Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Hoddime Luce & Achillfechaine | |
The rent of this Paroche perteining To the earle of Annandale kellheid Bonshaw & vtheris heretors Extends in stock & tynd the ministeris being includit To Thrie thowsand eight hundreth fiftie foure pounds threttein shillings | £3854.13.4 |
Midilbie Pennersauchs & Carrurthers vnited | |
The rent of this paroche perteining To the Earles of Annandale queinsbirrie & Hartfell & vthers heretors Extends in stock and tynd the ministerris stipend being includit To Foure thowsand Fyve hundreth Twentie Fyve pounds xvij ss [seventeen shillings] | £4525.17.0 |
Watstirker [Westerkirk] | |
The rent of this paroche perteining To the earle of Buccleughe Sir William Scot of Hardin the Laird of Wastra and remanent vthers heretors Extends in stock in tynd the ministers stipend being includit To Eighteine Thowsand eight hundreth fourscore nyne pounds | £18889.0.0 |
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