [hundreth] fourscoir nyne punds sex schillings eight penneis |
£3789.6.8 |
E106/1/1/186 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the said paroche In that pairt throf [thereof] Qlk [Quhilk] Lyis wthin [within] the said Schyr Thriescoir Sex chalders Sevin Bolls Tua firlotes off the meassr [measure] & pryce ford [forsaid] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to Fyve Thowsand Sex hundrethe Thriescoir tuell pundes |
£5672.0.0 |
E106/1/1/186 |
3] Peyit of meall In tht [that] pairt of the said paroch Lyand wthin [within] the said Schyr Thriescoir Sex chalders Sevin bolls Tua firlotes according to the forsaid meassr [measure] Wch [Which] being Converted into moy [money] Extends to at the ford [forsaid] pryce Four thowsand nyne hundrethe thriescoir thrie punds |
£4963.0.0 |
E106/1/1/186 |
Suma [Summa] of the Moy [money] Rent and of the pryce of the fornait [fornamit] victuall being frie Rent In tht [that] pairt of the sd [said] paroch lyand in the sd [said] Schyr (by & attor [attour] the eftirspeijt [efterspecifijt] deductions) is fourteine Thowsand four hundrethe tuentie four punds |
£14424.6.8 |
E106/1/1/186 |
Peyit to the minister of the sd [said] paroche furt [furth] of tht [that] pairt throf [thereof] Lyand wthin [within] the said Schyr & Schoolemr [Schoolemaster] throf [thereof] of mortified Rent In moy [money] ane hundrethe thriescoir fyfteine ellevin schillinges 8 ds [pence] |
£175.11.8 |
E106/1/1/186 |
Peyit to the sd [said] minister furt [furth] throf [thereof] thretteine bolls Tua firlots Tua pecks Bear off the meassr [measure] & pryce ford [forsaid] Wch [Which] being converted into moy [money] extends to thriescoir Tua punds |
£62.0.0 |
E106/1/1/186 |
Peyit of Meall to him furt [furth] throf [thereof] tuentie tua bolls tua firlots Tua pecks tua Lipies Wch [Which] being converted into moy [money] Extends to ane hundret [hundreth] and fyve punds fourteine Schillinges Sevin penneis |
£105.14.7 |
E106/1/1/186 |
Suma [Summa] of the sd [said] mortified Rent is thrie hundret [hundreth] fourtie thrie pund 6 ss [shillings] 3 ds [pence] |
£343.6.3 |
E106/1/1/186 |
Peyit To his Maties [Majesties] excheckquer ane hundret [hundreth] fourtie four pund Sex schillinges eight penneis |
£144.6.8 |
E106/1/1/186 |
[Page] 186 |
E106/1/1/187 |
Eglishmachen Paroche |
E106/1/1/187 |
I] Thomas Meikle In waterstoun for himselff & Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars & vthirs within the said paroche of Eglischmachen Their money Rent doethe Extend to Thrie Thowsand Thrie hundrethe threttie Tua punds |
£3332.0.0 |
E106/1/1/187 |
II] Peyit of Bear In the said paroche thrie chalders Tua bolls according to the ford [forsaid] measor [measour] & pryce Wch [Which] being Converted into money Extends to tua hundrethe thriescoir Sex punds thretteine schillinges four penneis |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/187 |
Peyit of meall In the said Paroche thrie chalders Tua bolls according to the ford [forsaid] meassr [meassure] Wch [Which] being converted into moy [money] at the fornait [fornamit] pryce for everie boll extends to tua hundreth threttie Thrie punds Sex Schillinges eight penneis |
£233.6.8 |
E106/1/1/187 |
Suma [Summa] of the moy [money] Rent and of the pryce of the fornait [fornamit] victuall being frie Rent In the sd [said] paroche (by & attor [attour] the the eftirmentioned deductiones) is Thrie Thowsand eight hundrethe threttie Tua punds |
£3832.0.0 |
E106/1/1/187 |
Peyit of Mortified Rent to the minister of the said paroche In moy [money] tua hundrethe fourscoir eight punds eighteine Schillinges eight penneis |
£288.18.8 |
E106/1/1/187 |
Peyit to him of meall ten Bolls Wch [Which] being converted into moy [money] Extends to fourtie sex pund thretteine Schillings four penneis |
£46.13.4 |
E106/1/1/187 |
Suma [Summa] of the said mortified Rent is thrie hundrethe threttie fyve pund tuell Schillinges |
£335.12.0 |
E106/1/1/187 |
[Page]187 |
E106/1/1/187 |
Eglishmachen = Ecclesmachan |
E106/1/1/188 |
Strabrocke Paroche |
E106/1/1/188 |
1] Gavin hamiltoun portioner of strabrock for himself & Remanent heretors fewars lyfrentars & uthirs Within the sd [said] paroche of Stabrok Ther money Rent doeth Extend to ane Thowsand thrie hundreth thriescoir fyfteine pund eighteine schillings four pennies |
£1375.18.4 |
E106/1/1/188 |
II] peyit of Bear in the said paroche threttie
ane chalders fyve bolls thrie firlotas according to the said measur Whiche being converted into moy [money] at the fornat [fornamit] pryce extends
to tua Thowsand Sex hundreth thriescoir Sexteine punds |
£2676.0.0 |
E106/1/1/188 |
Peyit of meall in the said paroche Thrette ane chalders fyve bolls Thrie frlotes [firlots] according to the measr [meaure] & pryce ford [foresaid] Which being Converted into moy [money] extends to tua Thowsand Thrie hundrethe fourtie ane pund Ten shillinges |
£2341.0.0 |
E106/1/1/188 |
Suma [Summa] of the moy [money] rent & of the pryce of the fornamit victuall being frie rent In the sd [said] paroche (by & attor [attour] the underwrettin deductiones) is Sex Thowsand Thrie hundret fourscoir tuelff punds eightin Schilling four pennies |
£6392.18.4 |
E106/1/1/188 |
Peyit of mortified Rent to the minist [minister] And Schoolemr [schoolmaster] of the said paroche In money Thrie hundreth & Thriescoir pundis |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/188 |
Peyit lykwys to the sd [said] minst [minister] of Beir tuentie ane bolls ane firlot ane peck ane Lipie and thrie pairt Lipie Wch [Which] being converted into moy [money] Extends to ane hundreth thretteine punds fyfteine Schillings Sevin
pennies |
£113.15.7 |
E106/1/1/188 |
Peyit to him of meall Tua chalders ten bolls Tua firlotes Tua pecks tua lipies Tua thrie ptis [two third parts] Lipie being convertit into moy [money] at the ford [foresaid] pryce and hundreth four scoir nyntie punds 2 schillinges eight pennies |
£199.2.0 |
E106/1/1/188 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent is Sex hundrethe 72.17.7 Schillings thrie pennies |
£672.17.7 |
E106/1/1/188 |
[Page] 188 |
E106/1/1/189 |
Torphichen paroche |
E106/1/1/189 |
1] Patrick Young of Killiecantie for himselff and Remanent heretors fewars Lyfrentars and vthires vithin the said paroche of Torphichen, Their money rent doethe Extend to Thrie Thowsand eight hundret four scoir Sextein punds nyne Schillinges eight pennies |
£3896.9.8 |
E106/1/1/189 |
II] peyit of Bear In the said paroche Ten chalders nyne bolls 2 firlotes according to the said measr [measure] Whiche being converted into moy [money] Extends to (at the said pryce) nyne hundret & four punds |
£904.0.0 |
E106/1/1/189 |
peyit of meall In the said paroche Threttie ane chalders ten bolls ane firlot according to the said measr [measure] Whiche being converted into mo [money] at the said pryce Extends to tua Thowsand Thrie hundrethe Thrie scoir tua punds ten Schillinges |
£2362.10.0 |
E106/1/1/189 |
Suma of the money Rent and of the pryce of the fornait [fornamit] victuall being frie rent In the said paroch doeth By and attorr the Subsequent deductions Extendis to Sevin Thousand ane hundret thrie scoir tua punds nynteine Schillinges eight pennies |
£7162,19.8 |
E106/1/1/189 |
peyit of mortified Rent In moy [money] To the minister of the said paroche Eight hundret punds |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/189 |
Peyit to the Schoole mr [Schoolmaster] there four Scoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/189 |
Suma of the mortified rent is eight hundreth & fourscoir pundes |
£880.0.0 |
E106/1/1/189 |
[page] 189 |
E106/1/1/190 |
Bathgait paroche |
E106/1/1/190 |
Johne Nimmo of Inchecroce for himselff and Remanent heretors & fewars Lyfrentars & vthirs Within the said paroche of Bathgait Their money Rent doethe Extend to Sex Thowsand four hundrethe four scoir Sex punds Sex Schillinges |
£6486.6.0 |
E106/1/1/190 |
Peyit of Bear In the said paroche Ten chalders fourteine Bolls tua firlotes measre [measure] ford [forsaid] Wch [Which] being converted into moy [money] at the ford [forsaid] pryce Extends to Nyne hundrethe threttie punds thretteine Schillinges four pennies |
£930.13.4 |
E106/1/1/190 |
peyit of meall In the said paroche tuentie ane chalders Twell bolls thrie firlots measr [measure] ford [forsaid] Wch [Which] being Converted into moy [money] at the for [forsaid] pryce Extends to ane thowsand Six hundrethe tuentie Sevin punds ten Schillinges |
£1627.10.0 |
E106/1/1/190 |
Suma [Summa] of the moy [money] Rent and of the pryce of the
fornit [fornamit] victuall being frie Rent In the said paroche (by & attor the subsequent deductions) Extends to nyne Thowsand fourtie four pund nyne Schillinges four pennies |
£9044.9.4 |
E106/1/1/190 |
peyit of mortified Rent to the minister of the said paroche eight hundret pundes |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/190 |
peyit to the Schoolemr [Schoolmaster] there four scoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/190 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent is eight hundrethe & four scoir punds |
£880.0.0 |
E106/1/1/190 |
[page] 190 |
E106/1/1/191 |
Levingstoune paroche |
E106/1/1/191 |
Peyit of Bear In the said paroche of Levingstoune Threttie eight chalders Tua bolls ane firlot according to the ford [forsaid] measor [measure] Whiche being converted Into moy [money] at the fornamit pryce for everie boll Extends to Thrie Thowsand Tua hundrethe fyftie four punds thretteine schillinges four pennies |
£3254.13.4 |
E106/1/1/191 |
Peyit of meall In the said paroche Thrie Scoir Sexteine chalders four bolls Thrie firlots according to the forsaid measor Wch [Which[ being converted into moy [money] Extends to Fyve Thowsand Sex hundrethe fourscoir Sexteine punds Sexteine Schillinges ten pennies |
£5696.16.10 |
E106/1/1/191 |
Suma [Summa] of the Wholl Rent of the said paroche being Few Rent & besyd the subsequent deductiones is eight thowsand nyne hundrethe fyftie ane pund ten schillinges tua pennies |
£8951.10.2 |
E106/1/1/191 |
Peyit of mortified Rent to the minister of the said paroche In money four hundrethe fourscor ellevin pund four schillinges tua pennies |
£491.4.2 |
E106/1/1/191 |
Suma [Summa] of mortified Rent is four hundret fourscour ellevin punds four Schillings tua pennies |
£491.4.2 |
E106/1/1/191 |
[page] 191 |
E106/1/1/192 |
The Totall of the present valuatione of this Schyr, besyd the mortified Rent, and what is peyit to the Exchequer Extendis To ane hundrethe Ten Thowsand Sevin hundrethe thriescoir Thrie punds Fyve Schillinges |
£110763.5.0 |
E106/1/1/192 |
The mortified Rent and quhat is peyit to the exchequer Extends to Sevin Thowsand Sex hundrethe fourtie fyve punds Sevin Schillinges four pennies |
£7645.7.4 |
E106/1/1/192 |
The Totall of the former Valuatione of this Schyr Extends to ane hundrethe ten Thowsand Sevin hundrethe and Twentie pundes |
£110720.0.0 |
E106/1/1/192 |
The present valuatione Doethe exceid the former Fourtie thrie punds Fyve Schillinges |
£43.5.0 |
E106/1/1/192 |
[page] 192
James Sandelandis
J Bathgait
J Dundas
W Dundas
Robert drummond
francis dwrhame |
E106/1/1/195 |
[Page] 193
Valuation of the
Srefdome [Sheriffdome] of
Lithgow 1649
producit to the Sub cmitte [committee]
17 Jar 1650 [17th January 1650] |
E106/1/1/196 |
Niniane stewart of Kilcatten for himselff and remanent heritors fewars Lyfrentars propper wodsettars and othiris within the pareishis of Rothesay and Kingarthe in the Ile of Bute, Heir payit to thame of propper rent within the said pareishis seing it cannot convenientlie be geawin vp seuralie. thair victuall being convertit in money at v ls vj ss viij d [£5.6.8] the boll meill and beir brunt and wast lands being deducit Sax Thousand Ane Hundrethe Thriescoir Auchtein Pundis vt brevi |
£6178.0.0 |
E106/1/1/196 |
1] payed in few and tak deuties within the said pereishis Two Thousand Tuentie seawin Pund sax schilling viij d [eight pence] vt brevi |
£2027.6.8 |
E106/1/1/196 |
[Total] |
£8205.6.8 |
E106/1/1/196 |
3] payed in Mortifeit Rent to the Ministers of bothe the said pareishis Ane Thousand Ane Hundrethe Thriescoir Nyne pund vj ss [six shillings] viij d [eight pennies] vt brevi |
£1169.6.8 |
E106/1/1/196 |
4] Payed to his Majesties exchequer in money Tuentie twa pund vt brevi |
£22.0.0 |
E106/1/1/196 |
[Total] |
£4086.13.4 |
E106/1/1/196 |
[Page] 196
The Roll of the rent of the shrefdome [shirefdome] of Bute Maid and sett downe by the comissioneris [commissioneris] vnder subscryuing appointit for that effect by act of the estaitis of parliament of this kingdome Holdin At Edinbrut [Edinburgh] the fourt of august jaj vi ct fourtie Nyne Zeris [4 Aug 1649] Which Comissioneris [Commissioneris] haueing Mett vpone the Tuentie fyve day of december [25 Dec] Last And haueing judiciallie geawin thair aothis to vse thair best indewors for a richt and trew informatioune of the rentis of the whole schyre and to proceid faithfullie and Impartiallie in prosecuting thr [their] comissioune [commissioune] and instructiounis relating thrvnto [thervnto] Which they haue cairfullie performed in ewerie point, After serious and Mature deliberatioun they haue maid and sett downe the Roll following in Articles according to the nwmber of the severall parishis within the said schyre and haue cast vp the valuis according to the derectioune of the Parliament
[In left margin] Bute |
E106/1/1/196 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
'Aothis' appears to be a blend of Scots 'aithis' and English 'oaths |
E106/1/1/197 |
1] Sr [Sir] Robert Montgomerie for himselff and remanent heritors fewars Lyfrentars propper wodsettars and others Within the parish and Ilis of Twa Cumrayis their mony rent dothe extend to seawin Hundrethe Fourtie six Pund threttien schilling four pennyis vt brevi |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/197 |
2] Payed of Meill and beir in the said parishe and lands of Meikle Cumray Thriescoir ane bolls twa firletis pryce of the boll as it geavis in the said Ile v lb vj ss viij d [£5.6.8] the boll wch [which] being converted in money extends to |
£328.0.0 |
E106/1/1/197 |
3] Payed of few dewtie in the said Ile the victuall and vther casualities converted in money to My Lord duik of Lennox his factors and chamberlains Four Hundrethe Threttie pund xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij d [eight pence] vt brevi |
£430.13.4 |
E106/1/1/197 |
[sub-total] |
£1505.6.8 |
E106/1/1/197 |
4] Payed of Mortifeit Rent within the said parishe and Ile of Cumray Thrie Hundrethe thrie scoir punds |
£360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/197 |
1] Sr [Sir] Robirt Montgomerie of Lochransay knht [knight] for himselff and remanent heritors fewars Lyfrentars propper wodsettars and others within the Ile of Arran with the parishis of kilbryde and kilmorie thairin thair money rent doth extend to Sax Thousand sax Hundrethe Thriescoir sax Pundis vt brevi |
£6666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/197 |
2] Payed in Mortifeit Rent to the Ministers in the said pareishis qlk [quhilk] is to be deducit af the former money rent of the said Ile of Arran Fyve Hundrethe Tuentie fyve pund sax schilling aucht pennyis |
£525.6.8 |
E106/1/1/197 |
Rests in arrane |
£6141.6.8 |
E106/1/1/197 |
[Page] 197 |
E106/1/1/197 |
Lochransay = Lochranza |
E106/1/1/198 |
2] The Totall of the present valuatioune of the shyre besyde the mortified rent and what is payit to the exchequer extends to fyftein Thousand Aucht Hundreth Fyftie ane punds vt brevi |
£15851.0.0 |
E106/1/1/198 |
The Mortified rent and what is paid to the exchequer, extendis to Two Thousand Thriescoir saxtein Pund Threttein schilling iiij d [four pence] |
£2076.13.4 |
E106/1/1/198 |
The totall of the former valuatioune of this shire 1693 extends to Tuentietwo thousand Pund vt brevi |
£22000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/198 |
The totall of the valuatioune of this shire crope 1648 extendis to Fourtein thousand Pund vt brevi |
£14000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/198 |
The present valuatioune dothe exceid the former valuatioune 1648 One Thousand Aught Hundrethe Fiftie ane pund vt brevi |
£1851.0.0 |
E106/1/1/198 |
[Page] 198
[?] --
Robert Montgomerie
Alexander Fraser
[John] bannatyne off kames
Donald mcneill
[CFF] of pennymor
[forde] of kilmory
crowneer of Bute
Don CAntseill [Campbell]of Kilmichall
I Niniane banatyne of Kerelamount ane of the comissioners [commissioners] frsd [forsaid] with my hand tuiching the pen of the noter vndersubt [vnder subscrivit] at my comand [command] because I cannot wreit
Ita est Joennies mcgilchrist notarius publicus ad premissa de mandate dicti Nuncitivi scribere nest cum Testamoniis meis signo [signed] |
E106/1/1/198 |
crowneer = crowner, coroner
Kelmkill = ? Kilcolmkill
Kerelamount = Kerrylamont
"With my hand tuiching the pen" - if unable to write, a person could witness a document by touching the notary's pen before or as he wrote. The gist of the Latin is that the notary public is instructed to write the foregoing by dictation, not knowing the matter. |
E106/1/1/199 |
[Page] 199
Valuation of the
Shrefdome [Shirefdome] of Bute
producit 24 Jar [January] 1650 [24 Jan 1650]
Report for Bute
valuaune [valuatioune] 1650 |
E106/1/1/200 |
[page] 200
Producit 26 Jany 1650 [26 Jan 1650]
Dumbarton |
E106/1/1/202 |
Leinzie parioshe |
E106/1/1/202 |
Erl of Wigtoun For himselff and Remanent heritors fewars lyfrentars propir wodsettars and wthris [wtheris] wtin [within] the pariosh of Leinzie their money rent doeth extend to Sex thousand four hundreth pounds money |
£6400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/202 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh Ten chalder according to Lithgow prick mett qlk [quhilk] being converted in money the pryce of ilk boll at four lib threttein shillings four penies [£4.13.4] extends to Sevin hundreth fourtie sex pounds threttein schillings four penies [pennies] |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/202 |
Item of meill in the said pariosh fourtie chalder at four pounds ten shillingis [£4.10.0] the boll extends to Twa thousand aught hundreth fourscoir pounds money |
£2880.0.0 |
E106/1/1/202 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of the victuall and money in the sd [said] pariosh extends to Ten thousand twentie sex pounds threttein shillings four penies |
£10026.13.4 |
E106/1/1/202 |
Mortified furth of the foirsaid sowm as followes |
E106/1/1/202 |
Item sinc the last valuaun [valuatioun] for ane manss and ane gleib to the minister at the old pariosh kirk thr [there] fourtie lib [Pounds] |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/202 |
Item for elements to the said old pariosh fourtie lib [Pounds] |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/202 |
Item for ane ministers stipend to ane new [rectit] pariosh of Beir and meill thrie chalder at the pryce foirsaid extending in money to Twa hundreth twentie four lib [Pounds] |
£224.0.0 |
E106/1/1/202 |
[Page] 202
The Roll of the rent of the shrefdom [shirefdom] of dumbartane maid and sett down by the Comissioners [Commissioners] wnder subscryveing appointit for that effect by act of the estaits of Parliament of this kingdome haldin at Edgh [Edinburgh] the Fourth day of Agust 1649 [4 Aug 1649] quhich Comissioners [Commissioners] haueing mett on the Sext day of september [6 Sep] last and haueing vsed their best endeavors for a right and trew informaun [informatioun] of the rents of the whole schyr and haveing proceidit faithfullie and Impartiallie in prosequiting of their Comissioun [Commissioun] and that By oath of pairtie witnesss [witnesses] and wthr [wther] wayes Aftir serious and mature deliberaun [deliberatioun] they haue maid and sett down the roll following in articles according to the number of the seuerall pairoshes within the said schyr and haueing cast wpe the sowmes according to the Directioun of the parliament |
E106/1/1/202 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
wodsettar - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
"Linlithgow Prick Mett" a standardised firlot measure having a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item in money to the foirsaid minister thrie hundreth pounds |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item for his manss and gleib estimat yeirlie in money to Fourtie pounds |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item for elements in money threttie thrie pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] One hundreth pounds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent of the pariosh extends to Aught hundreth thrie scoir sevintein pounds sex shillings Aught penies [pennies] |
£877.6.8 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item payit to his ma [majesties] exchequer in money aught pounds |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Sua the total valuaun [valuatioun] of this parioshe besyd the mortifiaun [mortificatioun] and qt [quhat] is payit to his ma [majesties] exchequer extends to nyn Thousand one hundreth fourtie ane pounds six shillings aught penies [pennies] money |
£9141.6.8 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Kilpatrick pariosh |
E106/1/1/203 |
Laird of Luce For himselff and remanent heritors fewars lyfrentars propir wodsettars and wthris wtin [within] the pariosh of Kilpatrick their rent doeth extend to Sex thousand sevin hundreth fyftein pounds sevintein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£6715.17.4 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh Twentie chalder according to Lithgow prick mett qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money at the pryc of Four pounds threttein shillings four penies [£4.13.4] the boll extends to One thowsand four hundreth Fourscoir threttein pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£1493.6.8 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item of meill in the said pariosh Threttie fyv chalders at Four lib ten shillings £4.10.0] the boll extends to Twa thowsand fyve hundreth and twentie pounds money |
£2520.0.0 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of victuall and money in the said pariosh extends to Ten thousand sevin hundreth twenti nyn pounds four shillings |
£10729.4.0 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Mortified furth of the foirsaid sowm as followes |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item to the old pariosh Kirk of Kilpatrick for the ministers gleib and elements Fourtie pounds |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] thair at thrie scoir sex lib [pounds] threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/203 |
Item mortified to ane new erected kirk for ane ministers Fyve chalders of beir & meill at the pryc foirsd [foirsaid] extending in money to Thrie hundreth thrie scoir fyve pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£365.6.8 |
E106/1/1/203 |
[Page] 203 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Item in money Thrie hundreth pounds |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Item for ane gleib and elements thr [there] to fourtie lib [Pounds] |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] thair at thrie scoir sex lib [Pounds] threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent extends to aught hundreth fourscoir aughtein pounds threttein shillingis four penies [pennnies] |
£898.13.4 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Item payit to his ma [majesties] exchequer in money Thriescoir four pounds |
£64.0.0 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Sua the Totall valuaun [valuatioun] of this pariosh besyd the mortificaunes [mortificatiounes] and qt [quhat] is payet to his ma [majesties] exchequer extends to Nyne thousand sevin hundreth thrie scoir sex pounds ten shillings aught penies [pennies] money |
£9766.10.8 |
E106/1/1/204 |
qrof [quhairof] of Causuall rent for coall twa hundreth lib [Pounds] |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Kilmaronock [Kimaronnock] pariosh |
E106/1/1/204 |
Duik of Lenox [Lennox] /g/ For himself and remanent heritors fewers lyfrenters propir wadsettars and wthris wtin [within] the pariosh of Kilmaronock [Kilmaronnock] their money rent doeth extend to Twa thousand sex hundreth sex pounds four shillingis |
£2606.4.0 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Item of beir in the said parioshTen chalder according to Lithgow prick mett qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money pryc of ilk boll at Four lib threttein shillingis four penies [£4.13.4] extends to Sevin hundreth fourtiesex pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Item of meill in the said pariosh Sextein chalder at four pounds ten shillingis [£4.10.0] the boll extends to One Thowsand One hundreth fiftie twa pounds money |
£1152.0.0 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of the Victuall and money in the said pariosh extends to Four thowsand fyve hundreth and four pounds four shillingis |
£4504.4.0 |
E106/1/1/204 |
Mortified furth of the foirsaid sowm as followes |
E106/1/1/204 |
Item augmentit to the miniisters stipend ane chalder of meill ilk boll at four pounds ten shillingis [£4.10.0] extending to Thriescoir twelff pounds |
£72.0.0 |
E106/1/1/204 |
[Page] 204 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item augmentit to the foirsaid minister stipend in money One hundreth thrie scoir sex pounds threttein shillings four pennies |
£166.13.4 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item for ane gleib to the minister fourtie pounds |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item for elements fourtie pounds |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] thriescoir sex pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item quhairas the Minister at Bonhill not haueing ane competencie obteinet decreit beffoir the Comissioun [Commissioun] of the kirk, ordaineing that the sd [said] minister at Bonhill should haue of augmentation furth of the sd [said] parioch of Kilmaronnock Ane hundreth fourtie thrie pounds sextein shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£143.16.8 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item of meill Two Bolls ilk Boll at the pryc foirsaid extending to nyn pounds |
£9.0.0 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item mortified to the Colledg of Glesgow Ten Bolls meill pryc of ilk Boll at four pounds ten shillings [£4.10.0] extends to Fourtie fyve pounds money |
£45.0.0 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent of the pariosh extends to Fyve hundreth Four scoir thrie pounds thrie shillingis four penies [pennies] |
£583.3.4 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Sua the totall Valuaun [Valuatioun] of this pariosh Besyd the mortificaunis [mortificatiounis] extends to Thrie thowsand nyn hundreth Twentie ane pounds aught penies [pennies] |
£3921.0.8 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Bonyill pariosh |
E106/1/1/205 |
Laird of Bonyill For himselff and remanent heritors fewars lyfrentars propir wadsetters and wthris wtin [within] the pariosh of Bonhill their money rent doeth extend to Four hundreth thrie scoir sevin pounds |
£467.0.0 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh Twa chalder according to Lithgow prick mett qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money at four pounds threttein shillings four penies [£4.13.4] the boll extends to One hundreth fourtie nyn pounds vi ss [shillings] viij ds [pennies] |
£149.6.8 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Item of meill in the sd [said] pariosh four chalder at four pounds ten shillings [£4.10.0] the boll extends to Twa hundreth fourscoir aught pounds |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/205 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of Victuall and money in the sd [said] pariosh extends to nyn hundreth four pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£904.6.8 |
E106/1/1/205 |
[Page] 205 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Mortified furth of the preceiding sowm wtin [within] the pariosh of Bonhill as Followes |
E106/1/1/206 |
Item to the provest of the colledg kirk of Dumbarton elivin pounds money |
£11.0.0 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Sua the totall Valuaun [Valuatioun] of the pariosh of Bonhill besyd the mortifaun [mortificatioun] extends to Aught hundreth fourscoir threttein pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£893.6.8 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Dumbartan pariosh to Landwart |
E106/1/1/206 |
Laird of Fulwood For himselff and remanent heritors fewars lyfrentars propir wadsettars and wthris wtin [within] the pariosh of Dumbartan to landwart their money rent doeth extend to Fourscoir thrie pounds money |
£83.0.0 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Item of Beir Twa chalder according to Lithgow prick mett qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money at four pounds threttein shillingis four penies [£4.13.4] extends to One hundreth fourtie nyn pounds |
£149.0.0 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Item of meill ane chalder at four pounds ten shillingis [£4.10.0] the boll extends to thrie scoir twelff pounds money |
£72.0.0 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Sua the totall Valuaun [Valuatioun] of the pariosh of Dumbartan to landwart extends to Thrie hundreth and four pounds money |
£304.0.0 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Cardrose pariosh |
E106/1/1/206 |
Laird of Kilmahew For himself and remanent heritors fewars lyfrentars propir wodsettars and wthris wtin [within] the pariosh of Culdrois their money rent doeth extend to One Thowsand fourscoir sextein pounds |
£1096.0.0 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh Ten chalder according to Lithgow prick mett Qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money at four pounds threttein shillingis four penies [£4.13.4] the boll extends to Sevin hundreth fourtie sex pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Item of meill in the said pariosh Twelff chalder aught bolls at four pounds ten shillings [£4.10.0] the boll extends to Aught hundreth fourscoir twelff pounds sextein shillings |
£892.16.0 |
E106/1/1/206 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of the Victuall and money in the sd [said] pariosh extends to Twa thowsand sevin hundreth aught pounds sextein shillingis money |
£2708.16.0 |
E106/1/1/206 |
[Page] 206 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Mortified furth of the preceiding sowm wtin [within] the pariosh of Cardrois as followes |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item to ane prebandrie furth of the lands of Mildiveing Sex pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] thriescoir sex pund threttein shillings four penies. mony |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item mortified to the Laird of Kilmahew for maintaining ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] at the chappel of Kilmahew fyftie thrie pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent extends wtin [within] the pariosh of Cardrois to One hundreth Twentie sex pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£126.13.4 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Sua the totall valuaun [valuatioun] of this pariosh besyd the mortificaun [mortificatioun] extends to Twa thowsand fyve hundreth Fourscoir twelff pounds twa shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£2592.2.8 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Luss pariosh |
E106/1/1/207 |
Laird of Luss For himselff and remanent heritors fewars lyfrentars propir wadsettars and wthris wtin [within] the pariosh of Luis their money rent doeth extend to one Thowsand fyve hundreth threttein pounds ane shilling four penies [pennies] |
£1513.1.4 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh aught chalder according to Lithgow prick mett at four pounds threttein shillings four penies [£4.13.4] the boll extends to Fyve hundreth fourscoir sevintein pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item of meill twelff chalder at four pounds ten shillings [£4.10.0] the boll extends to Aught hundreth thrie scoirfour pounds money |
£864.0.0 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of the victuall and money in the said pariosh of Luis extends to Twa Thowsand nyn hundreth thrie scoir fourtein pounds aught shillings |
£2974.8.0 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Mortified furth of the preceiding sowm wtin [within] the pariosh of Luis as followes |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item to the minister at Bonhill furth of the anexit lands disjoyned in the said parioch to the sd [said] parioch of Bonhill ane hundreth threttie thrie punds sex ss [shillings] aught ds [pence] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item payit to the colledg kirk of dumbarton aught punds |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item of elements fourtie punds |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/207 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] thriescoir sex punds threttein shillings four penies |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/207 |
[Page] 207 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent wtin [within] the pariosh of Luis extends to Twa hundreth fourtie aught pounds money |
£248.0.0 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Sua the totall Valuaun [Valuatioun] of the parish of Luis besyd the mortificaunes [mortificatiounes] extends to Twa thousand sevin hundreth Twentie sex pounds aught shilling |
£2726.8.0 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Rosneth pariosh |
E106/1/1/208 |
Marqueis of argyll For himselff and remanent heritors fewars lyfrenters propir wadsettars and wthris wtin [within] the pariosh of Rosneth their money rent wtin [within] the sd [said] pariosh doeth extend to the sowm of Sex hundreth and twelff pounds money |
£612.0.0 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh Sex chalder according to Lithgow prick mett at Four pounds threttein shillings four penies [£4.13.4] the boll extends to |
£448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Item of meill in the said pariosh at four pounds ten shillings [£4.10.0] the boll extends to the sowm of Ane thowsand Twa hundreth elivin pounds |
£1211.0.0 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of the Victuall and money in the sd [said] pariosh extends to the sowm of Twa thowsand twa hundreth threie scoir elivin pounds |
£2271.0.0 |
E106/1/1/208 |
mortified furth of the foirsaid sowm wtin [within] the pariosh of Rosneth as followes |
E106/1/1/208 |
Item for augmentaun [augmentatioun] of ane gleib to the minister In reguard he had formerlie but ane aicker of Land in money Threttie pounds |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] thrie scoir sex pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Item mortified furth of the lands of Knockderrie Barbor Sex pounds |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent of the pariosh of Rosneth extends to Ane hundreth twa pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£102.13.4 |
E106/1/1/208 |
Sua the totall Valuaun [Valuatioun] of this pariosh besyd the mortificaunes [mortificatiounes] extends to twa thousand ane hundreth thrie scoir aught pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£2168.6.8 |
E106/1/1/208 |
[Page] 208 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Row pariosh |
E106/1/1/209 |
Laird of Ardingaiple For himselff and remanent heritors fewars lyfrenters propir wadsettars and wthris wtin [within] the parioch of Row their money rent extends to nyne hundreth twentie ane pounds ten shillings sex penies [pennies] |
£921.10.6 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh aught chalder according to Lithgow prick mett at four pounds 13 shillings [£4.13.0] the boll extends to Fyve hundreth four scoir sevintein pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Item of meill in the said pariosh threttein chalder sevin bolls ane firlett at four lib ten shillings [£4.10.0the boll extends to nyn hundreth thrie scoir nyn pounds twa shillings sex penies [pennies] |
£969.2.6 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of the victuall and money in the said pariosh extends to Twa thousand four hundreth fourscoir sevin pounds nyntein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£2487.19.4 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Mortified furth of the foirsaid sowm as followes |
E106/1/1/209 |
Item quhairas the said pariosh of Row being ane pairt of the pariosh of Rosneth and now erectit in ane pariosh be it selff in ano [anno] 1643 yeirs and nothing being grantit for the stipend throf at that tym bot ane chalder of victuall and twa hundreth and fiftie merks [£166.13.4] of money and/ |
E106/1/1/209 |
/and now ane minister being admitit thair and hes obteinet of augmentaun [augmentatioun] be decreit of the Lordis of the comissioun [commissioun] for plantaun [plantatioun] of kirkis furth of the sd [said] pariosh of Row Thrie chalder of meill at four pounds ten shillings [£4.10.0] the boll extends to Twa hundreth sextein pounds |
£216.0.0 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Item of money ane hundreth pounds |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Item for the elements Twentie pounds |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] thrie scoir sex pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Item for ane manss and gleib to the minister Fourtie pounds |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Item mortified furth of the lands of Balernick and drumfade aught pounds |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/209 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiaun [mortificatioun] of this pariosh extends to Four hundreth fiftie pounds threttein ss [shillings] four penies [pennies] |
£450.13.4 |
E106/1/1/209 |
[Page] 209 |
E106/1/1/210 |
Suma [Summa] of the totall valuaun [valuatioun] of the pariosh of Ruw besyd the mortificatiounis extends to Twa thousand threttie sevin punds sex shillings |
£2037.6.0 |
E106/1/1/210 |
The mortified rent and price payet to his ma [majesties] exchequer wtin [within] this Schyr extends to Thrie thousand thrie hundreth thrie scoir ten punds mony 3ss [shillings] 4ds [pennies] |
£3370.3.4 |
E106/1/1/210 |
The totall of the present valuaun [valuatioun] of this Schyr besyd the mortified rent and qt [quhat] is payed to his ma [majesties] exchequer extends to threttie thrie thowsand fyve hundreth and fiftie punds aught shillings |
£33550.8.0 |
E106/1/1/210 |
[Page] 210
R Hammilton of Lornes
Hew Craufurd of Cloberhill
John fleming
R Colgrene
Lindsay of Bonill
W Bontein of Ardoch
John Dennestone of |
E106/1/1/211 |
[Page] 211
Valuation of Dumbartan
Shyrefdome 1650 |
E106/1/1/212 |
[Page] 212
The Roll of the Rent of the Shirreffdome of Pearth made and set doune by the Commissioners vnder Subscriving appointed for that effect by Act of the Estaites of Parlament of this Kingdome holden At Edinburghe the fourth of August Anno. one thousand Six hundreth fouirtie Nyne [4 Aug 1649] which Commissioners haueing met on the Twentie Sixt day of August Last [26 Aug 1648], And haueing Judicially given their othes to use their Best endeavours for a right and true Informatione of the Rents of the wholl Shyre and to proceed faithfully and Impartially In prosecuting their Commissione and instructions relating theirvnto which they haue carefully performed in every point: After Serious and mature deliberation they haue made and set doun the Roll following in Articles according to the Number of the Severall parishes within the said Shyre and haue cast up the Summes acording to the directione of the Parliament:
John Broune
A Menzeis off Comryes
J Kinloch
Williame Moncreiff
Robert Prestone |
E106/1/1/213 |
1. Erroll Parish |
E106/1/1/213 |
The money Rent in the parish of Erroll Extends to Tuo thousand Sixtie thrie pound two pennies Breviter |
£2063.0.2 |
E106/1/1/213 |
The victuall to Ane hundreth foure scoir Sixteine Chalderis According to the measure of LinLithgow prick mett Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat fiftie one Chalders at 6lt 16s 8d [£6.16.8] for ever boill Extends to fyue thousand fyue hundreth Seventie Six pound ut in Brevi |
£5576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/213 |
Beare Seventie Chalderis at the pryce off 4ll 16s 8d [£4.16.8] for Ilk Boill extends to fyue thousand foure hundreth thretein pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£5413.6.8 |
E106/1/1/213 |
Meall Seventie fyue Chalders at 4lb 5s [£4.5.0] for ilk Boill Extends to fyue thousand one hundreth pound Breviter |
£5100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/213 |
The Soume of the pryce off the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish of Erroll extends to Eightein thousand one hundreth fiftie two pound Six shilling ten pennies ut in Brevi |
£18152.6.10 |
E106/1/1/213 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/213 |
The fruitt & oards [orchards] In the said parish are worth yearlie Fyue hundreth merks Breviter |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/213 |
Payed In this parish yearlie one hundreth and Tuentie elnes of Lining Cloth at ten shillings [£0.10.0] for ilk elne extends to Sixtie pounds Breviter |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/213 |
Peyed In this parish Eightie Gies at threttein shilling fouire pennies [£0.13.4] for ilk Goose Extends to fiftie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/213 |
Suma [Summa] |
£446.13.4 |
E106/1/1/213 |
The wholl Rent in this parish Both Constant and casuall Extends to the Soume of Eightein thousand Fyue hundreth Nyntie Nyne pound two pennies ut in Brevi |
£18599.0.2 |
E106/1/1/213 |
[Page] 213
Roll of the Rent of The Presbitrie of Pearth
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/213 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/214 |
Tak teind and few duties peyed in the said Parish of Erroll |
E106/1/1/214 |
Off the Aboue wreattin Rent in the said parish Thair is peyed yearlie to my Lord Cowper of Blensh and few duties in money |
£165.10.10 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To him in victuall Threttie Boillis two firlots Blak otts of the Measure forsaid at the half price of meall extends to |
£56.6.4 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the Laird of Meginch of vicarge dutie |
£11.6.8 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the Laird of Inchmertein of few dutie |
£18.13.4 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the Lord Annandaill of teind dutie beLonging to the Abacie of Scone eightein Boillis ane firlot two peck Wheat of the measure and at the price forsaid Extends to |
£125.14.4 |
E106/1/1/214 |
Suma [Summa] |
£377.11.6 |
E106/1/1/214 |
Few and teind duties BeLonging to his majesties Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/214 |
To his Majesties Exchcquer of few dutie out of the said parish yearlie |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the Lords of Sessione |
£14.0.0 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the castell of Edinbrughe twa chalder four boillis twa firlots Wheat of the Measure and price forsaid extends to |
£249.8.4 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the said Castell thrie Chalderis foure boills on firlot Beare and two firlots thrie pecks meall of the measure and at the price forsaid extends to |
£255.9.6 |
E106/1/1/214 |
Suma [Summa] |
£529.7.10 |
E106/1/1/214 |
Mortified rents in the Parish of Erroll |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the minister of Erroll in money |
£294.8.8 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To him in victuall eight chalders elevin boillis two pecks Qroff [Quhairoff] eight Boillis two pecks wheat: thrie Chalderis thrie Boillis Beare foure Chalderis thrie Boillis two firlots Wheat otts twell boillis two firlots Black otts: off the Measure and at the price forsaid Extends to the Soume off |
£618.9.4 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the Scollmaister [schoolmaster] in Moneye |
£113.10.0 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the poore in Erroll |
£13.0.0 |
E106/1/1/214 |
To the hoispitall in Pearth |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/214 |
Suma [Summa] |
£1066.1.2 |
E106/1/1/214 |
The Sume of the duties BeLonging to his matie [majestie] Exchecquer and of the mortified rents extends to |
£1595.9.0 |
E106/1/1/214 |
Quich Being deduced from the tottall Soume of the Rent of the Said parish There Rests of frie rent within the said parish of Erroll The Soume of Seventein Thousand thrie pounds elevin shilling two pennies ut in Brevi |
£17003.11.2 |
E106/1/1/214 |
[Page] 214
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/215 |
2 Sainct madois Parish |
E106/1/1/215 |
The money Rent in the parish of Sainct madoes Extends to Six hundreth twentie pund Six shilling eight pennie breviter |
£620.6.8 |
E106/1/1/215 |
The victuall to Sixtein chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] one chalder eight boillis Wheat at the pryce forsaid extends to ane hundreth Sixtie four punds breviter |
£164.0.0 |
E106/1/1/215 |
off Beare Sevin chalders at the pryce forsaid extends to five hundreth fortie one punds six shillings eight penneis breviter |
£541.6.8 |
E106/1/1/215 |
off Meall Sevin chalders eight boillis at the pryce forsaid Extends to five hundreth & ten punds Brevitir |
£510.0.0 |
E106/1/1/215 |
The Soume off the price of the wholl victuall with the money rent in the said parish Extends to one Thousand eight hundreth thretie five punds threttien shillings fouir pennies Breviter |
£1835.13.4 |
E106/1/1/215 |
No tak nor few dueties peyed in this Parish |
E106/1/1/215 |
Mortified rents |
E106/1/1/215 |
Peyed to the Minister the wholle teind of the parish Extending to five hundreth Sixtie Six punds threttien shillings fouir pennies breviter |
£566.13.4 |
E106/1/1/215 |
The Soume of the mortified rent being deduced from the Totall Soume off the Rent in the said Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent within the said Parish of Sainct madois the Soume off one thousand two hundreth Sixtie Nyne punds ut in Brevi |
£1269.0.0 |
E106/1/1/215 |
[Page] 215
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/216 |
3 Killspindie Parish |
E106/1/1/216 |
The Money rent in this parish of killspindie Extends to One Thousand one hundreth & fiftie punds fouirtien shilling Breviter |
£1150.14.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
The victuall to Sevintie five chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] twell Chalders Wheat. of the Measure and pryce forsaid extends to One thousand thrie hundreth twell punds breviter |
£1312.0.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
Of Beare threttie five chalderis off the Measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Two thousand Sevin hundreth Six punds threttien shilling fouir pennies Breviter |
£2706.13.4 |
E106/1/1/216 |
Off Meall Twentie eight chalderis of the Measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] Extends to one thousand Nyne hundreth fouir pund Breviter |
£1904.0.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
The Soume off the price of the wholl victuall with the Money Rent in this Parish Extends to Sevin Thousand Seventie thrie pound Seven shilling fouir pennies ut in Brevi |
£7073.7.4 |
E106/1/1/216 |
Teind and few dueties in the said Parish |
E106/1/1/216 |
Off the Aboue wreattin Rent peyed to my Lord Kincarndine off teind dutie two boillis Wheat thrie boilis thrie firlots Beare off the Measure and pryce forsaid extends to |
£31.15.10 |
E106/1/1/216 |
To him of few dutie in money |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
Suma [Summa] |
£111.15.10 |
E106/1/1/216 |
Dueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/216 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of the said parish |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/216 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/216 |
To the Minister of kilspindie in money yearlie |
£68.0.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
To him in victuall Two Chalders Seven Boillis thrie firlots Beare, And fouir chalderis Six Boillis Twa firlots Meall at the Measure and pryce forsaid Extends to |
£491.15.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
To the Scollmaister in money |
£75.4.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
To the vnniversitie of St androis in money |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
Suma [Summa] |
£654.19.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
The Soume of the mortified rent and duetie peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer Extends to |
£681.12.4 |
E106/1/1/216 |
Quich Being deduced from the Tottall Soume of the Rent in the forsaid Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent within the said parish of Kilspindie the Soume off Six Thousand thrie hundreth Nyntie one pounds fifftein shilling ut in Brevi |
£6391.15.0 |
E106/1/1/216 |
[Page] 216
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/217 |
4 Kinfawnis Parish |
E106/1/1/217 |
The Money Rent in the parish of kinfawnis Extends to five hundreth Seventie Sevein pound threttein shilling Breviter |
£577.13.0 |
E106/1/1/217 |
The victual to Eightie fouir chalderis Eight Bollis Qroff [Quhairoff] off Wheat Ten chalderis four boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to One thousand one hundreth & twentie pounds threttein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£1120.13.4 |
E106/1/1/217 |
of Beare threttie nyne chalderis at the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Thrie thousand Sixtie pound Breviter |
£3016.0.0 |
E106/1/1/217 |
off Meall Threttie fyve chalderis four boillis off the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Two thousand thrie hundreth Nyntie Seven pound Breviter |
£2397.0.0 |
E106/1/1/217 |
The Soume of the price of the Wholl victuall with the Money Rent in the said parish Extends to Seven Thousand one hundreth & elleven pound Six shilling fouir pennies ut in Brevi |
£7111.6.4 |
E106/1/1/217 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/217 |
Off the Rent Aboue wrettin Peyed to my Lord Balmirenoch of tak teind dutie |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/217 |
To the Lord Balvaird of tak teind and few dutie |
£122.0.0 |
E106/1/1/217 |
Suma [Summa] |
£162.0.0 |
E106/1/1/217 |
Mortified rents |
E106/1/1/217 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie in money |
£169.3.0 |
E106/1/1/217 |
To him in victuall Six Chalders two pairt meall thrie pairt Beare at the Measure and pryce forsaid extends to |
£426.13.4 |
E106/1/1/217 |
To him of Wheat fyve boillis Extends to |
£34.3.4 |
E106/1/1/217 |
To the Scollmaister yearlie in money |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/217 |
Suma [Summa] |
£663.6.4 |
E106/1/1/217 |
This Soume of mortified rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in the forsaid parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said parish of Kinfawnis The Soume off Six Thousand foure hundreth fourtie eight pound ut in Brevi |
