Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Cuschnie parrochine | |
Off money rent elevin hundreth and fyve -- libs | £1105.0.0 |
Threttie wadderis aughtie punds -- libs | £80.0.0 |
Threttie Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde tuantie punds -- lib | £20.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] is | £1205.0.0 |
Payed hereoff to the minister thrie hundreth sevintie four pounds attor the viccaradg -- libs | £374.0.0 |
few dewties to the Earle of Keithes nyn punds -- libs | £9.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] hereoff is -- libs | £383.0.0 |
Rests of frie rent aucht hundreth tuantie tua pundis -- lib | £822.0.0 |
Kearne Parrochine | |
Off money rent fyve hundreth sextie tua pundis -- lib | £562.0.0 |
Thriescore ten bollis meill @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] is | £280.0.0 |
fyve weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde Threttein punds -- lib | £13.6.8 |
ten Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Is sex pundis threttein schilling four pennies | £6.13.4 |
Suma [Summa] is -- lib | £862.0.0 |
Payed hereoff to the minister In money fourtie aucht punds -- lib | £48.0.0 |
Sextein bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde sextie four lib Attour the viccaradg -- lib | £64.0.0 |
Restis of frie rent sevin hundreth and feftie punds -- lib | £750.0.0 |
CLatt parrochine | |
Off money rent ane thousand feftie sevin punds fyiftein schillingis aught pennies | £1057.15.8 |
Tuo hundreth and fyiftein bollis meall @ 4 libs [£4.0.0] Inde aucht hundreth and sextie punds -- lib | £860.0.0 |
Ten weadders @ 53 ss 4 ds [£2.13.4] Inde tuantj sex punds -- lib | £26.13.4 |
Tuantie Lambis @ 13 ss 4 ds [£0.13.4] Inde thretein punds sex schillingis aught pennies -- lib | £13.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] is | £1,957.15.8 |
Payed hereoff to the minister In money tua hundreth and sextie punds Attour the viccaradg -- lib | £260.8.0 |
To the colledg of old aberdein of few Dewtie ane hundreth sevintie tua punds -- lib | £172.7.8 |
Restis of frie rent fyiftein hundreth tuantie fyve punds | £1525.0.0 |
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