Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Parishe New aberden | |
For Salmond fisching in the parisch of new aberdeine fyve hundreth and fourtein punds | £514.0.0 |
Parochin old Machar | |
Pa. [Parish] old Machar | |
Parochin of old machar thrie thousand punds silver rent -- libs | £3000.0.0 |
Ane thousand bolls of meill Inde at 4 lib [£4.0.0] -- libs | £4000.0.0 |
Ane hundreth and feftie bolls of bear Inde at 4 lib 6 ss 8 [£4.6.8] -- libs | £650.0.0 |
for Salmond fisching caswall rent tuelff hundreth punds | £1200.0.0 |
feftie wedders @ feftie thrie schilling & four pennies [£2.13.4] | £133.6.8 |
Off mortified rent out of ferriehill, Caberstone & Peiterstone four hundreth sextie thrie punds & sax schillingis 8 ds [pennies] | £463.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] is extendis to nyne thousand four hundreth fourtie sex punds thretein schillingis four pennies | £9446.13.4 |
Payed out of the forsaid rent for teind dewtie to the colledg of old aberdeine six hundreth nyntie sex punds 13 ss [shillings] 4 ds [pennies] | £696.13.4 |
Item of few dewtie payed to the said Colledg aucht hundreth threttie twa punds | £832.0.0 |
Item Mortified to the Gramer schooll of abd [aberdeen] out of the said rent thrie hundreth threttie thrie punds sex schillingis 8 ds [pennies] | £333.6.8 |
Item for vpholding the bridges of dee and done Mortified four score punds | £80.0.0 |
Item mortified to the old Colledg of aberdeine feftie punds | £50.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] is nyntien hundreth nyntie tua punds | £1992.0.0 |
Restis of frie rent Sevin thousand four hundreth feftie four punds threttein schillingis four pennies -- libs | £7454.13.4 |
Item peyit to the Earll of buchan for few dewtie tuell punds -- libs | £12.0.0 |
Transcribe other information
[Page] 3222
Presbrie [Presbyterie] off Abirdeine
Transcriber's notes
L.s.d. for pounds, shillings and pence, the letters being taken from the Latin librae, solidi and denariiInde = thus
Scharfes s (ligature of long and short s) is used here for 'sh' as well as 'ss'.
By and attour = Over and Above
Lat = late, recent
6 shilling 8 pennies missing from written value for "haill deductions".
Transcribers who have contributed to this page.
Dauvit- Moderator, Caroline Macafee
Location information for this page.
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