Proprietor and land | Valuation |
To the schoolmaster ane hundret poundis | £100.0.0 |
Peyit of feu dewtie to the exchequer fyve lb [Pound] xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] | £5.13.4 |
Peyit of mortiefiet rent to the hospitall of Montrois tuentie Nyn lb [Pound] ten shillingis | £29.10.0 |
[Total] | £5576.19.10 |
Arbuthnot Perochine | |
Robert Wicount of arbuthnot for himselff and remnant heritoris lyfrenteris friehalderis Proper vodsetters and vthers wtin [within] the perochin of arbuthnot thair money rent extendis to | £712.4.0 |
Peyit of meall in the said perochin Threttie Fyve chalderis sex bolis according to the measur of Linlithgow prik met being convertit in moy [money] at the price of the meall aboue vrin [written] extendis to | £2452.13.4 |
Peyit of beir in the said perish Eightein chalderis according to the measur above wrin [written] and at the bear price ford [forsaid] being convertit in moey [money] extendis To | £1152.0.0 |
Sum of the price of the hail victuall & moey [money] rent in this perochin extendis to Four thowsand thrie hundreth sextein lb [Pound] xvij ss [seventeen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] | £4316.17.4 |
Thereof peyit to the minister sextein bols beir tuentie sex bols meall and thrie hundreth thrie scor sex lb xiij ss iiij ds [£366.13.4] of moey [money] the wictuall at the price said and the moey [money] extendis to ane hundreth fyftie ane lb xiij ss iiij ds [£151.13.4] | £551.6.8 |
Peyit to the schoolmr [schoolmaster] ane hundreth poundis | £100.0.0 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the exchequer thrie lb [Pound] vi ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] | £3.6.8 |
[Total] | £3662.4.0 |
Glenbervie perochin | |
James Dovglass of glenbervie for himselff and remnant heritoris lyfrentaris friehalderis and vthers wtin [within] the perochin of glenbervie ther silver rent extendis to | £1346.13.4 |
Peyit of meill in the said perochin Nyntein chalder four bolis tua firlotis according to the measr [measure] of the met qlk [quhilk] being convertit at the meill price aboue wrin [written] in money extendeth to | £1335.0.0 |
Peyit of beir in the said perochin Eight chalders sex bolis according to the meassr [meassure] qlk [quhilk] being convertit at the bear price ford [forsaid] in moey [money] extendis to | £603.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Whol victuall and money in this perochin extendis tothrie thowsand tua hundreth fourscor four lb [Pound] xiij ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] | £3284.13.4 |
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