Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Insche | |
John Erle of Cassilles for himselff and remanent heritors fewers Lyverenters proper wodsetters and others withinthesaid paroschine thair money Rent Extends to | £5450.0.0 |
Payit in meill and beir in the said paroschine Ane hundreth Fyftie three bolls ane firlot of the mett and measure aforsaid whilk being converted into money Extends to Sevin hundreth fourtie ane punds elevin shill [shilling] four pennies | £741.11.4 |
Summa of the haill money rent and pryces of victuall being free Rent by and attour the afterwreittin deductiounes alreadie compted in the rent aboue wreittin Extends to sex thowsand ane hundreth nyntie ane punds: 11ss [shillings] 4ds [pennies] | £6191.11.4 |
Payit in customes or casualities in the said paroschine ane hundreth threescore ane punds sex shillings eight pennies | £161.6.8 |
Payit to the Colledge of Glasgow Ane hundreth fourscore fyfteene punds | £195.0.0 |
Payit in Mortified Rent to the Minister of Portmongomerie Ane hundreth elevin pund Three shill [shilling]: four pennies | £111.3.4 |
Payit of vicll [victuall] twentie four bolls | £116.0.0 |
Payit of mortified rent to the minister of Stranraver of vicll [victuall] fyftein bolls | £72.0.0 |
Payit in mortified rent to the minister and schoolemr [schoolemaster] thr [their] | £652.13.4 |
Payit of vicll [victuall] tuentie eight bolls | £135.6.8 |
Payit to his Ma [Majesties] Excheqr [Exchequer] | £153.3.4 |
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[Page numbered] 13 & 78[signed]
Andrew Agnew
J Agnew
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Jane F Jamieson, Dauvit- Moderator
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