Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Streichine parrochine | |
Off silver rent ane thousand thrie hundreth and fyftein pundis -- lib | £1315.0.0 |
Thrie hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib | £1200.0.0 |
Threttie weadderis @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] -- lib | £80.0.0 |
Fourtie fyve Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] -- lib | £30.0.0 |
Four Mairtis @ 10 lib [£10.0.0] -- lib | £40.0.0 |
Tua swyne @ 6 lib [£6.0.0] -- lib | £12.0.0 |
Tua thousand sex hundreth sevntie sevin punds -- Suma [Summa] is -- lib | £2677.0.0 |
Payed out of this to the minister In silver and wictual attor the vicradg -- lib | £145.0.0 |
Off few dewtie to the Colledg of abd [aberdeen] tuantie punds -- lib | £20.0.0 |
Few dewtie to the earle of Marr four pounds -- lib | £4.0.0 |
Mortified to ane schoolmaister sex pounds threteine schilling -- lib | £6.13.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the deductiones -- lib | £173.0.0 |
Restis of frie rent tua thousand fyve hundreth and poundis thrij sex ss [shillings] 8 ds [pence] | £2503.6.8 |
Rathen parrochine | |
Off silver rent and quhyt fisching aucht hundreth and sex poundis -- lib | £806.0.0 |
Aught hundreth bollis meill @ 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- lib | £3200.0.0 |
Thrie hundreth bollis beire @ 4 lib 6 ss 8 ds [£4.6.8] -- lib | £1300.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] is | £5306.0.0 |
Payed out of this rent to the minister thrie hundreth nyntie thrie punds Attor his viccaradg -- lib | £393.0.0 |
Restis of frie rent four thousand nyne hundreth thretein pounds | £4913.0.0 |
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