Proprietor and land | Valuation |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent wtin [within] the pariosh of Luis extends to Twa hundreth fourtie aught pounds money | £248.0.0 |
Sua the totall Valuaun [Valuatioun] of the parish of Luis besyd the mortificaunes [mortificatiounes] extends to Twa thousand sevin hundreth Twentie sex pounds aught shilling | £2726.8.0 |
Rosneth pariosh | |
Marqueis of argyll For himselff and remanent heritors fewars lyfrenters propir wadsettars and wthris wtin [within] the pariosh of Rosneth their money rent wtin [within] the sd [said] pariosh doeth extend to the sowm of Sex hundreth and twelff pounds money | £612.0.0 |
Item of beir in the said pariosh Sex chalder according to Lithgow prick mett at Four pounds threttein shillings four penies [£4.13.4] the boll extends to | £448.0.0 |
Item of meill in the said pariosh at four pounds ten shillings [£4.10.0] the boll extends to the sowm of Ane thowsand Twa hundreth elivin pounds | £1211.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the pryc of the Victuall and money in the sd [said] pariosh extends to the sowm of Twa thowsand twa hundreth threie scoir elivin pounds | £2271.0.0 |
mortified furth of the foirsaid sowm wtin [within] the pariosh of Rosneth as followes | |
Item for augmentaun [augmentatioun] of ane gleib to the minister In reguard he had formerlie but ane aicker of Land in money Threttie pounds | £30.0.0 |
Item to ane schoolmr [schoolmaster] thrie scoir sex pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] | £66.13.4 |
Item mortified furth of the lands of Knockderrie Barbor Sex pounds | £6.0.0 |
Suma [Summa] of the mortified rent of the pariosh of Rosneth extends to Ane hundreth twa pounds threttein shillings four penies [pennies] | £102.13.4 |
Sua the totall Valuaun [Valuatioun] of this pariosh besyd the mortificaunes [mortificatiounes] extends to twa thousand ane hundreth thrie scoir aught pounds sex shillings aught penies [pennies] | £2168.6.8 |
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