£6448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/217 |
[Page] 217
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/218 |
5 Kinnoull Parish |
E106/1/1/218 |
The money Rent in the parish of kinnoull Extends to Nyne hundreth twentie thrie pound fiftein Shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£923.15.6 |
E106/1/1/218 |
The victuall to Sixtie two chalders Qraff [Quharaff] off Wheat two chaldrs [chalders] twell Boillis of the Measur and pryce forsaid extends to Thrie hundreth pound threttein shilling four pennies Breviter |
£300.13.4 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Off Beare Threttie eight Chalderis four boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends tto Two thousand Nyne hundreth fiftie eight pounds Breviter |
£2958.0.0 |
E106/1/1/218 |
off Meall Twentie on chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to One thousand fouire hundreth twentie eight pound Breviter |
£1428.0.0 |
E106/1/1/218 |
The Soume of the price of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in the said Parish Extends to Fyve Thousand Six hundreth ten pound eight shilling ten pennies Breviter |
£5610.8.10 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Casulities |
E106/1/1/218 |
The fishings in this parish ar worth yearlie |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Peyed in this parish yearle tuentie fyue Gies at 13sh 4d [£0.13.4] for ilk Goose extends to |
£16.13.4 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Peyed in the said Parish yearlie fiftie elnes of Lining Cloth at Ten shilling [£.0.10.0] for ilk ell extends to |
£25.0.0 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Suma [Summa] |
£175.0.0 |
E106/1/1/218 |
The wholl Rent in the said Parish Both constant and casuall extends to the soume of fyue thousand Seven hundreth eightie fyue pound eight shilling ten pennies breviter |
£5785.8.10 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/218 |
Off the above wreatten Rent Peyed to Inchmartein of teind & few dutie |
£116.13.4 |
E106/1/1/218 |
To the Laird of Duncrub of few dutie |
£4.0.0 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Suma [Summa] |
£120.13.4 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/218 |
To the Minister of Kinniowle yeirlie in money |
£594.5.4 |
E106/1/1/218 |
To him in victuall Six boillis one firlat twa pecks Beare and twell boillis thrie firlats Meall of the measiere and pryces forsaid ex [extends] to |
£85.0.0 |
E106/1/1/218 |
To the Scollmaister in money |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/218 |
To the Vnniversitie of Sanct androis in money |
£8.6.8 |
E106/1/1/218 |
Suma [Summa] |
£754.5.4 |
E106/1/1/218 |
This Soume of mortified Rent Being Deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in the forsaid Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Parish of Kinnoull the Soume off Fyue thousand threttie one pound thrie shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi |
£5031.3.6 |
E106/1/1/218 |
[Page] 218
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/219 |
6. Scoone Parish |
E106/1/1/219 |
The Money rent in the parish of Scone Extends to the Soume off Two thousand fouire hundreth & fiftie pound thretein shilling ten pennies Breviter |
£2450.13.10 |
E106/1/1/219 |
The victuall to fiftie foure Chalderis Eight boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] off Beare twentie thrie Chalderis eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand eight hundreth Seventien pound Six shilling eight penneis Breviter |
£1817.6.8 |
E106/1/1/219 |
Off Wheat Eight Boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fiftie fouire pounds thretien shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£54.13.4 |
E106/1/1/219 |
Off Meall Threttie Chalders eight Boillis of the Measure and pryce forsaid Extends to two thousand Seventie foure pounds Breviter |
£2074.0.0 |
E106/1/1/219 |
The Soume of the price off the wholl victualll with the money Rent in this parish Extends to Six thousand thrie hundreth Nyntie Six pound thretein shilling ten pennies Breviter |
£6396.13.10 |
E106/1/1/219 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/219 |
Off the aboue wreattin rent Thair is peyed to my Lord Calvein off few dutie In Money |
£64.1.4 |
E106/1/1/219 |
To the Earle of Annandaill of few dutie In Money |
£173.4.0 |
E106/1/1/219 |
To him of teind dyetie In victuall foure Chalderis eight boillis thrie firlots of Beare, foure Chalderis Six boills off Meall of the measurevand pryce forsaid Extends to |
£649.3.0 |
E106/1/1/219 |
Suma [Summa] |
£886.8.4 |
E106/1/1/219 |
Dueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/219 |
Payed to his Matie [Majestie] Exchecquer yearlie out of the Abacie of Scoone |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/219 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/219 |
Peyed to the minister off Scoone yearlie in money |
£40.19.0 |
E106/1/1/219 |
To him In victuall twa Chalderis Beare and fyve Chalderis Elleven Boillis Meall off the Measure and pryces forsaid extends to |
£541.8.4 |
E106/1/1/219 |
To the Scoollmaister In Money |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/219 |
To him in victuall Eight Boillis Meall extends to |
£34.0.0 |
E106/1/1/219 |
To the Minister of Kilspindie in Money |
£25.13.4 |
E106/1/1/219 |
To him in victuall two Boillis Meall extends to |
£8.10.0 |
E106/1/1/219 |
To the Minister of Caithnes foure Boillis twa firlots an peck halff Meall halff Beare extends to |
£20.14.0 |
E106/1/1/219 |
Suma [Summa] |
£705.11.4 |
E106/1/1/219 |
The Soume of the mortified with the duties peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer extends to |
£1372.4.8 |
E106/1/1/219 |
This Soume Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in the forsaid Parish. Thair Rests of frie Rent within the said Parish of Scone the Soume off fyue Thousand twentie foure pounds Nyne Shilling two pennies Breviter |
£5024.9.2 |
E106/1/1/219 |
[Page] 219
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/220 |
7 Sainct mairtines Parish |
E106/1/1/220 |
The Money Rent in the parish of Sainct martines Extends to the Sowme off One thousand foure hundreth thretie nyne pound twell Shillings eight pennies Breviter |
£1439.12.8 |
E106/1/1/220 |
The victuall to Eight Chalderis four Boillis halff Meall halff Beare Extends to fyue hundreth Nyntie pounds ten shillings Breviter |
£599.10.0 |
E106/1/1/220 |
The Soume off the price of the wholl victuall worth the Money Rent in this Parish Extends to Two thousand threttie Nyne pounds two shillings eight pennies Breviter |
£2039.2.8 |
E106/1/1/220 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/220 |
off the Rent aboue wreattin Thair is peyed yearlie To the Earle off Atholl of few dutie |
£9.13.4 |
E106/1/1/220 |
To the Laird of Evilick of few duetie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/220 |
Suma [Summa] |
£29.13.4 |
E106/1/1/220 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/220 |
To the Minister off this Parish yearlie in Money |
£214.14.6 |
E106/1/1/220 |
To him for Comvnione Elements |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/220 |
Suma [Summa] |
£228.1.2 |
E106/1/1/220 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent being Deduced from the Totall Soume off the Rent off this Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent within the said parish of Sainct martines the Soume off Ane thousand eight hundreth elleven pounds one shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£1811.1.6 |
E106/1/1/220 |
[Page] 220
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/221 |
8 Cambusmichell Parish |
E106/1/1/221 |
The money Rent in the parish of Cambusmichell Extends to the Soume off one thousand one hundreth & Seven pounds Sixtein Shillings fouire pennies Breviter |
£1107.16.4 |
E106/1/1/221 |
The victuall to foure Chalderis one boill halff Meall halff Beare of the Measure and pryce forsaid extends to two hundreth Nyntie fyue pounds thrie shilling Six penneis Breviter |
£295.3.6 |
E106/1/1/221 |
The Soume off the price of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish Extends to one thousand fouire hundreth & two pounds Nyntein shilling ten pennies ut in Brevi |
£1402.19.10 |
E106/1/1/221 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/221 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin Thair is peyed to my Lord Annandaill of teind duetie Eight Boillis one firlot halff Meall halff Beare Extends to |
£37.8.4 |
E106/1/1/221 |
To him of few dutie In Money |
£57.6.8 |
E106/1/1/221 |
Suma [Summa] |
£94.15.0 |
E106/1/1/221 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/221 |
Peyed to the the Minister yearlie in money |
£6.14.4 |
E106/1/1/221 |
To him In victuall ane chalder ane firlot ane peck halff meale halff Beare And one chalder ten boillis two pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare Extending to |
£189.12.6 |
E106/1/1/221 |
Suma [Summa] |
£196.6.10 |
E106/1/1/221 |
The Soume of mortified Rent being Deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Parish of Cambusmichell The Soume off Ane thousand twa hundreth & Six pounds thretein shillings Breviter |
£1206.13.0 |
E106/1/1/221 |
[Page] 221
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/222 |
9 Collace Parish |
E106/1/1/222 |
The Money Rent in this parish of Collace extends to the Soume off ane hundreth fiftein pounds fyuie shilling fouire pennies breviter |
£115.5.4 |
E106/1/1/222 |
The victuall to Sixtein Chalder elevein Boillis halff Meall halff Beare Extends to: one thousand two hundreth twell pounds twell shilling Six penneis Breviter |
£1212.12.6 |
E106/1/1/222 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in the Parish Extends to one thousand thrie hundreth twentie Seven pound Seventein shilling ten pennies ut in Brevi |
£1327.17.10 |
E106/1/1/222 |
No teind nor few dueties in this Parish bot what is Motified to the Church: |
E106/1/1/222 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/222 |
To the Minister yearlie In Money |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/222 |
To him In victuall foure Boills Meall extends to |
£17.0.0 |
E106/1/1/222 |
Suma [Summa] |
£350.6.8 |
E106/1/1/222 |
The Soume of mortified Rent Being Deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests off Frie Rent in the said Parish of Collace the Sowme off Nyne hundreth Seventie Seven pounds elleven shillings two pennies ut in Brevi |
£977.11.2 |
E106/1/1/222 |
[Page] 222
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/223 |
10: Methven Parish |
E106/1/1/223 |
The money Rent in the parish off Methven extends to the Soume off two thousand Seventie fyuie pounds Seventein shillings fouire pennies Breviter |
£2075.17.4 |
E106/1/1/223 |
The victuall to Seventie thrie Chalders Qroff [Quhairoff] off Meall fortie fyuie Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to thrie thousand & Sixtie pounds Breviter |
£3060.0.0 |
E106/1/1/223 |
Off Beare Twentie eight Chalderis Six boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand one hundreth Nyntie fouire pounds Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£2194.6.8 |
E106/1/1/223 |
The Soume off the price off the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to Seven thousand thrie hundreth and threttie pounds fouire shillings Breviter |
£7330.4.0 |
E106/1/1/223 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/223 |
Off the Rent Aboue wreattin Thair is peyed of teind duetie to the Duke of Lennox in victuall Nyne Chalderis Seven boillis two pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare extending to |
£671.2.4 |
E106/1/1/223 |
To him of few duetie In money |
£181.0.0 |
E106/1/1/223 |
To the Laird of Balgown of few duetie |
£5.6.8 |
E106/1/1/223 |
Suma [Summa] |
£857.9.0 |
E106/1/1/223 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/223 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchequer yearlie out of this Parish |
£34.13.4 |
E106/1/1/223 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/223 |
Peyed to the Minister off Methven In Money yearlie |
£178.13.4 |
E106/1/1/223 |
To him In victuall eight Chalderis on Boill on firlot twa pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare off the measure and pryce forsaid extends to |
£574.8.8 |
E106/1/1/223 |
To the Scollmaister In money yearlie |
£75.0.0 |
E106/1/1/223 |
Suma [Summa] |
£828.2.0 |
E106/1/1/223 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchaquer with the mortified Rents in this Parish extends to |
£862.15.4 |
E106/1/1/223 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume off the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Pairsh of Methven the Soume of Six thousand fouire hundreth Sixtie Seven pounds eight shillings eight pennies Brevitar |
£6467.8.8 |
E106/1/1/223 |
[Page] 223
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/224 |
11 Regortoun Parish |
E106/1/1/224 |
The money Rent in the parish of Regorton extends to the Sowme off Two thousand & Seventie pound Breviter |
£2070.0.0 |
E106/1/1/224 |
The victual to twell Chalderis twell Boillis twa pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Nyne hundreth & Six pound threttein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£906.13.4 |
E106/1/1/224 |
The Soume of the price of the wholl victuall with the Money Rent in this Parish Extends to two thousand Nyne hundreth Seventie Six pound thretein shilling fouire pennies ut in Brevi |
£2976.13.4 |
E106/1/1/224 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/224 |
Off the aboue wreattin Rent is peyed to the Laird of Strathuire of few duetie |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/224 |
To the Laird of Inchmertein of few dutie |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/224 |
To the Laird of Cromlex of the rent belonging to the Bishoprick of Dumbleane |
£14.0.0 |
E106/1/1/224 |
Suma [Summa] |
£63.6.8 |
E106/1/1/224 |
Dueties beLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/224 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer out of this parish yearlie |
£39.19.0 |
E106/1/1/224 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/224 |
Peyed yearlie to the Minister of Regortoun In Money |
£316.0.2 |
E106/1/1/224 |
To him In victual Seventein Boillis twa pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare extending to the Soume off |
£75.11.2 |
E106/1/1/224 |
Suma [Summa] |
£391.11.4 |
E106/1/1/224 |
The Soume of the the mortified Rent in this Parish to with the dueties peyed to the Execr [Exchecquer] extends to |
£431.10.4 |
E106/1/1/224 |
Quich Being Deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said Parish of Regortoun The Soume off two thousand fyiue hundreth fourtie fyiue pounds thrie shilling Breviter |
£2545.3.0 |
E106/1/1/224 |
[Page] 224
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/225 |
12. Tibbermuire Parish |
E106/1/1/225 |
The Money Rent in the parish of tibermuire extends to thrie thousand pound two shillings Breviter |
£3000.2.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
The victuall to fourtie fyuie Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare twentie two chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to One thousand Seven hundreth & one pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1701.6.8 |
E106/1/1/225 |
Meall twentie thrie Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand fyuie hundreth Sixtie foure pounds Breviter |
£1564.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
The Soume off the price off the wholl victuall with the money Rent of this Parish extends to Six thousand two hundreth Sixtie fyuie pounds eight Shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£6265.8.8 |
E106/1/1/225 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/225 |
Off the aboue Wreattin Rent Thair is peyed of tak teind duetie to the Earle of Tullibardine twell boillis victual two pairt meall thrie pairt beare extends to |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/225 |
To the Bashope of Dunkelld Sucessors of few dutie |
£145.13.4 |
E106/1/1/225 |
Suma [Summa] |
£199.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/225 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/225 |
To the Minister of Tibermuire of yearlie In victuall Six Chalderis Two pairt Wheat thrie pairt Beare extends to |
£426.13.4 |
E106/1/1/225 |
To the Scollmaister [schoolmaster] in money yearlie |
£34.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
To the Minister off Tibermuire yearlie foure Boillis meall extends to |
£17.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
To the Minister of Regortoun foure Boillis Meall extends to |
£17.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
To the kirk of Dunkell in money yearlie |
£14.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
To the hospitall of Pearth yearlie in money |
£29.6.8 |
E106/1/1/225 |
To the hamberMen of Edinburghe |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
Suma [Summa] |
£558.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
The dueties payed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the Mortified rents in this Parish extends to |
£1564.0.0 |
E106/1/1/225 |
Quich Being Deduced from the totall Soume off the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Parish of Tibermure the Soume off fyuie thousand Seven hundreth & One pounds eight Shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£5701.8.8 |
E106/1/1/225 |
[Page] 225
John Broune |
E106/1/1/226 |
13 Aberdallgie Parish |
E106/1/1/226 |
The haill money Rent in the parish of aberdallgie extends to the Sowme of foure hundreth eightie fyuie pounds one shilling breviter |
£485.1.0 |
E106/1/1/226 |
The victuall to thretie Chalderis halff Meall half Beare of the Measure and pryce extends to Two thousand Six hundreth eightie eight pounds thretein shillings fouire pennies Breviter |
£2688.13.4 |
E106/1/1/226 |
The Soume of the price of the haill victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to thrie thousand one hundreth Seventie thrie pounds fouiretein shillings fouire pennies ut in Brevi |
£3173.14.4 |
E106/1/1/226 |
Casuall Rent |
E106/1/1/226 |
The yeards in this parish ar worth yearlie |
£166.13.4 |
E106/1/1/226 |
The fishing In this parish is worth |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/226 |
Suma [Summa] |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/226 |
The wholl Rent in this Parish both Casuall and constant extends to the Sowme off thrie thousand thrie hundreth Seventie thrie pounds fouirtein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£3373.14.4 |
E106/1/1/226 |
Few duties |
E106/1/1/226 |
Off the Rent aboue wreatin Thair is peyed to the Bishop of dunkels Sucessoris |
£45.0.0 |
E106/1/1/226 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/226 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie in victuall fourtie boillis twa pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare extends to |
£177.15.0 |
E106/1/1/226 |
To him in Money yearlie |
£138.13.4 |
E106/1/1/226 |
Suma [Summa] |
£316.8.4 |
E106/1/1/226 |
The Soume of mortified Rent Being Deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish of Aberdallgie the Soume off Thrie thousand fiftie Seven pounds Six shilling ut in Brevi |
£3057.6.0 |
E106/1/1/226 |
[Page] 226
John Broune |
E106/1/1/227 |
14 Pearth Parish |
E106/1/1/227 |
The money Rent in the parish of pearth extends to the Soume off one thousand Six hundreth eightie Six Pounds Sixtein shilling four pennies breviter |
£1686.16.4 |
E106/1/1/227 |
The victuall to eightie one Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare fouirtie Nyne Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Thrie thousand Seven hundreth eightie eight pounds Breviter |
£3788.0.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
Meall threttie two Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand one hundreth Seventie Six pound Breviter |
£2176.0.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish Extends to Seven thousand Six hundreth fiftie pounds Sixtein shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£7650.16.4 |
E106/1/1/227 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/227 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin Thair is peyed to my Lord Annandaill of few duitie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
To the Earle of Tullibardine of few duetie |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
Suma [Summa] |
£28.0.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/227 |
Peyed to the Minister of Pearth yearlie ten Chalderis victuall Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare foure Chalderis and Meall Six Chalderis at the Measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Soume off |
£717.6.8 |
E106/1/1/227 |
To the hoispitall of Pearth in money |
£75.8.4 |
E106/1/1/227 |
To the Said hoispitall two boillis Meall extends to |
£8.10.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
To the Brughe of Pearth In money |
£2.0.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
To the said Brughe eight Chalderis halff Meall halff Beare of the the measure and pryce forsaid extends to |
£581.6.8 |
E106/1/1/227 |
To the vniuersitie of Saintandrois of tak teind duetie |
£42.0.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
To the Scollmaister [schoolmaster] of Pearth |
£103.14.8 |
E106/1/1/227 |
Suma [Summa] |
£1530.6.4 |
E106/1/1/227 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent Being Deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the Said Parish of Pearth the Soume of Six Thousand one hundreth twentie pounds ten shilling Breviter |
£6120.10.0 |
E106/1/1/227 |
[Page] 227
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/228 |
15 Rynd Parish |
E106/1/1/228 |
The money Rent in the pariish of Rhynd extends to the Soume off Nyne hundreth Seventie eight pound thrie shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£978.3.8 |
E106/1/1/228 |
The victuall to threttie Seven Chalderis eight Boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat fouire Chalderis Six boillis at the measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Sowme off fouir hundreth Seventie eight pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£478.6.8 |
E106/1/1/228 |
Beare fouirtein Chalderis at the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand eightie two pound thretein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£1082.13.4 |
E106/1/1/228 |
Meall Nyntein Chalderis two boillis of the measure and prycr forsaid extends to one thousand thrie hundreth pound ten shilling Breviter |
£1300.10.0 |
E106/1/1/228 |
The Soume of the price of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to thrie thousand eight hundreth threttie Nyne pound thretein shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£3839.13.8 |
E106/1/1/228 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/228 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin Thair is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Kellie of few duetie |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/228 |
To him In victuall twentie Seven Boillis one firlot twa pairt meall thrie pairt Beare extends to |
£126.12.6 |
E106/1/1/228 |
To my Lord Balvaird of few duetie |
£89.0.0 |
E106/1/1/228 |
Suma [Summa] |
£295.12.6 |
E106/1/1/228 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/228 |
Peyed to the Minister In money yearlie |
£135.0.0 |
E106/1/1/228 |
To him In victuall two Chalderis halff Meall halff Beare extends to |
£145.7.0 |
E106/1/1/228 |
for Comvnione elements |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/228 |
To the Schollmaister In money |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/228 |
Suma [Summa] |
£342.7.0 |
E106/1/1/228 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent Being Deduced from the Tottall Soume of the Rent in the Pairsh, Thair Rests off Frie Rent in the said parish of Rynd the Soume off thrie thousand fouire hundreth Nyntie Seven pound Six Shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£3497.6.8 |
E106/1/1/228 |
[Page] 228
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/229 |
16 Aberneathie Pairsh |
E106/1/1/229 |
The Money Rent in the pairsh of Abernethie extends to the Soume off Two thousand one hundreth thretie thrie pound fouire shilling ten pennies breviter |
£2133.4.10 |
E106/1/1/229 |
The victuall to Seventie one Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat Six chalderis foure boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Six hundreth Eightie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£683.6.8 |
E106/1/1/229 |
Beare threttie Chalderis eight Boillis of the measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] extends to two thousand eight hundreth twentie two pound thretein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£2822.13.4 |
E106/1/1/229 |
Meall twentie eight Chalderis fouire boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand Nyne hundreth twentie one pounds breviter |
£1921.0.0 |
E106/1/1/229 |
The Soume of the price of the wholl victaull with the money Rent in this Parish extends to Seven thousand fyiue hundreth Sixtie pound fouire shilling ten pennies ut in Brevi |
£7560.4.10 |
E106/1/1/229 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/229 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie to my Lord balvaird of tak teind duetie in money |
£106.0.0 |
E106/1/1/229 |
To him of victuall ten firlots two pecks Beare and thrie boillis thrie firlots meall extending to |
£28.12.6 |
E106/1/1/229 |
To my Lord Balmirinoch of few dutie |
£21.6.8 |
E106/1/1/229 |
To my Lord Anguis of few duetie In money |
£188.9.10 |
E106/1/1/229 |
To him in victuall twa Chalderis fiftein boillis thrie pecks Beare extending to |
£228.1.4 |
E106/1/1/229 |
Suma [Summa] |
£572.10.4 |
E106/1/1/229 |
Dueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/229 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecque yearlie out of this pairsh |
£58.6.8 |
E106/1/1/229 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/229 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In Money |
£168.10.0 |
E106/1/1/229 |
To him in victuall Two Boillis Wheat thrie Chalderis Meall and one Chalder Beare extending to |
£295.0.0 |
E106/1/1/229 |
To the Scoollmaister In Money |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/229 |
Suma [Summa] |
£503.10.0 |
E106/1/1/229 |
The dueties Belonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this Pairsh extends to |
£561.16.8 |
E106/1/1/229 |
Quich Being Deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said pairsh of Abernethie the Sowme off Six twosand Nyne hundreth Nyntie eight pound eight shilling two pennies Breviter |
£6998.8.2 |
E106/1/1/229 |
[Page] 229
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/230 |
17 Droone Pairsh |
E106/1/1/230 |
The money Rent in the parish of droone extends to the Soume off eight hundreth eightie Nyne pound Nyne shillings fouire pennies Breviter |
£889.9.4 |
E106/1/1/230 |
The victuall to threttie Seven Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat Seven Chalderis foure Boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Seven hundreth Nyntie two pound thretein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£792.13.4 |
E106/1/1/230 |
Beare fouirtein Chalderis eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] extends to one thousand one hundreth twentie one pounds Six shillings eight pennies Breviter |
£1121.6.8 |
E106/1/1/230 |
Meall fiftein Chalderis fouire Boillis of the measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] extends to one thousand thretie Seven pound Breviter |
£1037.0.0 |
E106/1/1/230 |
The Soume of the price of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Pairsh extends to thrie thousand eight hundreth & fourtie pound Nyne shillings fouire pennies Breviter |
£3840.9.4 |
E106/1/1/230 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/230 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie of teind duetie to Earle of Anguis foure boillis Wheat eight boillis thrie firlots thrie Lippies Beare elleven boillis thrie pecks thrie Lippies Meall extending In all to the Sowme off |
£117.12.0 |
E106/1/1/230 |
To the said Lord Anguis of few duetie |
£1.0.0 |
E106/1/1/230 |
To the Laird of Balmano of few dutie |
£74.13.4 |
E106/1/1/230 |
Suma [Summa] |
£193.5.4 |
E106/1/1/230 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/230 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/230 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/230 |
Peyed to the Minister of this pairsh yearlie in money |
£203.11.0 |
E106/1/1/230 |
to him in victuall thrie Boillis thrie firlots thrie Lippies Wheat Seventein Boillis thrie firlots Meall fouirtein boillis Beare extending In all to the Soume off |
£169.1.0 |
E106/1/1/230 |
Suma [Summa] |
£372.12.0 |
E106/1/1/230 |
The dueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rents in this Pairsh extends to the soume off |
£439.5.4 |
E106/1/1/230 |
Quich being deduced from the totall Soume off the Rent in this Pairsh Thair Rests of Frie Rent within the said Pairsh of droone thrie thousand fouire hundreth and one pound fouire shilling Breviter |
£3401.4.0 |
E106/1/1/230 |
[Page] 230
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/231 |
18. Dumbarnie Parish |
E106/1/1/231 |
The money Rent in the parish of Dumbarnie extends to the Soume off one thousand eight hundreth Sixtie fyuie pound ten shilling ten pennies braviter |
£1865.10.10 |
E106/1/1/231 |
The victuall to Seventie on chalderis Six boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat Six Chalderis two bollis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Seven hundreth thretie eight pound breviter |
£738.0.0 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Meall Threttie Nyne Chalders foure Boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand Six hundreth Sixtie Nyne pound breviter |
£2669.0.0 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Beare twentie fyiue Chalderis of the Measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand Nyne hundreth thretie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1933.6.8 |
E106/1/1/231 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to Seven thousand two hundreth and fyuie pound Seventein shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£7205.17.6 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/231 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Mar of few dutie |
£41.7.0 |
E106/1/1/231 |
To the Earle of Annandaill of few duetie |
£3.0.0 |
E106/1/1/231 |
To the Laird of Aldie of Few duetie |
£30.13.4 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Suma [Summa] |
£75.0.4 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/231 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/231 |
To the toun off Edinburgh the wholle teind off this pairsh Qch [Quhich] is Threttein Chalderis one boill twa firlots on peck thrie Lippies Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat eight Boillis thrie firlots thrie pecks thrie Lippies extends to |
£61.1.6 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Meall eight Chalderis two boillis two firlots on peck two lippies extending to |
£555.0.4 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Beare foure Chalderis Six boillis twa Lippies extending to |
£338.9.8 |
E106/1/1/231 |
And In money |
£63.6.8 |
E106/1/1/231 |
To the hospitall of pearth |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/231 |
To the minister of DunbLeane |
£11.6.8 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Suma [Summa] |
£1035.18.2 |
E106/1/1/231 |
The duetie BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in the parish extends to |
£1042.11.6 |
E106/1/1/231 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Parish of Dumbarnie the Soume off Six thousand one hundreth Sixtie thrie pounds Six shillings ut in Brevi |
£6163.6.0 |
E106/1/1/231 |
[Page] 231
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/232 |
19. Forgundeny Parish |
E106/1/1/232 |
The Money Rent in the parish of forgundeny extends to the Soume off one thousand fouire hundreth fouirtie Seven pound fiftein shilling four pennies Breviter |
£1447.15.4 |
E106/1/1/232 |
The victuall to fiftie Seven Chalderis eight Boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat threttie fyue Chalders eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand four hundreth fourtein pound breviter |
£2414.0.0 |
E106/1/1/232 |
Beare twentie two Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand Seven hundreth one pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1701.6.8 |
E106/1/1/232 |
The Soume of the pryce of the Wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to fyuie thousand fyuie hundreth Sixtie thrie pound two shillings ut in Brevi |
£5563.2.0 |
E106/1/1/232 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/232 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the Laird of Keir of few dutie yearlie |
£141.6.8 |
E106/1/1/232 |
To the Earle of Drumfries of few duetie |
£5.0.0 |
E106/1/1/232 |
To the Earle of Wigtoune of few duetie |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/232 |
To Mr Laurance olyphant of few dutie |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/232 |
Suma [Summa] |
£168.6.8 |
E106/1/1/232 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/232 |
Peyed to the Minister In Money yearlie |
£439.1.4 |
E106/1/1/232 |
To him in Victuall foure boillis thrie firlots an Lippie Beare And fouirtein boillis an firlot meall extending to |
£83.13.2 |
E106/1/1/232 |
To the Scollmaister in money |
£46.8.0 |
E106/1/1/232 |
To the Chapland of St maries chapell |
£17.15.6 |
E106/1/1/232 |
Suma [Summa] |
£586.18.0 |
E106/1/1/232 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Parish of forgundeny The Soume off fouire thousand Nyne hundreth Seventie Six pound fouir shillings ut in Brevi |
£4976.4.0 |
E106/1/1/232 |
[Page] 232
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/233 |
20. Fortaviot Parish |
E106/1/1/233 |
The money rent in the parish of fortaviot extends to the Soume off two thousand one hundreth fiftie thrie pound ten pennies Breviter |
£2153.0.10 |
E106/1/1/233 |
The victuall to Sextie fyuie Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat two: Chalderis twell boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to thrie hundreth pounds thretein shilling fouir pennies Breviter |
£300.13.4 |
E106/1/1/233 |
Beare twentie Seven Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand eightie eight punds breviter |
£2088.0.0 |
E106/1/1/233 |
Meall threttie fyuie Chalders foure Boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand thrie hundreth Nyntie Seven pound Breviter |
£2397.0.0 |
E106/1/1/233 |
The Soume off the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent of this Parish extends to Six thousand nyne hundreth thretie eight pounds fouretein shilling two pennies ut in Brevi |
£6938.14.2 |
E106/1/1/233 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/233 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the Abot off Inchaffra of few dutie |
£36.6.8 |
E106/1/1/233 |
To the Earle of Mar of few duetie |
£1.4.0 |
E106/1/1/233 |
To the Laird of Balhouzie of tak tend duetie |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/233 |
Suma [Summa] |
£97.10.8 |
E106/1/1/233 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/233 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie in money |
£288.10.0 |
E106/1/1/233 |
To him In victuall two Chalderis Seven boillis meall And one Chalder Seven boillis Beare extending to |
£276.18.4 |
E106/1/1/233 |
To the vniuersitie of Saintandrois In money |
£199.6.8 |
E106/1/1/233 |
To the said vniuersitie In victuall fouire Chalderis ellevin Boillis halff Meall halff Beare extends to |
£340.12.6 |
E106/1/1/233 |
Suma [Summa] |
£1105.7.6 |
E106/1/1/233 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests off Frie Rent in the said Parish of Fortaviot the Soume off Fyuie thousand eight hundreth thretie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£5833.6.8 |
E106/1/1/233 |
[Page] 233
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/234 |
21 Orvaill Parish |
E106/1/1/234 |
The Money Rent in the parish of orvaill extends to the Soume off eight hundreth Seventie Seven pund two shillings ten pennies Breviter |
£877.2.10 |
E106/1/1/234 |
The victuall to Eight Chalderis Nyne boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare two Chalderis two Boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Soume off one hundreth Sixtie four pound Six Shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£164.6.8 |
E106/1/1/234 |
Meall Six Chalderis Seven Boillis off the measure and price forsaid extends to foure hundreth thretie Seven pound fifteine shilling ut in Brevi |
£437.15.0 |
E106/1/1/234 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to one thousand fouir hundreth Seventie Nyne pounds fouire shillings Six pennies Breviter |
£1479.4.6 |
E106/1/1/234 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/234 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin Thair is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Mortoune of few duetie |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/234 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/234 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie in money |
£56.6.8 |
E106/1/1/234 |
To him in victuall twentie Six boillis Meall And Nyne boills Beare extending to |
£154.0.0 |
E106/1/1/234 |
To the Scollmaister In money |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/234 |
Suma [Summa] |
£217.0.0 |
E106/1/1/234 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests off Frie Rent in the said Pairsh of orvaill the Soume off One thousand two hundreth Sixtie two pound fouire shilling Six penneis ut in brevi |
£1262.4.6 |
E106/1/1/234 |
[Page] 234
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/235 |
22. Arnegosk Pairsh |
E106/1/1/235 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of Arnegosk extends to the Sowme off one Thousand one hundreth fouretie eight pound fiftein shilling Breviter |
£1148.15.0 |
E106/1/1/235 |
The victuall to Ten Boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Six boullis Meall and foure boillis Beare of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fouirtie fouire pounds Sixtein shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£44.16.8 |
E106/1/1/235 |
The Soume off the pryce off the haill victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to one thousand one hundreth Nyntie thrie pounds ellevin shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£1193.11.8 |
E106/1/1/235 |
Teind dueties |
E106/1/1/235 |
Off the aboue wreattin Rent there is peyed yearlie to the Abot of Cabuskeneth of teind dutie |
£64.0.0 |
E106/1/1/235 |
Deueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/235 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out off this pairsh |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/235 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/235 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In money the Soume off |
£88.6.8 |
E106/1/1/235 |
To him in victuall Six boilis meall and foure Boillis beare extending to |
£44.16.8 |
E106/1/1/235 |
Suma [Summa] |
£133.3.4 |
E106/1/1/235 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rents in this Parish extends to the Soume off |
£159.16.8 |
E106/1/1/235 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Pairsh Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Pairsh of Arnegosk the Soume off one thousand thretie thrie pounds fiftein shillings ut in Brevi |
£1033.15.0 |
E106/1/1/235 |
[Page] 235
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/236 |
The wholl Rent in the Presbitrie off Pearth Both Constant and Casuall Extends to the Soume of One hundreth Sixtein Thousand Seven hundreth Eightie Nyne pound foure shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi |
£116789.04.6 |
E106/1/1/236 |
It [Item] Quhairoff to be deduced the dueties Peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer Extending to the Soume off one thousand Fouire hundreth Sixtie one pound thretein Shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi |
£1461.13.6 |
E106/1/1/236 |
It [Item] To be deduced also the mortified Rent In the said Presbitrie Extending to the Soume of thretein thousand one hundreth & Six pound fiftein Shilling Two pennies ut in Brevi |
£13106.15.2 |
E106/1/1/236 |
Restis of Frie Rent in the Said Presbitrie of Pearth the Sowme off one hundreth and two thousand Tuo hundreth & twentie pound fiftein Shilling ten pennies Breviter |
£102220.15.10 |
E106/1/1/236 |
[Page] 236
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/237 |
1 Innergowrie Pairshe |
E106/1/1/237 |
The Money Rent In the parish of Innergowrie extends to the Soume off fyiue pounds thrie shilling fowre pennies Breviter |
£5.3.4 |
E106/1/1/237 |
The victuall to eightein boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat two boillis Beare eight boillis Meall eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Soume off fouir scoir sixt pounds Six shillings eight pennies ut in brevi |
£86.6.8 |
E106/1/1/237 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish beLonging to the Shyreffdome of Pearth extends to Nyntie one pound ten shilling Breviter |
£91.10.0 |
E106/1/1/237 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/237 |
Off the Rent Aboue wreattin There is payed yearlie to the Earle of Annandaill of few duetie |
£3.0.0 |
E106/1/1/237 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/237 |
Peyed In this parish to the minister yearlie two Boillis meall |
£8.10.0 |
E106/1/1/237 |
To the Scoolmaister [schoolmaster] |
£3.0.0 |
E106/1/1/237 |
Suma [Summa] |
£11.10.0 |
E106/1/1/237 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent Being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish. Thair Rests off Frie Rent within the said parish of Innergowrie the Soume of Fouire scoir pounds ut in Brevi |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/237 |
[page 237]
Roll of the Rent of the Parishes In the Presbitrie of Dundie Laying Within the Shyreffdome of Pearth
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/237 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
deduced - deducted
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/238 |
2: FowLis Pairsh |
E106/1/1/238 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of fowlis extends to the Sowme off one hundreth fourtie fyiue pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£145.6.8 |
E106/1/1/238 |
The victuall twentie foure Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat two Chalderis at the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two hundreth eightein pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£218.13.4 |
E106/1/1/238 |
Beare Elleven Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to eight hundreth fiftie pound thretein shillings fouire pennies breviter |
£850.13.4 |
E106/1/1/238 |
Meall Elleven Chalderis at the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Seven hundreth fouirtie eight pound breviter |
£748.0.0 |
E106/1/1/238 |
The Soume off the pryce off the wholl victuall with the the money Rent in this Parish extends to one thousand Nyne hundreth Sixtie two pound thretein shilling fouir pennies Breviter |
£1962.0.0 |
E106/1/1/238 |
No few duties |
E106/1/1/238 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/238 |
Peyed to the minister In victuall yearlie two Chandleris thrie Boillis Beare and two Chalderis thrie boillis meall extends to |
£317.0.0 |
E106/1/1/238 |
To the Scolmaister In Money yearlie |
£5.13.4 |
E106/1/1/238 |
Suma [Summa] |
£322.13.4 |
E106/1/1/238 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in the Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent within the said Parish of fowlis the Soume off one thousand Six hundreth fourtie pound ut in Brevi |
£1640.0.0 |
E106/1/1/238 |
[page] 238
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/239 |
3: LangForgand Parish |
E106/1/1/239 |
The money Rent In the peresh of Langforgund extends to the Soume off thrie thousand thrie hundreth fourtie eight pound fiftein Shilling Breiter |
£3348.15.0 |
E106/1/1/239 |
The victuall to thrie scoir Six Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat twell Chalderis eight boills of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand thrie hundreth twell pounds ut in Brevi |
£1312.0.0 |
E106/1/1/239 |
Meall threttie Chalderis extends to two thousand Seventie foure pound Brevite |
£2074.0.0 |
E106/1/1/239 |
Beare twentie thrie Chalderis eight boills of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand eight hundreth Seventein pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1817.6.8 |
E106/1/1/239 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in the Parish extends to eight thousand fyiue hundreth: fiftie two pound one shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£8552.1.8 |
E106/1/1/239 |
Casuall Rent |
E106/1/1/239 |
The friut yeards In this parish ar worth yearlie |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/239 |
The wholl Rent in this Pairsh both Constant and Casuall extends extends to the Soume of eight thousand Six hundreth eightie fyiue pound eight shilling fouire pennies ut in Brevi |
£8685.8.4 |
E106/1/1/239 |
few dueties |
E106/1/1/239 |
off the Rent aboue wreattin Thair is peyed to the Earle of kinghorne of few duetie yearlie |
£1.0.0 |
E106/1/1/239 |
To the Laird of Lundie of few duetie |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/239 |
Suma [Summa] |
£14.6.8 |
E106/1/1/239 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/239 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In Money the Sowme off |
£209.0.0 |
E106/1/1/239 |
To him in victuall. one boill Wheat Ten Boillis Beare and twentie one boillis of meall at the measure and at the pryce forsaid extending to |
£144.8.4 |
E106/1/1/239 |
To the Scolemaister [schoolmaster] yearlie in money |
£86.13.4 |
E106/1/1/239 |
To the toune of Dundie the teind in this parish In Money |
£116.0.0 |
E106/1/1/239 |
And to victuall twell Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] eight boillis Wheat fyuie Chalders Beare and Six Chalderis eight boillis Meall of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to |
£883.6.8 |
E106/1/1/239 |
Suma [Summa] |
£1435.8.4 |
E106/1/1/239 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall within the said parish of Langforgund the Soume off Seven thousand twa hundreth fiftie pound Breviter |
£7250.0.0 |
E106/1/1/239 |
[Page] 239
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/240 |
4: Rossie parish |
E106/1/1/240 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of Rossie extends to the Soume off fyuie hundreth fourie fouir pound threttein shilling fouire pennies. breviter |
£544.13.4 |
E106/1/1/240 |
The victuall to fortie Chalderis eight boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat fouirtein Chalders ten boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand fyiue hundreth Nyntie nyne pound Breviter |
£1599.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
Beare fourtein Chalderis ten boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand one hundreth thretie one pound Breviter |
£1131.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
Meall Elleven Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Seven hundreth fouirtie eight pound Breviter |
£748.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
Pies foure Boillis at foure pounds sixtene shillings eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk Boill extends to Nyntein pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£19.6.8 |
E106/1/1/240 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to fouire thousand fouretie Two pounds ut in Brevi |
£4042.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
few dueties |
E106/1/1/240 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin Thereis peyed to the Laird of Inchmerten of few duetie |
£14.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
To the Earle of dirltoune of few duetie |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
Suma [Summa] |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/240 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie for vicarge money |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
To him in victuall twell Boillis Wheat twentie fouire boillis of Beare and twentie eight boillis meall of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to |
£317.0.0 |
E106/1/1/240 |
To the Scolemaister In money |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/240 |
To the vniuersitie of Saint andruis In Money |
£46.13.4 |
E106/1/1/240 |
And In victuall twell Boillis Wheat and two boillis Beare extends to |
£91.13.4 |
E106/1/1/240 |
Suma [Summa] |
£508.13.4 |
E106/1/1/240 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in the Parish thair Rests of Frie Rent In the said Parish of Rossie the Soume of thrie thousand fyuie hundreth thretie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£3533.6.8 |
E106/1/1/240 |
[Page] 240
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/241 |
5: Inchstuire parish |
E106/1/1/241 |
The money Rent In the pairsh of Incshture extends to the Soume of one thousand one hundreth thrie scoir eightein pound ten shilling breviter |
£1178.10.0 |
E106/1/1/241 |
The victuall to threttie fouire Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat Six chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Sowme of Six hundreth fiftie six pound Breviter |
£656.0.0 |
E106/1/1/241 |
Beare fouretein Chalderis at the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand eightie two pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£1082.13.4 |
E106/1/1/241 |
Meall fouretein Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Nyne hundreth fiftie two pound Breviter |
£952.0.0 |
E106/1/1/241 |
The Soume of the pryce of the Wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to thrie thousand eight hundreth Sixtie Nyne pound thrie shilling foure pennies breviter |
£3869.3.4 |
E106/1/1/241 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/241 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the Laird off Inchsture of teind duetie |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/241 |
To him of few duetie |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/241 |
Suma [Summa] |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/241 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/241 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie of vicarge |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/241 |
To the Scollmaister |
£35.0.0 |
E106/1/1/241 |
To the vniuersitie of Saint andries in money |
£74.0.0 |
E106/1/1/241 |
and In victuall twell boillis Beare and twentie boillis ml [meall] extending to |
£143.0.0 |
E106/1/1/241 |
Suma [Summa] |
£278.13.4 |
E106/1/1/241 |
The Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said pairsh of Inchstuire the Soume off Thrie thousand fyiue hundreth Nyntie pound ten shilling ut in brevi |
