Proprietor and land | Valuation |
5 Kinnoull Parish | |
The money Rent in the parish of kinnoull Extends to Nyne hundreth twentie thrie pound fiftein Shilling Six pennies Breviter | £923.15.6 |
The victuall to Sixtie two chalders Qraff [Quharaff] off Wheat two chaldrs [chalders] twell Boillis of the Measur and pryce forsaid extends to Thrie hundreth pound threttein shilling four pennies Breviter | £300.13.4 |
Off Beare Threttie eight Chalderis four boillis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends tto Two thousand Nyne hundreth fiftie eight pounds Breviter | £2958.0.0 |
off Meall Twentie on chalderis of the measure and pryce forsaid extends to One thousand fouire hundreth twentie eight pound Breviter | £1428.0.0 |
The Soume of the price of the wholl victuall with the money Rent in the said Parish Extends to Fyve Thousand Six hundreth ten pound eight shilling ten pennies Breviter | £5610.8.10 |
Casulities | |
The fishings in this parish ar worth yearlie | £133.6.8 |
Peyed in this parish yearle tuentie fyue Gies at 13sh 4d [£0.13.4] for ilk Goose extends to | £16.13.4 |
Peyed in the said Parish yearlie fiftie elnes of Lining Cloth at Ten shilling [£.0.10.0] for ilk ell extends to | £25.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] | £175.0.0 |
The wholl Rent in the said Parish Both constant and casuall extends to the soume of fyue thousand Seven hundreth eightie fyue pound eight shilling ten pennies breviter | £5785.8.10 |
Teind and few dueties | |
Off the above wreatten Rent Peyed to Inchmartein of teind & few dutie | £116.13.4 |
To the Laird of Duncrub of few dutie | £4.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] | £120.13.4 |
Mortified Rents | |
To the Minister of Kinniowle yeirlie in money | £594.5.4 |
To him in victuall Six boillis one firlat twa pecks Beare and twell boillis thrie firlats Meall of the measiere and pryces forsaid ex [extends] to | £85.0.0 |
To the Scollmaister in money | £66.13.4 |
To the Vnniversitie of Sanct androis in money | £8.6.8 |
Suma [Summa] | £754.5.4 |
This Soume of mortified Rent Being Deduced from the Totall Soume of the Rent in the forsaid Parish Thair Rests of frie Rent in the said Parish of Kinnoull the Soume off Fyue thousand threttie one pound thrie shilling Six pennies ut in Brevi | £5031.3.6 |
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[Page] 218[Signed] John Broune
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