Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Sanctcuthberts | |
... For himselfe and remnant heritors fewers Lyfrenters proper wedsetters and vthers within the Parish of Sanct cuthberts ther money rent doeth extend to Sex thousand pund | £6000.0.0 |
Payed of wheat in the said parish tuentie chalders according to the measure of Lithgow and prick mett which being converted in money at the pryce of sex pund sexteen shilling eight pennyes [£6.16.8] for everie boll extends to Two thousand ane hundreth fourscore sex pund threetteen shilling four pennyes | £2186.13.4 |
Beir in the said parish thrie hundreth and tuentie chalder according to the measure and mett forsaid which being converted in money at the pryce of fyve pund sex shilling eight pennyes [£5.6.8] for everie boll extends to Twentie sevin thousand thrie hundreth and sex pund thretteen shillings four pennyes | £27306.13.4 |
Meill and oattis in the said parish Sevin chalder according to the measure and mett forsaid which being converted in money at the pryce of four pund thretteen shilling four pennyes [£4.13.4] the boll extends to Fyve hundreth twentie twa pund threeten shillings four pennyes | £522.13.4 |
The sowme of the pryce of the whole victuall and money in the said paroch is Threttie sex Thousand sexteen pund | £36016.0.0 |
By and attor [attour] ther is Mortified to the towne of Edht [Edinburgh] To heriotts hospitall King James colledge the poore decayed baxters of Edht [Edinburgh] And the towne of Edht [Edinburgh] ther propertie within the said parishes Extends to Threttie thousand and twa hundreth punds | £30200.0.0 |
To the Twa ministers and reader of the said parish ane thousand nyne hundreth and fiftie punds | £1950.0.0 |
Payed to the ministers of North Leith and Cannogate [Cannongate] furth of the said paroch ten chalders half wheitt half beir Is in money nyne hundreth thriescore threetten pund sex shillings Eight pennyes | £973.6.8 |
Transcribe other information
[Page] 4Transcriber's notes
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denarii.wedsetter - the creditor in a mortgage arrangement
prick mett - the standard firlot measure, with a metal rod (the prick) supporting the crossbar
by and attour - over and above
Edht - apparently an abbreviation for Edinburcht, or a similar spelling
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
NoraE- Moderator, Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
Location information for this page.
Aberdeenshire County, Ayrshire County, Buteshire County, Clackmannanshire County, Dumfriesshire County, Dunbartonshire County, Kincardineshire County, Lanarkshire County, Midlothian County, Peeblesshire County, Perthshire County, Renfrewshire County, Roxburghshire County, Selkirkshire County, Stirlingshire County, West Lothian County, Wigtownshire County