£3590.10.0 |
E106/1/1/241 |
[Page] 241
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/242 |
6: Abernyt parish |
E106/1/1/242 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of Abernyt to the Soume of fyuie hundreth & Nyntie pound thrie shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£590.3.4 |
E106/1/1/242 |
The victuall to twell Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare ten Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Seven hundreth Seventie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£773.6.8 |
E106/1/1/242 |
Meall two Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Ane hundreth thretie Six pound Breviter |
£136.0.0 |
E106/1/1/242 |
The Soume of the pryce of the Wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to one thousand fouire hundreth Nyntie Nyne pound ten shilling Breviter |
£1499.10.0 |
E106/1/1/242 |
few dueties |
E106/1/1/242 |
off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the vicount of dudhope of few dutie |
£11.0.0 |
E106/1/1/242 |
To the Earle of Dirltoune of few duetie |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/242 |
Suma [Summa] |
£111.0.0 |
E106/1/1/242 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/242 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie in money |
£207.6.8 |
E106/1/1/242 |
to him In victuall twentie eight boillis halff meall halff Beair extends to |
£127.3.4 |
E106/1/1/242 |
to the Scoolmaister In money |
£38.6.8 |
E106/1/1/242 |
Suma [Summa] |
£372.16.8 |
E106/1/1/242 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent In the said Parish of Abernyt one thousand one hundreth twentie Six pound thretein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£1126.13.4 |
E106/1/1/242 |
[Page] 242
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/243 |
Kinnaird Parish |
E106/1/1/243 |
The money Rent in the parish of kinnaird extends to the Soume off one thousand one hundreth & fourtein pound Nyntein shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi |
£1114.19.6 |
E106/1/1/243 |
The victuall to threttie Six Chalders Qroff [Quhairoff] Wheat fyue Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fyiue hundreth fourtie Six pound thretein shilling fouire pennies breviter |
£546.13.4 |
E106/1/1/243 |
Beare eighteen Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one Thousand thrie hundreth Nyntie two pound Brevitor |
£1392.0.0 |
E106/1/1/243 |
Meall threttein Chalderis Off the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Eight hundreth eightie foure pound Breviter |
£884.0.0 |
E106/1/1/243 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall With the money Rent in this Parish Extends to thrie Thousand Nyne hundreth thretie Sevein pound twell shilling ten pennies ut in Brevi |
£3937.12.10 |
E106/1/1/243 |
No few dueties |
E106/1/1/243 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/243 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In Money |
£171.1.4 |
E106/1/1/243 |
To him In victuall Sex boillis Wheat Eight boillis Beare twentie fyiue boillis meall and otts extending In all to the Soume off |
£282.11.6 |
E106/1/1/243 |
To the hoispitall of Pearth ane boll of Pies at the pryce forsaid extends to |
£4.16.8 |
E106/1/1/243 |
Suma [Summa] |
£458.9.6 |
E106/1/1/243 |
The Soume of Mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of kinnaird the Soume off Thrie thousand fouire hundre [hundreth] Seventie Nyne thrie shilling fourie pennies ut in Brevi |
£3479.3.4 |
E106/1/1/243 |
[Page] 243
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/244 |
The wholl Rent Both Costant And Casuall In the forsaid Seven Parishes of the Presbitrie of Dundie and Layand within the Shyreffdome of Pearth Extends To the Soume of Twentie fouire thousand Eightie Seven pound Seventein shilling ten pennies ut in brevi |
£24087.17.10 |
E106/1/1/244 |
No duetie Peyed out of the saids Seven Parishes to his Majesties Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/244 |
The mortified Rent in the saids Seven Parishes extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand thrie hundreth Eightie eight pound fouire shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi |
£3388.4.6 |
E106/1/1/244 |
This soume of Mortified Rent Being deduced from the totall aboue wreattin |
E106/1/1/244 |
Rests of Frie Rent in the saids Seven Parishes The Soume of Twentie thousand Six hundreth Nyntie Nyne pound threttein shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£20699.13.4 |
E106/1/1/244 |
[Page] 244
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/245 |
1. Meegill Parish |
E106/1/1/245 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of meegill extends to the Soume off One thousand Six pound thretein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£1006.13.4 |
E106/1/1/245 |
The victuall to Sixtie fyiue Chalders Qroff [Quhereoff] Beare threttie two Chalders eight bollis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand fyuie hundreth thertein pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£2513.6.8 |
E106/1/1/245 |
Meall threttie two Chalders eight Bollis of the measure and pryce ford [forsaid] extends to Two thousand two hundreth & ten pound Breviter |
£2210.0.0 |
E106/1/1/245 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish Extends to fyue thousand Seven hundreth thretie pound Breviter |
£5730.0.0 |
E106/1/1/245 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/245 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie to the Earle off Crawfuird of few duetie ane Chalder of Beare extends to |
£77.6.8 |
E106/1/1/245 |
To him two Swyne at Six pound the pice extends to |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/245 |
Suma [Summa] |
£89.6.8 |
E106/1/1/245 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/245 |
Peyed to the Minister for vicarge teind in money |
£48.0.0 |
E106/1/1/245 |
To him In victuall of parsonage teinds threttein Chalderis half Meall half Beare extends to |
£944.13.4 |
E106/1/1/245 |
to the Scollmaister ane Chalder of Meall extends to |
£68.0.0 |
E106/1/1/245 |
to the Chapell In money |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/245 |
Suma [Summa] |
£1068.13.4 |
E106/1/1/245 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in the Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said Perrish of Meegill the Soume of Fouire thousand Six hundreth Sixtie one pound Six shilling eight pennies ut in Breci |
£4661.6.8 |
E106/1/1/245 |
[Page] 245
Roll of the Rent of the Pairshes In the Presbitrie of Meegill Laying within the Shyreffdome of Pearth
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/245 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
deduced - deducted
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/246 |
2. Cowper Parish |
E106/1/1/246 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of Cowper extends to the Soume off one Thousand Seven hundreth Seventie fouir pound fyue shilling Breviter |
£1774.5.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
The victuall to Seventie two Chalders Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall fortie Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand Seven hundreth twentie pound Breviter |
£2720.0.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
Beare tuentie Six Chalders off the measure and pryce and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand & ten pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£2010.13.4 |
E106/1/1/246 |
off Blak otts Six Chalderis at the halff pryce off meall extends to the Sowme off Two hundreth fouire pounds Breviter |
£204.0.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this pairsh extends to Six thousand Seven hundreth eight pound eightein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£6708.18.4 |
E106/1/1/246 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/246 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to my Lord Cowper of Blensh and few duetie yearlie in money |
£415.0.8 |
E106/1/1/246 |
And In victuall for teind duetie Thrie Chalderis Seven boillis Beare and eight boillis whyt otts extending to |
£299.16.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
To him of Beare otts fouire Chalderis twa firlots of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to |
£140.16.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
Suma [Summa] |
£855.12.8 |
E106/1/1/246 |
Dueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/246 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this Parish |
£204.0.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
To the Lords off Sessioun |
£35.0.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
Suma [Summa] |
£239.0.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/246 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money |
£96.11.8 |
E106/1/1/246 |
to him In victuall twa Chalderis twa pairt meall thrie pairt beare extends to |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
To the Scoolmaister in money |
£46.13.4 |
E106/1/1/246 |
Suma [Summa] |
£303.5.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
The dueties peyed to his maties Exchecquer wt [with] the mortified rents in this Parish Extends to |
£542.5.0 |
E106/1/1/246 |
Quich being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the parish of Cowper the Soume of Six thousand ane hundreth Sixtie Six pounds thretein Shilling fouire pennies ut in Brevi |
£6166.13.4 |
E106/1/1/246 |
[Page] 246
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/247 |
3. Blair Parish |
E106/1/1/247 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of Blair extends to the Soume off fyue thousand eight hundreth thretie Six pound two shilling Six pennies breviter |
£5836.2.6 |
E106/1/1/247 |
The victuall to Eightein Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare Six Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fouire hundreth Sixtie fouire pounds Breviter |
£464.0.0 |
E106/1/1/247 |
Meall ten Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Six hundreth & eightie pounds |
£680.0.0 |
E106/1/1/247 |
Horsecorne twa Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Sixtie eight pounds ut in Brevi |
£68.0.0 |
E106/1/1/247 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Pairsh extends to Seven Thousand fouirtie eight pound tuo shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi |
£7048.2.6 |
E106/1/1/247 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/247 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to my Lord cowper of few duetie |
£8.13.4 |
E106/1/1/247 |
To the Laird of Cormak of few fouire boillis victuall twa pairt meall thrie pairt Beare extends to |
£17.15.8 |
E106/1/1/247 |
To mr Johne Stewart of Cluny of few dutie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/247 |
To Andrew gray of drumlithie of few duetie |
£45.13.4 |
E106/1/1/247 |
to him in victuall Seven boillis thrie firlots twa pecks hors corne at the pryce forsaid extends to |
£16.14.8 |
E106/1/1/247 |
To the Lord Balvaird of teind and few duetie In money yearlie |
£423.3.0 |
E106/1/1/247 |
to him In victuall twell Boillis twa pairt meall thrie pairt beare ex [extends] to |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/247 |
And of hors [horse] Corne tuentie Seven boillis at the pryce forsaid ext [extends] to |
£57.7.6 |
E106/1/1/247 |
Suma [Summa] |
£642.14.2 |
E106/1/1/247 |
Dueties beLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/247 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer out of this parishyearlie |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/247 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/247 |
Peted to the minister yearlie In Money |
335.11.4 |
E106/1/1/247 |
And In victuall twa Chalders twa pairt meall thrie pairt beare extends to the Sowme off |
£142.4.6 |
E106/1/1/247 |
To the Scollmaister In money yearlie |
£87.0.0 |
E106/1/1/247 |
Suma [Summa] |
£564.15.10 |
E106/1/1/247 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rents in this Pairsh Extends to |
£898.2.6 |
E106/1/1/247 |
Quich being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this pairsh Thair Rests of frie Rent in said of BLair the Soume of Six thousand one hundreth & Fyftie pound Breviter |
£6150.0.0 |
E106/1/1/247 |
[Page] 247
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/248 |
4 Alight Parish |
E106/1/1/248 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of Alight extends to the Soume off Two thousand two hundreth & two pound eight shilling breviter |
£2202.8.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
The victuall Eightie one Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare threttie Nyne Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Thrie Thousand & ten pound Breviter |
£3010.0.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
Meall fouirtie two Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand eight hundreth fiftie Six pound breviter |
£2856.0.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish Extends to eight thousand Sixtie eight pound eight shilling Breviter |
£8068.8.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/248 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the Bishop of dunkels Sucessoris of tak teind duetie |
£182.10.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
To the Laird of Baloch of few duetie Six bollis victuall two pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare extends to |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/248 |
To my Lord Cowper of few duetie |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
To my Lord Spynie of few duetie |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/248 |
To the Laird of Bandoch of few dutie |
£5.6.8 |
E106/1/1/248 |
Suma [Summa] |
£239.16.8 |
E106/1/1/248 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/248 |
Peyed to the minister of alight in money yearlie |
£32.17.4 |
E106/1/1/248 |
To him In victuall fouire Chalderis threttein boillis twa firlots Qroff [Quhairoff] thrie Chalders two bollis Meall and twentie Seven bollis twa firlots Beare Extending to |
£345.8.4 |
E106/1/1/248 |
To the Scoollmaister In money |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
To the Kirk of Meegill ane Chalder victuall two pairt meall thrie pairt Beare extending to |
£71.2.4 |
E106/1/1/248 |
To the porter of holyrudhous |
£11.0.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
Suma [Summa] |
£540.8.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the Said pairsh of Alight the Soume off Seven thousand fyue hundreth twentie eight pound Breviter |
£7528.0.0 |
E106/1/1/248 |
[Page] 248
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/249 |
5 Bennethie Parish |
E106/1/1/249 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of bennechie extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand fouire hundreth Eightie Six pound fouretein shilling two pennies Breviter |
£3486.14.2 |
E106/1/1/249 |
The victuall to fouirtie foure Chalderis eight bollis Qroff [ Quhairoff] Beare fiftein Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to One thousand one hundreth & Sixtie pound Breviter |
£1160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/249 |
Meall twentie Nyne Chalderis eight bollis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Two thousand & Six pound Breviter |
£2006.0.0 |
E106/1/1/249 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the Money Rent in this Parish Extends to Six thousand Six hundreth fiftie two pound fourtein shilling two pennies ut in brevi |
£6652.14.2 |
E106/1/1/249 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/249 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the Earle of dumfermline of few dutie |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/249 |
To my Lord Cowper of teind and few duties |
£244.15.0 |
E106/1/1/249 |
To him In victuall Nyne Bollis thrie firlot otts extends to |
£41.9.0 |
E106/1/1/249 |
To the Laird of Crunen of blensh and few dutie |
£102.8.4 |
E106/1/1/249 |
Suma [Summa] |
£448.12.4 |
E106/1/1/249 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/249 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie in money |
£206.9.8 |
E106/1/1/249 |
To him In victuall fyve Chalderis two pairt meall thrie pairt Beare Extends to |
£355.11.2 |
E106/1/1/249 |
For Comvnione elements |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/249 |
To the Scoolmaister yearlie in Money |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/249 |
Suma [Summa] |
£652.14.2 |
E106/1/1/249 |
The Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said Parish of bennethie The Soume of Six thousand pound Breviter |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/249 |
[Page] 249
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/250 |
The wholl Rent in the saids fyue parishes of the presbitrie of meegill Laying within the Shyreffdome off Pearth Extends to the Soume off Threttie fouire thousand two hundreth & eight pound thrie shilling Breviter |
£34208.3.0 |
E106/1/1/250 |
The dueties peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer but off the Aboue wreattin Rent of the said Seven parishes Extends to the Soume off fyue hundreth Saventie two pounds Six shilling eight pennies ut in brevi |
£572.6.8 |
E106/1/1/250 |
The Mortified Rent in the saids Fyue parishes Extends to the Soume off thrie thousand One hundreth twentie Nyne [pounds] Sixtein shilling fouir pennies ut in brevi |
£3129.16.4 |
E106/1/1/250 |
Thir two Soumes of mortified Rent and dueties peyed to his majesties Exchecquer being deduced from the Totall aboue wrettin |
E106/1/1/250 |
Restis of Frie Rent In the Saids fyue Parishes the Soume off Threttie Thousand fyue hundreth and Six pound ut in Brevi |
£30506.0.0 |
E106/1/1/250 |
[Page] 250
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/251 |
1. Rattray Parish |
E106/1/1/251 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of Rattray extends to the Soume off One thousand fyue hundreth fouritie nyne pound fyue shilling Seven pennies ut in Brevi |
£1549.5.7 |
E106/1/1/251 |
The victuall to Eightein Chalders twell Boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall twell Chalders eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Eight hundreth fiftie pound Breviter |
£850.0.0 |
E106/1/1/251 |
Beare Six Chalder fouire Boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Fouire hundreth Eightie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£483.6.8 |
E106/1/1/251 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victual with the money Rent in this Parish Extends to Two thousand Eight hundreth Eightie two pound thretein shilling thrie pennies ut in Brevi |
£2882.13.3 |
E106/1/1/251 |
Teind and Few dueties |
E106/1/1/251 |
Oft the Rent aboue wreatin there is peyed to the Laird of balhousie of few duetie In money |
£335.6.8 |
E106/1/1/251 |
To him In victuall fyue Chalders eight boillis thrie firlots meall And thrie Chalders twa boillis twa pecks Beare Extending to |
£619.9.4 |
E106/1/1/251 |
To my Lord Dudhope of teind dutie |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/251 |
To my Lord Cowper of few duetie |
£25.18.0 |
E106/1/1/251 |
To the Laird of Craghall of few duetie |
£20.2.0 |
E106/1/1/251 |
Suma [Summa] |
£1080.16.0 |
E106/1/1/251 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/251 |
peyed to the Minister yearlie In money |
£423.2.3 |
E106/1/1/251 |
To the Scollmaister In money |
£88.15.0 |
E106/1/1/251 |
Suma [Summa] |
£511.17.3 |
E106/1/1/251 |
This Soume of mortified Rent beind deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish. Thair Rests of frie Rent In the said Paresh of Rattray the Soume off two thousand thrie hundreth & Seventie pound Sixtein shelling Breviter |
£2370.16.0 |
E106/1/1/251 |
[Page] 251
Roll of the Rent In the Presbitrie of Dunkeld
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/251 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
deduced - deducted
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/252 |
2. KinLoch Parish |
E106/1/1/252 |
The money Rent in this parish of kinloche Extends to the Soume off One thousand fyue hundreth Nyntie fyue pound eightein shilling foure pennies breviter |
£1595.18.4 |
E106/1/1/252 |
The victuall to thrie Chalderis twell boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall twa Chalderis eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one hundreth Seventie pounds Breviter |
£170.0.0 |
E106/1/1/252 |
Beare ane Chalder fouire boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Nyntie Six pound thretein shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£96.13.4 |
E106/1/1/252 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in the Parish Extends to one thousand eight hundreth & Sixtie two pound ellevin Shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£1862.11.8 |
E106/1/1/252 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/252 |
Peyed In this parish of Gies fouirtein and ane halff at threttein shilling fouire peneys [£0.13.4] for ilk Goose extends to |
£9.13.4 |
E106/1/1/252 |
Peyed in this parish of wethers two: at thrie pound [£3.0.0] for ilk pice extends to |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/252 |
Mair ane Lamb is |
£0.15.0 |
E106/1/1/252 |
The mos in this parish is worth yearlie |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/252 |
Suma [Summa] |
£56.8.4 |
E106/1/1/252 |
The Soume of the wholl Rent in this Pairsh Both Constant and casuall Extends to one Thousand Nyne hundreth Nyntein pound Breviter |
£1919.0.0 |
E106/1/1/252 |
Few duties |
E106/1/1/252 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the Laird of drumkilbo of few duetie |
£60.6.8 |
E106/1/1/252 |
To William Lyndsay of KinLoch of few duetie |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/252 |
To James BLair of ardblair of few duetie |
£2.10.0 |
E106/1/1/252 |
Suma [Summa] |
£102.16.8 |
E106/1/1/252 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/252 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie for money |
£227.6.8 |
E106/1/1/252 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the the totall Soume of the Rent in This Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Parish of kinloch the Soume off one Thousand Six hundreth Nyntie one pound thretein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£1691.13.4 |
E106/1/1/252 |
[Page] 251
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/253 |
3. Lethindie Parish |
E106/1/1/253 |
The money Rent In the pairsh of Lethindie Extends to the Soume off Tuo hundreth Nyntie fyue pound thretein shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£295.13.8 |
E106/1/1/253 |
The victuall to Nyntein Chalderis twell boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall fouirtein Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Nyne hundreth fiftie two pounds Breviter |
£952.0.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
Beare fyue Chalderis twell boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to fouire hundreth fourtie foure pound thretein Shiling four pennies breviter |
£444.13.4 |
E106/1/1/253 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to one thousand Six hundreth Nyntie two pounds Seven shilling ut in Brevi |
£1692.7.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/253 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin thair is peyed yearlie to thomas Marshall of few duetie BLonging to the Bishoprik at of Dunkeld |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/253 |
To John Nairne in Glenconner |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
Suma [Summa] |
£29.6.8 |
E106/1/1/253 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/253 |
Peyed to the Minister In money yearlie |
£88.0.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
to him In victuall thrie Chalderis fourtein Boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall two Chalderis Nyne boillis Beare one Chalder fyue boillis extending to |
£275.15.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
To the Scollmaister In money |
£67.0.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
To the Bellman of Dunkeld |
£1.0.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
Suma [Summa] |
£431.15.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent within the Said pairsh of Lethindie the Soume of one thousand two hundreth Sixtie pound twell shilling Breviter |
£1260.12.0 |
E106/1/1/253 |
[Page] 253
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/254 |
4. Cluny Parish |
E106/1/1/254 |
The money Rent in the pairsh of Cluny extends to the Soume of one thousand thrie hundreth Sixtie two pound Two shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£1362.2.4 |
E106/1/1/254 |
The victuall to threttie Six Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] beare twelff Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Nyne hundreth Twentie eight pounds Breviter |
£928.0.0 |
E106/1/1/254 |
Meall twentie fouire Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand Six hundreth thretie two pound breviter |
£1632.0.0 |
E106/1/1/254 |
The Soume of the price of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Thrie thousand Nyne hundreth twentie two pound two shilling fouire pennies ut in brevi |
£3922.2.4 |
E106/1/1/254 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/254 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to Earle of Atholl of few duetie |
£8.13.4 |
E106/1/1/254 |
To William Lyndsay of KinLoch of few duetie |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/254 |
To him of tiend duetie Six firlots meall extends to |
£6.7.6 |
E106/1/1/254 |
To mr Johne Stewart of Cluny of few duetie |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/254 |
To him of tiend dutie threttie Six boillis one firlot two pairt meall thrie pairt Beare extends to |
£161.2.4 |
E106/1/1/254 |
Suma [Summa] |
£256.3.2 |
E106/1/1/254 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/254 |
peyed to the minister of Cluny In money |
£154.13.0 |
E106/1/1/254 |
to the minister of dunkeld four boillis meall extends to |
£17.0.0 |
E106/1/1/254 |
To the Scoollmaister of Dunkeld |
£3.6.8 |
E106/1/1/254 |
To the Minister of Caputh |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/254 |
Suma [Summa] |
£181.0.0 |
E106/1/1/254 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish Thair Rests of frie Rent In the said parish of Cluny the Soume Thrie thousand Seven hundreth fourtie one pound two shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£3741.2.4 |
E106/1/1/254 |
[Page] 254
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/255 |
5. Cargill Parish |
E106/1/1/255 |
The money Rent in the parish of Cargill Extends to the Sowme off Fyve thousand foure hundreth eightie thrie pound twell Shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£5483.12.4 |
E106/1/1/255 |
The victuall to Sixtein Chalderis Qroff [Quharof] Beare Eight Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Six hundreth eightein pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£618.13.4 |
E106/1/1/255 |
Meall eight Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fyue hundreth fouretie foure pound Breviter |
£544.0.0 |
E106/1/1/255 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Six thousand Six hundreth fourtie Six pound fyue shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£6646.5.8 |
E106/1/1/255 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/255 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is payed to the Earle of Atholl of tak teind duetie |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/255 |
To my Lord Cowpar of teind and few duetie |
£61.2.8 |
E106/1/1/255 |
to him In victuall fowre boillis meall extends to |
£17.0.0 |
E106/1/1/255 |
Suma [Summa] |
£102.2.8 |
E106/1/1/255 |
Dueties Belonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/255 |
Peyed to the Castell of Edinbrughe yeirlie out of this Parish fowre Chalderis victuall halff Meall halff Beares extending to |
£290.13.4 |
E106/1/1/255 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/255 |
Peyed to the minister of Cargill In money |
£187.0.0 |
E106/1/1/255 |
To him in victuall Elleven Boillis Beare and twentie one boillis Meall Extending to |
£142.8.4 |
E106/1/1/255 |
To him for Comvnion elements |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/255 |
To the Scoollmaister |
£74.13.4 |
E106/1/1/255 |
To the minster of Lethindie foure boillis otts extends to |
£17.0.0 |
E106/1/1/255 |
To him in money |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/255 |
To the minster of Logiebryd |
£33.0.0 |
E106/1/1/255 |
Suma [Summa] |
£485.8.4 |
E106/1/1/255 |
The dueties peyed to his Matties [Majestties] Exchecquer with the mortified rents in this parish extends to |
£776.1.8 |
E106/1/1/255 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Sowme of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said parish of Cargill the Soume of fyue thousand eight hundreth and Seventie pound foure shilling Breviter |
£5870.4.0 |
E106/1/1/255 |
[Page] 255
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/256 |
6. Moneydie Pairsh |
E106/1/1/256 |
The money Rent in this parish of moneydie Extends to the Soume of Two thousand two hundreth Nyntie two pound fiftein shilling eight pennies ut in brevi |
£2292.15.8 |
E106/1/1/256 |
The victuall to Six Chalderis two pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare extends to the Sowme off fouire hundreth twentie Six pound thretein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£426.13.4 |
E106/1/1/256 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish Extends to Two Thousand Seven hundreth Nyntie pound nyne shilling Breviter |
£2719.9.0 |
E106/1/1/256 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/256 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Atholl of few duetie |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/256 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/256 |
Peyed to the Minister of moneydie yearlie in money |
£88.0.0 |
E106/1/1/256 |
To him In victuall Eight Chalderis eight Firlots twa pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare extending |
£604.9.0 |
E106/1/1/256 |
To the kirk of Dunkeld In money |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/256 |
To the vniuersitie of Saintandrois In Money |
£13.13.4 |
E106/1/1/256 |
Suma [Summa] |
£719.9.0 |
E106/1/1/256 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said Parish of Moneydie the Soume of two thousand pound ut in Brevi |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/256 |
[Page] 256
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/257 |
7. Kinclevin Pairsh |
E106/1/1/257 |
The money Rent in the parish of Kinclevin extends to the Soume of Two thousand one hundreth & eightie pound thrie shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£2180.3.6 |
E106/1/1/257 |
The victuall to twentie fouir Chalderis twell boillis two pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Sowme of one thousand Seven hundreth & Sixtie pound Breviter |
£1760.0.0 |
E106/1/1/257 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this pairsh Extends to Thrie thousand Nyne hundreth fourtie pounds thrie shilling Six pennies breviter |
£3940.3.6 |
E106/1/1/257 |
Casuall Rent |
E106/1/1/257 |
The Boatt In this pairsh is worth yearlie threttein pund [Six] shilling eight penneys breviter |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/257 |
The fishing In the said pairsh is worth fiftie merks Breviter |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/257 |
Suma [Summa] |
£46.13.4 |
E106/1/1/257 |
The wholl Rent in the Pairsh Both Constant and Casuall extends to the Soume of thrie thousand Nyne hundreth Eightie Six pound Sixtein shilling ten pennies ut in Brevi |
£3986.16.10 |
E106/1/1/257 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/257 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the Earle off Atholl of few duetie in money |
£15.6.8 |
E106/1/1/257 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/257 |
Peyed out of this parish To his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie |
£85.8.0 |
E106/1/1/257 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/257 |
Peyed to the Minister In money yearlie |
£433.0.0 |
E106/1/1/257 |
To him In victuall two Chalderis two pairt meall thrie pairt Beare extending to |
£142.4.6 |
E106/1/1/257 |
Suma [Summa] |
£575.4.6 |
E106/1/1/257 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer wit the mortified Rents in this parish Extends to |
£660.12.6 |
E106/1/1/257 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said Parish of Kinclevin the Soume off Thrie Thousand thrie hundreth twentie Six pound fouire shilling fouire pennies ut in brevi |
£3326.4.4 |
E106/1/1/257 |
[Page] 257
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/258 |
8. Ochtergiwen and Logiebryd Parishes vnited |
E106/1/1/258 |
The money Rent in the parishes of ochtergiwen and logiebryd Extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand Seven hundreth Sixtie Nyne pound Nyntein shilling fouire pennies ut in Brevi |
£3769.19.4 |
E106/1/1/258 |
The victuall to fiftein Chalderis Six boills twa pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand Nyntie thrie pounds Six shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£1093.6.8 |
E106/1/1/258 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholle victuall with the money Rent in the Parish extends to foure thousand eight hundreth. Sixtie thrie pound Six shilling Breviter |
£4863.6.0 |
E106/1/1/258 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/258 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the Laird of Straithuird of teind duetie In victuall fouire Chalderis twell Boillis twa pairt meall thrie pairt beare extending to |
£337.15.8 |
E106/1/1/258 |
To him of few duetie In money |
£12.6.8 |
E106/1/1/258 |
To the Earle of Atholl of few duetie |
£23.8.0 |
E106/1/1/258 |
To the Earle of Dumferling of few duetie |
£37.8.4 |
E106/1/1/258 |
Suma [Summa] |
£410.18.8 |
E106/1/1/258 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/258 |
Peyed to the Minister of Ochtergiwen In money |
£239.13.4 |
E106/1/1/258 |
To him In victuall twa boillis meall extends to |
£8.10.0 |
E106/1/1/258 |
To the minister of Cluny In money |
£14.0.0 |
E106/1/1/258 |
Suma [Summa] |
£262.3.4 |
E106/1/1/258 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the rent in thir Parishes thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said vnited parishes of ochtergiwen and Logie Bryd the soume of foure thousand Six hundreth and one pound two shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£4601.2.8 |
E106/1/1/258 |
[Page] 258
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/259 |
9. Kirkmichell Parish |
E106/1/1/259 |
The wholl Rent in the Parish of Kirkmichell Consisting onlie in money extends to the Soume foure thousand thrie hundreth Sixtie two pound thrie shilling Breviter |
£4362.3.0 |
E106/1/1/259 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/259 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Atholl of few duetie and teind dutie |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/259 |
To the Earle off Airlie of teind duetie |
£208.0.0 |
E106/1/1/259 |
To the Laird of Teilling of few duetie |
£310.11.2 |
E106/1/1/259 |
To the Baroun of Ashuntullie |
£83.6.8 |
E106/1/1/259 |
To Alexander Robertsone of Dounie of few duetie |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/259 |
Suma [Summa] |
£800.11.2 |
E106/1/1/259 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/259 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie in Money |
£429.7.10 |
E106/1/1/259 |
To the Scollmaister yearlie in money |
£84.8.6 |
E106/1/1/259 |
Suma [Summa] |
£513.16.4 |
E106/1/1/259 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of Kirkmichell the Soume of Thrie thousand eight hundreth fourtie eight pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£3848.6.8 |
E106/1/1/259 |
[Page] 259
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/260 |
10 Caputh Parish |
E106/1/1/260 |
The money Rent in the parish of Caputh extends to the Soume off fyue thousand fouir hundreth Nyntie two pound fouire pennies Breviter |
£5492.0.4 |
E106/1/1/260 |
The victuall to Sixtie two Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare twentie two Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand Seven hundreth & one pound Six shilling eight pennies breviter |
£1701.6.8 |
E106/1/1/260 |
Meall fouirtie Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand Seven hundreth & twentie pound breviter |
£2720.0.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholle victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to Nyne thousand Nyne hundreth thretein pound Seven shilling Breviter |
£9913.7.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
Teind few dueties |
E106/1/1/260 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed to of teind and few Duetie to the Bishope of dunkeld Sucessors |
£277.13.6 |
E106/1/1/260 |
To John Cokburne of the Rent of the said bishoprick |
£24.14.8 |
E106/1/1/260 |
To John Stewart brepeuser of fordeshall of teind and few duetie |
£76.11.8 |
E106/1/1/260 |
To the said John Stewart two boillis beare and Six boillis otts ex [extends] to |
£35.3.4 |
E106/1/1/260 |
To John Lyndsay brepeuder |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
To the Laird of Cluny of few duetie |
£34.13.4 |
E106/1/1/260 |
To Sir William Stewart of few duetie In money |
£21.2.8 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to him twell Boillis otts extending to |
£51.0.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
Mair to him twell turse stre [straw] at twentie shilling [£1.0.0] the turse extends to |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
Suma [Summa] |
£462.19.2 |
E106/1/1/260 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/260 |
Peyed to the minister of Caputh in money |
£392.10.4 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to him foure boillis meall and thrie boillis Beare extending to |
£31.10.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to the Minister of Logiebryd in money |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to the minister of Cluny |
£51.0.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to the Minister of Lethundie in money |
£35.9.8 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to the minister of kinclevin in money |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to the said minister of kincLevin foure boillis meall is |
£17.0.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to the Minister of dunkeld In money |
£70.4.8 |
E106/1/1/260 |
to the said Minister of dunkeld Six boillis otts extends to |
£25.10.0 |
E106/1/1/260 |
Suma [Summa] |
£687.4.8 |
E106/1/1/260 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of Caputh the Soume Nyne thousand two hundreth twentie Six pound two shilling Fouire pennies ut in brevi |
£9226.02.4 |
E106/1/1/260 |
[Page] 260
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/261 |
11: Litle Dunkeld Parish |
E106/1/1/261 |
The money Rent in the parish of Litle Dunkeld Extends to the Soume off thrie thousand Nyne hundreth eightie fyue pound eightein shilling two pennies breviter |
£3985.18.2 |
E106/1/1/261 |
The victuall to twentie Chalders eight boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall Seventein Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand one hundreth fiftie Sex pound Breviter |
£1156.0.0 |
E106/1/1/261 |
Beare thrie Chalders eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] Extends to Two hundreth & Seventie pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£270.13.4 |
E106/1/1/261 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholle victuall with the money Rent in the Parish extends to fyue Thousand foure hundreth twell pound elleven shilling Six pennies breviter |
£5412.11.6 |
E106/1/1/261 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/261 |
Peyed in this parish yearlie threttie thrie kieds at twentie shilling [£1.0.0] the pice extends to |
£33.0.0 |
E106/1/1/261 |
Peyed In the said parish twentie stain of Buter at foure pound [£4.0.0] for ilk stain extends to |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/261 |
peyed in the said parish eight stain of Chees at two pound [£2.0.0] for ilk stain extends to |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/261 |
The Cressines of this parish ar worth yearlie |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/261 |
The Boat in this parish is worth yearlie |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/261 |
The fishings in the said parish ar worth yearlie in money Rent |
£13.13.4 |
E106/1/1/261 |
Suma [Summa] |
£202.13.4 |
E106/1/1/261 |
The wholl Rent in this Parish Both Constant and Casuall extends to the Soume off fyue thousand Six hundreth & fiftein pound foure shilling ten pennies ut in brevi |
£5615.4.10 |
E106/1/1/261 |
[Page] 261
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/262 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/262 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie To the Earle of Weyms of few dueitie |
£21.6.8 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To John Cokburne of the Rent of the Bishoprik off Dunkeld |
£24.3.4 |
E106/1/1/262 |
Peyed to the Earle of Tullibardine and formerlie to Maister Muray of the Bedchamber and quich belongeth to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer In money |
£362.0.0 |
E106/1/1/262 |
Peyed to John Robersone of Inwar of few duetie |
£8.13.4 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To the Laird of Cairntullie of few duetie |
£49.15.0 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To mr James Stewart of few duetie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To the Laird of Cormock of few duetie |
£3.13.4 |
E106/1/1/262 |
Suma [Summa] |
£489.11.8 |
E106/1/1/262 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/262 |
To the minister of Litle Dunkeld in money yearlie |
£227.5.2 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To him In victuall twa Chalders fyue boillis meal extends to |
£157.5.0 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To the Scool maister off this said parish |
£14.0.0 |
E106/1/1/262 |
to the minister of Meikill dunkeld in money |
£100.3.4 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To the Minister of Cluny |
£25.0.0 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To the Chapell Royal at holyrudhous |
£94.3.4 |
E106/1/1/262 |
To the hamber men of Edinburgh in money |
£93.6.8 |
E106/1/1/262 |
Summa [Summa] |
£711.3.6 |
E106/1/1/262 |
This soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said Parish of Litle Dunkeld the Soume of foure thousand Nyne hundreth and foure pound one shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£4904.1.4 |
E106/1/1/262 |
[Page] 262
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/262 |
The Hammermen include a number of different crafts, all of which involved working with a hammer on metal. The Seal of Cause names blacksmiths, goldsmiths, lorimers, saddlers, cutlets, buclar makers, armourers "and all vtharis within the said burgh of Edinburgh". Pewterers and locksmiths were also included from an early date and gradually crafts of more recent origin, such as that of the clock and watch maker, were added as they arose, until some 18 principal disciplines were included. |
E106/1/1/263 |
12. Dowallie Parish |
E106/1/1/263 |
The money Rent in the parish of dowallie extends to the Soume off Seven hundreth fiftie eight pound eight shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£758.8.8 |
E106/1/1/263 |
The victuall to Ten Chalderis fouire boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall Eight Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fyue hundreth fortie fouire pound breviter |
£544.0.0 |
E106/1/1/263 |
Beare twa Chalders fouire boillis of the measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] extends to one hundreth Seventie foure pound Breviter |
£174.0.0 |
E106/1/1/263 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to one thousand fouire hundreth Seventie Six pound eight shilling eight pennies ut in brevi |
£1476.8.8 |
E106/1/1/263 |
few dueties |
E106/1/1/263 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Atholl of few duetie |
£11.13.4 |
E106/1/1/263 |
To James Cokbourne of few duetie |
£19.15.8 |
E106/1/1/263 |
Suma [Summa] |
£31.9.0 |
E106/1/1/263 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/263 |
Peyed to the Minister of Dunkeld In money |
£70.13.4 |
E106/1/1/263 |
To the minister of Cluny |
£11.6.8 |
E106/1/1/263 |
Suma [Summa] |
£82.4.0 |
E106/1/1/263 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall. Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said parish of dowallie The Soume of one thousand thrie hundreth Nyntie fouire pound eight shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1394.8.8 |
E106/1/1/263 |
[Page] 263
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/264 |
13. Logierait Parish |
E106/1/1/264 |
The Money Rent in the parish of Logierait extends to the Soume off Two thousand two hundreth fouirtie thrie pound twell shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£2243.12.8 |
E106/1/1/264 |
The victuall to fouirtie Nyne Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall threttie Sex Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand fouire hundreth fourtie eight pound Breviter |
£2448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/264 |
Beare Threttein Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand & fyue pound six shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£1005.6.8 |
E106/1/1/264 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholle victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to fyue thousand Six hundreth Nyntie Six pound Nyntein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£5696.19.4 |
E106/1/1/264 |
few dueties |
E106/1/1/264 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to Earle off Atholl few duetie |
£209.7.0 |
E106/1/1/264 |
To the Laird of Cormock |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/264 |
To the Laird of Glenorchie |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/264 |
To mr Gilbert Stewart |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/264 |
To the Laird of Strowane |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/264 |
To the Laird of millanab |
£12.18.5 |
E106/1/1/264 |
Suma [Summa] |
£335.5.5 |
E106/1/1/264 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/264 |
Peyed to the Minister of LogieRait in money |
£146.0.0 |
E106/1/1/264 |
The Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish .Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the Said parish of Logierait the Soume of fyue thousand fyue hundreth & fiftie pound Nyntein shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£5550.19.4 |
E106/1/1/264 |
[Page] 264
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/265 |
14. Weyme Parish |
E106/1/1/265 |
The Money Rent in the parish of weyme extends to the Soume off one thousand one hundreth eightie pound thrie shilling eight pennies breviter |
£1180.3.8 |
E106/1/1/265 |
The victual to twell Chalderis two boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall Eight Chalderis ight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fyue hundreth Seventie eight pound Breviter |
£578.0.0 |
E106/1/1/265 |
Beare thrie Chalderis ten boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two hundreth eightie pound Six shillings eight pennies breviter |
£280.6.8 |
E106/1/1/265 |
The Soume of the pryce of the Wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Two thousand thretie eight pound ten shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£2038.10.4 |
E106/1/1/265 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/265 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed to the Earle of Atholl |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/265 |
To the Laird of Lawers |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/265 |
To the Laird of Glenorchie |
£2.0.0 |
E106/1/1/265 |
Suma,[Summa] |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/265 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/265 |
Peyed to the Minister of this parish yearlie In money |
£316.6.8 |
E106/1/1/265 |
The Soume of Mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of The Rent in this parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of weyme the Soume off one thousand Seven hundreth twentie two pound thrie shilling eight pennies ut in brevi |
£1722.3.8 |
E106/1/1/265 |
[Page] 265
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/266 |
15: Fortingall Parish |
E106/1/1/266 |
The money Rent in the parish of fortingall extends to the Soume off foure thousand one hundreth twentie pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£4120.6.8 |
E106/1/1/266 |
The victuall to twa Chalders Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall twell Boillis and Beare twentie boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Soume of one hundreth fourtie Seven pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£147.13.4 |
E106/1/1/266 |
The Soume of the pryce of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Foure thousand two hundreth Sixtie eight pound breviter |
£4268.0.0 |
E106/1/1/266 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/266 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed to Robert Lesslie yearlie of the Rent beLonging to the Bishoprick of DumbLeane |
£178.10.0 |
E106/1/1/266 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/266 |
Peyed to the Minister of Fortingall In money yearlie |
£332.12.0 |
E106/1/1/266 |
To the minister of dunkeld |
£83.10.0 |
E106/1/1/266 |
To the Bedell of dunkeld |
£5.0.0 |
E106/1/1/266 |
Suma [Summa], |
£421.2.0 |
E106/1/1/266 |
The Soume of Mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said Parish of Fortingall the Soume of Thrie thousand eight hundreth fortie Six pound eightein shilling ut in brevi |
£3846.18.0 |
E106/1/1/266 |
[Page] 266
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/267 |
16: Dull Parish |
E106/1/1/267 |
The money Rent in the parish of Dull extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand one hundreth pound ten pennies breviter |
£3100.0.10 |
E106/1/1/267 |
The victualll to threttie Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] twentie Chalders Meall and ten Chalderis Beare of the measure and pryces forsaid extends to the Soume off Two thousand one hundreth thretie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies: Breviter |
£2133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/267 |
The Soume of the pryc of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish Extends to Fyue thousand two hundreth thretie thrie pound Seven shilling Sex pennies Breviter |
£5233.7.6 |
E106/1/1/267 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/267 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed to the Earle of Atholl |
£65.6.8 |
E106/1/1/267 |
To Robert Lesslie |
£38.3.4 |
E106/1/1/267 |
To the Laird of Laweris |
£65.6.8 |
E106/1/1/267 |
To the Lord Gray |
£4.0.0 |
E106/1/1/267 |
To the Laird of Cairntulie |
