Proprietor and land | Valuation |
10 Symentone | |
The laird of lambingtone for himself and remanent heritors feuers lyfrentors propper woodsetters and others thr rent Off beir Fyve chd [chalders] inde in mony thre hundreth threscoir 13 punds 6 - 8d [pence] | £373.6.8 |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch eleven chd [chalders] eleven bolls ane furlett inde in mony aught hundereth Fortie two punds 13 - 4d [pence] | £842.13.4 |
Suma [Summa] off the rent of this paroch extends to ane thousand tuo hunderethe and 16 punds | £1216.0.0 |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister thre hunderethe and threscoir punds | £360.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent is thre hunderetth and threscoir punds | £360.0.0 |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker | |
11 Carnwath | |
The arle of Carnwath For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent Extendis to Four thousand two hunderethe thirtie aught punds | £4238.0.0 |
Off meill eleven chd [chalders] inde in mony seiven hunderethe Fourscoir twelve punds | £792.0.0 |
Payit of casuall rent in coall twentie six punds 13 - 4d [pence] | £26.13.4 |
Payit of few and tack deutie to others thn [than] his matie [majestie] ten punds | £10.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of mony rent and pryce of vittall extendis to Fyve thousand thre scoir sax punds 13 - 4d [pence] | £5066.13.4 |
Payit of mortifiett rent to the minister and scoolmaister in mony thre hundereth and Fyftie punds | £350.0.0 |
Payit to the minister of meill Four chd [chalders] inde in mony two hundered Fourscoir aught punds | £288.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortifiett rent Extends to Sax hunderethe thirtie aught punds | £638.0.0 |
Payit to his maties [majesties] exchecker | |
Libertone and Quodquane | |
The arle off Carnwath For himself and remanent heretors feuers lyfrentors propper wodsetters and vthrs [vthers] ther mony rent extendis to ane thousand seiven hundereth and six punds -13-4d [pence] | £1706.13.4 |
Off beir in the sd [said] paroch Four chalders inde in mony tua hunderethe four scoir auchtein punds 13 - 4d [pence] | £298.0.0 |
Off meill in the sd [said] paroch tuentie Four chd [chalders] inde in mony ane thousand seivin hunderethe tuentie aught punds | £1728.0.0 |
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[Page] 116F[signed]
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J Stewarte
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