Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Tullicultrie [P]ariochin | |
1] Androw Blaire for himselfe and Remanent heritor fewars, Lyfrentars, Proper Wodsetters, and others wtin [within] the Pariochin of Tullicultrie Their money Rent Extends to Nyne Hundereth Twentie pounds Inde | £920.0.0 |
2] Payit of Ber wthin [within] the said Paroch Ten chalders fyfteene bolls According to the measure and mett of Linlithgow Pricke mett, wch [which] beeng converted into money At the pryce of four pounds Sexteene shillingis Eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk boll Extends to Eight hunderet [hundereth] fourtie sex pounds Sexteene shillings Eight pennies Inde | £846.16.8 |
Of Meale wthin [within] the said Parioch Eighteene chalder Three bolls According to the foirsd [foirsaid] measure and mett wch [which] being converted into money At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilke boll Extends to One thowsand Two hundereth Threttiesex pounds fyfteene shillingis Inde | £1236.15.0 |
Of Oattse wthin [within] said Parioch Ten chalders four bolls According to the said measure Wch [Which] being converted into moneyes At the pryce of four pounds fyue shillingis [£4.5.0] for ilk Boll Extends to Sex hundereth four score Seventeene pounds Inde | £697.0.0 |
Summa of the pryces of the whole Victuall and moneyes wthin [within] the said Parioch Extends to Three thowsand, Seven hundereth pounds Elleven shillings Eight pennies | £3700.11.8 |
3] Payit in Casuall Rent for Coals | £100.0.0 |
4] Payit in Mortified Rent to the Minister and Scholemaster One Hundereth four score Tuelue pounds Three shillings iiij ds [four pennies] Inde | £192.3.4 |
Payit of Ber to the Minister One chalder Eight bolls According to the measure of Linlithgow Prick mett Wch [Which] being converted in money At the pryce of four pounds Sexteene shillings Eight pennies [£4.16.8] for ilk boll Extends to One hundereth fyfteene pounds fyfteene shillings Inde | £115.15.0 |
Payit of Meale to the Minister fourtie bolls, according to the forsd [forsaid] measure and mett Wch [Which] being converted into moneyes At the pryceof foire pounds fyue shillings [£4.5.0] for ilk boll Extends to One Hundreth Three score Ten pounds Inde | £170.0.0 |
Summa of the Mortified Rent of the sd [said] Parioch Extends to four hundereth Three score Seventeene pounds Eighteene shillingis four pennies Inde | £477.18.4 |
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