£134.9.4 |
E106/1/1/267 |
Suma [Summa] |
£307.16.0 |
E106/1/1/267 |
Dueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/267 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] yearlie in money |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/267 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/267 |
Peyed to the Minister of Dull yearlie in money |
£201.0.10 |
E106/1/1/267 |
To him In victuall Seven firlots meal extends to |
£7.8.9 |
E106/1/1/267 |
Suma [Summa] |
£208.9.7 |
E106/1/1/267 |
The dueties peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this Parish extends to |
£221.16.3 |
E106/1/1/267 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the Parish of Dull the Soume of fyue thousand elleven pound elleven shilling thrie pennies ut in brevi |
£5011.11.3 |
E106/1/1/267 |
[Page] 267
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/268 |
17. Blair in Atholl Strowane Lwde and Killmaveounick Parishes vnited |
E106/1/1/268 |
The money Rent In thir parishes forsaid extends to the Soume of Thrie thousand eight hundreth fiftie eight pound eight pennies Brevter |
£3858.0.8 |
E106/1/1/268 |
The victuall to eight Chalderis fouirtein boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall Six Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fouire hundreth & eight pound Breviter |
£408.0.0 |
E106/1/1/268 |
Beare twa Chalders fourtein boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Twa hundreth twentie two pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£222.6.8 |
E106/1/1/268 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in the saids parishes Extends to Foure thousand foure hundreth eightie eight pound Seven Shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£4488.7.4 |
E106/1/1/268 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/268 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Atholl |
£235.6.8 |
E106/1/1/268 |
To the Laird of faskallzie |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/268 |
Suma [Summa] |
£253.6.8 |
E106/1/1/268 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/268 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In money |
£369.10.8 |
E106/1/1/268 |
The Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in the parishes Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the Parishes the Soume of Fouire Thousand one hundreth eightein pounds Sixtein shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£4118.16.8 |
E106/1/1/268 |
[Page] 268
[Signed],John Broune |
E106/1/1/269 |
18. Muilzeing Parish |
E106/1/1/269 |
The money Rent in the parish of muilzeing extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand thrie hundreth twentie eight pound Six shilling Breviter |
£3328.6.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
The victuall to Sixtein Chalders ten Boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall Elleven Chalders two boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Seven hundreth. fiftie Six pound ten shilling Breviter |
£756.10.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
Beare fyue Chalderis eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to foure hundreth twentie fyue pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£425.6.8 |
E106/1/1/269 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to Fouire thousand fyue hundreth ten pound two shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£4510.2.8 |
E106/1/1/269 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/269 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Atholl |
£244.0.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
To the Earle of Dumfermling |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
To the Laird of Belachen |
£46.0.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
Suma [Summa] |
£280.0.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Echecquer |
E106/1/1/269 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/269 |
To the Minister yearlie In money |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/269 |
To him In victuall twa chalder elleven boillis thrie firlots Qroff [Quhairoff] one chalder eleven boillis meall one chalder thrie firlots Beare extending to |
£195.14.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
To the Scoolmaister |
£106.4.4 |
E106/1/1/269 |
Suma [Summa] |
£568.11.8 |
E106/1/1/269 |
The dueties beLonging to his maties [majesties] exchecquer wit [with] the mortified Rent in this parish extends to |
£588.11.8 |
E106/1/1/269 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish thair Rests of frie Rent in the said parish of muilzeing the Soume of thrie thousand Nyne hundreth twentie one pound ellevne shilling Breviter |
£3921.11.0 |
E106/1/1/269 |
[Page] 269
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/270 |
19. Kenmoir Parish |
E106/1/1/270 |
The money Rent in the parish of kenmoir Extends to the Soume of foure thousand fouire hundreth fourtie Seven pound elleven Shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£4447.11.4 |
E106/1/1/270 |
The victuall to Nyne Chalderis two pairt Meall thrie pairt Beare of the measure and pryces forsaid Extends to Six hundreth & fourtie pound Breviter |
£640.0.0 |
E106/1/1/270 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to fyue thousand Eightie Seven pound elleven Shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£5087.11.4 |
E106/1/1/270 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/270 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed to the Laird of Lawers of few duetie yearlie |
£42.0.0 |
E106/1/1/270 |
To the Lord Coupar |
£22.6.8 |
E106/1/1/270 |
To the Laird of Glenorchie |
£2.0.0 |
E106/1/1/270 |
Suma [Summa] |
£66.6.8 |
E106/1/1/270 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/270 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£206.13.4 |
E106/1/1/270 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/270 |
Peyed to the Minister of kenmoir In money yearlie |
£543.6.8 |
E106/1/1/270 |
To the Minister of Killin |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/270 |
Suma [Summa] |
£610.0.0 |
E106/1/1/270 |
The dueties peyed to his Maties [Majesties] exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this Parish extends to the Soume of |
£816.13.4 |
E106/1/1/270 |
Quich being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish thair Rests of frie Rent in the Parish off Kenmoir the Soume of foure thousand two hundreth Seventie pound eightein Shilling Breviter |
£4270.18.0 |
E106/1/1/270 |
[Page] 270
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/271 |
20. Killin Straffillin and Ardeownick Parishes vnited |
E106/1/1/271 |
The wholl Rent in this Parish Consisting onlly In Money Extends to the Soume of Foure thousand thrie hundreth & eightein pound Breviter |
£4318.0.0 |
E106/1/1/271 |
No Few Dueties |
E106/1/1/271 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/271 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In money |
£358.0.0 |
E106/1/1/271 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in thir parishes Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the Saids vnited Parishes the Soume of thrie thousand Nyne hundreth & Sixtie pound ut in Brevi |
£3960.0.0 |
E106/1/1/271 |
[Page] 271
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/272 |
The wholl Rent Both Constant and Casuall within the Presbitrie of dunkeld Extends to the Soume of Foure Scoir fyue Thousand Six hundreth & fourtie pound two shilling one penny ut in brevi |
£85640.2.1 |
E106/1/1/272 |
The dueties peyed to his Maties [majesties] Exchecquer out of the aboue Rent of the said Presbitrie Extends to the Soume of Six hundreth and Sixtein pound one shilling fouire pennies ut in brevi |
£616.1.4 |
E106/1/1/272 |
The Mortified Rent in the said Presbitrie Extends to the Soume of Eight thousand Thrie hundreth Eightie Six pound Nyne Shilling two pennies ut in brevi |
£8386.9.2 |
E106/1/1/272 |
Thir two Soumes of Mortified rend and dueties peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer being deduced from the Totall aboue wreattin |
E106/1/1/272 |
Rests of Frie Rent in the said Presbitrie the Soume of Seventie Six thousand Six hundreth threttie Seven pound elleven shilling Seven pennies ut in brevi |
£76637.11.7 |
E106/1/1/272 |
[Page] 272
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/273 |
1. Balquhidder Parish |
E106/1/1/273 |
The money Rent in the parish of balquhidder extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand two hundreth fiftie seven pound fiftein shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£3257.15.8 |
E106/1/1/273 |
The victuall to two Chalders Six boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare ten boillis and Meall one Chalder twell boillis of the measure and pryces forsaid Extends to one hundreth Sixtie Seven pound Six shilling eight pennies breviter |
£167.6.8 |
E106/1/1/273 |
The Soume of the pryce of wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish extends to Thrie thousand foure hundreth twentie fyue pound two shilling foure pennies ut in brevi |
£3425.2.4 |
E106/1/1/273 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/273 |
Peyed In this parish twentie Seven stain Cheis at the pryce forsd [Forsaid] Extends to |
£144.0.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
Peyed In the said parish yearlie one hundreth and Six kieds at twentie shilling [£1.0.0] the pice extends to |
£106.0.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
Peyed In the saids parish yearlie one hundreth and ten quartes of buter at twentie shilling [£1.0.0] the quart extends to |
£110.0.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
Peyed in the said parish threttie wedderis at thrie pund [£3.0.0] the pice extends to |
£90.0.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
Suma [Summa] |
£450.0.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
The wholl Rent in this parish both Constant and casuall extends to the Soume of thrie thousand eight hundreth Seventie fyue pund two shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£3875.2.4 |
E106/1/1/273 |
few dueties |
E106/1/1/273 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin ther is peyed yearlie to the Laird of Glenorchie |
£4.0.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
to the marques of Argyll |
£4.0.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
Suma [Summa] |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/273 |
To the minister yearlie In money |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/273 |
This Soume of mortified Rent deduced from the total Soume of the Rent in this Parish thair Rests of Frie Rent within the said Parish of Balquhider the Soume of thrie thousand Six hundreth eight pound Nyne shilling ut in brevi |
£3608.9.0 |
E106/1/1/273 |
[Page] 273
Roll of the Rent within the Presbitrie of dumbLeane |
E106/1/1/273 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
deduced - deducted
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/274 |
2. Callender Parish |
E106/1/1/274 |
The money Rent in the parish of Callender extends to the Soume of thrie thousand Seven hundreth Nynetie eight pound one shilling eight pennies breviter |
£3798.1.8 |
E106/1/1/274 |
The victuall to Sex Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] one Chalder Beare And fyue Chalderis meall of the measure and pryces forsaid extends to the Soume off fouire hundreth & Seventein pound Six shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£417.6.8 |
E106/1/1/274 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Foure thousand two hundreth and Fiftein pound eight shilling foure pennies breviter |
£4215.8.4 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/274 |
Peyed In the parish yearlie ane hundreth and fiftie stain Cheis at the pryce forsaid extends to |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Payed in the said parish of buter yearlie thrie stain at the pryce forsaid ex [extends] to |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Peyed in the said parish yearlie Sex wedders at the pryce forsaid ex [extends] to |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Peyed in the said parish twentie four young sheip at thirtie shilling [£1.10.0] the pice extends to |
£36.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Suma [Summa] |
£366.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
The wholl Rent in this Parish Both Constant and Casuall extends to the Soume foure thousand fyue hundreth eightie one pound eight shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£4581.8.4 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Teind and Few dueties |
E106/1/1/274 |
off the Rent aboue wreatin ther is peyed to Laird of Glenorchie in money |
£22.13.4 |
E106/1/1/274 |
To him twentie stain of cheis at the pryce forsaid extends to |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
To the Laird of keir of few duetie |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
To the Laird of Leny of teind Sextein stain Cheis extends to |
£32.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Suma [Summa] |
£134.13.4 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/274 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£102.0.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/274 |
Peyed to the Minister of Callender In money |
£214.6.8 |
E106/1/1/274 |
To him In victuall threttein boills meall extends to |
£55.5.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
To the minister of DumbLeane In money |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Suma [Summa] |
£322.18.4 |
E106/1/1/274 |
The Soume of the mortified Rent with the dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer extends to |
£424.18.4 |
E106/1/1/274 |
Quich being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in the Parish there Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of Callender the Soume of fouire thousand one hundreth fiftie Six pound ten shilling Breviter |
£4156.10.0 |
E106/1/1/274 |
[Page] 274
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/275 |
3. Aberfuill Parish |
E106/1/1/275 |
The wholl Rent in this parish Consisting onlly in monet extends To the Soume of thrie thousand Eightie eight pound Seventein Shilling ten pennies ut in brevi |
£3088.17.10 |
E106/1/1/275 |
No few dueties |
E106/1/1/275 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/275 |
Peyed to the minister of Aberfuill In money |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/275 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Total Soume of the Rent in this Parish thair Rests of Frie Rent In the said Parish of Aberfuill the Soume off Two thousand Seven hundreth fiftie fyue pound elleven Shilling two pennies ut in Brevi |
£2755.11.2 |
E106/1/1/275 |
[Page] 275
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/276 |
4.Port Parish |
E106/1/1/276 |
The money Rent in the parish of port extends to the Soume off two thousand thrie hundreth Sixtie fyue pound six shilling two pennies Breviter |
£2365.6.2 |
E106/1/1/276 |
The victuall to Sixtie two Chalders Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall fiftie Six Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Thrie thousand eight hundreth & eight pound breviter |
£3808.0.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Beare Six Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to foure hundreth Sixtie fouire pounds breviter |
£464.0.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Six thousand Six hundreth thrittie Seven pound Six shilling two pennies breviter |
£6637.6.2 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/276 |
Peyed In this parish yearlie thertie fouir stain Cheis at fourtie shillings [£2.0.0] the stain extends to |
£68.0.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
The wholl Rent in this parish both constant and casuall extends to the Soume of Six thousand Seven hundret and fyue pound Six shilling two pennies Breviter |
£6705.6.2 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/276 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to my Lord Cavers of teind duetie foure Chalders two boillis meall and fyve boillis beare extends to |
£304.13.4 |
E106/1/1/276 |
To him of few duetie In money |
£13.13.4 |
E106/1/1/276 |
To the marques of argyll off few duetie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
To my Lord wear of few duetie |
£25.16.8 |
E106/1/1/276 |
To Laird of Glenegles of few duetie |
£25.16.8 |
E106/1/1/276 |
To Robert halldine of teind duetie two boillis twa firlots meall extending to |
£10.12.6 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Suma [Summa] |
£400.12.6 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/276 |
Payed yearli out of this parish to his matie [majestie] exchecquer In money |
£114.15.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Peyed yearlie out of this parish to his maties exchecquer In money and In victuall twell boillis Meall extends to |
£51.0.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
To the Lords of Sesione In money |
£37.0.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Suma |
202.15.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/276 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money |
£65.5.4 |
E106/1/1/276 |
To him In victuall four chalders Seven boillis meall extends to |
£301.15.0 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Suma [Summa] |
£367.0.4 |
E106/1/1/276 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent In this parish extends to the Soume off |
£569.15.4 |
E106/1/1/276 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the Parish of Port the Soume off Six thousand one hundreth threttie fyue pound ten shilling ten pennies Breviter |
£6135.10.10 |
E106/1/1/276 |
[Page] 276
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/277 |
5 Kippon Parish |
E106/1/1/277 |
The money Rent in the parish of kippen Extends to the Soume off Nyne hundreth and Nyntein pound thretein Shilling Breviter |
£919.13.0 |
E106/1/1/277 |
The victuall to Twentie one Chalders foure boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall Twentie Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand thrie hundreth and Sixtie pound Breviter |
£1360.0.0 |
E106/1/1/277 |
Beare one Chalder fouire boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid ext [extends] to Nynetie Six pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£96.13.4 |
E106/1/1/277 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to two thousand thrie hundreth Seventie Six pound Six shilling eight pennies breviter |
£2376.6.8 |
E106/1/1/277 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/277 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to my Lord Cardris of teind duetie twentie Six boillis twa firlats twa pecks meall extending to |
£113.3.0 |
E106/1/1/277 |
To him of few duetie fiftein pounds breviter |
£15.0.0 |
E106/1/1/277 |
To John Cornwall of Gouvnebank of few duetie |
£21.2.4 |
E106/1/1/277 |
Suma [Summa] |
£149.5.4 |
E106/1/1/277 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/277 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£8.13.4 |
E106/1/1/277 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/277 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In victuall twa chalderis threttein boillis Meall extending to |
£191.5.0 |
E106/1/1/277 |
To the Scoollmaister In money |
£8.13.4 |
E106/1/1/277 |
Suma [Summa] |
£199.18.4 |
E106/1/1/277 |
The Soume of the dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this parish Extends to |
£208.11.8 |
E106/1/1/277 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent In this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said [Parish] of Kippen the Soume off Two thousand one hundreth Sixtie Seven pounds fyftein shilling Breviter |
£2167.15.0 |
E106/1/1/277 |
[Page] 277
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/278 |
6. Kincairdine Parish |
E106/1/1/278 |
The money Rent in the parish of kincardine extends to the Soume off two thousand fyue hundreth fiftie six pound Nyne shilling two pennies Breviter |
£2556.9.2 |
E106/1/1/278 |
The victuall to fouirtie one Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall threttie Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand and fourtie pound Breviter |
£2040.0.0 |
E106/1/1/278 |
Beare Elleven Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] extends to Eight hundreth & fiftie pound thretein shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£850.13.4 |
E106/1/1/278 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholle victuall with the money Rent in this parish Extends To fyue thousand fouire hundreth fourtie Seven pound two shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi |
£5447.2.6 |
E106/1/1/278 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/278 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed of teind duetie to the Earle of pearth two Chalderis twell boillis thrie firlats twa peckis in all Extending to |
£190.14.4 |
E106/1/1/278 |
To him in teind duetie In money |
£102.6.8 |
E106/1/1/278 |
To my Lord Cardris of teind thrie Chalders Six boillis meall extends to |
£229.10.0 |
E106/1/1/278 |
Suma [Summa] |
£522.11.0 |
E106/1/1/278 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/278 |
Peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer yearlie out of this Parish |
£46.13.4 |
E106/1/1/278 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/278 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In money |
£200.1.6 |
E106/1/1/278 |
To him In victuall thrie Chalderis thrie boillis meall extends to |
£216.15.0 |
E106/1/1/278 |
Suma [Summa] |
£416.16.6 |
E106/1/1/278 |
The dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this parish Extends to |
£463.9.10 |
E106/1/1/278 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the Parish of kincardine the Soume off foure thousand Nyne hundreth Eightie thrie pound twell shilling eight penneis ut in Brevi |
£4983.12.8 |
E106/1/1/278 |
[Page] 278
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/279 |
7. Killmadock Parish |
E106/1/1/279 |
The money Rent in the parish of kilmadock yearlie to the Soume off Foure thousand eight hundreth Sixtie fyue pound Seventein Shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£4865.17.8 |
E106/1/1/279 |
The victuall to Nyntie Seven Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare twentie Six Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand ten pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£2010.13.4 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Meall Sixtie Six Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to foure thousand foure hundreth eightie eight pound ut in Brevi |
£4488.0.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Black otts fyve Chalderis at the halfff pryce of meall extends to one hundreth & Seventie pound Breviter |
£170.0.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in the parish extends Ellevin thousand fyue hundreth threttie foure pound ellevin shilling Breviter |
£11534.11.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/279 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie to my Lord Cadris of teind fouir Chalderis meall extends to |
£272.0.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
To my Lord Neper of few duetie |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/279 |
To the Laird of Burnbank of few duetie |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/279 |
To the Earle of muray |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
To David nisbet of Calziehat of few duetie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
To James Ker of AuchinLochie of teind fourtein boillis meall extends to |
£59.10.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Suma [Summa] |
£478.3.4 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/279 |
Payed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer In money |
£388.5.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer In money And in victuall one chalder halff meall halff Beare extending to the Soume of |
£72.13.4 |
E106/1/1/279 |
and fyue Chalders blak otts at halff pryce extends to |
£170.0.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Suma [Summa] |
£630.18.4 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/279 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
to him In victuall Six chalderis meall twentie four boillis beir ext. [extends] to |
£524.0.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
to the Scoolmaister In money |
£43.6.8 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Suma [Summa] |
£583.6.8 |
E106/1/1/279 |
The dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this parish extends to |
£1214.5.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
Quich being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish thair Rests of frie Rent in the said parish of Killmadock the Soume of Ten thousand thrie hundreth & twentie pound Six shilling Breviter |
£10320.6.0 |
E106/1/1/279 |
[Page] 279
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/280 |
8. DumbLeane Parish |
E106/1/1/280 |
The money Rent in the parish of DumbLeane extends to the Soume off Foure thousand one hundreth Nyntie one pound ten penies [pennies] breviter |
£4191.0.10 |
E106/1/1/280 |
The victuall to Eightie one Chalderis eightv boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Mealle fouirtie Seven Chalders eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to thrie thousand tuo hundreth & thretie pound Breviter |
£3230.0.0 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Beare threttie fouire Chalders of measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand Six hundreth twentie Nyne pound Breviter |
£2629.0.0 |
E106/1/1/280 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Ten thousand & Fiftie pound ten pennies ut in Brevi |
£10050.0.10 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/280 |
Peyed In this parish yearlie Six wedders at the pryce forsd [forsaid] ex. [extends] to |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Peyed yearlie in the sd [said] parish fiftein stain Chies at the pryce forsd [forsaid] is |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/280 |
The Crooftes In this parish ar worth yearlie |
£46.13.4 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Suma [Summa] |
£94.13.4 |
E106/1/1/280 |
The wholl Rent in this parish Both Constant and Casuall extends to the Soume of Ten thousand one hundreth fourtie fouir pound fourtein Shilling twa pennies Breviter |
£10144.14.2 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/280 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the Laird of keir of teind duetie |
£83.6.8 |
E106/1/1/280 |
To the Laird of Cromlex of few duetie |
£45.0.0 |
E106/1/1/280 |
To James Ker of auchinLochie of few duetie |
£3.0.0 |
E106/1/1/280 |
To the Earle of pearth of few duetie |
£25.6.8 |
E106/1/1/280 |
To the Abot of Lendores of few duetie |
£30.13.4 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Suma [Summa] |
£187.6.8 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/280 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this parish money |
£50.6.8 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/280 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/280 |
To him In victuall fyue Chalderis meall thrie boillis one firlat Beare extends to |
£355.14.2 |
E106/1/1/280 |
To the minister at Blakford In money |
£38.6.8 |
E106/1/1/280 |
to the Scoollmaister of dumbLeane |
£60.6.8 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Suma [Summa] |
£1054.7.6 |
E106/1/1/280 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent Extends to the Soume of |
£1104.14.2 |
E106/1/1/280 |
Quich Being deduced from the the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish thairvRests of frie Rent in the said parish of dumbLeane the Soume off Nyne thousand and fortie pound ut in Brevi |
£9040.0.0 |
E106/1/1/280 |
[Page] 280
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/281 |
9 Lekcropt Parish |
E106/1/1/281 |
The money Rent in the parish of Lekcropt extends to the Soume of foure hundreth fiftie Seven pound Nyntein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£457.19.4 |
E106/1/1/281 |
The victuall to twentie one Chalders twell boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare Eight Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Six hundreth eightein pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£618.13.4 |
E106/1/1/281 |
Meall threttein Chalderis twell boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Nyne hundreth thretie fyue pound breviter |
£935.0.0 |
E106/1/1/281 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish Extends to Two thousand & elleven pound twell shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£2011.12.8 |
E106/1/1/281 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/281 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the Lord Cardris of teind twentie boillis twa firlats meall extends to |
£87.2.6 |
E106/1/1/281 |
To Sir Charles Erskine of teind Nyntein boillis meall ext [extends] to |
£80.15.0 |
E106/1/1/281 |
To the Laird of Gleneglies of few duetie |
£4.15.4 |
E106/1/1/281 |
Suma [Summa] |
£172.12.10 |
E106/1/1/281 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/281 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£68.19.5 |
E106/1/1/281 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/281 |
Peyed to the minister of Lekcropt In money |
£128.0.0 |
E106/1/1/281 |
To him In victuall fyten [fyftein] boillis meall extends to |
£63.15.0 |
E106/1/1/281 |
mair to him twentie two boillis twa pairt meall thrie pairt beare extends to |
£97.15.6 |
E106/1/1/281 |
To the minister of killmadock fyue boillis thrie firlats meall extends to |
£24.8.8 |
E106/1/1/281 |
To the minister of dumbLeane In money |
£16.12.4 |
E106/1/1/281 |
Suma [Summa] |
£330.11.6 |
E106/1/1/281 |
The dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortefied Rents in this parish Extends to the soume off |
£399.11.0 |
E106/1/1/281 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume off the Rent in the parish. Thair Rests of frie Rent in said parish of Lecropt the Soume of one thousand Six hundreth and twell pound one shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1612.1.8 |
E106/1/1/281 |
[Page] 281
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/282 |
10: Logie Parish |
E106/1/1/282 |
The money Rent in the parish of Logie Extends to the Soume off one thousand thrie hundreth eightie Nyne pound Nyne shilling breviter |
£1389.9.0 |
E106/1/1/282 |
The victuall to Eightein Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare eight Chalderis eight boillis off the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Six hundreth fiftie Seven pound Six shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£657.6.8 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Meall eight Chalderis eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to fyue hundreth Seventie eight pound Breviter |
£578.0.0 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Wheat one Chalder of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one hundreth Nyne pound Six shilling eight pennies breviter |
£109.6.8 |
E106/1/1/282 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to two thousand Seven hundreth thretie fouire pound two shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£2734.2.4 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/282 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie to the Laird of Pollwart of teind duetie in money |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/282 |
to him In victuall fiften boillis teind meall extends to |
£63.15.0 |
E106/1/1/282 |
To my Lord Elphingstoune of few duetie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Suma [Summa] |
£90.8.4 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecqr. [Exchecquer] |
E106/1/1/282 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer yearlie In money |
£48.18.0 |
E106/1/1/282 |
And In victuall Six Chalders Qroff [Qquhairoff] one Chalder Wheat and fyue Chalders Beare of the measure and pryce forsaid ex [extends] to |
£496.0.0 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Suma [Summa] |
£544.18.0 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/282 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money |
£139.13.4 |
E106/1/1/282 |
And In victuall ane Chalder meall & fouirtein boillis Beare extends to |
£135.13.4 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Suma [Summa] |
£275.6.8 |
E106/1/1/282 |
The dueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rents in this parish extends to the Soume of |
£820.4.8 |
E106/1/1/282 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume off the Rent in this parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of Logie the Soume of one thousand Nyne hundreth thretein pound Seventein shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1913.17.8 |
E106/1/1/282 |
[Page] 282
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/283 |
11 Tullialloun Parish |
E106/1/1/283 |
The money Rent in the parish of Tullialloun Extends to the Soume off Two hundreth fortie Nyne pound twell shilling two pennies ut in Brevi |
£249.12.2 |
E106/1/1/283 |
The victuall to twentie one Chalderis two bollis twa firlats Qroff [Quharoff] Wheat thrie boills of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Soume off twentie pound ten shilling Breviter |
£20.10.0 |
E106/1/1/283 |
Beare fouire Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extens to thrie hundreth Nyne pound Six shilling eight pennies ut in brevi |
£309.6.8 |
E106/1/1/283 |
Meall Sixtein Chalderis fyftein boillis two firlats of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand one hundreth fiftie thrie pound Seventein Shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£1153.17.6 |
E106/1/1/283 |
The soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this Parish Extends to one thousand Seven hundreth thretie thrie pound Six shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£1733.6.4 |
E106/1/1/283 |
Tak teind duetie |
E106/1/1/283 |
Off the Rent aboue wreuttin there is peyed yearlie to the Bishope of Dumbleans Sucessors of teind duetie |
£5.6.8 |
E106/1/1/283 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/283 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie Six chalderis fouire boillis Qroff [Quharoff] foure Chalderis meall and two chalderis fouire boillis Beare of the measure and pryces forsaid extends to |
£446.0.0 |
E106/1/1/283 |
To the Scoollmaister ten boillis meall extends to |
£42.10.0 |
E106/1/1/283 |
Suma [Summa] |
£488.10.0 |
E106/1/1/283 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the Parish of Tullialloun the Soume of one thousand two hundreth fortie fouire pounds Sixtein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£1244.16.4 |
E106/1/1/283 |
[Page] 283
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/284 |
The wholl Rent Both Constant and Casuall within the Presbitrie of Dumbleane Extends to the Soume of Fiftie fouir thousand two hundreth threttie two pound ten shilling fouire pennies ut in brevi |
£54232.10.4 |
E106/1/1/284 |
The dueties peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer out of the Aboue wrettin Rent Extends to the Soume of one thousand Six hundreth fiftie fyue pound foiure shilling two pennies breviter |
£1655.4.2 |
E106/1/1/284 |
The Mortified Rent in the said Presbitrie Extends to the Soume off Fouire thousand Six hundreth threttie eight pound fiftein Shilling ten pennies vt in Brevi |
£4638.15.10 |
E106/1/1/284 |
The two Soumes of Mortified Rent and dueties peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer being deduced from the totall Aboue wreattin |
E106/1/1/284 |
Restis of Frie Rent In the said Presbitrie of Dumbleane the Soume oF Fouirtie Seven thousand Nyne hundreth threttie eight pound ten shilling foure pennies ut in brevi |
£47938.10.4 |
E106/1/1/284 |
[Page] 284
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/285 |
Culros Parish |
E106/1/1/285 |
The money Rent in the parish of Culrois, extends to the Soume off Seventie foure pound Nyntein shilling Six pennies breviter |
£74.19.6 |
E106/1/1/285 |
The victuall to Eightie Seven Chalderis Qroff [Quharoff] Beare Twentie eight Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to the Soume off Tuo thousand one hundreth Sixtie fyue pounds Six shilling eight pennies breviter |
£2165.6.8 |
E106/1/1/285 |
Meall fiftie Nyne Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] Extends to Fouire thousand & twell pound Breviter |
£4012.0.0 |
E106/1/1/285 |
The Soume of the Pryce of the wholl victuall with the Money Rent in this Parish Extends to Six thousand Two hundreth fiftie two pound Six shilling two pennies Breviter |
£6252.6.2 |
E106/1/1/285 |
Casuall Rent |
E106/1/1/285 |
The Salt Panis in this parish ar worth yearlie |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/285 |
The wholl Rent in this Parish Both Constant and Casuall Extends to the Soume of Six thousand Six hundreth fiftie two pound Six shilling two pennies Breviter |
£6652.6.2 |
E106/1/1/285 |
No teind nor few duetie in this Parish bot what is mortified to the Kirk |
E106/1/1/285 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/285 |
The few dueties in this Parish belonging to the Abacie Lyffrentit by James and Mr alexander Colvills and mortified to the Kirk eftir thair deceas extends to |
£328.15.6 |
E106/1/1/285 |
To the minster of Augmentaun [Augmentatioun] In money |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/285 |
to him In victuall two chalders halff meall halff Beare ext [extends] to |
£145.6.8 |
E106/1/1/285 |
To the Colligue Minister fouire Chalderis of the qualitie forsd [forsaid] extends to |
£290.13.4 |
E106/1/1/285 |
To him In Money |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/285 |
To the Scollmaister in money |
£120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/285 |
To the hoyspitall of Culrois twentie fouere boillis meall extends to |
£102.0.0 |
E106/1/1/285 |
To the said hoispitall In money |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/285 |
Sma [Summa] |
£1506.15.6 |
E106/1/1/285 |
This soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair rests of Frie Rent in the said Parish of Culrois the Soume of Fyue thousand one hundreth fourtie fyve pound ten shilling eight pennies breviter |
£5145.10.8 |
E106/1/1/285 |
[Page] 285
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/287 |
1. Findogask parish |
E106/1/1/287 |
The money Rent in the parish of findogask extends to the Soume off one thousand thrie hundreth thretie fyue pound eightein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£1335.18.4 |
E106/1/1/287 |
The victuall to twentie Chalders eaght boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall twell chalderis fouire boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Eight hundreth thretie thrie pound breviter |
£833.0.0 |
E106/1/1/287 |
Beare eight Chalderis of the measure and pryce foresaid extends to Six hundreth eightein pound threttein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£618.13.4 |
E106/1/1/287 |
Black otts fouire boillis at halff pryce of meall extends to eight pound ten shilling Breviter |
£8.10.0 |
E106/1/1/287 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl Victuall With the money Rent in this parish extends to two thousand Seven hundreth Nyntie Six pound one shilling eight pennies breviter |
£2796.1.8 |
E106/1/1/287 |
No teind nor few dueties bot What is mortified |
E106/1/1/287 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/287 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In money |
£353.6.8 |
E106/1/1/287 |
To him In victuall threttein boillis meall and Seven boillis Beare Extending to |
£88.16.8 |
E106/1/1/287 |
To the Scoolmaister In money |
£64.8.4 |
E106/1/1/287 |
To the vniuersitie of Saintandrois In money |
£52.0.0 |
E106/1/1/287 |
Suma [Summa] |
£558.11.8 |
E106/1/1/287 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish Thair Restis of the Frie Rent in the Said parish of Findogask the Soume of Two thousand two hundreth thretie Seven pound ten shilling Breviter |
£2237.10.0 |
E106/1/1/287 |
[Page] 287 [in modern hand]
Roll of the Rent In the Presbitrie of oughterairdour
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/287 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/288 |
2. Trinity Gask and Kinkell Parishes vnited |
E106/1/1/288 |
The money Rent in thir vnited parishes Extends to the Soume of Two thousand two hundreth fourtie one pound Sixtein shilling two pennies Breviter |
£2241.16.2 |
E106/1/1/288 |
The victuall to fourtie Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare fouirtein Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand eightie two pound thretein shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£1082.13.4 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Meall twentie Six Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand Seven hundreth Sixtie eight pound breviter |
£1768.0.0 |
E106/1/1/288 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Fyue thousand Nyntie two pound Nyne shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£5092.9.6 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Casuall Rent |
E106/1/1/288 |
The Croofts of Gask ar worth yearlie |
£42.0.0 |
E106/1/1/288 |
The Coball fishing ar worth yearlie |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Peyed in this parish thretein stain Cheis at the pryce forsaid is |
£26.0.0 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Suma [Summa] |
£94.13.4 |
E106/1/1/288 |
The wholl Rent in this parish both Constant and Casuall extends to the Soume of fyue thousand one hundreth eightie Seven pound two shilling ten pennies |
£5187.2.10 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/288 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the abot of Inchaffrie of teind duetie thrie Chalderis meall extends to |
£204.0.0 |
E106/1/1/288 |
To him of few duetie In money |
£66.14.4 |
E106/1/1/288 |
to him threttein stain Cheis is |
£26.0.0 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Suma [Summa] |
£296.14.4 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/288 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] yearlie out of the forsaid Parishes |
£124.19.0 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/288 |
Peyed to the minister In money |
£349.10.6 |
E106/1/1/288 |
to him In victuall fiftein boillis meall fyue boillis Beare exts [extends] to |
£87.18.4 |
E106/1/1/288 |
to the Scollmaister In money |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Suma [Summa] |
£477.8.10 |
E106/1/1/288 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in the Parishes extends to |
£602.7.10 |
E106/1/1/288 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in the parishes Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the saids vnited Parishes of trinitie gask and Kinkell the Soume off foure thousand fyue hundreth eightie fouire pound fiftein shilling Breviter |
£4584.15.0 |
E106/1/1/288 |
[Page] 288
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/289 |
3 Madertie Parish |
E106/1/1/289 |
The money Rent in the parish of meadertie Extends to the Soume off one thousand one hundreth eightie two pound Six Shilling ten pennies Breviter |
£1182.6.10 |
E106/1/1/289 |
The victuall to fortie thrie Chalderis two boillis twa pairt meall thrie pairt Beare Off the measure and pryces forsaid Extends to Thrie thousand fiftie Six pound thretein shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£3056.13.6 |
E106/1/1/289 |
The Soume of the pryce off the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish Extends to The soume of fouire thousand two hundreth thretie Nyne pound foure pennies Breviter |
£4239.0.4 |
E106/1/1/289 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/289 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the Abot of Inchaffra of teind Duetie Six boillis Beare and fyve boillis otts extending to |
£47.14.6 |
E106/1/1/289 |
To him of few duetie |
£102.6.8 |
E106/1/1/289 |
Suma [Summa] |
£150.1.2 |
E106/1/1/289 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/289 |
Peyed to the minister of meadertie In money yearlie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/289 |
To him In victuall Seven Chalders on firlat two pairt meall thrie pairt Beare extends to |
£498.18.0 |
E106/1/1/289 |
To the Scoollmaister In money |
£83.13.4 |
E106/1/1/289 |
To the minister of kinkell |
£17.13.4 |
E106/1/1/289 |
To the minister of Blakfoord In money |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/289 |
Suma [Summa] |
£673.11.4 |
E106/1/1/289 |
Peyed to the Lords of Sessione out of Abacie of Inchaffra |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/289 |
The mortified Rent with the duetie peyed to the Lords of Sessione Extends to |
£693.11.4 |
E106/1/1/289 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume off the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said Parish of madertie the Soume off thrie thousand fyue hundreth fourtie fyue Pound Nyne shilling Breviter |
£3545.9.0 |
E106/1/1/289 |
[Page] 289
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/290 |
4 Duning Parish |
E106/1/1/290 |
The money Rent in the parish of Duning Extends to the Soume off foure thousand & fourtein pound fourtein shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£4014.14.8 |
E106/1/1/290 |
The victuall to fiftie Six Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare twentie Chalders of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to one thousand fyue hundreth fourtie Six pounds thretein shilling fouire pennies Breviter |
£1546.13.4 |
E106/1/1/290 |
Meall thretie Six Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to two thousand foure hundreth fourtie eight pound breviter |
£2448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
The Soume off the pryce of the wholle wictuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Eight thousand & Nyne pound eight shilling Breviter |
£8009.8.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/290 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Tullibardine of few duetie |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
To the Laird of Rosayth of few duetie |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
To the Laird of Duncrub of few duetie |
£97.5.10 |
E106/1/1/290 |
To the Abot of Inchaffra of tak teind deutie |
£18.13.4 |
E106/1/1/290 |
To the Laird of Cromlex of the Bishoprik of dumbLeane |
£28.13.4 |
E106/1/1/290 |
Suma [Summa] |
£364.12.6 |
E106/1/1/290 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/290 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money |
£500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
To the Scoolmaister |
£66.13.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
To the College of Glasgow |
£54.0.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
Suma [Summa] |
£620.13.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
This Soume of Mortified Rent being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of duning the Soume off Seven thousand thrie hundreth Eightie eight pound fyftein Shilling ut in brevi |
£7388.15.0 |
E106/1/1/290 |
[Page] 290
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/291 |
5. Aberruthven and aughterairdour Parishes vnited |
E106/1/1/291 |
The money Rent in the vnited parishes extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand Seven hundreth foure pounds Nyne shilling Breviter |
£3704.9.0 |
E106/1/1/291 |
The victuall to twentie Eight Chalderis fouire boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare Nyne Chalderis of the measure and prye forsaid Extends to Six hundreth Nyntie Six pound breviter |
£696.0.0 |
E106/1/1/291 |
Meall Nyntein Chalders fouire boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand thrie hundreth & Nyne pound breviter |
£1309.0.0 |
E106/1/1/291 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in the said pairshes extends to fyue thousand Seven hundreth Nyne pound Nyne shilling Breviter |
£5709.9.0 |
E106/1/1/291 |
Casuall Rent |
E106/1/1/291 |
The fishings In thir parishes is worth yearlie |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/291 |
Peyed in thir parishes a mylne Swyne is |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/291 |
Suma [Summa] |
£32.13.4 |
E106/1/1/291 |
The Soume of the wholle Rent in thir vnited parishes Both constant and casuall extends to fyue thousand Seven hundreth fortie two pounds two shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£5742.2.4 |
E106/1/1/291 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/291 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed to Abot off Inchaffrie of teind and few duetie |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/291 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/291 |
Peyed to the Minister yearlie In money |
£242.15.8 |
E106/1/1/291 |
To him In victuall twentie Boillis meall and fouire boillis Beare extends to |
£104.6.8 |
E106/1/1/291 |
Sma [Summa] |
£347.2.4 |
E106/1/1/291 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the the totall Sowme of the Rent in the parishes Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said vnited parishes the Soume off. Fyue thousand thrie hundreth Nyntie fyue pound breviter |
£5395.0.0 |
E106/1/1/291 |
[Page] 291 [in modern hand]
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/292 |
6 Blackfoord Parish |
E106/1/1/292 |
The money Rent in the parish of Blackfoord Extends to the Soume off thrie thousand fouire hundreth eightie Seven pound Seventein shilling Breviter |
£3487.17.0 |
E106/1/1/292 |
The victuall to thretie Eight Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare Eight Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Six hundreth eightein pound thretein shillings foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£618.13.4 |
E106/1/1/292 |
Meall twentie fouire Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to One thousand Six hundreth threttie two pound ut in Brevi |
£1632.0.0 |
E106/1/1/292 |
Black ottis Six chalderis at halff pryce of meall extends to Two hundreth & foure pound Breviter |
£204.0.0 |
E106/1/1/292 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Fyue thousand Nyne hundreth fourtie two pound ten shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£5,942.10.4 |
E106/1/1/292 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/292 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to the abot of Inchaffrie of tak teind and few duetie In money |
£110.0.0 |
E106/1/1/292 |
To the Laird of Cromlex of the Bishoprick of Dumbleane |
£21.6.8 |
E106/1/1/292 |
Suma [Summa] |
£131.6.8 |
E106/1/1/292 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/292 |
Payed to his maties [majesties exchequer yearlie out of this parish |
£4.16.0 |
E106/1/1/292 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/292 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money |
£355.6.8 |
E106/1/1/292 |
to him In victuall one Chalder meall and eight boillis beare extending to |
£106.13.4 |
E106/1/1/292 |
