Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Meill Twenti chalder pryce and mesur ut supra Inde On thowsand Four hundreth Fourti punds | £1440.0.0 |
Beir Ten chalder pryce and mesur wt supra Inde Sevin hundreth Fourtisex punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys | £746.13.4 |
Wadders Twell pryce vt supra Is threttituo punds | £32.0.0 |
Butter Ellevin stain pryce vt supra Is Twenti Nyn punds sex shill [shillings] aucht penys | £29.6.8 |
Lambs threttin pryce vt supra Inde threttin punds | £13.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] paroch. Four thowsand Four hundreth Four scoir punds threttin shill [shillings] four penys | £4480.13.4 |
Dalry: | |
Money Tuo thowsand Fyve hundreth Twenti punds | £2520.0.0 |
Meill Twenti fyve chalder pryce and mesur wt supra Inde On thowsand aucht hundreth punds | £1800.0.0 |
Beir Fyve chalder pryce and Mesur vt supra Inde Thrie hundreth threescoir threttin pund sex shill [shillings] eght penys | £373.6.8 |
Wadders Twenti pryce ut supra Is Fifti three punds six shill [shillings] aucht penieys | £53.6.8 |
Butter eight stain pryce vt supra Inde Twenty on pnd [punds] sex shill [shillings] aucht pennys | £21.6.8 |
Lambs Twell Pryce vt supra Inde Twell punds | £12.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] paroch. Four thowsand Sevin hundreth Fourscoir punds | £4780.0.0 |
Calmonell | |
Money Three thowsand on hundreth Fourtituo punds threttin shill: [shillings] Four pennys | £3142.13.4 |
Meill Fourti chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde Tuo thowsand tuo hundreth Fourscoir punds | £2280.0.0 |
Beir Ten chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde sevin hundreth Fourti pund threttin shill [shillings] Four penys | £740.13.4 |
Wadders Twenty pryce vt supra Inde Fiftithree punds sex shill [shillings] aucht penys | £53.6.8 |
Butter Eightein stain prycevt supra Is Fourti aucht punds | £48.0.0 |
Lambs Twenti pryce vt supra Inde twenti punds | £20.0.0 |
Swyn Tuo at fyve punds [£5.0.0] per peice Inde Ten punds | £10.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] paroch: Sex thousand Nyn hundreth punds threttin shill [shillings] Four pennys | £6900.13.4 |
Mayboll | |
Money three thowsand fyve hundreth thretti punds | £3530.0.0 |
Meill Fifti chalder pryce and mesur vt supra Inde three thowsand sex hundreth punds | £3600.0.0 |
Verti |
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