Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Peyit to the minister of strachan by his vicarage of money stipend Tua hundreth ten lb [pounds] | £210.0.0 |
[Total] | £1472.6.8 |
Banchorie ternan perochin | |
Sir Thomas Burnet of Leyis Kniyt for himselff and remnant heritoris Lyfrenteris friehalderis fewaris proper wodsetteris and vtheris within the perochin of banchorie ternan and that pairt of the perochin of Dalmaek Lyain wtin [within] the perochin of kincardin ther money rent extendis To | £1526.13.4 |
Peyit of meall heir fyftein chalderis according to the measur said qlk [quhilk] being convertit in moey [money] at the price of meill ford [forsaid] extendis To | £1040.0.0 |
Peyit of bear heir ELewin chalderis tuelff bols according to the measur ford [forsaid] qlk [quhilk] being convertit in money at the price ford [forsaid] extendis to | £846.0.0 |
Sum of the price of the Whol wictuall and money in this perochin extendis To thrie thowsand Four hundreth tuelff Pundis | £3412.0.0 |
Therof peyit to the minister Four scor lb moey [money] tuentie eight bolis bear thrie chalderis meall the wictuall being convertit at the rexiue [respective] prices ford [forsaid] and the money extendes To | £415.0.0 |
Peyit to the exchequer tuentie punds sex ss [shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] | £20.6.8 |
[Total] | £2976.13.4 |
The Totall of the present waluation of this Sheir besyd the mortiefied rent and What is peyit to the exchequer extendis to Thrie scor Fyftein thovsand Sex hundreth thrittie eight Punds eight shillingis tua ds [pennies] | £75638.8.2 |
The mortified Rent and What is peyit to the exchequer extendis to Ten thowsand four hundreth thrie score aight lb [pounds] tua shillingis | £10468.2.0 |
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