To the Scoollmaister In money |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/292 |
To him foure boillis thrie firlats in all extends to |
£20.3.9 |
E106/1/1/292 |
To the Scolmaister of dumbLeane of tak teind duetie |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/292 |
Suma [Summa] |
£534.3.9 |
E106/1/1/292 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent Extends to |
£538.19.9 |
E106/1/1/292 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of Blackfoord the Soume off Fyue thousand foure hundreth & thrie pound ten shilling Seven pennies ut in Brevi |
£5403.10.7 |
E106/1/1/292 |
[Page] 292
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/293 |
7 Glendevon Parish |
E106/1/1/293 |
The wholl Rent in the Parish of Glendevon Consisting onlly of money Extends to the Soume off one thousand Seven hundreth threttie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/293 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/293 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Tullibardine of teind and few duetie in money |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/293 |
To the Laird of Corthie of few duetie beLonging to the house of kincardine In money |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/293 |
Suma [Summa] |
£173.6.8 |
E106/1/1/293 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/293 |
To the minister yearlie In money the Soume off |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/293 |
To the Scollmaister In money |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/293 |
Suma [Summa] |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/293 |
This Soume of mortified Rent Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of Glendevon the Soume of one thousand thrie hundreth threttie thrie pound Six shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£1333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/293 |
[Page] 293
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/294 |
8 Fossoquhey Parish |
E106/1/1/294 |
The money Rent In the parish of Fossoquhey Extends to Thrie thousand one hundreth Seventie Six pound two Shilling Breviter |
£3176.2.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
The victuall to Eight Chalders twa pairt meall thrie pairt Beare of the measure and pryces forsaid Extends to the Soume off fyue hundreth Sixtie eight pound eightein shilling Breviter |
£568.18.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish Extends to Thrie Thousand Seven hundreth fourtie fyue pound Breviter |
£3545.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/294 |
Peyed In this Parish yearlie twentie wedderis at thrie pound [£3.0.0] the pice extends to |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Peyed In the said parish ten stain Cheis at the pryce forsaid ex [extends] to |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Peyed In the said parish ten stain buter at the pryce forsaid ex [extends] to |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Suma [Summa] |
£120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
The wholl Rent in this parish Both Constant and casuall Extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand Eight hundreth Sixtie fyue pound ut in Brevi |
£3865.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
few and Tak teind dueties |
E106/1/1/294 |
Off the Rent in aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to my Lord cowper of tak teind duetie In money |
£340.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
To the Laird of Aldie of few duetie |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Suma [Summa] |
£393.6.8 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/294 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this parish |
£22.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/294 |
Peyed to the Minister of Fossoquhie In money yearlie |
£241.0.0 |
E106/1/1/294 |
To the Scolmaister in money |
£16.13.4 |
E106/1/1/294 |
To the minister of Kinros In money |
£118.13.4 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Suma [Summa] |
£376.6.8 |
E106/1/1/294 |
The duetie peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in the parish Extends to |
£398.6.8 |
E106/1/1/294 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent In this parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish off of fossoquhie the Soume of thrie thousand foure hundreth Sixtie Six pounds threttein Shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£3,466.13.4 |
E106/1/1/294 |
[Page] 294 [in modern hand]
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/295 |
9 Muckart Parish |
E106/1/1/295 |
The money Rent in the parish of muckart Extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand one hundreth and one pound twell shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£3101.12.6 |
E106/1/1/295 |
The victuall to Six Chalders fouire boillis two pairt meall thrie pairt Beare of the measure and pryces forsaid Extends to foure hundreth fortie fyue pound twell shilling Breviter |
£445.12.0 |
E106/1/1/295 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish Extends to Thrie thousand fyue hundreth fortie Seven pound foure shilling Six pennies Breviter |
£3547.4.6 |
E106/1/1/295 |
few dueties |
E106/1/1/295 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the marquis of Argyll of few duetie In money |
£54.3.0 |
E106/1/1/295 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/295 |
To the minister yearlie In money |
£435.4.6 |
E106/1/1/295 |
To the vniuersitie of St androis In money |
£112.0.0 |
E106/1/1/295 |
Suma [Summa] |
£547.4.6 |
E106/1/1/295 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish Thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of Muckart the Soume of thrie thousand pound ut in Brevi |
£3000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/295 |
[Page] 295
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/296 |
10 Monzie Parish |
E106/1/1/296 |
The money Rent in the parish of monzie Extends to the Sowme off Two thowsand Sixtie foure pounds fyue shilling Breviter |
£2064.5.0 |
E106/1/1/296 |
The victuall to Seventein Chalderis foure boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall Ellevin Chalderis twell boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Seven hundreth Nyntie nyne pound Breviter |
£799.0.0 |
E106/1/1/296 |
Beare fyve Chalderis eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to foure hundreth twentie fyue pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£425.6.8 |
E106/1/1/296 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish Extends to Thrie thousand two hundreth eightie eight pound elleven shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£3288.11.8 |
E106/1/1/296 |
Few dueties |
E106/1/1/296 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed to the Laird of Laweris of few duetie |
£3.0.0 |
E106/1/1/296 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/296 |
Peyed to the minister In this parish yearlie In money |
£467.5.0 |
E106/1/1/296 |
To the Scoolmaister [schoolmaster] yearlie In money |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/296 |
Suma [Summa] |
£507.5.0 |
E106/1/1/296 |
This Soume of mortified Rent being deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in this parish thair Rests of frie Rent in the said parish of monzie the Soume Two thousand Seven hundreth Eightie one pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£2781.6.8 |
E106/1/1/296 |
[Page] 296
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/297 |
11 Muthill Parish |
E106/1/1/297 |
The money Rent in the parish of muthill extends to the Soume off thrie thousand Seven hundreth & ten pound eight Shilling ut in Brevi |
£3710.8.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
The victuall to foure scoir Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare twentie Eight chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to Two thousand one hundreth Sixtie fyue pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£2165.6.8 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Meall fiftie two Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid Extends to thrie thousand fyue hundreth thretie Six pound breviter |
£3536.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
The Soume of the price of the victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Nyne thousand foure hundreth elleven pound fourtein shilling eight pennies |
£9411.14.8 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/297 |
Peyed yearlie In this parish foure Swyne at Six pound [£6.0.0] the pice extends to |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Peyed In the said parish Ten wedderis at thrie pund [£3.0.0] the pice Extends to |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Peyed In the said parish thretie Gies at a merk the pice is |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Peyed in the said parish foure stain buter at four pund [£4.0.0] the stain extends to |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Peyed In the said parish Six stain Chies at fourtie shilling [£2.0.0] stain extends to |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Peyed In this said parish fiftie Elnes Lining Cloth at ten shillings [£0.10.0] the elne extends to |
£25.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Suma[Summa] |
£127.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
The wholl Rent in this Parish both Constant and Casuall Extends to the Soume of Nyne thousand fyue hundreth threttie eight pound fourtein shilling Eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£9538.14.8 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Tak teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/297 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed to EarLe off Pearth of few duetie yearlie In money |
£26.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
To the Earle of Crawfuird of the dueties beLonging to the Bishoprick of dunbLeane |
£105.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
To the Laird of Cromlex off the said Bishoprick |
£8.18.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
To the Earle of Tullibardine of teind Sex boillis otts ex [extends] to |
£25.10.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
To the said Earle In Money |
£17.3.4 |
E106/1/1/297 |
To the Laird of Braco of teind eight boillis meall Extends To |
£34.0.0 |
E106/1/1/297 |
Suma [Summa] |
£214.11.4 |
E106/1/1/297 |
[Page] 297
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/298 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/298 |
Peyd to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer out off this parish yearlie In money the Soume off |
£110.6.8 |
E106/1/1/298 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/298 |
Peyed to the minister off this Parish yearlie In money |
£506.2.6 |
E106/1/1/298 |
To the minister of DumbLeane In money |
£11.14.4 |
E106/1/1/298 |
To the Leader of dumbLeane on money |
£21.13.4 |
E106/1/1/298 |
Suma [Summa] |
£539.10.2 |
E106/1/1/298 |
The dueties payed to his maties Exchecquer with the Mortified Rent in this parish Extends to the Soume off |
£649.16.10 |
E106/1/1/298 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish Thaire Rests of Frie Rentvin the said parish of Muthill the Soume off Eight thousand Eight hundreth eightie eight pound Seventein shilling ten pennies ut in Brevi |
£8888.17.10 |
E106/1/1/298 |
[Page] 298
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/299 |
12 Monzievaird and Strowane Parishes vnited |
E106/1/1/299 |
The money Rent In thir vnited parishes Extends to the Soume off one thousand one hundreth Seventie fyue pound eight Shilling Breviter |
£1175.8.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
The victuall to Sixtie one Chalderis Qroff [Quhairoff] Meall fourtie Chalderis of the measure and pryce extends to Two thousand Seven hundreth & twentie pound breviter |
£2720.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Beare twentie one Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsd [forsaid] Extends to the Soumevoff one thousand Six hundreth twentie foure pound Breviter |
£1624.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
The Soume of the pryce of the wholl [victual with] the money Rent in this parish Extends to Fyue thousand fyue hundreth Nyntein pound eight Shilling Breviter |
£5519.8.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/299 |
Peyed In this parish yearlie fortie eight stain of Chies at fourtie shillings [£2.0.0] for ilk stain Extends to |
£96.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Peyed In the said parish Ten stain of buter at fouir pound [£4.0.0] for ilk stain extends to |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Peyed In the said parish eight wedders at thrie pund [£3.0.0] the pice extends to |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Peyed In the said parish threttie young Sheipe at threttie shilling [£1.10.0] the pice extends to |
£45.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Peyed In the said parish eight kieds at twentie shilling [£1.0.0] the pice extends to |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Suma [Summa] |
£213.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
The wholl Rent in this Parish Both Constant and Casual Extends to the Soume of Fyue thousand Seven hundreth threttie two pounds eight shillings Breviter |
£5732.8.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Tak teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/299 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is peyed yearlie to the abot Of Inchaffrie of tak teind duetie |
£64.15.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
To the Earle of Pearth of few duetie |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
To the Laird of Coquollzie of few duetie |
£1.13.4 |
E106/1/1/299 |
To Mr John muray of Cowdoun of teind duetie Nyne Staine foure pound Chies at fortie shilling [£2.0.0] the stane is |
£18.10.0 |
E106/1/1/299 |
Suma [Summa] |
£92.18.4 |
E106/1/1/299 |
[Page] 299
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/300 |
dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/300 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer out off this parish yearlie In money the Soume off |
£396.6.8 |
E106/1/1/300 |
Mortified Rents |
E106/1/1/300 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money |
£395.0.0 |
E106/1/1/300 |
To the Scoollmaister In money |
£63.16.4 |
E106/1/1/300 |
Sma [Summa] |
£458.16.4 |
E106/1/1/300 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this parish extends to the Soume of |
£855.3.0 |
E106/1/1/300 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish thair Rests of frie Rent in thir parishes forsaid the Soume Foure thousand eight hundreth Seventie Seven Pound fyue shilling Breviter |
£4877.5.0 |
E106/1/1/300 |
[Page] 300
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/301 |
13 Creiff Parish |
E106/1/1/301 |
The money Rent in the parish of Crieff Extends to the Soume off thrie thousand Nyne hundrh [hundreth] nyntein pound tua shilling foure pennies Breviter |
£3919.2.4 |
E106/1/1/301 |
The victuall to fiftie Chalderis eight boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare Sixtene Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to one thousand two hundreth threttie Seven pound Six shilling eight pennies Breviter |
£1237.6.8 |
E106/1/1/301 |
Meall threttie fouire Chalderis eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand thrie hundreth fortie Six pound Breviter |
£2346.0.0 |
E106/1/1/301 |
The Soume of the pryce of the haill victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to Seven thousand fyue hundreth & two pound Nyne shilling ut in brevi |
£7502.9.0 |
E106/1/1/301 |
Causualities |
E106/1/1/301 |
Peyed In this parish yearlie fortie fyue kieds at the pryce forsaid Extends to |
£45.0.0 |
E106/1/1/301 |
Peyed In the said parish twell wedderis at thrie pound [£3.0.0] the pice extends to |
£36.0.0 |
E106/1/1/301 |
Peyed In the said parish twentie fouir elnes Lining cloth at the pryce forsaid Extends to |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/301 |
Suma [Summa] |
£93.0.0 |
E106/1/1/301 |
The wholl Rent in this parish Both Constant and Casuall Extends to the Soume of Seven thousand Fyue hundreth Nyntie fyue pound Nyne shilling Breviter |
£7595.9.0 |
E106/1/1/301 |
Tak teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/301 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There Is peyed yearlie to the Earle of pearth of few duetie |
£5.6.8 |
E106/1/1/301 |
To the Earle of tullibardine of few duetie |
£111.10.8 |
E106/1/1/301 |
To James Mersser off tak teind duetie |
£70.0.0 |
E106/1/1/301 |
Suma [Summa] |
£186.17.4 |
E106/1/1/301 |
[Page] 301
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/302 |
Dueties BeLonging to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/302 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer out off this parish yearlie In money |
£178.15.4 |
E106/1/1/302 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/302 |
Peyed to the minister In money yearlie |
£387.3.8 |
E106/1/1/302 |
To him In victuall fouire Chalderis in all extends to |
£272.0.0 |
E106/1/1/302 |
To the Scollmaister In money |
£32.10.0 |
E106/1/1/302 |
Suma [Summa] |
£691.13.8 |
E106/1/1/302 |
The dueties peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this parish Extends to the Sowme of Eight hundrie Seventie pound nyne shilling Breviter |
£870.9.0 |
E106/1/1/302 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this Parish thair Rests of Frie Rent in the said parish of Creiff the Soume off Six thousand Seven hundreth twentie fyue pounds ut in Brevi |
£6,725.0.0 |
E106/1/1/302 |
[Page] 302 [in modern hand]
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/303 |
14 FowLis Parish |
E106/1/1/303 |
The money Rent for the Parish of fowLis Extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand Seventie eight pound elleven shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£3078.11.8 |
E106/1/1/303 |
The victual to Eightie Six Chalders ten Boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare Twentie eight Chalderis eight boillis off the measure and pryce forsaid extends to Two thousand two hundreth foure pound Breviter |
£2204.0.0 |
E106/1/1/303 |
Meall fiftie Eight Chalderis tuo Boillis of the measure And pryce forsaid Extends to Thrie thousand Nyne hundreth fiftie tuo pound ten shilling Breviter |
£3952.10.0 |
E106/1/1/303 |
The Soume of the pryce of the Wholl victuall with the money Rent in this parish Extends to Nyne Thousand two hundreth threttie fyue pound one shilling eight pennies. Breviter |
£9235.1.8 |
E106/1/1/303 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/303 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin There is Peyed to the Abot of Inchaffra off teind and few dueties In Money |
£455.13.4 |
E106/1/1/303 |
To him In victuall Tuo Chalderis two peckis meall threttein Boillis eight peckis Beare Extending to |
£201.15.2 |
E106/1/1/303 |
To the Earle of Mortoune of few dueties |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/303 |
Suma [Summa] |
£677.8.5 |
E106/1/1/303 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/303 |
Peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer yearlie out of this Parish In Money |
£157.13.0 |
E106/1/1/303 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/303 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In Money |
£400.11.8 |
E106/1/1/303 |
To him In victuall Two Chalderis fouire boillis meall And fyue boillis Beare Extending to |
£177.3.8 |
E106/1/1/303 |
To the Scollmaister yearlie In money |
£63.13.4 |
E106/1/1/303 |
Suma [Summa] |
£641.8.8 |
E106/1/1/303 |
The dueties Belonging to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer with the mortified Rent in this parish extends to |
£799.1.8 |
E106/1/1/303 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume off Rent in this parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said parish of fowLis the Soume of Eight Thousand foure hundreth Threttie Six pound ut in Brevi |
£8436.0.0 |
E106/1/1/303 |
[Page] 303 [in modern hand]
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/304 |
15. Comrie Parish |
E106/1/1/304 |
The money Rent in the parish of Comrie Extends to the Soume off Thrie thousand one hundreth Nyntie Six pound elleven shilling eight pennies ut in Brevi |
£3196.11.8 |
E106/1/1/304 |
The victuall to Twentie Chalderis Eight Boillis Qroff [Quhairoff] Beare Seven Chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extendis to Fyue hundreth fortie one pound Six shilling Eightvpennies Breviter |
£541.6.8 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Meall Threttein Chalderis eight boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid to Nyne hundreth & eightein pounds ut in Brevi |
£918.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
The Soume of the pryce of wholle victuall with the money Rent in this parish extends to foure thousand Six hundret fiftie fyue pound eightein shilling foure pennis breviter |
£4655.18.4 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Casualities |
E106/1/1/304 |
Peyed In this parish yearlie twentie kyds at twentie shilling. [£1.0.0] the pice Extends to |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Peyed in the said parish two Swyne at Sex pound [£6.0.0] the pice Is |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Peyed in the said Parish. Sxtein young sheippe at 30s [£1.10.0] the pice is |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Payed in the said Parish eight Stain Butter at the pryce forsaid Is |
£32.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Peyed in the said parish twell Stain Chies at the pryce forsaid Is |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Suma [Summa] |
£112.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
The wholl Rent in this parish Both Constant and Casuall extends To the Soume of foure thousand Seven hundreth Sixtie Seven pound eightein shilling foure pennies ut in Brevi |
£4767.18.4 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Teind and few dueties |
E106/1/1/304 |
Off the Rent aboue wreattin there is peyed yearlie to the Earle of Pearth of few duetie |
£28.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
To mr Johne muray ten stain tiend chies at the pryce forsaid is |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
To the Laird of Glenorchie of few duetie |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Suma [Summa] |
£54.13.4 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Dueties BeLonging to his maties [Majesties] Exchecquer |
E106/1/1/304 |
Peyed to his maties [majesties] Exchecquer yearlie In money out off this parish the Soume off |
£279.14.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Mortified Rent |
E106/1/1/304 |
Peyed to the minister yearlie In money the Soume off |
£358.4.4 |
E106/1/1/304 |
The dueties peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer with the Mortified Rent in this pairsh extends to |
£637.18.4 |
E106/1/1/304 |
Quich Being deduced from the totall Soume of the Rent in this parish there Rests of frie Rent in the said parish of Comrie the Sowme of Foure thousand one hundreth & threttie pound ut in Brevi |
£4130.0.0 |
E106/1/1/304 |
[Page] 304
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/305 |
The wholl Rent both Constant and Casuall within the Presbitrie of oughterairdour Extends to the Soume of foure scoir one thousand two hundreth & twentie pound ut in brevi |
£81220.0.0 |
E106/1/1/305 |
The dueties peyed to his Maties [Majesties] Exchecquer out of the Rent aboue wreattin Extends To the Soume of one thousand two hundreth Nyntie fouir pound ten shilling eight pennies ut in brevi |
£1294.10.8 |
E106/1/1/305 |
The Mortified Rent in the said Presbitrie Extends to the Soume of Seven thousand Seven hundreth threttie two pound thrie pennies ut in brevi |
£7732.0.3 |
E106/1/1/305 |
This two Soumes of Mortified Rent and dueties peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer being deduced from the totall Aboue wreattin |
E106/1/1/305 |
Rests of Frie Rent In the said Presbitrie of oughterairdour the Soume of Seventie two thousand one hundreth Nyntie thrie pound Nyne shilling one penny ut in brevi |
£72193.9.1 |
E106/1/1/305 |
[Page] 305
[Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/306 |
The wholl Rent both Constant and Casuall within the Shyreffdome of Pearth Extends to the Soume off Fouire hundreth and two thousand Eight hundreth threttie pound thrie shilling & elleven pennies ut in brevi |
£402830.3.11 |
E106/1/1/306 |
The dueties peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer out of the Rents of the said shyre Extends to the Soume of Fyue thousand fyue hundreth Nyntie Nyne pound Sixtein shilling fouire pennies ut in brevi |
£5599.16.4 |
E106/1/1/306 |
The Mortified Rent In the said Shyre Extends to the Soume off Fourtie one thousand eight hundreth eightie eight pound Sixtein shilling Nyne pennies ut in brevi |
£41888.16.9 |
E106/1/1/306 |
The Soume of the dueties peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer with the mortified Rents in the said shyre Extends to Fourtie Seven thousand foure hundreth Eightie eight pound threttein shilling one penney ut in brevi |
£47488.13.1 |
E106/1/1/306 |
Quich being deduced from the totall Aboue wreattin Thair Rests of frie Rent In the said shyreffdome of Pearth the Soume of Thrie hundreth fiftie Fyue Thousand thrie hundreth fourtie one pound ten shilling ten pennies breviter |
£355341.10.10 |
E106/1/1/306 |
[Page] 306 [in modern hand]
Signed] John Broune |
E106/1/1/307 |
The Totall of the present valuatione of the Shyreffdome of Pearth, beside the Mortified Rent and what is peyed to the Exchecquer Extends to the Soume off Thrie hundreth fiftie fyue thousand thrie hundreth fortie one pound ten shilling ten pennies ut in brevi |
£355341.10.10 |
E106/1/1/307 |
The Mortified Rent and what is peyed to the the Exchecquer Extends to the Soume off fourtie Seven thousand foure hundreth eightie eight pound thretein Shilling one penney ut in Brevi |
£47488.13.1 |
E106/1/1/307 |
The totall of the former valuatione of this Shire Extends to Three hundreth Fourtie Six thousand two hundreth eightie fyue pound ut in Brevi |
£346285.0.0 |
E106/1/1/307 |
The present valuatione doeth Exceed the former in the Soume of Nyne Thousand fiftie Six pound ten Shiiling ten pennies ut in brevi |
£9056.10.10 |
E106/1/1/307 |
[Page] 307
15 Jan 1650
Produced in Comittee [Committee]
[Signed] John Broune
Williame Moncreiff
Menzeis of Comryes
M D Kinloch
Robert Prestone |
E106/1/1/312 |
Clakmannane Pariochin |
E106/1/1/312 |
1] Robert Cowstoune one of the fewars of Clakmannan [Clakmannann] for himselfe, and remanent Heritors, fewars, Lyfrentars Proper Wodsetters, and vthers within the Pariochin of Clakmannan, There Money Rent doeth extend to Eight hundereth, threescore Sexteene pounds, Ten shillings iiij ds [four pennies] Inde |
£876.10.4 |
E106/1/1/312 |
2] Payit of Wheate within the said Parioch four chalder fyue bolls According to the Measure of Linlitgow Pricke Mett, Which beeng converted into money At the pryce of Sex pounds, Sexteene shillings Eight pennies [£6.16.8] for ilke Boll Extends to Four Hundereth Threescore Elleven pounds Ten shillingis Inde |
£471.10.0 |
E106/1/1/312 |
Off Ber within the said Parioch fourtie Seven chalder Thretteene Bolls, According to the forsaid Measure & Mett Wchich [Which] beeng converted into money At the pryce of four libs Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilke Boll, Extends to Three Thowsand Seven hundereth Twelue pounds, sex pennies |
£3712.0.6 |
E106/1/1/312 |
Off Meale within the said Parioch Threescore eight chalder Two Bolls, According to the said mesure & mett Which beeng Converted into money, At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilk boll Extends to four Thowsand Seven Hundereth Twentie fyue pounds Ten shillings viij ds [eight pennies] Inde |
£4725.10.8 |
E106/1/1/312 |
Off Oattes wtin [within] the said Parioch Twelue chalder Sex bolls, According to the foirsaid measure and mett Which being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilke Boll Extends to Eight hundereth fourtie one pounds Ten shillings Inde |
£841.10.0 |
E106/1/1/312 |
[Page] 312
The Roll of the Rent of the Sherfdome [Sherifdome] of Clakmannanne, made and sett downe, by the Commissionars vnder subscryveand, Appoynted for that effect, By Act of the Estaites of Parliament of this Kingdome, Holden at Edgh [Edinburgh] the fourth of August Jaj vj c fourtie nyne yeeres [4 Aug 1649], Wch [Which] Commissionars, haueing mett on the Eleventh Day of September [11 Sep 1648] And haueing Judiciallie given there Oathes to use there best endevors for a richt And true Informaun [Informatioun] Of the rents of the Whole Shyre And to proceede faithfullie and Impartiallie In prosequuting there Commissione, And Instructiones Relating thrinto [there into] Which they haue cairefullie performed in everie point, After Mature and Serious Deliberaun [Deliberatioun], They haue made, and sett downe, the Roll following, In Articles according to the Number of the severall Pariochs within the said Shyre, And haue cast up the sowmes according to the Direction of the Parliamente. |
E106/1/1/312 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
Breviter - Briefly
ut in Brevi - so in brief
The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches
wodsetter - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
Latin 'inde' - thus |
E106/1/1/313 |
Summa of the Pryces of the foresaid whole Victuall and Money within the said Pariochin Extends to Ten Thowsand Six Hundereth Twentie seven pounds Two shillings Two pennies |
£10627.2.2 |
E106/1/1/313 |
3] Payit In Casuall Rent for Coals |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/313 |
4] Payit In Mortified Rent To the Minister and Sholemaister In money Extends to Six hundereth Twentie four pounds One shilling Inde |
£624.1.0 |
E106/1/1/313 |
Payit of Ber to the Minister One chalder Thretteene Bolls According to the Measure of Linlighgow Pricke Mett Which beeng Converted in money At the pryce of four pounds Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk Boll Extends to Ane hundereth fourtie pounds Three shillings four pennies Inde |
£140.3.4 |
E106/1/1/313 |
Payit of Meale to the Minister Two chalders Eight bolls Two firlotts, According to the forsd [forsaid] measure and Mett, Which being Convertid into money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilke Boll, Extends to One hundereth Threescore Tuelue pounds, Two shillings Sex pennies Inde |
£172.2.6 |
E106/1/1/313 |
Summa of the Mortified Rent of the Parioch Extends to nyne hundereth Threttie sex pounds Sex shillings Ten pennies Inde |
£936.6.10 |
E106/1/1/313 |
Alloway Pariochin |
E106/1/1/313 |
1] John Maistertoune of Parkmylne for himselfe, and remanent heritors, fewars, Lyfrentars proper wodsettars, and others within the Pariochin of Alloway, Their money Rents extends to Ane Thowsand fourtie Two pounds Inde |
£1042.0.0 |
E106/1/1/313 |
2] Payit of Wheatt in the said Parioch four Chalders Fyfteene Bolls According to the Measure of Linlithgow pricke mett, which being converted into money At the pryce of Sex pounds, Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies [£6.16.8] for ilk Boll Extends to fyue hundereth Threttie nyne pounds Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies Inde |
£539.16.8 |
E106/1/1/313 |
[Page] 313 |
E106/1/1/314 |
2] Off Ber, within the said Parioch Threttie four chalders four Bolls, According to the foirsd [foirsaid] measure and mett wch [which] Being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds threteene shillings Eight pennies [£4.13.8] for ilk Boll Extends to Two thowsand, Sex hundereth fiftie Three pounds One shilling Eight pennies Inde |
£2653.1.8 |
E106/1/1/314 |
Off meale wthin [within] the said parioch fyftie one chalders fyfteene bolls one firlott According to the foirsd [foirsaid] measure & mett wch [which] being Converted into money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilk Boll Extends to Three Thowsand fyue hundereth Threttie ane pounds fyfteene shillings Inde |
£3531.15.0 |
E106/1/1/314 |
Summa of the Pryces of the forsd [forsaid] victuall and money wthin [within] the said parioch Extends to Seven Thowsand Seven hundereth Three score Seven pounds Thretteene shillings Ten pennies |
£7767.13.10 |
E106/1/1/314 |
3] Payit in Casuall Rent for Coals |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/314 |
4] Payit in mortified Rent to the Minister and Scholemaster In moneyes Two hundereth Threttie pounds Inde |
£230.0.0 |
E106/1/1/314 |
Payit of Ber to the Minister Two chalders According to the measure forsd [forsaid] wch [which] being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk Boll, Extends to Ane hundereth fiftie four pounds Thretteene shillingis four pennies Inde |
£154.13.4 |
E106/1/1/314 |
Payit of Meale to the Minister Three chalders According to the foirsaid measure and mett, which being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilke Boll Extends to Two hundereth four pounds Inde |
£204.0.0 |
E106/1/1/314 |
Summa of the Mortified Rent wthin [within] the said Parioch Extends to fyue hundereth four scoir Eight pounds Thretteene shillings four pennies |
£588.13.4 |
E106/1/1/314 |
[Page] 314 |
E106/1/1/315 |
Logy Pariochin |
E106/1/1/315 |
1] James Haldane of Myretonne for himselfe and Remanent Heritors Lyfrentars, fewars, Proper Wedsetters And othrs [others] wthin [within] the Parioch of Logy Their money Rent Extends to four score pounds Inde |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/315 |
2] Payit of Wheatt within the said Parioch Eight chalder one Boll According to the measure of Linlithgow Prick mett, wch [which] being converted into money At the pryce of Sex pounds Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies [£6.16.8] for ilk boll Extends to Eight hundreth threescore nynteene pounds Sex shillings eight pennies Inde |
£879.6.8 |
E106/1/1/315 |
3] Payit of Ber wthin [within] the said Parioch Twentie nyne chalder According to the foirsaid measure and mett Which being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds Sexteene Shillingis Eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk Boll Extends to Two thowsand One hundereth four score pounds, Sex shillingis Eight pennies Inde |
£2180.6.8 |
E106/1/1/315 |
4 Of meale within the said Parioch threttie seven chalder Two bolls According to the foirsaid measure and mett wch [which] being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilk boll Extends to Two thowsand fyue hundereth fourteene pounds Ten shillingis Inde |
£2514.10.0 |
E106/1/1/315 |
Summa of the Pryces of the foirsaid Victuall and moneyes within the said Parioch Extends to fyue Thowsand Sex hundereth fiftie four pounds Three shillings four pennies |
£5654.3.4 |
E106/1/1/315 |
Payit of Mortified Rent to the Minister of Money Sex pounds Ten shillings Eight pennies Inde |
£6.10.8 |
E106/1/1/315 |
Payit of meale to the minister four bolls According to the mett and measure forsd [forsaid] wch [which] being converted into Money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilk boll Extends to Seventene pounds Ie [Inde] |
£17.0.0 |
E106/1/1/315 |
Payit of Rent to the Exchequer Two Hundereth Two pounds Thretteene shillingis four pennies Inde |
£202.13.4 |
E106/1/1/315 |
Summa of the mortified Rent of the sd [said] Parioch Extends to Two hundereth Twentie sex pounds four shillingis Inde |
£226.4.0 |
E106/1/1/315 |
[page] 315 |
E106/1/1/316 |
Tullicultrie [P]ariochin |
E106/1/1/316 |
1] Androw Blaire for himselfe and Remanent heritor fewars, Lyfrentars, Proper Wodsetters, and others wtin [within] the Pariochin of Tullicultrie Their money Rent Extends to Nyne Hundereth Twentie pounds Inde |
£920.0.0 |
E106/1/1/316 |
2] Payit of Ber wthin [within] the said Paroch Ten chalders fyfteene bolls According to the measure and mett of Linlithgow Pricke mett, wch [which] beeng converted into money At the pryce of four pounds Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk boll Extends to Eight hunderet [hundereth] fourtie sex pounds Sexteene shillings Eight pennies Inde |
£846.16.8 |
E106/1/1/316 |
Of Meale wthin [within] the said Parioch Eighteene chalder Three bolls According to the foirsd [foirsaid] measure and mett wch [which] being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilke boll Extends to One thowsand Two hundereth Threttiesex pounds fyfteene shillingis Inde |
£1236.15.0 |
E106/1/1/316 |
Of Oattse wthin [within] said Parioch Ten chalders four bolls According to the said measure Wch [Which] being converted into moneyes At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillingis [£4.5.0] for ilk Boll Extends to Sex hundereth four score Seventeene pounds Inde |
£697.0.0 |
E106/1/1/316 |
Summa of the pryces of the whole Victuall and moneyes wthin [within] the said Parioch Extends to Three thowsand, Seven hundereth pounds Elleven shillings Eight pennies |
£3700.11.8 |
E106/1/1/316 |
3] Payit in Casuall Rent for Coals |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/316 |
4] Payit in Mortified Rent to the Minister and Scholemaster One Hundereth four score Tuelue pounds Three shillings iiij ds [four pennies] Inde |
£192.3.4 |
E106/1/1/316 |
Payit of Ber to the Minister One chalder Eight bolls According to the measure of Linlithgow Prick mett Wch [Which] being converted in money At the pryce of four pounds Sexteene shillings Eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk boll Extends to One hundereth fyfteene pounds fyfteene shillings Inde |
£115.15.0 |
E106/1/1/316 |
Payit of Meale to the Minister fourtie bolls, according to the forsd [forsaid] measure and mett Wch [Which] being converted into moneyes At the pryceof foire pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilk boll Extends to One Hundreth Three score Ten pounds Inde |
£170.0.0 |
E106/1/1/316 |
Summa of the Mortified Rent of the sd [said] Parioch Extends to four hundereth Three score Seventeene pounds Eighteene shillingis four pennies Inde |
£477.18.4 |
E106/1/1/316 |
[page] 316 |
E106/1/1/317 |
5] Payit furth of the said Parioch to the Exchequer As the Rolls thereof beares Nyne chalder Malt According to the measure of Linlithgow Pricke mett, Wch [Which] being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds sexteene shillings viij ds [£4.16.8] for ilk boll Extends to Sex hundereth four score sexteene pounds |
£696.0.0 |
E106/1/1/317 |
Dolor Parioch |
E106/1/1/317 |
1] James Patone of Hilfutt for himselfe, and remanent heritor, fewars, Lyfrentars, proper Wodsettares and others wthin [within] the Pariochin of Dolor There money Rent Extends to One Thowsand One Hundereth Threescore One pound One shilling four Pennies Inde |
£1161.1.4 |
E106/1/1/317 |
Payit of Ber within the said Parioch four Chalders Three Bolls According to the measure of Linlithgow Prick mett Wch [Which] Being converted into Money At the pryce of four pounds Sexteene shillingis eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk Boll Extends to Three hundereth Twentie three pounds, Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies, Inde |
£323.16.8 |
E106/1/1/317 |
Of meale within the said Parioch fyfteene chalders Ten bolls Two firlotts According to the foirsaid measure Wch [Which] being converted into Money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillingis [£4.5.0] for ilk boll Extends to One Thowsand Three score four pounds Twelue shillingis Sex pennies Inde |
£1064.12.6 |
E106/1/1/317 |
Summa of the Rent and Pryces of the said Victuall and money within the said Parioch Extends to Two Thowsand fyue hundereth fourtie Nyne pounds Ten shillings Sex pennies |
£2549.10.6 |
E106/1/1/317 |
3] Payit in Mortified Rent to the Minister and Scholemaister four Hundereth Threttie Eight pounds Eighteene shillingis Inde |
£438.18.0 |
E106/1/1/317 |
Payit foorth of the said Parioch To those who gott the Bishop of Dunkeld his Rent Ten pounds Thretteene shillings four pennies Inde |
£10.13.4 |
E106/1/1/317 |
Summa of the Mortified Rent Extends to four Hundereth fourtie nyne pounds Elleven shillingis four pennies Inde |
£449.11.4 |
E106/1/1/317 |
[page] 317 [in modern hand] |
E106/1/1/318 |
The Totall of the present Valuatione of the Shyre Besyde and Attour the mortified Rent And what is payt [payit] to the Exchequer Extends to |
£29024.7.8 |
E106/1/1/318 |
The mortified Rent, and what is payit to the Exchequer Extends to |
£3374.13.10 |
E106/1/1/318 |
[Page] 318
Charles Erskine
R Bruce
Johne Stirling of [helensburgh]
Thomas Anderson
Mr William Blackburne
Thomas Kellok |
E106/1/1/319 |
[Page] 319
The Rentis of the particular Parochines
Within the Sherefdome of Clakmannan
producit 5 Dec 1649 |
E106/1/1/321 |
[Page] 321
Att Abirdein the twentie Sext day of November Jai vi c& fourtie nyne yeris [26 Nov 1649]
The Roll of the rent of the Shirefdome of Aberdein maid and sett doun be the comissioneris [commissioneris] wndir subscryveing appoynted for that effect by act of the estatis of Parliament of this kingdome Holdin att Edinburgh the fourth of August 1649 [4 Aug 1649] Which Comissioneris [Commissioneris] haveing mett on the threttein day of September [13 Sep] Last, And having iudiciallie givin thair oathis to wse thair best endeavouris for a right and trew informatioune of the rentis of the whole shire and to proceid faithfullie and unpartiallie in prosicuting thair comissioune [commissioune] and Instructiouns relateing thairwnto Which thay have cairfullie performed in everie poynt After serious & mature Deliberaune [Deliberatioune] They have maid and sett doune the roll following In articles according to the number of the severall parochines wtin [within] the said shirefdome and haue cast wp the sowmis according to the Directiounes of the Parliament |
E106/1/1/322 |
Parishe New aberden |
E106/1/1/322 |
For Salmond fisching in the parisch of new aberdeine fyve hundreth and fourtein punds |
£514.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Parochin old Machar |
E106/1/1/322 |
Pa. [Parish] old Machar |
E106/1/1/322 |
Parochin of old machar thrie thousand punds silver rent -- libs |
£3000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Ane thousand bolls of meill Inde at 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- libs |
£4000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Ane hundreth and feftie bolls of bear Inde at 4 lib 6 ss 8 [£4.6.8] -- libs |
£650.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
for Salmond fisching caswall rent tuelff hundreth punds |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
feftie wedders @ feftie thrie schilling & four pennies [£2.13.4] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Off mortified rent out of ferriehill, Caberstone & Peiterstone four hundreth sextie thrie punds & sax schillingis 8 ds [pennies] |
£463.6.8 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Suma [Summa] is extendis to nyne thousand four hundreth fourtie sex punds thretein schillingis four pennies |
£9446.13.4 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Payed out of the forsaid rent for teind dewtie to the colledg of old aberdeine six hundreth nyntie sex punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] |
£696.13.4 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Item of few dewtie payed to the said Colledg aucht hundreth threttie twa punds |
£832.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Item Mortified to the Gramer schooll of abd [aberdeen] out of the said rent thrie hundreth threttie thrie punds sex schillingis 8 ds [pennies] |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Item for vpholding the bridges of dee and done Mortified four score punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Item mortified to the old Colledg of aberdeine feftie punds |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Suma [Summa] is nyntien hundreth nyntie tua punds |
£1992.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Restis of frie rent Sevin thousand four hundreth feftie four punds threttein schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£7454.13.4 |
E106/1/1/322 |
Item peyit to the Earll of buchan for few dewtie tuell punds -- libs |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/322 |
[Page] 322
Presbrie [Presbyterie] off Abirdeine |
E106/1/1/322 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii
Inde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above
Lat = late, recent
6 shilling 8 pennies missing from written value for "haill deductions". |
E106/1/1/323 |
Parochine of kintoire |
E106/1/1/323 |
Off silver rent thrie hundreth four scoir ten pund |
£390.0.0 |
E106/1/1/323 |
four hundreth bolls of meill Inde sixtein hundreth punds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/323 |
ITem Thrie hundreth and ten bolls of bear Inde threttein hundreth fourtie thrie punds sex schillingis aucht ds [pennies] |
£1343.6.8 |
E106/1/1/323 |
Suma [Summa] extends too thrie thousand thrij [thrie] hundreth threttie thrie punds sex schilling aucht pennies |
£3333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/323 |
Payed out of this to the minister sextie sevin bolls meill @ four punds [£4.0.0] the boll Inde -- libs |
£268.0.0 |
E106/1/1/323 |
ITem feftie four bollis of bear extendis to tua hundreth threttie four pounds -- libs |
£234.0.0 |
E106/1/1/323 |
More Threttie punds of silver |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/323 |
Suma [Summa] extendis too fyve hundreth threttie Tua pundis |
£532.0.0 |
E106/1/1/323 |
ITem Mortified to the new Colledg of aberdeine Ten bollis of bear payed out of the toune off kintoir Inde fourtie thrie punds six schillingis aucht penies -- libs |
£43.6.8 |
E106/1/1/323 |
ITem payed out of few dewtie out of the rints of kintore to the kingis exchaker ane hundreth punds -- libs |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/323 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill deductiones extends to sex hundreth thrie scoir fyiftein punds |
£675.6.8 |
E106/1/1/323 |
So restis of frie rent tua thousand sex hundreth feftie aught pundis -- libs |
£2,658.0.0 |
E106/1/1/323 |
The Minsters Lat agmentatioun being Deducit |
E106/1/1/323 |
[Page] 323 |
E106/1/1/324 |
Parochin of Kinnellar |
E106/1/1/324 |
Off silver dewtie sevinteine hundreth and sextein pund sex schillingis aught pennies -- libs |
£1716.6.8 |
E106/1/1/324 |
ITem Six scoir fyve bollis meall Inde fyve hundreth punds -- libs |
£500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/324 |
ITem feftie bollis of bear Twa hundreth and sixteine pundis -- libs |
£216.13.4 |
E106/1/1/324 |
Suma [Summa] extendis too Tua thousand four hundreth threttie thrie pundis |
£2433.0.0 |
E106/1/1/324 |
Payed out of the said rent to the minister fourtie bolls meill Inde ane hundreth sextie punds |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/324 |
ITem Twelff bollis of bear feftie tua pundis -- libs |
£52.0.0 |
E106/1/1/324 |
ITem off silver threttie thrie punds sex schillingis 8ds [pennies] |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/324 |
Soume extendis too tua hundreth fourtie fyve punds sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£245.6.8 |
E106/1/1/324 |
Quhilk is payed forby his wiccaradg qlk [quilk] he is in possession off and his augmentaune [augmentatioune] whilk he is in persuit pntlie [presentlie] |
E106/1/1/324 |
ITem Mortified to the professor of Theoligie of the collidg of old aberdein out of the sd [said] rent fourtie aucht bolls meill Inde ane hundreth nyntie tua pundis -- libs |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/324 |
ITem Sixtein bolls bear @ four punds six schillingis 8ds [£4.6.8] |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/324 |
And of silver Tua hundreth four scoir aught punds |
£288.0.0 |
E106/1/1/324 |
ITem Payed to the kingis exchaker of few dewtie four punds |
£4.0.0 |
E106/1/1/324 |
Suma [Summa] extends too fyve hundreth feftie thrie sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£553.6.8 |
E106/1/1/324 |
Restis of frie rent forby all the deductiones whilk extendis too sevin hundreth four scoir auchtien punds thretein schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£798.13.4 |
E106/1/1/324 |
The frie rent is sextein hundreth threttie four punds sex ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] -- lib |
£1634.6.8 |
E106/1/1/324 |
[Page] 324 |
E106/1/1/325 |
Skeene Parochine |
E106/1/1/325 |
Imprimis fyve hundreth bolls of meall at four pounds [£4.0.0] Inde tua thousand punds |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/325 |
ITem six scoir bollis of bear @ four pounds 6sh 8ds [£4.6.8] Inde fyve hundreth and Tuentie punds |
£520.0.0 |
E106/1/1/325 |
ITem of silver dewtie Threttiene hundreth thrie score & sevintein punds |
£1377.13.4 |
E106/1/1/325 |
ITem fourtie wadders at feftie thrie schillings 4ds [£2.13.4] Inde ane hundreth and thrie pund sex schillingis 8 ds [pennies] |
£103.6.8 |
E106/1/1/325 |
Suma [Summa] four thousand punds ane punds |
£4001.0.0 |
E106/1/1/325 |
Payed out of this to the Minister Attour his augmentatione & wiccaradg threttie bollis meill at 4 libs [£4.0.0] |
£120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/325 |
ITem Ten bollis bear at four punds six schillings 8ds [£4.6.8] |
£43.6.8 |
E106/1/1/325 |
ITem payed him in silwer aught scoir and ten punds |
£170.0.0 |
E106/1/1/325 |
Suma [Summa] extends too |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/325 |
Restis of frie rent Thrie thousand six hundreth sextie sevn [seven] punds threttein schillingis four pennies |
£3667.13.4 |
E106/1/1/325 |
[Page] 325 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Dyce Parrochin |
E106/1/1/326 |
Off Silver rent elevin hundreth and tuelfe punds -- libs |
£1112.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
ITem ane hundreth four scoir and elevin bollis meill at four punds [£4.0.0] the boll Inde sevin hundreth sextie four pund |
£764.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
ITem ane hundreth and feftie bollis bear and malt at 4 libs six ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] the boll Inde six hundreth and feftie punds |
£650.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
ITem moir sixtein wedders at 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] the peice Inde -- libs |
£42.13.4 |
E106/1/1/326 |
ITem aucht Lambes at 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- libs |
£5.6.8 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Suma [Summa] extends to tuo thousand fyve hundreth thrie scoir fourtein punds |
£2574.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister tua hundreth sextie sex punds threttein schillingis four pennies |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/326 |
ITem threttie tua bolls meall at four punds [£4.0.0] ane hundreth tuantie aucht punds |
£128.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Sextein bolls of Beir and malt @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde -- libs |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Suma [Summa] heroff four hundreth sextie four punds |
£464.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
