Proprietor and land | Valuation |
The wholl Rent in the Presbitrie off Pearth Both Constant and Casuall Extends to the Soume of One hundreth Sixtein Thousand Seven hundreth Eightie Nyne pound foure shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi | £116789.04.6 |
It [Item] Quhairoff to be deduced the dueties Peyed to his Majesties Exchecquer Extending to the Soume off one thousand Fouire hundreth Sixtie one pound thretein Shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi | £1461.13.6 |
It [Item] To be deduced also the mortified Rent In the said Presbitrie Extending to the Soume of thretein thousand one hundreth & Six pound fiftein Shilling Two pennies ut in Brevi | £13106.15.2 |
Restis of Frie Rent in the Said Presbitrie of Pearth the Sowme off one hundreth and two thousand Tuo hundreth & twentie pound fiftein Shilling ten pennies Breviter | £102220.15.10 |
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[Page] 236[Signed] John Broune
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