Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Theirout of peyit to the minister at eglisgrig sex bols ane firlot tua pekis Whyt at vj lb xvi ss viij ds [£6.16.8] the bole is fourtie four lb [Pounds] 10 ss [shillings] 2 ds [pennies] | £44.10.2 |
Item to him Thrie chalders meill convertit at the price forsaid extendis to tua hundreth eight lb [Pounds] | £208.0.0 |
Item to him of moey [money] thrie hundreth sextein lb [Pounds] xv ss [fifteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennies] | £316.15.4 |
Item of beir tuentie sevin bols ane firlot extendis to ane hundreth tuentie tua lb [Pounds] xij ss [therteen shillings] vj ds [six pennies] | £122.12.6 |
Peyit to the schoolmr. [schoolmaster] ane hundreth pundis | £100.0.0 |
Peyit to the exchequer fyve lb [Pounds] vi ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] | £5.6.8 |
[Total] | £7302.5.6 |
Perish of conveth | |
Alexander Lord Halcartoun for himself and remnant heritoris lyfrenters fewers lyfrenters proper vodsetters and vthers within the perochin of conveth ther moey [money] rent extends to | £681.16.8 |
Peyit of meall in the ford [forsaid] perochin Fourtie chalders [--] according to the meassr [meassure] ford [forsaid] and being convertit in moey [money] at the price abovespeit [abovespecifeit] extendis to | £2713.6.8 |
Peyit of beir in the ford [forsaid] perochin Tuentie eight chalders according to the said measur and being convertit at the price said extends to | £2016.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the price of the Whole victuall and money in this perochin extendis To fyve thovsand Six hundrethe elevin pundis thrie ss [shillings] four ds [pennies] | £5611.3.4 |
Peyit of this rent to the minister by the kirk landis posessit be himselff peyit be himselff qlk [quhilk] [which] is vorth ane chalder beir off money Thrie hundreth thirttein lb [Pounds] vj ss [six shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] | £313.6.8 |
Peyit to the schoolmr [schoolmaster] thrie scor sex lb [Pounds] xiii ss [thirteen shillings] iiij ds [four pennnies] | £66.13.4 |
Peyit to the New collidge of St andrewis thrie hundreth therttie thrie lb [Pounds] sex shillingis viij ds [eight pennies] | £333.6.8 |
Peyit of few dewties to the exchequer Tuentie ane lb [Pounds] xvi ss [sixteen shillings] viij ds [eight pennies] | £21.16.8 |
Peyit of few dewtie to the abbat of arbroth sex lb [Pounds] xiij [thirteen] shillingis iiij ds [four pennies] | £6.13.4 |
[Total] | £4869.6.8 |
Garvok perish | |
William Earle Marshall for himselff and remnant heretoris lyfrenters proper wodsettters and vthers wtin [within] the perochin of garvok ther money rent doeth extend to | £1823.6.8 |
Peyit of meall in the said perochin Tuelff chalders eight |
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