ITem Mortified to the Colledg of new aberdeine to sex schollers thair fourtie tua bolls meill makis aucht score aucht punds |
£168.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Fourtie tua bollis malt at 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] |
£182.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Payed of few dewtie to the collector of the bischoprik off Sanct andres sex pund threttein schillingis 4 ds |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Payed of few dewtie to the kingis exchaker sextein punds |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/326 |
Suma [Summa] of all the deductiones extends too aught hundreth thretie sex punds thretein ss four pennies |
£836.13.4 |
E106/1/1/326 |
So restis of frie rent sevintein hundreth thretie sevin pundis sex schillingis aucht pennies -- libs |
£1737.6.8 |
E106/1/1/326 |
The ministers Last agmentatioun being deducit |
E106/1/1/326 |
[Page] 326 |
E106/1/1/327 |
Dalmaock Parrochine |
E106/1/1/327 |
Off Silver rent tua hundreth and nyntein punds |
£219.0.0 |
E106/1/1/327 |
ITem tua hundreth and tuentie bolls and ane halff of meill Litchgows met @ four punds [£4.0.0] Inde |
£886.0.0 |
E106/1/1/327 |
Auchtein bollis and ane halff of beir @ four libs six ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/327 |
fourtein wedders at 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] is thretie sevin punds six ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] |
£37.6.8 |
E106/1/1/327 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff is twelff hundreth tuantie tua punds |
£1222.0.0 |
E106/1/1/327 |
Payed out of this to the mir. [minister] Attor his viccaradg auchtein bolls thrie firlotis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde -- libs |
£75.0.0 |
E106/1/1/327 |
Ten firlotis of bear Inde ten punds 16ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] |
£10.16.8 |
E106/1/1/327 |
And of silver fyve punds thrietein schillingis four ds [pennies] |
£5.13.4 |
E106/1/1/327 |
ITem Mortified to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] Tuelff bolls meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde fourtie aucht punds |
£48.0.0 |
E106/1/1/327 |
ITem Mortified to the poore tuelff bolls meall Inde |
£48.0.0 |
E106/1/1/327 |
Suma [Summa] off all the deductiones is nyne scor sevin punds ten schillingis |
£187.10.0 |
E106/1/1/327 |
Restis of frie rent ane thousand threttie fowr pund sextein schillingis aucht pennies |
£1054.16.8 |
E106/1/1/327 |
[Page] 327 |
E106/1/1/327 |
Rents total short by 6 shillings 8 pennies
Rests of Frie Rent difference of written and numeric is £20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Balhelvie Parrochine |
E106/1/1/328 |
Off Silver rent ane thousand feftie nyne pundis |
£1059.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Aucht hundreth and tuentie bollis of meall at 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde 3280 lib [punds] |
£3280.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Thrie hundreth and fourtie bollis @ 4 libs sex ss aucht pennies [£4.6.8] Inde fourtein hundreth sevintie thrie punds |
£1473.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff fyve thousand aucht hundreth and tuelfe punds |
£5812.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Payed out of this to the Mir [Minister] attor his wiccaradg threttie tua bollis meill Inde ane hundreth tuantie aught punds |
£128.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Sixtein bolls bear Inde sixtie nyne punds six schillingis aucht pennies |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Off Silver to the minister tua hundreth feftie four pounds thretein schillingis four pennies |
£254.13.4 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Suma [Summa] is four hundreth feftie tua punds |
£452.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Payed out of teind deutie to the Colledg of old abirdein fyve bolls meill at four punds [£4.0.0] the boll Inde Tuantie punds |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
Restis of frie rent fyve thousand thrie hundreth and fourtie pund |
£5340.0.0 |
E106/1/1/328 |
[Page] 328 |
E106/1/1/329 |
New Macker Parrochine |
E106/1/1/329 |
Off Silver rent nyntein hundreth sevintie tua punds |
£1972.0.0 |
E106/1/1/329 |
Tua hundreth bollis of meall at 4lib [£4.0.0] Inde aucht hundreth punds |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/329 |
Feftie bollis bear at 4libs 6ss 8ds [£4.6.8] Inde tua hundreth sixteine punds |
£216.13.4 |
E106/1/1/329 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff Tua thousand nyne hundreth four scor aucht punds |
£2988.13.4 |
E106/1/1/329 |
Payed out of the forsaid rent of teind dewtie to the Colledg of old aberdeine thrie hundreth thrie scor sextein punds thrietein schillingis four pennies |
£376.13.4 |
E106/1/1/329 |
Payed Lykwayes to the said Colledg of few deutie four hundreth tuantie thrie punds 6 ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] |
£423.6.8 |
E106/1/1/329 |
Suma [Summa] thereoff of the sd [said] deductiones extends too aucht hundreth punds |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/329 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand ane hundreth auchtie aucht punds |
£2188.0.0 |
E106/1/1/329 |
[Page] 329
Nota Item the Collidg payed the mir [mininster] his scipend out of the foirsd [foirsaid] teind Dewtie |
E106/1/1/330 |
Fintray Parrochine |
E106/1/1/330 |
Off Silver Dewtie fourteine hundreth four score punds |
£1480.0.0 |
E106/1/1/330 |
four hundreth and sextie bollis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde auchtein hundreth and fourtie punds |
£1840.0.0 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Aucht scoir sex boolls beir at 4 libs iv ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde sevin hundreth and nyntein punds sex schillingis aucht penies |
£719.6.8 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Tuantie sex wedders at feftie thrie schillingis 4ds [£2.13.4] |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/330 |
tuantie four Lambis at 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde sexteine punds |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Feftie fyve bollis saltis at 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde Tua hundreth & tuantie pundis |
£220.0.0 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff extends too four thousand thrie hundreth fourtie four pundis thrietein schilling four peinis |
£4344.13.4 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Payed out of this to the minister sixtie bollis off meall at four punds [£4.0.0] Inde tua hundreth and fourtie libs |
£240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Sixtein bolls bear at 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde sextie nyne punds sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/330 |
More Silver payed to him aucht scoir ten punds |
£170.0.0 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff is four hundreth sevintie nyne punds sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£479.6.8 |
E106/1/1/330 |
ITem payed mor for few dewtie to the kingis excheker Tua hundreth and fourteine pundis |
£214.0.0 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Suma [Summa] of deductionnis sex hundreth nyntie thrie punds sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£693.6.8 |
E106/1/1/330 |
Restis of frie rent In wictuals & fewers and vthr [vther] customes thrie thousand sex hundreth feftie ane punds threttein ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] |
£3651.13.4 |
E106/1/1/330 |
[Page] 330 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Parisch of Peterculter and halfe Banchorie parrochin benorth dee |
E106/1/1/331 |
Off Silver rent fourtiene hundreth nyntie four punds |
£1494.0.0 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Four hundreth bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde sextiene hundreth punds |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Ane hundreth bollis beir at 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde four hundreth threttie thrie punds |
£433.6.8 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Tuantie fyve wedders at 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde sextie sex punds threteine schillingis four pennies |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Ten Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/331 |
for Salmond fisching four hundreth punds |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff extends too four thousand punds sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£4000.13.4 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Payed out of this frie rent to the ministers off Peterculter and banchorie parisches In Silver fyve hundreth sextie sex punds thretein schillingis 4 ds [pennies] |
£566.13.4 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Threttie bolls of meall at 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde |
£120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Ten bolls thrie firlotis bear at 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde |
£46.6.8 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Suma [Summa] sevin hundreth thretie thrie punds |
£733.0.0 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Mor payed of few dewtie out of the foirsd [foirsaid] rent to the colledg of new aberdeine four scoir tuelff punds |
£92.0.0 |
E106/1/1/331 |
The frie rent of the sd [said] parisch Attor the ford [forsaid] deductiones extendis too thrie thousand ane hundreth sevintie fyve punds |
£3175.0.0 |
E106/1/1/331 |
Suma [Summa] the frie rent of the pretrie [presbitrie] off Aberdein extends too thertie thrie thousand feftie thrie punds ten schillingis libs |
£33053.10.0 |
E106/1/1/331 |
[Page] 331 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Eacht parrochine |
E106/1/1/332 |
Off Silver rent payed aught hundreth fourscor punds |
£880.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
four hundreth and feftie bollis of meill at 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde |
£1800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Ane hundreth and feftie bollis of beir @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] |
£650.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Threttie weadders at 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Tuantie Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Tua swyne @ 6 libs [£6.0.0] Inde |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff extends too thrie thousand four hundreth threttie fyve pund 6 ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] |
£3435.6.8 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Payed out of this rent in wictuals and fewis to the minister fyve hundreth tuantie aucht punds |
£528.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand nyne hundreth and sevin punds -- libs |
£2907.6.8 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Kinnairnie parrochine |
E106/1/1/332 |
Off silver rent sevin hundreth and thrie pundis |
£703.6.8 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Ane hundreth and feftie bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Sextie fyve bolls beir @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] is tua hundreth four score ane punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] |
£281.13.4 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Suma [Summa] extendis too fyiftein hundreth four score fyve punds |
£1585.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Payed out of this to the Minister In wictuals & fews tua hundreth and fourtie punds attor his wiccradg |
£240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
Rests of frie rent thretein hundreth fourtie fyve punds |
£1345.0.0 |
E106/1/1/332 |
[Page] 332
Kyncardyne Pretrie [Presbitrie] |
E106/1/1/332 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii
Inde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above |
E106/1/1/333 |
Clunie Parisch |
E106/1/1/333 |
Payed of Silver rent sex hundreth and fyve punds |
£605.0.0 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Thrie hundreth fourtie sex bollis meill at four punds [£4.0.0] |
£1384.0.0 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Ane hundreth and fourtie bollis beir @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 [£4.6.8] |
£606.13.4 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Tuantie fyve weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Thrie Swyne @ 6 libs [£6.0.0] Inde |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Suma [Summa] extendis too tuo thousand sex hundreth and aughtie punds |
£2680.6.8 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In wictuals and Silver Tua hundreth and fourtie punds attor his viccaradg -- lib |
£240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Payed of few dewtie to the marqueis of huntlie threttein punds sex schillingis aucht pennies -- lib |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/333 |
For few deutie to the Laird forbes sex punds threteine Shillingis four pennies -- libs |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Restis off frie rent tuo thousand four hundreth and Tuantie punds -- lib |
£2420.0.0 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Glentannar Parochine |
E106/1/1/333 |
Off frie rent sevin hundreth fourtie fyve punds |
£745.0.0 |
E106/1/1/333 |
And attor this rent payed to the minister tua hundreth feftie fyve punds -- libs |
£255.0.0 |
E106/1/1/333 |
Glenmuick parroch |
E106/1/1/333 |
Off frie rent sevintein hundreth four score punds |
£1780.0.0 |
E106/1/1/333 |
attor this rent payed to the minister tua hundreth sextie sex punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] -- libs |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/333 |
[Page] 333 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Middmar parrochine |
E106/1/1/334 |
Payed of Silver rent sex hundreth tuantie ane pundis sex schillingis aucht pennies -- libs |
£621.6.8 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Thrie hundreth and sextie bollis of meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] |
£1440.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Sevintie fyve bollis off beare @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] |
£325.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Tuantie fyve weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/334 |
ITem Tua Swyne @ 6 libs [£6.0.0] Inde Tuelff punds |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Suma [Summa] of the said parroch extends too Tua thousand four hundreth sextie fyve punds |
£2465.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Payed out of the ford [forsaid] rent to the minister off wictuals and silver Tua hundreth and ten punds -- libs |
£210.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Mair payed to the Lord forbes of few dewtie Ten punds -- libs |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Suma [Summa] of frie rent in the sd [said] Parrochin tua thousand tua hundreth fourtie fyve lib [pound] |
£2245.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Kincardyne parroch |
E106/1/1/334 |
Off silver rent payed tua thousand tua hundreth feftie thrie punds |
£2253.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Thrie hundreth and four score bollis of meall at 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde |
£1520.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Tua hundreth sevintie fyve bollis of bear @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde -- libs |
£1191.13.4 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Mor feftie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde -- libs |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Threttie lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde -- libs |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Suma [Summa] extends too fyve thousand ane hundreth and auchtein punds |
£5118.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Payed to the minister out of this rent In wictuals & silver fyve hundreth sextie sex pundis 13 ss [shillings] 4 -- libs |
£566.13.4 |
E106/1/1/334 |
ITem for few dewtie payed to the mir [minister] or psone [parson] of the sd [said] parrochin sextie sex punds threttein schilling 4 ds [pennies] -- libs |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/334 |
ITem payed to the Laird of Leyis of few dewtie fourtie four punds -- lib |
£44.0.0 |
E106/1/1/334 |
Rests of frie rent four thousand four hundreth and fourtj punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds pennies] |
£4440.13.4 |
E106/1/1/334 |
[Page] 334 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Tullich parrochine |
E106/1/1/335 |
Off frie rent ane thousand fyve hundreth and auchtein punds |
£1518.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Attor payed to the minister of this rent tua hundreth sextj punds -- libs |
£260.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Glengardyne parisch |
E106/1/1/335 |
Off frie rent ane thousand tuo hundreth pundis |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister tua hundreth & feftie punds -- libs |
£250.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Mortified to poore schoolers be the Laird Drume tua hundreth punds -- libs |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Off few dewtie to the earle of marr sextein punds threttein schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£16.13.4 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Crathie Parroch |
E106/1/1/335 |
Off frie rent Tua thousand thrie hundreth punds |
£2300 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Payit out of this frie rent to the minister tua hundreth sevintie aucht punds -- libs |
£270.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Payed to the earle of marr of few dewtie tua hundreth and sixtie pynds -- libs |
£260.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Kindrocht parrochine |
E106/1/1/335 |
Off frie rent sexteine hundreth sextie fyve pund |
£1,665.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Payit to the minister of this frie rent ane hundreth feftj sex punds -- lib |
£156.0.0 |
E106/1/1/335 |
Mor off few dewtie to the Earle of marr ane hundreth sextie sex pund is -- lib |
£166.13.4 |
E106/1/1/335 |
[Page] 335 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Lumphannan parroch |
E106/1/1/336 |
Off frie rent Tua thousand sex hundreth and sextein punds |
£2616.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Attour this rent payed to the minister Tua hundreth and threttie punds -- libs |
£230.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Payed to the earle of mar off few dewtie tuantj punds ten schillingis -- libs |
£20.10.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Off few duetie to the Lord Spynnie threttie four punds -- lib |
£34.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
few duetie to the exchacker fourtein punds thretein schillingis four pennies -- lib |
£14.13.4 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Birse parrochine |
E106/1/1/336 |
Off rent four thousand fyve hundreth sextie thrie punds |
£4563.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
PYed out of this frie ren to the minister tua hundreth fourtie punds -- libs |
£240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Off few dewtie to the colledg of Old aberdeine thrie hundreth punds -- lib |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Restis of frie rent four thousand tuantie thrj punds |
£4,023.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Aboyne parrochine |
E106/1/1/336 |
Off frie rent tua thousand aucht hundreth auchtie tua punds |
£2882.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Attour payed to the minister thrie hundreth punds -- libs |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Coull Parrochine |
E106/1/1/336 |
Off frie rent tua thousand tua hundreth sevintie fyv punds |
£2275.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Payed out of this frie rent to the minister tua hundreth and fourtie punds -- libs |
£240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Payed Moreover to the excheker fourtie sevin punds thrie ss -- libs |
£47.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Coldstaine parrochine |
E106/1/1/336 |
Off frie rent payed tua thousand ane hundreth fourtie aucht pundis |
£2148.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
Payed out of this frie rent to the minister tua hundreth fourtie aucht pundis -- libs |
£248.0.0 |
E106/1/1/336 |
[Page] 336 |
E106/1/1/337 |
Migvie Parrochine |
E106/1/1/337 |
Off frie rent ane thousand four hundreth & fourtie pundis |
£1440.0.0 |
E106/1/1/337 |
Payed out of this rent by and attour to the minister tua hundreth twantie fyve punds -- libs |
£225.0.0 |
E106/1/1/337 |
Logiemarr Parrochine |
E106/1/1/337 |
Payed out of frie rent ane thousand sevin hundreth fourtie fyve pundis |
£1745.0.0 |
E106/1/1/337 |
Moir by and attour this rent payed to the minister tuo hundreth threttie sex punds -- lib |
£236.0.0 |
E106/1/1/337 |
TarLand parrochine |
E106/1/1/337 |
Off frie rent tua thousand tua hundreth and auchtie punds |
£2280.0.0 |
E106/1/1/337 |
Moreover payed to the minister by and attour this rent tuo hundreth and auchtie pundis -- lib |
£280.0.0 |
E106/1/1/337 |
Soume of the haill frie rent within the prebrie [presbitrie] of kincardyne extends too fourtie one thousand nyne hundreth sevintie fyve punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] -- lib |
£41975.13.4 |
E106/1/1/337 |
[Page] 337 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Parochin of Alfoord |
E106/1/1/338 |
Off money rent thretein hundreth feftie sex punds |
£1356.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
four hundreth and feftie bollis and ane halff meill Tua hundreth and ten bollis bear @ 4 libs 6 ss [£4.6.0] |
£910.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff is [four] thousand sextie aucht |
£4068.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Payed hereoff to the minister four hundreth feftie ane punds auchtein schillingis sex penies -- libs |
£451.18.6 |
E106/1/1/338 |
fourtie sevin and ane halff bollis of meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£190.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Ten bollis and ane halff off bear @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 [£4.6.8] -- libs |
£45.10.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Item Mortified to the schoolmr [schoolmaster] sevintein bollis thrie firlotis of meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] -- libs |
£71.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Payed of few dewtie to the maister of forbes feftie thrie punds sex ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] -- libs |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill deductiones extends too aucht hundreth and elevin punds -- libs |
£811.15.2 |
E106/1/1/338 |
The frie rent of the parroch. extendis too thrie thousand tuo hundreth feftie sex punds 5 ss [shillings] 10 ds [pennies] --libs |
£3256.5.10 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Off money rent fyve hundreth and sevin punds |
£507.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Ane hundreth bollis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde four hundreth punds is |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
fyiftein wedderis @ feftie thrie schilling four ds [£2.13.4] |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
fyiftein lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Suma [Summa] libs |
£957.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Payed to the sd [said] minister hereoff in silver sextie punds -- libs |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Auchtein bolls meill sevintie tua punds Attor his viccaradg |
£72.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
Suma [Summa] of frie rent of the parisch extends too aucht hundreth tuantie fyve punds |
£825.0.0 |
E106/1/1/338 |
[Page] 338
Prebrie [Presbitrie] Alfoord |
E106/1/1/338 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii
Inde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above |
E106/1/1/339 |
Touch parisch |
E106/1/1/339 |
Off money rent tuelff hundreth nyntein punds sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£1219.6.8 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Ane hundreth and threttie bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] |
£520.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
auchtein bolls and ane halff bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 [£4.6.8] |
£80.3.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£1819.10.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Payed hereoff to the minister in silver tua hundreth and sextein punds sex schillingis aucht pennies -- libs |
£216.6.8 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Tuantie tua bollis meall and ane halff @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] is nyntie punds -- lib |
£90.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Tua bollis of bear -- lib |
£8.13.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
To the schoolmr [schoolmaster] tuantie nyne punds -- libs |
£29.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductions extendis to thrie hundreth fourtie four punds -- lib |
£344.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
few dewtie to the maister of forbes -- libs |
£20.6.8 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Restis of frie rent fourtein hundreth feftie fyve punds fyve schillings four pennies -- lib |
£1455.3.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Lochell parisch |
E106/1/1/339 |
Off money rent elevin hundreth & fourtie punds -- libs |
£1140.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Ane hundreth sevintie ane bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde |
£684.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Sextein wadders fourtie tua pundis |
£42.13.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Tuantie sex Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde sevintein punds |
£17.6.8 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Suma [Summa] is -- lib |
£1884.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Payed hereoff to the minister In silver tua hundreth and elevin pund fyve schilling -- lib |
£211.5.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
nyntein bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde sevintie aught punds -- libs |
£78.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Thrie bolls bear @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde fyiftein punds thrie schillingis four pennies attor the wiccaradg -- libs |
£15.3.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Suma [Summa] is thrie hundreth and four punds -- libs |
£304.8.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Off few deuties to the Earl of Kaithes nyne punds -- libs |
£9.0.0 |
E106/1/1/339 |
To the king tuantie fyve punds thrie schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£25.3.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff is -- libs |
£34.3.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
Restis of rent fyiftein hundreth fourtie fyve punds aucht schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£1545.8.4 |
E106/1/1/339 |
[Page] 339 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Cuschnie parrochine |
E106/1/1/340 |
Off money rent elevin hundreth and fyve -- libs |
£1105.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Threttie wadderis aughtie punds -- libs |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Threttie Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde tuantie punds -- lib |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£1205.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Payed hereoff to the minister thrie hundreth sevintie four pounds attor the viccaradg -- libs |
£374.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
few dewties to the Earle of Keithes nyn punds -- libs |
£9.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff is -- libs |
£383.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Rests of frie rent aucht hundreth tuantie tua pundis -- lib |
£822.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Kearne Parrochine |
E106/1/1/340 |
Off money rent fyve hundreth sextie tua pundis -- lib |
£562.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Thriescore ten bollis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] is |
£280.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
fyve weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde Threttein punds -- lib |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/340 |
ten Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Is sex pundis threttein schilling four pennies |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Suma [Summa] is -- lib |
£862.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Payed hereoff to the minister In money fourtie aucht punds -- lib |
£48.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Sextein bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde sextie four lib Attour the viccaradg -- lib |
£64.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Restis of frie rent sevin hundreth and feftie punds -- lib |
£750.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
CLatt parrochine |
E106/1/1/340 |
Off money rent ane thousand feftie sevin punds fyiftein schillingis aught pennies |
£1057.15.8 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Tuo hundreth and fyiftein bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde aucht hundreth and sextie punds -- lib |
£860.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Ten weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde tuantj sex punds -- lib |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Tuantie Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde thretein punds sex schillingis aught pennies -- lib |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£1,957.15.8 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Payed hereoff to the minister In money tua hundreth and sextie punds Attour the viccaradg -- lib |
£260.8.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
To the colledg of old aberdein of few Dewtie ane hundreth sevintie tua punds -- lib |
£172.7.8 |
E106/1/1/340 |
Restis of frie rent fyiftein hundreth tuantie fyve punds |
£1525.0.0 |
E106/1/1/340 |
[Page] 340 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Tullinessill parochine |
E106/1/1/341 |
Off frie rent In silver aucht hundreth sevintie fyve punds -- lib |
£875.4.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Ane hundreth and fourscore ten bollis meill sevin hundreth and sextie punds |
£760.0.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Ten weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde tuantie sex punds -- lib |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Tuantie Lambis @ 13ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde threttein punds sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£1675.4.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Payed out of this to the minister In money by and attor the viccaradg tua hundreth sextie thrie punds -- libs |
£263.12.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
To the colledg of old aberdeine thrie hundreth threttie sex punds -- libs |
£336.12.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones of this parisch Is sex hundreth punds -- libs |
£600.4.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Sua [Summa] restis of frie rent is ane thousand sevintie fyve punds four schillingsis -- libs |
£1075.0.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Kinnethmont parrochine |
E106/1/1/341 |
Off Silver rent ane thousand sex hundreth punds -- libs |
£1600.3.4 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Tua hundreth nyntie thrie bollis meill Inde |
£839.0.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
aught weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde tuantie ane punds -- lib |
£21.6.8 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Threttein lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde aucht pundis -- libs |
£8.13.4 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Sum [Summa] is |
£2469.3.4 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Payed out of this to the minister In money -- libs |
£283.11.8 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Tuantie nyne bolls of meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Is ane hundreth & nynteine punds Attour the viccaradg -- libs |
£119.0.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Suma [Summa] is four hundreth and tua pundis -- libs |
£402.11.8 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Payed to the exchacker auchtein punds fyve schillingis -- libs |
£18.5.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
To the colledg of old aberdeine sex punds thretein schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/341 |
To the king threttie aught punds threttein schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£38.13.4 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Suma [Summa] the deductiones of this paroch extends to four hundreth sextie sex punds thrie schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£466.3.4 |
E106/1/1/341 |
Sua [Summa] restis of frie rent is tua thousand & thrie pundis -- libs |
£2003.0.0 |
E106/1/1/341 |
[Page] 341 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Kildrimie parrochine |
E106/1/1/342 |
Off money rent ane thousand ane hundreth and tua punds thretteine schillingis four pennies -- libs |
£1102.13.4 |
E106/1/1/342 |
ane hundreth bollis meall four hundreth punds -- libs |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Tuantie weadders @ 53 ss 4ds [£2.13.4] Inde feftie thrie punds |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Threttie Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde tuantie punds |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
ane mill swyne sex punds thretein schillingis four pennies |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£1582.13.4 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Payed hereoff to the minister In money ane hundreth thriettie tua punds Attour his wiccaradg -- libs |
£132.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
To the earle mar of few deutie feftie sevin punds thretein schillingis four penies -- libs |
£57.13.4 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Suma [Summa] off the deductiones off the ford [forsaid] parisch Is ane hundreth auchtie nyne punds threttein schilling four pennies -- lib |
£189.13.4 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Sua [Summa] restis of frie rent ane thousand thrie hundreth nyntie thrie punds -- libs |
£1393.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Parochin of Auchindore |
E106/1/1/342 |
Off money rent ane thousand tua hundreth threttie sevin pundis |
£1237.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Ane hundreth bollis meill at four punds [£4.0.0] Inde four hundreth punds |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
fyve mairtes feftie punds -- libs |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Ten weddars tuanttie sex punds thretein schillingis four pennies |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Tuantie fyve Lambis at 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde sextein pundis 13 ss 4 |
£16.13.4 |
E106/1/1/342 |
ane milne Swyne sex punds threteine schillingis 4 |
£6.13.4 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Suma [Summa] is -- libs |
£1737.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Payed hereofff to the minister In money thrie hundreth punds -- libs |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Nyne bollis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde threttie sex punds By and attor his viccaradg |
£36.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Sowme thrie hundreth thretie sex punds -- lib |
£336.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
Sua [Summa] restis of frie rent ane thousand four hundreth and ane pundis -- libs |
£1401.0.0 |
E106/1/1/342 |
[Page] 342 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Glenbuchit parisch |
E106/1/1/343 |
Off money rent threttein hundreth and fourscore -- lib |
£1380.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Ten weadderis tuantie sex punds threttein schilling four pennies -- libs |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/343 |
fyve Lambis at 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] thrie punds sex schillingis aught pennies -- lib |
£3.6.8 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£1410.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Payed hereoff to the minister for stipend by his viccaradg ane hundreth & sextie punds -- lib |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Restis of frie rent ane thousand tua hundreth and feftie punds |
£1250.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Cabrach Parrochine |
E106/1/1/343 |
Off money rent sevin hundreth fourtie sex punds -- lib |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Fyiftein weaderis at 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde fourtie punds -- lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
fyiftein Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde ten punds -- lib |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Suma [Summa] is -- lib |
£796.13.4 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister Attour his viccaradg nyntie sex punds threttein schillingis four pennies -- lib |
£96.13.4 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Sua [Summa] restis of frie rent Sevin hundreth poundis -- libs |
£700.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Kinbethock parrochine |
E106/1/1/343 |
Payed out of money rent ane thousand sex hundreth & sex punds threttein schillingis and four pennies |
£1606.13.4 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Tua hundreth bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde aucht hundreth pundis -- libs |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Fyiftein weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde fourtie punds -- libs |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Tuantie Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde thretein punds sex schillingis aucht pennies |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Ane milne Swyne sex punds -- libs |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£2466.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Tua hundreth feftie tua punds -- lib |
£252.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Threttie four bollis wictuall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde ane hundreth threttie sex punds Attor his viccaradg -- libs |
£136.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones of this parrochin is thrie hundreth aughtie aught punds -- libs |
£388.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
Sua [Summa] restis of frie rent tua thousand sevintie aught pundis |
£2078.0.0 |
E106/1/1/343 |
[Page] 343 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Invernochtie Parrochin |
E106/1/1/344 |
Payed out In money rent thrie thousand thrij hundreth punds sex ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] |
£3300.6.8 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Tuantie sevin Lambes and kiddes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- libs |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3318.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Payed out of this rent to the Minister tua hundreth tuantie thrie punds -- libs |
£233.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Payed to the earle of marr In few dewtie tuantie fyve punds sex schillingis 8 ds [penies] -- libs |
£25.6.8 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones --libs |
£248.6.8 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Sua [Summa] restis of frie rent is Thrie thousand thriescor & ten punds -- libs |
£3070.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Parrochin of Keige |
E106/1/1/344 |
Payed out of money rent Sevin hundreth fourscoir tuelff punds four ss [shillings] |
£792.4.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Aught scoir bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde sex hundreth and fourtie punds |
£640.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Fyiftein weadders at 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde fourtie punds -- libs |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Tuelff Lambis @ 13ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde aucht punds -- lib |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Tua mill swyne at 6 libs [£6.0.0] Inde tuelff pounds -- libs |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£1492.4.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Payed out of this rent to the Minister In money & victuall four hundreth fourtie sex pundis 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] -- lib |
£446.13.4 |
E106/1/1/344 |
For few dewtie to the Colledg of Sanctiandrewis four scoir fyifteine punds ten schillingis aught ds [pennies] -- libs |
£95.10.8 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductionis fyve hundreth fourtj tua punds four schillingis -- libs |
£542.4.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Sua [Summa] restis of frie rent Elevin hundreth feftie punds -- libs |
£1150.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
More ecker to the sd [Said] parroch from the parrochin off Moniemusk of frie rent fyve hundreth punds rent |
£500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Suma [Summa] totalis -- libs |
£1650.0.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of the presbitry off afford extends to punds tuentie four thowsand sevin hundreth fourscoir auchtein punds sevintein schillings -- libs |
£24798.17.0 |
E106/1/1/344 |
[Page] 344 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Parrochin off Leslie |
E106/1/1/346 |
Off Silver rent nyne hundreth and sextein punds thretteine schillingis four ds [pennies] -- libs |
£916.13.4 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Ane hundreth and feftie bollis meill at 4 libs [£4.0.0] |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
feftie bollis bear @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] |
£216.13.4 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£1733.6.8 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister threttie tua bollis victuall Extending to ane hundreth tuantie aucht punds -- libs |
£428.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Of silver ane hundret feftie sex punds -- libs |
£156.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones is tua hundreth auchtie four punds -- libs |
£284.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
More Off few dewtie to the earle of Mar sextein punds -- libs |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
More To the colledg of new aberdeine of few Dewtie aucht pundis -- libs |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill deductiones -- libs |
£308.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Restis of frie rent fourtein hundreth tuantie fyve pund is -- libs |
£1425.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Premnay parrochine |
E106/1/1/346 |
Payed of silver rent nyne hundreth and ten punds |
£910.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Tua hundreth and feftie bollis meall Is ane thousand pundis |
£1000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Ane hundreth bollis bear Is four hundreth and threttie thrie punds sex schillingis |
£433.6.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£2343.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Payed out of this to the minister threttie bolls wictuall at 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde ane hundreth and tuantie punds -- libs |
£120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Off silver ane hundreth & tuantie punds -- libs |
£120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Off few dewtie to the exchecker thretteine punds -- libs |
£13.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones is tua hundreth feftj thrie punds -- libs |
£253.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand & nyntie punds -- libs |
£2090.0.0 |
E106/1/1/346 |
[Page] 346
Prebrie [Presbetrie] off Garioch |
E106/1/1/346 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii
Inde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above |
E106/1/1/347 |
Insch parrochine |
E106/1/1/347 |
Payed of Silver rent fyve hundreth tuantie tua libs |
£522.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
fyve hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Ane hundreth feftie bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 ss [£4.6.0] Inde -- libs |
£650.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Thrie swyne aT sex punds [£6.0.0] the peice Inde |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3190.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Peyed to the minister of Silver tua hundreth libs -- libs |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Threttie four bolls and ane halff meill ane hundreth and threttie aucht punds -- libs |
£138.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones is -- libs |
£388.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
More Peyed to the earle of marr of few dewtie feftie tua punds -- libs |
£62.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand sevin hundreth and nyntie punds |
£2790.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Culsamond parroch |
E106/1/1/347 |
Off silver dewtie ane thousand ane hundreth and sex pundis |
£1106.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
fyve hundreth bollis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
ane hundreth bollis bear @ 4lib - 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] Inde |
£433.6.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Thrie Swyne @ 6 libs [£6.0.0] the peice Inde |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3557.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Payed out of this to the minister fourtie aucht bolls meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] the boll Inde -- libs |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Sixteine bollis beir @ 4 libs - 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] Inde -- libs |
£69.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Off Silver tua hundreth sextie sex punds -- libs |
266.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones out to the minister is fyve hundreth tuantie sevin punds -- libs |
£527.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Moreover of teind dewtie payed to the Laird of Craigvarr ane hundreth and feftie punds -- libs |
£150.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Moreover to the exchecker for few dewtie ane hundreth and fourtein pundis -- libs |
£114.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand sevin hundreth sextie sex punds -- libs -- |
£2766.0.0 |
E106/1/1/347 |
[Page] 347 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Rayne Parrochin |
E106/1/1/348 |
Payed of Silver rent sex hundreth threttie aught libs [pounds] |
£638.6.8 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Sevin hundreth and feftie bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] the boll |
£3000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Tua hundreth bollis beir @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde -- libs |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Suma [Summa] is -- libs |
£4505.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister fourtie aught bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] the boll Inde -- libs |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Sextein bollis bear at 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- libs |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Off Silver tua hundreth sextj sex punds 13 ss [shillings] -- libs |
£266.13.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill deductiones payed to the Minister out of this parochin is -- libs |
£528.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Moreover of few dewtie to the Earle of marr fourtie sex punds threteine schillingis 4 ds [pennies] -- libs |
£46.13.4 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Restis of frie rent thrie thousand four hundreth sextie fyve pund is -- libs |
£3465.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Parochin of Oyne |
E106/1/1/348 |
Off Silver rent tuelff hundreth four [scoir] sevin punds -- libs |
£1287.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
four hundreth bolls of meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Tua hundreth bollis of bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- libs |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Suma [Summa] is -- libs |
£3753.13.4 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Payed hereoff to the minister In silver thrie hundreth pounds -- libs |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Feftie bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Sextein boollis bear @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Suma [Summa] of the deducttione is -- libs |
£569.6.8 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Mor Payed to the Colledg of old aberdeine for few duetj feftie sex punds -- libs |
£56.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
To the earle of Marr of few dewtie tuantj sex punds -- libs |
£26.0.0 |
E106/1/1/348 |
Restis of frie rent Thrie thousand ane hundreth and tua punds sex schillingis aucht pennies -- libs |
£3,102.6.8 |
E106/1/1/348 |
[Page] 348 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Davoitt Parisch |
E106/1/1/349 |
Off silver rent ane thousand sextie sevin punds -- libs |
£1067.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
four hundreth bolls meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Off bear tua hundreth bolls @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3533.13.4 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Payed out of this to the minister In silver tua hundreth feftie fyve punds threttein ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] -- libs |
£255.13.4 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Tuantie bolls meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- libs |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Ten bollis of bear @ 4 libs sex ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde -- libs |
£43.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff thrie hundreth sevintie nyne punds -- libs |
£379.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Off few dewtie to the colledg of old aberdeine tua hundreth punds -- libs |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Payed to the excheker thrie punds threttein ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies]-- libs |
£3.13.4 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Suma [Summa] of all the deductiones fyve hundreth auchtie tua punds threttein ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] -- libs |
£582.13.4 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand nyne hundreth feftie ane punds -- libs |
£2951.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Bethelnie parrisch |
E106/1/1/349 |
Off silver rent ane thousand ane hundreth sextie sex punds 13 ss [shillings] -- libs |
£1166.13.4 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Tua hundreth bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde -- libs |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Tua hundreth bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde -- libs |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/349 |
ane Swyne @ sex punds -- libs |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£2839.6.8 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Payed out of this to the minister fourtie aught bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde -- libs |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Sextein bollis bear @ 4 libs 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Off Silver tua hundreth sextie sex punds 13 - 4 |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Suma [Summa] of all the deductiones of the sd [said] parroch extendis too -- libs |
£528.0.0 |
E106/1/1/349 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand thrie hundreth and elevin pund is -- libs |
£2311.6.8 |
E106/1/1/349 |
[Page] 349 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Invervrij Parrochine |
E106/1/1/350 |
Off silver rent ane thousand tua hundreth & sevin lib [Pound] |
£1207.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
four hundreth bolls meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde -- libs |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Tua hundreth bolls beir @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- libs |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3673.13.4 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Payed out of this to the minister fourtie aucht bolls meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde -- libs |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Sextein bollis bear -- libs |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/350 |
In Silver tua hundreth threteine -- libs |
£213.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
[Total] -- libs |
£474.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Off few dewtie to the exchecker thrie score auteine punds ten schillingis -- libs |
£78.10.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
few Deutie to the earle Marr -- libs |
£204.3.4 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Suma [Summa] off Deductiones -- libs |
£572.13.4 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Restis of frie rent is thrie thousand ane hundreth ane punds -- libs |
£3101.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Moniemusk parrochine |
E106/1/1/350 |
Off silver rent elevin hundreth punds -- libs |
£1100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Sex hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£2400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Thrie hundreth bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 - 8 Inde [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£1300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
fyiftein weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£4840.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Payed out of this to the minister sextie four bollis meill makis -- libs |
£256.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Threttie tua bollis bear makis -- lib |
£138.13.4 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Off silver tua hundreth sextie sex punds 13 ss -- libs |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/350 |
[Total] -- lib |
£661.6.8 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Off few dewtie to the marques of huntlie |
£120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Off few deutie to St andrews -- lib |
£73.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
To the collector of dumblean his rent -- lib |
£15.0.0 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Suma [Summa] off all deductiones extends too aucht hundreth sextie nyne punds 6 ss 8 ds -- libs |
£869.6.8 |
E106/1/1/350 |
Restis of frie rent thrie thousand nyne hundreth sevintie punds 13 ss 4 ds -- lib |
£3,970.6.8 |
E106/1/1/350 |
The ministers Last agmentatioun being deductit |
E106/1/1/350 |
[Page] 350 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Parrochin of kinkell |
E106/1/1/351 |
Off Silver rent sevin hundreth and feftie punds -- lib |
£750.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
fyve hundreth bollis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde -- libs |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Tua hundreth bolls beir @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde libs |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3616.13.4 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Payed of this to the minister fourtie bolls meill at four lib makis ane hundreth & sextie punds -- libs |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Ten bolls beir fourtie thrie punds sex ss 8 ds -- libs |
£43.6.8 |
E106/1/1/351 |
and of silver ane hundreth sextj thrj punds 6 ss 8 ds -- libs |
£163.6.8 |
E106/1/1/351 |
[Total] |
£366.13.4 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Payed to the exchecker sevintie aucht pund -- lib |
£78.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Payed to the Colledg of St andrewis -- lib |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Mortified too poore schollers -- lib |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Restis of frie rent tuantie fyve hundreth sextie tua punds -- lib |
£2562.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Montbeigie parisch |
E106/1/1/351 |
Off silver rent aucht hundreth fourtie four punds sex schillingis aucht pennies -- lib |
£844.6.8 |
E106/1/1/351 |
four hundreth bollis meill Inde -- lib |
£1600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Tua hundreth bollis bear Inde -- lib |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3311.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Payed to the minister tuantie ane bolls and ane firlot Inde -- lib |
£85.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Ten bolls and thrie firlotis bear Inde fourtie sex punds tuelff schillingis -- lib |
£46.12.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Off Silver tua hundreth thretein punds 8 ss -- libs |
£213.8.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
[Summa] |
£345.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
Restis of frie rent tuantie nyne hundreth sextie sex punds -- lib |
£2966.0.0 |
E106/1/1/351 |
[Page] 351 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Logiedurno parrochine |
E106/1/1/352 |
Off silver rent tua thousand sevin hundreth aught punds -- lib |
£2780.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Ane hundreth bollis meill Inde four thousand punds --libs |
£4000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Tua hundreth bolls beir Inde -- libs |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£7646.13.4 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Payed out of this to the minister fourtie aught bollis meill Inde -- lib |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Sextein bollis bear Inde -- lib |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Off silver dewtie Inde -- lib |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/352 |
[Summa] -- lib |
£528.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Off few deutie to the colledg of old abd [aberdeen] tua hundreth feftie sex punds -- lib |
£256.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
To ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] fourtie pounds -- lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Off few dewtie to the earle Marr -- lib |
£86.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill deductiones -- lib |
£910.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Restis of frie rent sex thousand sevin hundreth threttie sex pundis -- lib |
£6736.13.4 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Kemnay parrochine |
E106/1/1/352 |
Off silver rent fyve hundreth nyntie punds -- lib |
£590.13.4 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Thrie hundreth bollis meill -- lib |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
ane hundreth bollis bear four hundreth thretie thrie punds -- lib |
£433.6.8 |
E106/1/1/352 |
ane milne swyne Inde |
£6.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Soume |
£2230.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Payed to the minister tuantie bolls meill -- libs |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Tuelff bollis bear Inde -- libs |
£52.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Off silver ane hundreth nyntie ane punds -- lib |
£191.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
[Summa] -- lib |
£323.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
Restis of frie rent nyntein hundreth and sevin pnds [punds] -- lib |
£1907.0.0 |
E106/1/1/352 |
[Page] 352 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Bourtie parrochine |
E106/1/1/354 |
Off silver rent four hundreth and four score punds -- lib |
£480.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
four hundreth and feftie bollis meall -- lib |
£1800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Tua hundreth and tuantie bolls beir -- lib |
£953.6.8 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Ten wedders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£26.13.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Tuelff Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Tua swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
four Mairtis 10 lib [£10.0.0] the peice -- lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3326.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Payed hereoff to the mir [minister] fourtie aucht bolls meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Sextein bollis beir @ 4 lib 6-8 [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£69.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
and of silver -- lib |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
[Summa] |
£460.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand aught hundreth sextie sex punds -- lib |
£2,866.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
Suma [Summa] of the frie rent of the Presbitrie of gariach extends to fourtie fyve Thowsand and ten punds -- lib |
£45010.0.0 |
E106/1/1/354 |
[Page] 354 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Parochin off Cruden |
E106/1/1/356 |
Payed out of this parrochin fourtein hundreth and aught bolls meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde fyve thousand sex hundreth and threttie tua punds |
£5632.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Nyne scoir tuelff bollis beir @ 4 lib 6-8 [£4.6.8] Inde -- lib |
£832.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
for quhyt fishing -- lib |
£232.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
for ten Mairtes -- lib |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
fourtie Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde -- lib |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/356 |
for thrie milne swyne @ 6 libs [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
for thrie scoir wedders -- 160 lib [pounds] |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Suma[Summa] is sevin thowsand punds 13 ss [shillings] |
£7000.13.4 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Payed out hereoff to the minister four chalders meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- libs |
£256.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
fyve hundreth merkis monie -- lib |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/356 |
[Summa] |
£589.6.8 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Off few deutie payed to the earle of kinghorne auchtie ane punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] -- lib |
£81.13.4 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Restis of frie rent sex thousand thrie hundreth threttie punds -- lib |
£6330.13.4 |
E106/1/1/356 |
SLaines parisch |
E106/1/1/356 |
Off silver rent sevin hundreth fourtie thrie punds |
£743.6.8 |
E106/1/1/356 |
fyve hundreth nyntie sex bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£2384.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Ane hundreth sextie tua bollis bear @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£702.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
fourtie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde -- lib |
£106.13.4 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Tuantie four Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde -- lib |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Thrie swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3970.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Payed out of this rent to the colledg of old abd [aberdeen] four scoir bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- libs |
£320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Threttie tua bollis beir -- lib |
£138.13.4 |
E106/1/1/356 |
and of silver to the said colledg -- lib |
£34.13.4 |
E106/1/1/356 |
[Summa] |
£493.6.8 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Payed Lykwayes to the Mir [Minister] -- libs |
£333.6.8 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Sextein bollis meill -- libs |
£64.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Suma [Summa] of all the deductiones -- lib |
£890.13.4 |
E106/1/1/356 |
Restis of frie rent thrie thousand and aughtie punds |
£3,080.0.0 |
E106/1/1/356 |
[Page] 356
Prebrie [Presbetrie] of Ellone |
E106/1/1/356 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii
Inde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above |
E106/1/1/357 |
Foverane parrochine |
E106/1/1/357 |
Off Silver rent Nyntein hundreth feftie tua punds |
£1952.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Sevin hundreth nyntie aught bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] |
£3192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Tua hundreth sextie sex bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] |
£1152.13.4 |
E106/1/1/357 |
fourtie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] |
£103.6.8 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Tua Swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] Inde |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Suma [Summa] |
£6412.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Payed out of this rent to the Minister fourtie aucht bolls meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£192.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Sextein bolls bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] Inde -- lib |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Off Silver -- libs |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/357 |
[Summa] -- lib |
£528.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Off teind deutie set In few to the Earle marischall threttie aught bollis @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£152.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Mor of few dewtie to him -- lib |
£5.10.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Mortified to ane schoolmaister -- lib |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Suma [Summa] off all the deductiones -- lib |
£765.10.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Restis of frie rent fyve thousand sex hundreth fourtie sex pundis ten schillingis |
£5646.10.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Logie Buchane parrochine |
E106/1/1/357 |
Off silver rent peyed ane thousand sevintie sevin punds |
£1077.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Sevin hundreth bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£2800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Tua hundreth bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] Inde -- lib |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Suma [Summa] |
£4743.13.4 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Payed to the minister sextie four bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] the boll Inde -- lib |
£256.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Sextein bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£69.6.8 |
E106/1/1/357 |
In Silver -- lib |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/357 |
[Summa] |
£658.13.4 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Off few duetie to the earle of erroll -- lib |
£64.0.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
To the excheker tuantie punds --lib |
£20.10.0 |
E106/1/1/357 |
Restis of frie rent four thousand pundis |
£4000.6.8 |
E106/1/1/357 |
[Page] 357 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Advie Parrochine |
E106/1/1/358 |
Off silver rent tua thousand thrie hundreth sevintie sex punds -- lib |
£2376.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Tuelff hundreth and feftie bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£5000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Tua hundreth and feftie bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£1083.6.8 |
E106/1/1/358 |
fourtie weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde -- lib |
£106.13.4 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Tuantie four Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde -- lib |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
four mill swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] the peice -- lib |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£8606.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Peyed out of this to the minister ane hundreth threttie four punds |
£134.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
four scoir bolls meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
sextein bollis beir -- lib |
£69.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
[Summa] |
£523.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Off few dewtie to the colledg of old aberdein fourtie thrie pundis -- lib |
£43.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Mortified to the poore -- lib |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Restis of frie rent aucht thousand and tuantie pundis |
£8020.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Tarves parrochine |
E106/1/1/358 |
Off Silver rent Nyne hundreth and sevintie punds |
£970.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Tuelff hundreth bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] the boll -- lib |
£4800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Tua hundreth bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] Inde -- lib |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/358 |
four scoir sevin weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde -- lib |
£232.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Thrie score fyifteine Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Sevin Swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] the peice -- lib |
£42.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£6960.13.4 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Payed to the minister of this rent four score bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] the boll Inde -- lib |
£320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Threttie bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£130.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Off silver duetie --lib |
£216.13.4 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Suma [Summa] -- lib |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Off few duetie to the Colledg of old aberdeine ane hundreth and sevin punds -- lib |
£107.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Off few duetie to the marqueis of huntly tuantie ane punds 14 ss [shillings] -- lib |
£21.14.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Off few duetie To the king -- lib |
£13.16.8 |
E106/1/1/358 |
few duetie to the abicy of arbroth -- lib |
£54.10.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Mortified to ane hospital -- lib |
£186.13.4 |
E106/1/1/358 |
Restis of frie rent fyve thousand nyne hundreth threttj punds |
£5930.0.0 |
E106/1/1/358 |
[Page] 358 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Methlick Parroch |
E106/1/1/359 |
Off silver rent nyntein hundreth and sevintein punds |
£1917.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Sex hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0.] Inde -- lib |
£2400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Tua hundreth and feftie bollis bear -- lib |
£1083.6.8 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Sextie fyve weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde --lib |
£173.6.8 |
E106/1/1/359 |
feftie sex Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£37.6.8 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Tua swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] the peice -- lib |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£5623.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Peyit hereoff to the minister sextie four bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] thee boll Inde -- lib |
£256.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Threttie bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£130.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Off Silver -- lib |
£150.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
[Summa] -- lib |
£536.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Off few dewtie to the Colledg of old aberdeine --lib |
£252.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Off few deutie to the earle of mar -- lib |
£40.13.4 |
E106/1/1/359 |
Restis of frie rent four thousand sevin hundreth nyntie fyve punds -- lib |
£4795.0.0 |
E106/1/1/359 |
[Page] 359 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Parrochin of Ellone |
E106/1/1/360 |
Off Silver rent thrie thousand sevin hundreth sevintie sex pundis -- lib |
£3776.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
ane thousand fyve hundreth bollis meill -- lib |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
fyve hundreth bollis beir -- lib |
£2166.13.4 |
E106/1/1/360 |
for Salmond fisching -- lib |
£500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Feftie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] the peice -- lib |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Four Swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] the peice Inde -- lib |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£12600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister four score bollis @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] the boll Inde -- lib |
£320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Threttie bollis beir -- lib |
£130.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
And off silver -- lib |
£216.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
[Summa] -- lib |
£666.13.4 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Payed of few dewtie to the Colledg of aberdeine -- lib |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Mortified to the poore In hellone -- lib |
£70.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Mortified to the schooll off hellone -- lib |
£30.10.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Off few dewtie to the exchacker -- lib |
£2.16.8 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Suma [Summa] of all the deductiones -- lib |
£70.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Restis of frie rent elevin thousand sex hundreth and threttie poundis -- lib |
£11630.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
Suma [Summa] of the Presbetrie of Ellone of frie rent extendis to fourtie nyne thousand four hundreth threttie four pounds -- lib |
£49434.0.0 |
E106/1/1/360 |
[Page] 360 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Peterheide Parrochin |
E106/1/1/362 |
Off silver rent ane thousand thrie hundreth sevintie tua pundis |
£1372.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Aught hundreth bollis meill at 4 lib [£4.0.0] |
£3200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Tua hundreth bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/362 |
for whyt and reid fisching |
£966.13.4 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Feftie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Threttie Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Tua swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£6570.13.4 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In victuall and silver Attour the viccaradg -- libs |
£300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Restis of frie rent sex thousand tua hundreth and sevintie pundis |
£6270.13.4 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Deir Parrochin |
E106/1/1/362 |
Off silver rent tua thousand ane hundreth thretye sevin pundis -- lib |
£2137.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
fyiftein hundreth bollis meill -- lib |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Thrie hundreth bollis beir -- lib |
£1300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Thrie score fyve wedders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£173.6.8 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Thrie score Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Thrie swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
[Summa] |
£9668.6.8 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£653.6.8 |
E106/1/1/362 |
Restis of frie rent nyne thousand and fyiftein pundis |
£9015.0.0 |
E106/1/1/362 |
[Page] 362
Prebrie [Presbetrie] off Deire |
E106/1/1/362 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii
Inde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above |
E106/1/1/363 |
Lonsyde parrochine |
E106/1/1/363 |
Off Silver rent ane thousand nyntie fyve pundis |
£1095.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
ane thousand bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] Inde -- lib |
£4000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Thrie hundreth bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£1300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Thrie score wedders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Thrie score Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
four swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0]-- lib |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Suma [Summa] |
£6619.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In wictuall and silver Attour his viccaradg -- lib |
£173.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Restis of frie rent sex thousand four hundreth fourtie sex pundis |
£6446.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Auchredy parrochine |
E106/1/1/363 |
Off silver rent ane thousand ane hundreth and nyntj pundis |
£1190.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Tuelff hundreth bollis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£4800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Thrie hundreth bollis Beir @ 4 lib 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£1300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
ane hundreth vedders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/363 |
ane hundreth sextie tua Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£108.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Ten Mairtes ane hundreth pundis -- lib |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Sex swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£36.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£7800.13.4 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Payed out of this to the Minister In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£686.13.4 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Off few deutie to the Laird of Haddo sextein punds -- lib |
£16.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Off few deutie to the Laird drum tuantie sex punds -- lib |
£26.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Suma [Summa] of deductiones is sevin hundreth tuentie aucht 13 - 4 ds -- lib |
£728.13.4 |
E106/1/1/363 |
Restis of frie rent sevin thousand thrie score tuelff punds |
£7072.0.0 |
E106/1/1/363 |
[Page] 363 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Streichine parrochine |
E106/1/1/364 |
Off silver rent ane thousand thrie hundreth and fyftein pundis -- lib |
£1315.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Thrie hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£1200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Threttie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Fourtie fyve Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Four Mairtis @ 10 lib [£10.0.0] -- lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Tua swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Tua thousand sex hundreth sevntie sevin punds -- Suma [Summa] is -- lib |
£2677.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Payed out of this to the minister In silver and wictual attor the vicradg -- lib |
£145.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Off few dewtie to the Colledg of abd [aberdeen] tuantie punds -- lib |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Few dewtie to the earle of Marr four pounds -- lib |
£4.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Mortified to ane schoolmaister sex pounds threteine schilling -- lib |
£6.13.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones -- lib |
£173.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand fyve hundreth and poundis thrij sex ss [shillings] 8 ds [pence] |
£2503.6.8 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Rathen parrochine |
E106/1/1/364 |
Off silver rent and quhyt fisching aucht hundreth and sex poundis -- lib |
£806.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Aught hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£3200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Thrie hundreth bollis beire @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£1300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£5306.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister thrie hundreth nyntie thrie punds Attor his viccaradg -- lib |
£393.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
Restis of frie rent four thousand nyne hundreth thretein pounds |
£4913.0.0 |
E106/1/1/364 |
[Page] 364 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Lonmay parrochine |
E106/1/1/365 |
Off silver rent four hundreth sextie thrie punds |
£463.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Sevin hundreth and feftie bollis meill |
£3000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Thrie hundreth bollis beir 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£1300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Tuantie weadders at 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Tuantie Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/365 |
fyve mairtis -- lib |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
four swyne tuantie four punds -- lib |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Suma [Summa] |
£4903.13.4 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Payed to the minister In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£427.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
To ane schoolmr [schoolmaister] -- lib |
£44.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Payed of few deutie to the Laird of vrij -- lib |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Restis of frie rent four thousand four hundreth tuantie tua pundis |
£1422.13.4 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Crimond parrochine |
E106/1/1/365 |
Off silver sex hundreth and auchtein punds |
£618.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Fyve hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
ane hundreth and feftie bolls bear @ 4 lib 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] --lib |
£650.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Ten Mairtis ane hundreth punds -- lib |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Tuentie wedders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Thretie ane Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£20.13.4 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Sex swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£36.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3478.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Payed to the minister of this rent In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£266.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Payed to ane schoolmr [schoolmaister] -- lib |
£22.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Mortified be the Laird of leyis to poor schooleris -- lib |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Suma [Summa] of deductiones is --lib |
£488.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
Restis of frie remt tua thousand nyne hundreth and nyntie punds |
£2990.0.0 |
E106/1/1/365 |
[Page] 365 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Tyrie Parrochine |
E106/1/1/366 |
Off silver rent ane thousand aughtie sex pundis |
£1086.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Tua hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
ane hundreth bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£433.6.8 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Sextie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Sextie Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Tua swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£2531.6.8 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Payed out of this rent In wictuall and silver to the minister -- lib |
£316.6.8 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand tua hundreth fyiftein pundis |
£2215.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Aberdowr Parrochine |
E106/1/1/366 |
Off silver rent aught hundreth sextie thrie pundis -- lib |
£863.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
fyve hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£2000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Tua hundreth bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 ss 4 ds [£4.6.8] |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/366 |
feftie tua wedderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£138.6.8 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Threttie Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3888.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£640.0. |
E106/1/1/366 |
Payed of few dewtie to the earle off buchane -- lib |
£58.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
[Total] -- lib |
£698.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
Restis of frie rent thrie thousand ane hundreth and nyntie poundis |
£3190.0.0 |
E106/1/1/366 |
[Page] 366 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Pitsligo parrochine |
E106/1/1/367 |
Off silver rent nyne hundreth and tua punds -- lib |
£902.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Sevin hundreth and feftie bollis meill -- lib |
£3000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Thrie hundreth bollis bear -- lib |
£1300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
for whyt fisching -- lib |
£350.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Feftie wedders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Thrie swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£18.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Suma [Summa] |
£5703.6.8 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Payed out of this to the minister In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£470.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Restis of frie rent fyve thousand tua hundreth and threttie thrie punds -- lib |
£5233.6.8 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Fraserisburgh parrochine |
E106/1/1/367 |
Off silver rent sevin hundreth sextie ane punds |
£761.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
ane thousand bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£4000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Thrie hundreth bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£1300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Sex mairtis @ 10 punds [£10.0.0] -- lib |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Threttie wedders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] --lib |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Tua swyne @ 6 punds [£6.0.0] the peice -- lib |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£6213.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Payed out of this rent to the Minister sex hundreth nyntie punds -- lib |
£690.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Payed to the schoolmaister -- lib |
£83.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Restis of frie rent fyve thousand four hundreth and fourtie pundis -- lib |
£5440.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill presbitry of deyr of frie rent extends to fyftie nyn thousand sevin hundreth and eleyven punds -- lib |
£59711.0.0 |
E106/1/1/367 |
[Page] 367 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Drumblait parrochine |
E106/1/1/368 |
Off silver rent for customes nyntein hundreth and feftie thrie punds sex schillingis 8 ds [pennies] -- lib |
£1953.6.8 |
E106/1/1/368 |
aught hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£3200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Tua hundreth bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Suma [Summa] |
£6020.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In wictuall and money -- lib |
£280.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Mor payed to him out of the said parisch qlk [quhilk] was the Marqueis of huntlies rent of Lait Bot now be act of parliat [parliament] mortified to the minister of the paroch as the teind dewtj of the said parochin -- lib |
£320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Restis of frie rent fyve thousand four hundreth and tuantie pounds -- lib |
£5420.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Parrochin of Fyvie |
E106/1/1/368 |
Off Silver rent tua thousand aucht hundreth tuantie ane pundis -- lib |
£2821.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
fyiftein hundreth bolls meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£6000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Tua hundreth bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/368 |
ane hundreth wedderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/368 |
ane hundreth Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/368 |
fyiftein mairtis -- lib |
£150.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Sex swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£36.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£10207.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
Restis of frie rent nyne thousand sex hundreth and sevin punds -- lib |
£9607.0.0 |
E106/1/1/368 |
[Page] 368
Prebrie [Presbetrie] of Turreff |
E106/1/1/368 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii
Inde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above |
E106/1/1/369 |
Kinedward parrochine |
E106/1/1/369 |
Off silver rent tua thousand ane hundreth and tuantie pundis -- lib |
£2,120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Nyne hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£3,600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Tua hundreth bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 - 8 [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Sextie weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Sextie Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] --lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Sex mairtis @ 10 lib [£10.0.0] the peice -- lib |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
four Swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£24.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Suma [Summa] |
£6,870.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Payed out of this rent to the Minister In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£500.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Restis of frie rent sex thousand thrie hundreth and sevintie punds -- lib |
£6,370.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Turreff parrochine |
E106/1/1/369 |
Off silver rent thrie thousand aucht hundreth fourtie fyve punds -- lib |
£3,845.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
fyuftein hundreth bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£6,000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Thrie hundreth bollis bear and malt -- lib |
£1,300.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
ane hundreth and sextie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
ane hundreth and sextie Lambes @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Tuantie mairtis @ 10 lib [£10.0.0] -- lib |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Ten swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£11,905.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In wictuall & silver -- lib |
£700.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Off few dewtie to the minister of the said parrochin -- lib |
£40.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Off few deutie to the Colledg of old aberdeine fyve pundis -- lib |
£5.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
Restis of frie rent elevin thousand ane hundreth and sextie pounds |
£11,160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/369 |
[Page] 369 [ in modern hand] |
E106/1/1/370 |
Auchterles parrochine |
E106/1/1/370 |
Off silver rent nyne hundreth nyntie tua lib |
£992.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Sevin hundreth feftie bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£3000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
ane hundreth weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£266.13.4 |
E106/1/1/370 |
ane hundreth Lambes at 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Ten mairtis at 10 lib [£10.0.0] the peice -- lib |
£100.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Ten Swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Suma [Summa] |
£4485.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister In wictuall and silver -- lib |
£405.10.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Off few dewtie to the Laird of Haltoun Ten punds -- lib |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Restis of frie rent four thousand and sevintie pundis -- lib |
£4070.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Forge Parroch |
E106/1/1/370 |
Off silver rent ane thousand feftie ane punds |
£1051.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Six hundreth bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£2400.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Tua hundreth bollis beir @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Feftie wedderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Feftie Lambes 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib |
£33.6.8 |
E106/1/1/370 |
fyve Mairtes @ 10 lib [£10.0.0] -- lib |
£50.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Fyve Swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Suma [Summa] |
£4564.6.8 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Payed out of this to the minister In wictuall and silver Attour the viccaradg -- lib |
£240.0.0 |
E106/1/1/370 |
Restis of frie rent four thousand thrie hundreth tuantie four punds -- lib |
£4324.6.8 |
E106/1/1/370 |
[Page] 370 |
E106/1/1/371 |
Suma [Summa] off the frij Rent In the presbitrey of Tureff extends To fourtie thowsand nyn hundreth feftie ane punds sex ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] -- lib |
£40951.6.8 |
E106/1/1/371 |
[Page] 371 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Dumvennen & Kinnoirs Parrochines |
E106/1/1/372 |
Off silver rent and for all vther customes -- lib |
£2766.13.4 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Tua hundreth and elevin bollis and ane halff meall at 4 libs [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£846.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
ane hundreth bollis bear @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib |
£433.6.8 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£4046.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Payed out of this rent to the Minister of wictuall and silver -- lib |
£426.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Restis of frie rent thrie thousand sex hundreth and tuantie pundis -- lib |
£3620.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Rathven and Bottarie parrochines |
E106/1/1/372 |
Off silver rent tuantie four hundreth and tuantie sex pundis -- lib |
£2426.13.4 |
E106/1/1/372 |
ane hundreth and feftie bollis meall @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
ane hundreth fourtie sex bollis and ane halff beir -- lib |
£633.6.8 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Suma [Summa] is |
£3660.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Payed to the minister In wictuall and silver ane hundreth and fourtiene punds -- lib |
£114.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Tuantie four bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib |
£96.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones of this parrochin Is tua hundreth and ten punds -- lib |
£210.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
Restis of frie rent thrie thousand four hundreth and feftie pundis -- lib |
£3450.0.0 |
E106/1/1/372 |
[Page] 372
Prebrie [Presbitrie] of Strathbogy |
E106/1/1/372 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii
Inde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above |
E106/1/1/373 |
Parrochine of Drumdelgie |
E106/1/1/373 |
Off frie rent within this parrochin Is sevin hundreth pounds -- lib |
£700.0.0 |
E106/1/1/373 |
Gairtlie parrochine |
E106/1/1/373 |
Off silver rent ane thousand aught hundreth aughtie sevin pundis -- lib |
£1887.0.0 |
E106/1/1/373 |
Payed hereoff to the Minister thrie hundreth fourtie sevine punds -- lib |
£347.0.0 |
E106/1/1/373 |
Restis of frie rentv fyiftein hundreth and fourtie pounds -- lib |
£1540.0.0 |
E106/1/1/373 |
Ranie and Essie parrochines |
E106/1/1/373 |
Off silver rent tua thousand four hundreth and tuantie pundis -- lib |
£2420.0.0 |
E106/1/1/373 |
Payed to the minister of this rent tua hundreth and nyntie punds -- lib |
£290.0.0 |
E106/1/1/373 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand ane hundreth and threttie pundis |
£2130.0.0 |
E106/1/1/373 |
[Page] 373 |
E106/1/1/374 |
Parrochin of Glasse |
E106/1/1/374 |
Off silver rent out of this parrochin tua thousand aught hundreth and tua punds -- lib |
£2802.13.4 |
E106/1/1/374 |
Payed to the minister attour his viccaladg out of this rent -- lib |
£333.0.0 |
E106/1/1/374 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand four hundreth and sextie nyne pundis -- libs |
£2469.0.0 |
E106/1/1/374 |
Suma [Summa] of the haill fry Rent In the presbitry of Strabogij extends to threttein thowsand nyn hundreth and nyn punds threttein ss [shillings] 4 ds [penies] -- lib |
£13909.13.4 |
E106/1/1/374 |
The Totall of the pnt [present] valuatioun of this shire besyd the mortified rent and what is payed to the exchekqr [excheckquer] Extends To [Thrie] hundreth Ten thowsand Six hundreth four score fyve pound 6 ss [shillings] 8 ds [pennies] |
£310685.6.8 |
E106/1/1/374 |
The Mortified rent and what is payed to the exchekqr [exchekquer] Extendis To fourtie thrie thowsand four hundreth and fourtie pound |
£43440.0.0 |
E106/1/1/374 |
The Totall of the former valuaun [valuatioun] Extendis To Thrie hundreth threttein thowsand pound |
£313000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/374 |
The former valuaun [valuatioun] Extendis this pnt [present] in the sowme of Twa thowsand Thrie hundreth fyftein pound |
£2315.0.0 |
E106/1/1/374 |
[Page] 374
J Kennedy
G Skene
G Forbes
Thomas Jhonstone
Thomas Erskine
Thomas Sandelands
William forbes |
E106/1/1/378 |
Stewarton |
E106/1/1/378 |
Mony Rent in the said parish Fyve thousand Four scoir sex punds sextein shillings Nyn pennys |
£5086.16.9 |
E106/1/1/378 |
Meill thretti sex chalder threttin bolls tuo furleits off the mesur of Lithhgow [Lithgow] pryce of the boll Four pund Ten shillings [£4.10.0] Inde Tuo thousand sex hundreth Fifti tuo punds fyftene shillings |
£2652.15.0 |
E106/1/1/378 |
Beir sex chalder thrie bolls off the said mesur of Lithhgow [Lithgow] pryce of the boll Four punds threttin shill [shillings] Four penys [£4.13.4] Inde Four hundreth threescoir tuo punds |
£462.0.0 |
E106/1/1/378 |
Cheiss threescoir stains at twenti sex shill [shillings] aucht penys [£1.6.8] per stain Inde Four scoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/378 |
Butter Twenti four stonn at Four merk [£2.13.4] the stonn Inde threescoir Four punds |
£64.0.0 |
E106/1/1/378 |
Wadders Twenti at Four merk [£2.13.4] the peice Inde Fifti three punds sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/378 |
Suma [Summa] paroch aucht thousand three hundreth fourscore auchtein pund auchtein shill [shillings] fyve penys |
£8398.18.5 |
E106/1/1/378 |
[Page] 378
Page 1
The Roll of the Rentis of the shyrefdom of Air Maid and Sett doun by the Comissioners [Commissioners] wnder subscryvand appoznted for that effect by act of the Estaitts of Parlt [Parliament] of this kingdom holdin at Edh [Edinburgh] the Fowrt of Agust 1649 [4 Aug 1649]: which Comissioners [Commissioners] having mett the ... day of ... Last bypast and diverss othr [other] dyetts threfter [therefter], and having vsed thr [their] best Indevors by examining of famous and Intelligent witness [witnesses] wpon oath for getting the trew knoledge of the Rentts within the sd [said] shyre according to the Comission [Commission] and the Instructiones Relating thrunto [thereunto]. And having takin further Informan [Information] of the trew worth of the wholl Rents of the samyn als weell Casuall as Constant and having Proceided Carefully thrin [therein] Efter serious and Mature deliberation, they have maid and sett doun the Roll Following In articles according to the Number of the severall Parishes within the said shyre, and have cast wp the sumes [summes] according to the direction of the Parlt [Parliament] |
E106/1/1/378 |
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.
1 merk = £0.13.4
Latin 'ut supra' - as above
Latin 'inde' - thus
wadder - wether, a castrated ram
Mesur = The measure - Linlithgow prick mett was the standard firlot measure with a diameter of 19 1/6 inches and a Depth of 7 1/3 inches |
E106/1/1/379 |
2: Kilmarnock |
E106/1/1/379 |
Money Rent Aucht thowsand threescoir four punds tuell shillings on pennys |
£8064.12.1 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Meill Fifti chalder Fiftein bolls 1 Pc [pec] 1½ fot [forpet] pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three thowsand sex hundreth threescor sevin pund sevintein shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£3667.17.8 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Beir Ten chalder pryce and Mesure vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth Fourti sex punds threttin shill [shillings] Four penys |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Wadders threescore pryce vt supra Inde On hundreth thriescore punds |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Butter Fourti stain pryce vt supra On hundreth sex pund threttin shill [shillings] Four penys |
£106.13.4 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Cheiss Fifti stonn pryce vt supra Threescoir sex punds threttin shill [shillings] Four penys |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Oatts On chalder aucht bolls at Four punds ten shill [shillings] [£4.10.0] per boll Inde on hundreth aucht punds |
£108.0.0 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Suma [Summa] Paroch Twell thowsand Nyn hundreth Twenty punds Nyn shill [shillings] Nyn penys |
£12920.9.9 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Loudon: |
E106/1/1/379 |
Money Rent Three thowsand ellevin pund ellevin shill [shillings] sex penys |
£3011.11.6 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Meill Twenty chalder on boll on firikn [firkin] pryce and mesir vt supra Inde On thousand Four hundreth Forti five punds Twell shillings sex penys |
£1445.12.6 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Beir Ten chalder three bolls pryce and mesire vt supra Inde sevin hundreth sevin pund sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£707.6.8 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Wheitt Tuo chalder mesur Lithhgow pryce of the boll sex pund sextein shill [shillings] aucht penys [£6.16.8] Inde Tuo hundreth auchtein punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£218.13.4 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Oatts three chalder on boll pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Tuo hundreth Twenti punds ten shillings |
£220.10.0 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Suma [Summa] Paroch Fyv thowsand sex hundreth thre punds Fourtein shillings |
£5603.14.0 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Kilmairs |
E106/1/1/379 |
Money Rent on thowsand three hundreth Fifti sex punds three shillings |
£1356.3.0 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Meill Fourti three chalder on boll fyve pec by pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three thowsand Foure score Nyntein punds Four shill [shillings] Ten pennys |
£3099.4.10 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Beir Fyftein chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand on hundreth and Twenti punds |
£1120.0.0 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Fyve thowsand Fyv hundreth threscoir Fiftein punds sevin shill [shillings] Ten penys |
£5575.7.10 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Dreghorn: |
E106/1/1/379 |
Money On thowsand sex hundreth Fourescoir Fourtein punds Nyn shill [shillings] Foure penys |
£1694.9.4 |
E106/1/1/379 |
Meill Sextein chalder Fyve bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand on hundreth Threescoir fourtein punds Ten shillings |
£1174.10.0 |
E106/1/1/379 |
[Page] 379
2 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Beir Sex chalder pryce and Mesur vt Supra Inde Four hundreth Fourtie aucht punds |
£448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Oatts Nyn chalder sevin bolls Tuo firlletts pryce and mesur vt supra Inde sex hundreth Four score on pund Fiftein shilling |
£681.15.0 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Suma [Summa] Paroch Three thowsand Nyn hundreth fourscor auchtein pund Fourtein shill [shilling] Four penys |
£3998.14.4 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Dalry |
E106/1/1/380 |
Money Tuo thowsand aucht hundreth three score sevin punds Ten shill [Shillings] nyn penys |
£2867.10.9 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Meill Fourti sex chalder sex bolls an firlett pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Three thowsand three hundreth fourty punds tuo shill [shillings] sex penys |
£3340.2.6 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Beir Tuo chalder three bolls tuo firletts pryce and mesur vt supra Inde On hundreth threescoir fyve punds threttein shill [shillings] Four penys |
£165.13.4 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Oatts Tuo chalder Four bolls pryce and mesur vt supra Inde On hundreth three scoir tuo punds |
£162.0.0 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Cheiss Tua hundreth and Fourti stain pryce vt supra Inde three hundreth Twenti punds |
£320.0.0 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Butter sixtein stain pryce vt supra Inde Fourti tuo punds threttin shill [shillings] Four penys |
£42.13.4 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Sex thowsand eight hundreth Four scoir sevintein pund Nyntein shilling ellevin penys |
£6897.19.11 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Kilbryd |
E106/1/1/380 |
Money Rent On thowsand Four hundreth Fourti sex punds Fourtein shill: [shilling] Ten penys |
£1446.14.10 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Meill Ten chalder Tuo bolls three furletts pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth thretti tuo punds Sevin shill: [shilling] sex pennys |
£732.7.6 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Beir Fyve chalder on boll pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Three hundreth three scoir auchtein punds |
£378.0.0 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Oatts Tuo bolls pryce vt supra Inde Nyn punds |
£9.0.0 |
E106/1/1/380 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Tuo thoesand Fyve hundreth three scoir sex punds tuo shill [shillings] four penys |
£2566.2.4 |
E106/1/1/380 |
[Page] 380
page 3 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Largs |
E106/1/1/381 |
Money Three thowsand three hundreth Fourscore Fyftein punds fiftein shill [shillings] Tuo penys |
£3395.15.2 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Meill Ten chalder three bolls on firlett pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth threttie four pund Tuell shill [shilling] sex pennys |
£734.12.6 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Beir aucht chalder aucht bolls three firletts pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Sex hundreth thretti aucht pund three shill [shillings] four penys |
£638.3.4 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Oatts Fyftein bolls pryce and mesur vt supra Inde threescore sevan punds Ten shill [shillings] |
£67.10.0 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Four thowsand aucht hundreth thretti sex punds on shill [shilling] |
£4836.1.0 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Landwart of Irving |
E106/1/1/381 |
Money Rent in the said parish . On thousand Twenti fyve punds tuo shillings |
£1025.2.0 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Meill Ten chalder Sex bolls three pecks pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth Fourty sevin punds sextein shill [shillings] Ten pennys |
£747.16.10 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Beir Tuo chalder Sevin bolls on firlett pryce and mesur vt supra Inde On hundreth Four score three punds three shill [shillings] Fowr pennys |
£183.3.4 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Oatts Tuo bolls tuo firlett pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Ellevin pund fyve shill [shilling] |
£11.5.0 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Suma [Summa] paroch On thowsand Nyn hundreth threescoir sevin pund sevin shill [shilling] tuo penys |
£1967.7.2 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Dunlapp |
E106/1/1/381 |
Money Tuo thowsand three hundreth Fowr score aucht punds sixtein shill [shillings] aucht pennys |
£2388.16.8 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Meill Ten chalder fyve bolls tuo firletts tuo pcs [pecks] pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth Fourti fyve punds sex shill [shillings] three pennys |
£745.6.3 |
E106/1/1/381 |
Beir Tuo chalder on boll on peck half peck pryce and mesur vt supra Inde On hundreth fifti fowr punds aucht shill [shilling] nyn penys |
£154.8.9 |
E106/1/1/381 |
[Page] 381
page 4 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Oatts Aucht bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde thretti sex punds |
£36.0.0 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Cheiss Tuo hundreth threescore stain pryce vt supra Inde Three hundreth Fourtisex punds Threttin shill [shillings] Four pennys |
£346.13.4 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Butter Fourti stain pryce vt supra Inde On hundreth Sex punds threttin Shill [Shillings] Four pennys |
£106.13.4 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Three thowsand Sevin hundreth threescore sevintein punds auchtein shillings Four pennys |
£3777.18.4 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Kilbirny |
E106/1/1/382 |
Money One thowsand Sex hundreth Fiftifyve punds sextein shill [shillings] tuo pennys |
£1655.16.2 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Meill Tuell chalder on boll on twell part pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde aucht hundreth three score aucht pund ellevin shill [shilling] ellevin pennys |
£868.11.11 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Beir three chalder tuo pecks pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Tuo hundreth twentifourvpund ellevin shill [shillings] aucht pennys |
£224.11.8 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Oatts Tuo chalder fyve bolls tuo firletts pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On hundreth three scoir aucht punds fiftein shill [shillings] |
£168.15.0 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Cheiss On hundreth Twenti stain pryce vt supra Inde On hundreth threescore punds |
£160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Butter thretti stain pryce vt supra Inde Four score punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Threethowsand on hundreth Fiftisevin punds Fourtein shill [shilling] Nyn pennys |
£3157.14.9 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Perstone |
E106/1/1/382 |
Money Four hundreth Fifti Sevin punds Four shill [shillings] Four pennys |
£457.4.4 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Meill Ten chalder tuo bolls three firlett pryce & Mesur vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth threttituo punds sevin shill [shillings] sex pennys |
£732.7.6 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Beir Fyve chalder pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three hundreth three scoir threttin pund sex shill [shilling] aucht pennys |
£373.6.8 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Suma [Summa] paroch On thowsand fyv hundreth threscore tuo pund auchtein shill [shillings] sex pennys |
£1562.18.6 |
E106/1/1/382 |
Kilwinning Steuiston |
E106/1/1/382 |
Money Rent Three thowsand on hundreth Fourscore Nyntein pund Four shill [shilling] Four pennys |
£3199.4.4 |
E106/1/1/382 |
[Page] 382
page 5 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Meill Fifti chalder tuo bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three thowsand Sex hundreth Nyn punds |
£3609.0.0 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Beir Fyftein chalder on firlett pryce and Mesur vt Supra Inde On thowsand on hundreth Twenti on pund three shill [shillings] Four pennys |
£1121.3.4 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Oatts On chalder aucht bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On hundreth aucht punds |
£108.0.0 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Suma [Summa] paroch: Aucht thowsand threttisevin pund sevin shill [shillings] aucht pennys |
£8037.7.8 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Ardrossen |
E106/1/1/383 |
Money Rent On thowsand on hundreth twentituo punds Ten shill [ shilling] |
£1122.10.0 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Meill fyftein chalder pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand Four scoir punds |
£1080.9.0 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Beir Four chalder Three bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Three hundreth Twell punds threttin shill [shillings] four pennys |
£312.13.4 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Oatts Tuo chalder Nyn bolls pryce & Mesur vt supra Inde On hundreth Four scoir four pund ten shill [shillings] |
£184.10.0 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Suma [Summa] parochis Tuo thowsand Sex hundreth Four scoir Nyntein punds threttin shill [shillings] Four pennys |
£2699.13.4 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Beith |
E106/1/1/383 |
Money Rent within the Said parish Is Tuo thowsand Four hundreth four scoir sex punds tuo shill [shillings] sex pennys |
£2486.2.6 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Meill Thretti chalder nyn bolls on peck pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Tuo thowsand tuohundreth punds fiftein shill [shillings] aucht pennys |
£2200.15.8 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Beir Twenti chalder fyve pecks pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand Ffour hundreth Four scoir Fourtein punds fiftein shill [shillings] Ten pennys |
£1494.15.10 |
E106/1/1/383 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Sex thowsand on hundreth Four scoir pund Fourtein shill [shillings] on penny |
£6181.14.1 |
E106/1/1/383 |
[Page] 383
page 6 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Wohiltry |
E106/1/1/384 |
Off money Rent Six thowsand six hundreth Sixti on punds sevintein shill [shillings] ten pennys |
£661.17.10 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Meill Sixtein chalder at threescoir tuell punds [£72.0.0] the chalder Inde Ellevin hundreth fifti tuo punds |
£1152.0.0 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Beir aucht chalder pryce and mesur vt supr [supra] Inde Fyve hundreth thretti three punds sex shillings aucht pennys |
£533.6.8 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Butter thretti staines pryce wt supra Is Four scoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Cheiss fifty stain pryce wt supra Inde Threescoir sex pund threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£66.13.4 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Lambs Threttj pryce ut supra Inde threttj punds |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Wooll Four stain half stain pryce ut supra Is thretti punds |
£30.0.0 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Suma [Summa] parochie aucht thowsand fyv hundreth fifti three punds sevinteinshill [shillings] ten pennys |
£8553.17.10 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Dalremple |
E106/1/1/384 |
Money On thowsand on hundreth thretti sex punds Nyn shill [shillings] four penys |
£1136.9.4 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Meill Aucht chalder pryce & Mesur vt supra Inde Fyve hundreth three scoir sixtein punds |
£576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Beir Four chalder pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Tua hundreth Four scoir auchtein punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Suma [Summa] paro [parochin] Tuo Thowsand ellevin pund tuo shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£2011.2.8 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Cumnock |
E106/1/1/384 |
Money Sevin thousand three hundreth three scoir ellevin pund fyve shill [shillings] ten penys |
£7371.5.10 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Meill Tuell chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Eight hundreth threscoir four punds |
£864.0.0 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Beir four chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Tuo hundreth Four scour auchtein punds threttein shill [shillings] four penys |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Wheitt Four bolls at sex punds sextein shill [shillings] aucht penys [£6.16.8] the boll of the mesur of Lithhgow [linlithgow] Is Twenti sevin punds sex shill [shillings] aucght penys |
£27.6.8 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Wooll thretti stain pryce wt supra Inde tuo hundreth punds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/384 |
Verti |
E106/1/1/384 |
[Page] 384
pag7 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Wathers Fourty fyve at Four merk [£2.13.4] the peice Inde On hundreth and twenty punds |
£220.0.0 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Lambs threescoir pryce vt supra Inde three scoir punds |
£60.0.0 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Butter Fourty stain pryce ut supra Inde On hundreth sex pund threttin shill [shillings] four prnys |
£106.13.4 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Cheiss On hundreth stain pryce ut supra Inde On hundreth thretti three pund sex shill [shillings] aucht peny |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Nyn thowsand on hundreth Four scoir on punds sex shill [shillings] Ten peny |
£9181.6.10 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Dundonald |
E106/1/1/385 |
Money fyve thowsand eight hundreth threscoir Fourtein punds five shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£5874.5.8 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Meill Twenty chalder pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand four hundreth fourty punds |
£1440.0.0 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Beir Sex chalder pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Four hundreth fourty aucht punds |
£448.0.0 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Butter twenty on stain pryce wt supra Ie [Inde] Fifti sex punds |
£56.0.0 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Cheiss Fourty stain pryce vt supra Inde Fifti three punds sex shill [shillings] aucht pennys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Suma [Summa] paro [parochin] Sevin thowsand aucht hundreth threescoir ellevin pund Twell shill [ shillings] Four penys |
£7871.12.4 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Galston |
E106/1/1/385 |
Money Tuo thowsand three hundreth twenti four pund elleven shill [shillings] tuo penys |
£2324.11.2 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Meill Ten chald [chalder] aucht bolls three furletts mesur and pryce vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth fifti Nyn pund sevin shill [shillings] sex penys |
£759.7.6 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Beir Four chalder sevin bolls mesur and pryce vt supra Inde three hundreth threttien punds sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£331.6.8 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Butter Four stain pryce wt supra Inde Ten punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£10.13.4 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Cheiss Ten stain pryce wt supra Inde threttin punds sexshill [shillings] aucht penys |
£13.6.8 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Suma [Summa] paro [parochin] Is three thowsand four hundreth thretti Nyn punds fyve shill [shillings] four penys |
£3439.5.4 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Ricardton & Cragy |
E106/1/1/385 |
Money fyve thousand eight hundreth Twenty fyve punds sex shill: [shillings] aucht penys |
£5825.6.8 |
E106/1/1/385 |
Meill Sixtein chalder Ten bolls pryce & Mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand on hundreth Fourscoir Sevintein pund |
£1197.0.0 |
E106/1/1/385 |
[Page] 385
pag 8 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Beir fyv chalder Sex bolls pryce mesur ut supra Inde Four hundreth on pund sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£401.6.8 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Butter Ten stain pryce vt supra Inde Twenty sex pund threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Cheiss twenti stain pryce wt supra Inde Twenti sex punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Suma [Summa] paro [parochin] Sevin thowsand Four hundreth threescoir sevintein pund tuo penys |
£7477.0.2 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Barnweell |
E106/1/1/386 |
Money Nyn hundreth Sixtein punds on shil [shilling] Ten pennys |
£916.1.10 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Meill Sex Chalder three bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Four hundreth fourti fyve pund Ten shill [shillings] |
£445.10.0 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Beir Four chalder tuo bolls on furlett pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three hundreth Nyn pund three shill [shillings] Four pennys |
£309.3.4 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Suma [Summa] paroch On thowsand sex hundreth threescoir Ten pund fiftein shillings Tuo pennyes |
£1670.15.2 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Machlen |
E106/1/1/386 |
Money eight thowsand aught hundreth threttin punds Nyntein shill [shillings] Nyn pennys |
£8813.19.9 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Meill Twenty chalder Tuo furletts tuo pks [pecks] pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand four hundreth Fourti tuo punds Sixtein shill [shillings] three penys |
£1442.16.3 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Beir fyve Chalder on furlett Tuo pecks pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Three hundreth three scoir fyftein punds on shill [shilling] aucht penys |
£375.1.8 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Butter Twenti stain pryce vt supra Inde Fifti three pund sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Cheiss Fourty stain pryce vt supra Inde Fifti thee pundsex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Suma [Summa] paro [paroch] Ten thowsand Sevin hundreth thretti aucht punds ellevin shill [shillings] |
£10738.11.8 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Murkirk |
E106/1/1/386 |
Money On thowsand Nyn hundreth twenti tuo pund Nyn shill [shillings] |
£1922.9.0 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Wooll Twenty stain pryce wt supra Inde Ane hundreth thretti thrie pund sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£133.6.8 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Butter thretti stain pryce vt supra Inde Fourscoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/386 |
Verte |
E106/1/1/386 |
[Page] 386
page 9 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Cheiss Three scoir stain pryce vt supra Inde Four scoir punds |
£80.0.0 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Tuo thowsand tuo hundreth Fyftein pund fyftein shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£2215.15.8 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Monktone & Prestick |
E106/1/1/387 |
Money On thowsand fifti pund three shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£1050.3.8 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Meill Fyve chalder sex bolls mesur and pryce vt supra Inde Three hundreth four scoir sevin pund |
£387.0.0 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Beir fyve chalder Ten bolls pryce & Mesur vt supra Inde Four hundreth Twenty punds |
£420.0.0 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Suma [Summa] paroch On thowsand aucht hundreth fifti sevin pund three shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£1857.3.8 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Achinleck |
E106/1/1/387 |
Money Tuo thousand Nyn hundreth punds three shillings tuo penys |
£2900.3.2 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Meill aucht chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde fyve hundreth threescoir sextein pund |
£576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Beir Four chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Tuo hundreth Fourscoir auchtein punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Butter Twenty stain pryce vt supra Inde fiftithree pund sex shill [ shillings] aucht penys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Wadders threttin and half wadder pryce vt supra Inde threttisex pund |
£36.0.0 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Three thowsand aucht hundreth three scoir four pund three shill [shillings],tuo pennes |
£3864.3.2 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Coylton |
E106/1/1/387 |
Money Tuo Thowsand Four hundreth & twentituo pund fyve shill [shillings] sex pennys |
£2422.5.6 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Meill Sex chalder three bolls pryce & mesur vt supra Inde Four hundreth Fourti fyve Ten shillings |
£445.10.0 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Beir Four chalder ellevin bolls pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde three hundreth fifti pund |
£350.0.0 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Thrie thowsand Tuo hundreth Sevintein pund fyftein shill [shillings] sex penys |
£3217.15.6 |
E106/1/1/387 |
Damelinton |
E106/1/1/387 |
Money On thowsand Sex hundreth Tuell punds fyve shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£1612.5.6 |
E106/1/1/387 |
[Page] 387
pag 10 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Butter Twenty stain pryce vt supra Inde Fifti three punds sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Cheiss Fourty stain pryce vt supra Inde fiftithre pund sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Wooll thretti stain pryce vt supra Inde Tuo hundreth punds |
£200.0.0 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Lambs Twenty pryce vt supra Inde Twenty pund |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Suma [Summa] paroch On thowsand Nyn hundreth thretti aucht punds Nyntein shill [shillings] |
£1938.19.0 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Tarbolton |
E106/1/1/388 |
Money Four thowsand Fyve hundreth Twenti Nyn punds Ten shill [shillings] on peny |
£4529.10.2 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Meill Sixtein chalder Sevin bolls pryce & mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand on hundreth Fourscoir threpund ten shill [shillings] |
£1283.10.0 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Beir aucht Chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Fyve hundreth Four scoir sevintein pund sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Sex thowsand Four hundreth Ten punds sex shill [shillings] Nyn penys |
£6410.6.9 |
E106/1/1/388 |
St Kevox |
E106/1/1/388 |
Money Tuo thowsand on hundreth Ten pund sevintein shill [shillings] tuo pennys |
£2110.17.2 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Meill Sevin chalder pryce & mesur vt supra Inde Fyve hundreth Four punds |
£504.0.0 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Beir Fyve Chalder on boll Tuo pks [pecks] pryce & Mesur vt supra Inde three hundreth threescoir auchtein pund ellevin shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£378.11.8 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Tuo thowsand Nyn hundreth Four scoir threttin pund aucht shill [shillings] Ten penys |
£2993.8.10 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Symonton |
E106/1/1/388 |
Money On thowsand fyve hundreth on pund three shill [shillings] |
£1501.3.0 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Meill Sex chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Four hundreth threttituo punds |
£432.0.0 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Beir Four chalder pryce & mesur vt supra Inde Tuo hundreth Four scoir auchtein pund threttin shill [shillings] Four penys |
£298.13.4 |
E106/1/1/388 |
Suma [Summa] paroch Tuo thowsand Tuo hundreth thretti on pund sextein shill [shillings] four pennys |
£2231.16.4 |
E106/1/1/388 |
[Page] 388
pag 11 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Kirkoswell: |
E106/1/1/389 |
Money Rent Tuo thousand three hundreth Four scoir sex punds three shill [shillings] four penys |
£2386.3.4 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Meill Twenti fyve Chalder pryce and Mesur ut supra Inde On thowsand eight hundreth pund |
£1800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Beir Twell chalder eight bolls pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Nyn hundreth threttithree pund Sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£933.6.8 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Suma [Summa] paroch fyve thowsand on hundreth Nyntein punds |
£5119.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Ballantrey: |
E106/1/1/389 |
Money Rent On thowsand three hundreth Fourty pund |
£1340.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Meill Thretty chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Two thowsand on hundreth Three scoir punds |
£2160.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Beir aucht Chalder pryce and mesur ut supra Inde fyve hundrethvFour scoir Sevintein pundsex shill [shillings] aucht pys [ penys] |
£597.6.8 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Wadders Sextein pryce vt supra Is Fourtituo punds threttin shill [shillings] four pennys |
£42.13.4 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Lambs threttin pryce vt supra Is threttin pund |
£13.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Butter Ten stain pryce vt supra Is Twenti sex pund threttin shill [shillings] Four pennys |
£26.13.4 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Suma [Summa] paroch: Four thowsand on hundreth threescor Nyntein punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£4179.13.4 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Straton: |
E106/1/1/389 |
Money three thowsand Tuo hundreth threttituobpunds |
£3232.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Meill fyftein chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand Fourscoir punds |
£1080.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Wadders sixtein pryce ut supra Inde Fourtifyve punds sex shill [shillings] aucht pennys |
£45.6.8 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Lambis Twenti pryce wt supra Is Twenti punds |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Butter Sextein stain pryce wt supra Is Fourtituo punds threttin shill [shillings] Four penny |
£42.13.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Suma [Summa] paroch. Four thowsand Four hundreth and Twenti punds |
£4420.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
KirkMichell |
E106/1/1/389 |
Money On thowsand fyve hundreth threescoir sixtein punds |
£1576.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Meill Twentifourvchalder pryce and mesur wt supra Inde On thowsand Sevin hundreth Twenti aucht punds |
£1728.0.0 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Beir Ten chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Sevin hundreth Fourtisex pund threttein shill [shillings] four pennys |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Suma [Summa] paroch. Four thowsand and fifti punds |
£4050.13.4 |
E106/1/1/389 |
Girven |
E106/1/1/389 |
Money Tuo thowsand Tuo hundreth Nyntein pund threttin shillings Four pennys |
£2219.13.4 |
E106/1/1/389 |
[Page] 389
pag12 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Meill Twenti chalder pryce and mesur ut supra Inde On thowsand Four hundreth Fourti punds |
£1440.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Beir Ten chalder pryce and mesur wt supra Inde Sevin hundreth Fourtisex punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£746.13.4 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Wadders Twell pryce vt supra Is threttituo punds |
£32.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Butter Ellevin stain pryce vt supra Is Twenti Nyn punds sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£29.6.8 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Lambs threttin pryce vt supra Inde threttin punds |
£13.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Suma [Summa] paroch. Four thowsand Four hundreth Four scoir punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£4480.13.4 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Dalry: |
E106/1/1/390 |
Money Tuo thowsand Fyve hundreth Twenti punds |
£2520.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Meill Twenti fyve chalder pryce and mesur wt supra Inde On thowsand aucht hundreth punds |
£1800.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Beir Fyve chalder pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Thrie hundreth threescoir threttin pund sex shill [shillings] eght penys |
£373.6.8 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Wadders Twenti pryce ut supra Is Fifti three punds six shill [shillings] aucht penieys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Butter eight stain pryce vt supra Inde Twenty on pnd [punds] sex shill [shillings] aucht pennys |
£21.6.8 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Lambs Twell Pryce vt supra Inde Twell punds |
£12.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Suma [Summa] paroch. Four thowsand Sevin hundreth Fourscoir punds |
£4780.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Calmonell |
E106/1/1/390 |
Money Three thowsand on hundreth Fourtituo punds threttin shill: [shillings] Four pennys |
£3142.13.4 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Meill Fourti chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Tuo thowsand tuo hundreth Fourscoir punds |
£2280.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Beir Ten chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde sevin hundreth Fourti pund threttin shill [shillings] Four penys |
£740.13.4 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Wadders Twenty pryce vt supra Inde Fiftithree punds sex shill [shillings] aucht penys |
£53.6.8 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Butter Eightein stain prycevt supra Is Fourti aucht punds |
£48.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Lambs Twenti pryce vt supra Inde twenti punds |
£20.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Swyn Tuo at fyve punds [£5.0.0] per peice Inde Ten punds |
£10.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Suma [Summa] paroch: Sex thousand Nyn hundreth punds threttin shill [shillings] Four pennys |
£6900.13.4 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Mayboll |
E106/1/1/390 |
Money three thowsand fyve hundreth thretti punds |
£3530.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Meill Fifti chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde three thowsand sex hundreth punds |
£3600.0.0 |
E106/1/1/390 |
Verti |
E106/1/1/390 |
[Page] 390
pag 13 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Beir Twenty fyve chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde On thowsand eight hundreth threescoir sex punds threttin shill [shillings] Four pennys |
£1866.13.4 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Swyn Sevin pryce vt supra Inde Threttifyve pund |
£35.0.0 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Lambs Ellevin pryce vt supra Inde Ellevin punds |
£11.0.0 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Wadders Tuo pryce vt supra Inde Fyve punds sex shill [shillings] aucht pennys |
£5.6.8 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Butter three stain pryce vt supra Inde aucht punds |
£8.0.0 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Suma [Summa] paroch: Nyn thowsand Fyftifyve punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys |
£9055.13.4 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Suma [Summa] of the wholl Rent of the Shyre In money all Victuall and other [Sundries] being Converted vt supra Is On hundreth Fourscoir Sextein thowsand, Eight hundreth and Fourty punds fyftein shillings |
£190840.15.0 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Whilk Suma [Summa] abov wryttin We find to be the Trew Rent of the said Shyre Over and above all deductiones appoynted by the Comission [Commission] and Instructiones therein Conteined |
E106/1/1/391 |
Suma [Summa] of the Former valuone [valuation] of the said shyre dilyvered to the Comissioneris wnder the Clark register his hand is Tuo hundreth ffourscoir ellevin thowsand pund |
£291000.0.0 |
E106/1/1/391 |
Suma [Summa] of the Former Valuane [Valuatione] extends the present in the soum off ffour scoir ffourtein thowsand on hundreth ffiftie nyn pundis fyve shillings |
£94159.5.0 |
E106/1/1/391 |
[Page] 301
pag 14
John Coninghame of Cuninghamheid
W Rowallan younger
John Crawfurdland
Gilbert Richards
John Conynghame
W Wallace
P Rathurly
John Eccles
J Conynghame
James Blair
B Penkill
R Farquhair |
E106/1/1/393 |
[Page] 393
Valuation of the Srefdo [Sheriffdom]
of Air 1649
Produced 22 Jar 1650 [22 Jan 1650] |